Theses from 2011
Psychological Flexibility and Eating Disorder Spectrum Problems, Johanna Wendell
Theses from 2010
Evaluating Changes in Attentional Biases following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Phobia, Martha R. Calamaras
Environmental Worldview and Faith in Science as Moderators of the Relationship between Beliefs about and Attitudes toward Nuclear Energy, Adam D. Carton
Hot versus Cold Processing in Moral Judgment and the Role of Cognitive Capacity, Sarah Cavrak
Building toward an Intervention for Alcohol-Related Aggression: A Cognitive and Behavior Test of the Attention Allocation Model, Kathryn Elise Gallagher
Differences in Parental Expectations and Interactions of African American Mothers with a History of Substance Dependence, Ayana N. Perkins
Associations between Maternal Positive Affect and Mother-Child Reminiscing about Happiness, Elizabeth A. Schroth
The Double Deficit Hypothesis in a College-Level Sample: Sex Differences, Comorbid ADHD, and Academic/Neuropsychological Profiles, Susan K. Stern
Cool Girls, Inc. and Self-Concept: The Role of Social Capital, Jessica Thomason
Theses from 2009
Frontal Alpha and Beta EEG Power Asymmetry and Iowa Gambling Task Performance, Richard Toby Amoss
Impact of Training on Parent Knowledge and Behavior, Donald J. Bearden
Examining the Trajectory of Change in Sex Communications between African American Female Parents and their Children, Louis K. Chow
The Reduction of Anti-Gay Bias through Interpersonal Contact: The Moderating Roles of HIV Stigma and Motivation to Respond without Prejudice., Lisa Ann Elliott
Emotion Processing in Adult Survivors of Childhood Maltreatment, Negar Fani
Exploring the Relationship between Racial Factors and Critical Social Analysis among a Group of African American Youth, Brandeis H. Green
Perception of Synthetic Speech by a Language-Trained Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), Lisa A. Heimbauer
Determinants of Group Perpetrated Violence Based on Sexual Orientation, Adam David Hudepohl
Investigating the Role of Emotion Perception in the Adaptive Functioning of Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, Margaret B. Hudepohl
Evaluation of a Body Pillow to Aid Pediatric Spinal Fusion Recovery, Naomi Eve Joffe
The Cross Race Effect: The Influence of Stereotypicality on Memory Errors, Leslie Riddick Knuycky
Gaze Fixation during the Perception of Visual and Auditory Affective Cues, Susan M. McManus
Building Positive Future Orientations: The Role of Natural Mentors in the Lives of African American Girls, Mwende K. Mualuko
Natural Mentors and African American Girls' Sexual Efficacy, Emma J. F. Ogley-Oliver
A Developmental Approach to Sibling Relationships: Disaggregating the Components of Sibling Relationship Quality over Time for Siblings of Individuals with Intellectual Disability, Shana Strickland Richardson
Does the Relationship Matter? A Closer Examination of the of Relationship Quality in Program Fidelity Research, Joanna Rose Weinberg
An Examination of the Influence of Stress and Coping on Psychosocial Functioning in Caregivers of Children with Sickle Cell Disease, Josie S. Welkom
2008 U.S. Presidential Election: Persuasive YouTube Interactions About War, Health Care, and the Economy, Lindsey Zimmerman
Theses from 2008
Normative Violence? The Impact of Gender-neutral Language on Self-reported Rates of Sexual Violence Victimization and Perpetration, Elizabeth Ruth Anthony
The Posterior Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Mediates Opposite-Sex Odor Preference in Male Syrian Hamsters (Mesocricetus Auratus), Laura Elizabeth Been
Relationships between Religion and Prejudice: Implicit and Explicit Measures., Horace Ted Denney
Self-concept in Children with Intellectual Disabilities, Dana Karen Donohue
Violence Outside to Violence Within: The Experience of Sexual Minorities in Schools and Intimate Relationships, Caroline Lippy
Fidelity-Outcomes Relationships in the Expect Respect Program, Angela Devi Mooss
Effects of a High Fructose Diet on Physiology and Cognition in Male Sprague-Dawley Rats, Amy Patricia Ross
The Role of GABAergic Transmission in Mediation of Striatal Local Field Potentials (LFPs), Andrew R. Seiscio
The Association between Social Context and Phase of Recovery among Drug Court Clients: A Gender Comparison, Jennifer Lee Zorland
Theses from 2007
Organizational Characteristics and Adolescent Political Development: Exploring the Experience of Youth Activists in Youth Development Organizations, Michael N. Armstrong
Predicting Oral Language Development in Toddlers with Significant Developmental Disabilities: The Role of Child and Parent Communication Characteristics, Robert Micheal Barker
Estimating the Capacity of Visual Short-Term Memory: A Transcranial Doppler Sonography Study, Natasha Ann Barrett
Exploring the Role of Culture and Race in African American Adolescents, Obari Sipho Yohance Cartman
Memory for "What", "Where", and "When" Information by Rhesus Monkeys (Macaca Mulatta) and Adult Humans, Megan L. Hoffman
Asian American Perceived Racism: Acculturation, Racial Identity, Social Context, and Sociopolitical Awareness as Predictors of Asian American Perceived Racism, Jae Hyun (Julia) Lee
Nonverbal Evidence of Displaced Intergroup Affect, Patricia A. McCord
Gate Control Theory and its Application in a Physical Intervention to Reduce Children's Pain during Immunization Injections, Jean Eleanor Mennuti-Washburn
Developmental Trends in Social Cognition for Children with and without Disabilities, Irene Ngai
Speaking while Black: The Relationship between African Americans' Racial Identity, Fear of Confirming Stereotypes, and Public Speaking Anxiety, Mayowa Obasaju
Cognitive Predictors of Adaptive Functioning in Children with Tumors of the Cerebellar and Third Ventricle Regions, Aimilia Papazoglou
Parental Stress and its Relation to Parental Perceptions of Communication Following Language Intervention, Ashlyn L. Smith
Why Try? Achievement Motivation and Perceived Academic Climate among Latino Youth, Natalie Jayne Wilkins
Theses from 2006
Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Filial Responsibility in Latino Youth: Variations by Birth Order, Gender, and Immigration Age, Anabel Alvarez
Temperament, Joint Engagement, and Language Skills in Toddlers, Nicolle Angeli
The Impact of Self-esteem, Media Internalization, Sexual Orientation, and Ethnicity on Drive for Muscularity in Men Who Work Out in Gyms, Jill Barker Baird
The Influence of Parent-Child Relatedness and Social Support on Depressive Symptoms in Asthmatic Children: Tests of Moderation, Lawanda Cummings
Investigating the Utility of the Film War Zone as a Component of a Street Harassment Prevention Program, Doyanne A. Darnell
Interviewing Pre-school Age Victims of Child Sexual Abuse: Interviewing Methods and Disclosure Outcomes, Sarah E. Dunn
What Meaning Means for Same and Different: A Comparative Study in Analogical Reasoning, Timothy M. Flemming
Filial Responsibility as a Moderator of Witnessing Domestic Violence and Behavioral Outcomes in Latino Children, Dhakirah Amelia Hamin
Risky Sexual Behavior among African-American Men Who Have Sex with Men: The Effects of Peer Norms for Condom Use on Risky Sexual Behavior as Moderated by Socio-Demographic, Socio-Contextual, and Health-Related Variables, Christopher Scott Holliday
The Relation of Parental Depression to Posttraumatic Stress in Bosnian Youths: The Mediating Role of Filial Responsibility, Brian Isakson
Comparison of High and Low Distraction for Pediatric Procedural Pain, Crystal Marie Stack Lim
The Impact of Depressive Personality Disorder on Treatment Outcome for Chronic Depression, Rachel Elizabeth Maddux
Verbal Learning and Memory Abilities in Children with Brain Tumors: The Role of the Third Ventricle Region, Jackie L. Micklewright
The Relation of Presence and Virtual Reality Exposure for Treatment of Flying Phobia, Matthew Price
Making the Grade: Academic Achievement among Latino Adolescents, Cathy Roche
Thinking, Feeling and Discriminating: The Role of Prejudice as a Mediator between Stereotypes and Discrimination, John Patrick Ryan
Perception of Emotion from Facial Expression and Affective Prosody, Noelle Turini Santorelli
The Relation between Self-Report Mindfulness and Performance on Tasks of Attention, Stefan Kennedy Schmertz
Implicit Measurement of Racial Identity and Coping Responses to Racism in African Americans, Veronica J. Smith
Symptoms of Autism in Children Referred for Early Intervention: Implications for Theory, Diagnosis, and Research, Lisa Daniell Wiggins
Investigating the Relationship among Drive for Thinness, Life Event Stressors, and Harm Avoidance in Predicting Eating Disorder Symptomatology: A Prospective Analysis, Amanda Michelle Woods
Theses from 2005
Intimacy, Mutuality, and Domestic Violence among Immigrant Latino Men in a Batterer Intervention Program, Charles D. Jean-Pierre Collier
The Role of Eye Movements in the Relationship between Rapid Automatized Naming and Reading Ability, Rebecca Eisenberg Doyle
The Parent-Adolescent Relationship and College Adjustment over the Freshman Year, Kostas Andrea Fanti
The Influence of a Group Mentoring Program on Adolescents' Parent and Peer Relationships, Lawrence Duane House
The Effect of Parental Congruence on Preadolescent Problem Behavior in African American Families, Alana K. Miller
The Mediating Role of Receptive Language in the Relationship between Verbal Memory and Language Production in Preschool Children, Anjali VanDrie
Predicting Spelling Scores from Math Scores in a Population of Elementary School Students with a Learning Disability, Christopher B. Wolfe
Theses from 2004
The Sociopolitical Development of Community and Labor Organizers of Color: A Qualitative Study, Omar Guessous
Theses from 1990
Personality Correlates of the Impostor Phenomenon: An Exploration of Gender Differences in Critical Needs, James Beard
Theses from 1989
A Phenomenological Study of Jealousy within Marriage, Albert R. Clarke
Theses from 1974
Alpha Blocking to Auditory Stimulation in Simple and Discrimination Reaction Time Tasks, Lynn Riette Cooper
Theses from 1972
An Exploratory Investigation of the Relationship between the Kahn Test of Symbol Arrangement and the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, Alice Watkins Rose