Publications from 1990
Unemployment Insurance and Job Search, James C. Cox and Ronald L. Oaxaca
Behavioural interventions: a powerful tool or unnecessary intrusion, Michael Eriksen
Liver injury in workers exposed to dimethylformamide, Lora E. Fleming, Stuart Shalat, and Carrie A. Redlich
Testosterone, Social Class, and Antisocial Behavior in a Sample of 4,462 Men, Robin D. Morris and James M. Dabbs
Publications from 1989
Preference Reversals Without the Independence Axiom, James C. Cox and Seth Epstein
Policies restricting smoking in public places and the workplace, Michael Eriksen
Anabolic steroid use among male high school seniors [letter], Michael Eriksen and Albert T. Kondo
The Battle over Athletic Priorities in the Louisville Y.M.C.A.1892-1912, Lawrence W. Fielding and Brenda Pitts
In-Depth Interviewing in Family Medicine Research, Ralph LaRossa
International Trends, Issues, and Responsibilities in MPA Programs, Edith Kelley Manns and William Waugh
Levels of Cultural Familiarity and Strategy Use in Reading Comprehension, Gertrude Tinker Sachs
Publications from 1988
Giving up cigarettes: some ways are much easier than others, Michael Eriksen
Voting for Wage Concessions: The Case of the 1982 GM-UAW Negotiations, Bruce Kaufman and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez
The Swedish Studies of the Adopted Children of Alcoholics, Jill Littrell
Low Expectations, High Growth: China's Economy in 1987, Penelope B. Prime
Baiting the Hook: Targeting Economic Development Monies More Effectively, William Waugh and Deborah M. Waugh
Publications from 1987
AIDS in the workplace: the role of EAPs, John F. Bunker, Michael Eriksen, and Jennifer Kinsey
The Future Public Administrator and Quantitative Skills, Ronald J. Hy, William Waugh, and Peter B. Nelson
Accuracy of work history obtained from a spouse, Stuart Shalat, David C. Christiani, and Edward L. Baker Jr.
Publications from 1986
Incentive Regulation: A Case Study in the Use of Laboratory Experimental Analysis in Economics, James C. Cox and R. Mark Isaac
Music Brings Us Together: Winners in MENC’s Collegiate Essay Contest, Patrick K. Freer
Communication in Public Administration: The Need for Skill-Based Education, Edith Kelley Manns and William Waugh
Coming Home, Risa Palm
Racial and Ethnic Influences on Real Estate Agent Practices, Risa Palm
Publications from 1985
Experimental Development of Sealed-bid Auction Theory; Calibrating Controls for Risk Aversion, James C. Cox, Vernon L. Smith, and James M. Walker
Smoking policies at Pacific Bell, Michael Eriksen
The Demise of Officer Involvement in Soldiers Sport During the American Civil War, Lawrence W. Fielding, William T. Weinberg, Brenda Pitts, and Richard A. Fee
Ethnic Segmentation of Real Estate Agent Practice in the Urban Housing Market, Risa Palm
Home Mortgage Lenders and Earthquake Hazards, Risa Palm
Casebook of Management for Nonprofit Organizations, Dennis R. Young
Publications from 1984
The President's Spouse : Volunteer or Volunteered, Joan E. Clodius and Diane Skomars Magrath
The Short-term Consequences of Nuclear War for Civilians, John S. Duffield and Frank von Hippel
Dialect and Reading: The Question of Interference, Gertrude Tinker Sachs
Publications from 1983
OCS Leasing and Auctions: Incentives and the Performance of Alternative Bidding Institutions, James C. Cox, R. Mark Isaac, and Vernon L. Smith
Publications from 1982
Primary Group Contact and Elderly Morale: An Exchange/Power Analysis, James J. Dowd and Ralph LaRossa
The Unintended Impacts of Anti-Redlining Legislation, Risa Palm and James Corbridge
Publications from 1981
Public Response to Earthquake Hazard Information, Risa Palm
Publications from 1978
Spatial Segmentation of the Urban Housing Market, Risa Palm
Publications from 1976
A Theory and Test of Credit Rationing: Comment, Corry F. Azzi and James C. Cox
The Determinants of Investment in Petroleum Reserves and Their Implications for Public Policy, James C. Cox and Arthur W. Wright
The Impact of the Tax Reduction Act of 1975 on the Petroleum Industry, James C. Cox and Arthur W. Wright
Real Estate Agents and Geographical Information, Risa Palm
Publications from 201
The East Asian Miracle? Thailand Melts Down, Mary Bumgarner and Penelope B. Prime