
Publications from 2009


Tobacco Smoke Exposure and Levels of Urinary Metals in the U.S. Youth and Adult Population: The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 1999–2004, Patricia A. Richter, Ellen E. Bishop, Jiantong Wang, and Monica H. Swahn


New Technologies and Doctoral Study in English Education, Robert A. Rozema and Ewa McGrail


SLC30A3 (ZnT3) Oligomerization by Dityrosine Bonds Regulates Its Subcellular Localization and Metal Transport Capacity, Gloria Salazar, Juan M. Falcon-Perez, Robert W. Harrison, and Victor Faundez


Behavioral and neural representation of emotional facial expressions across the lifespan, Leah Somerville, Fani Negar, and Erin Tone


Randomized controlled trials of the plastic housing biosand filter in Cambodia, Ghana and Honduras., Christine E. Stauber, Anna M. Fabiszewski de Aceituno, Erin L. Printy, Byron C. Kominek, Adam R. Walters, Kaida Liang, and Mark Sobsey


A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Concrete Biosand Filter and its Impact on Diarrheal Disease in Bonao, Dominican Republic., Christine E. Stauber, Gloria M. Ortiz, Dana P. Loomis, and Mark Sobsey


Inside ALA's Emerging Leaders Program: How GLA Can Help You Get Involved, Sarah King Steiner and Crystal Renfro


Internally-Developed Teen Smoking Cessation Programs: Characterizing the Unique Features of Programs Developed by Community-Based Organizations, Kymberle L. Sterling, Susan J. Curry, Sherry Emery, Amy K. Sporer, Robin J. Mermelstein, Michael Berbaum, and Brian Flay


The Proliferation of Theoretical Paradigms Quandary: How One Novice Researcher Used Eclecticism as a Solution, David W. Stinson


Mathematics Teacher Educators as Cultural Workers: A Dare to Those Who Dare to Teach (Urban?) Teachers, David W. Stinson


Teachers Reflecting Differently: Deconstructing the Discursive Teacher/Student Binary, David W. Stinson and Ginny C. Powell


Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy during methadone dose reduction: Rationale, treatment description, and a case report, A. L. Stotts, Akihiko Masuda, and K. Wilson


Assessing and Quantifying High Risk: Comparing Risky Behaviors by Youth in an Urban, Disadvantaged Community with Nationally Representative Youth, Monica Swahn and Robert M. Bossarte


Optimal Moment in Adolescent Personality Development for Teacher Recruitment, Peter B. Swanson


Establish Your Presence in the Blogosphere: A Guide to Blog Development for the Foreign Langauge Classroom, Peter B. Swanson and Patricia Early


Taking Risks in Task-based Teaching and Learning, Gertrude Tinker Sachs


Identifying Subject-specific Conferences as Professional Development Opportunities for the Academic Librarian, Robert Tomaszewski and Karen I. MacDonald


Socio-emotional Functioning in Bipolar Disorder Versus Typical Development: Behavioral and Neural Differences, Erin B. Tone


The Chat Reference Interview: Seeking Evidence Based on RUSA Guidelines: A Case Study at Texas A&M University Libraries, Wyoma van Duinkerken, Jane Stephens, and Karen I. MacDonald


An Examination of Lending Fees at Thirty Academic Libraries in the Southeast, William Walsh and Felicity Walsh


Psychological Approaches to Acute Pediatric Pain Management, Josie S. Welkon, Lindsey L. Cohen, Naomi E. Joffe, and Donald J. Bearden


Religion, Race, and Gender in the ‘Race-less’ Fiction of Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Elizabeth J. West

Publications from 2008


Along the Banks of the Amazon: Ethnicity and Crosscultural Imaging in Jules Verne's La Jangada, Rudyard Alcocer


"I Don't Mean to be Defiant or Anything...": Instructional Films for Girls, 1945-1960, Jill E. Anderson PhD


Local Government Fiscal Competition in Developing Countries: The Case of Indonesia, Francisco Javier Arze del Granado, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, and Rentanida Renata Simatupang


The Determinants of Revenue Performance, Roy W. Bahl and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez


The Property Tax in Practice, Roy W. Bahl, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, and Joan Youngman


Tax Effort in Developing Countries and High Income Countries: The Impact of Corruption, Voice and Accountability, Richard M. Bird and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez


Chimpanzee Autarky, Sarah F. Brosnan, Mark F. Grady, Susan P. Lambeth, Steven J. Schapiro, and Michael J. Beran


Gender Balance and the Meanings of Women in Governance in Post-Genocide Rwanda, Jennie E. Burnet


Eva Alberta Jessye, Marva Carter


Josephine Harrold Love, Marva Carter


Marion Cumbo, Marva Carter


Tom Fletcher, Marva Carter


Revealed Altruism, James C. Cox, Daniel Friedman, and Vjollca Sadiraj


Student Response Systems in Higher Education: Moving Beyond Linear Teaching and Surface Learning, Harry L. Dangel and Charles Xiaoxue Wang


The Obama Presidency, Oil, and the Middle East, John S. Duffield


Technology for Oral Assessment, Patricia Early and Peter B. Swanson


Biphenylalkylacetylhydroquinone Ethers Suppress the Proliferation of Murine B16 Melanoma Cells, Nicolle V. Fernandes, Manfred Jung, and Ali Daoud


“Crick”? “Crack”! Jeweled peacock stories, Janice Fournillier


Boys’ Changing Voices in the First Century of MENC Journals, Patrick K. Freer


Teacher Instructional Language and Student Experience in Middle School Choral Rehearsals, Patrick K. Freer


An Instructional Approach for Improving the Writing of Literature Reviews, Patrick K. Freer and Angela Barker


Global Civil Culture: Crafting Universal Structures of Feeling, Michael Galchinsky


Serum Lipid Responses to Psyllium Fiber: Differences between Pre- and Post-Menopausal, Hypercholesterolemic Women, Vijay Ganji and Jennifer Kuo


Assessing the state of clinically applicable research for evidence based practice in prosthetics and orthotics, Mark Geil


La Programación Presupuestaria Plurianual con referencia a su práctica en el Reino Unido y Dinamarca, Juan Luis Gomez and Jorge Martinez-Vazquez


Mathematical assessment of Canada’s pandemic influenza preparedness plan, Abba B. Gumel, Miriam Nuño, and Gerardo Chowell


Amygdala and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Function during Anticipated Peer Evaluation in Pediatric Social Anxiety, Amanda E. Guyer, Jennifer Y. Lau, Erin B. McClure, Jessica Parrish, Nina D. Shiffrin, Richard C. Reynolds, Gang Chen, R J.R. Blair, Ellen Leibenluft, Nathan A. Fox, Monique Ernst, Daniel S. Pine, and Eric E. Nelson


A Developmental Examination of Amygdala Response to Facial Expressions, Amanda E. Guyer, Christopher S. Monk, Erin Tone, Eric E. Nelson, Roxann Roberson-Nay, Abby D. Adler, Stephen J. Fromm, Ellen Leibenluft, Daniel S. Pine, and Monique Ernst


Childhood Maltreatment and Early Alcohol Use Among High-Risk Adolescents, Merle E. Hamburger, Rebecca T. Leeb, and Monica H. Swahn


The History of Defining Youth: Current Implications for Identifying and Treating Delinquent Youth, Robin M. Hartinger-Saunders


Street Layout and Connectivity: the Evolutionary Consequences of Normative Models, Dawn Haynie, Julie Brand, Myrsini Mamoli, and John Peponis


Understanding Digital Inequality: Comparing Continued Use Behavioral Models of the Socio-economically Advantaged and Disadvantaged, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Arun Rai, and Mark Keil


A Two-stage Architecture for Stock Price Forecasting by Integrating Self-Organizing Map and Support Vector Regression, Sheng-Hsun Hsu, J.J. Po-An Hsieh, Ting-Chih Chih, and Kuei-Chu Hsu


Employee Development Using WebCT Vista, Jennifer Link Jones


Childhood Healthcare Experience, Healthcare Attitudes, and Optimism as Predictors of Adolescents’ Healthcare Behavior, Tina Jones, Melissa DeMore, Lindsey L. Cohen, Cara O'Connell, and Deborah Jones


“A Kiss for Mother, A Hug for Dad”: The Early 20th Century Parents’ Day Campaign, Ralph LaRossa and Jaimie Ann Carboy


Branding Chinese Products: Between Nationalism and Transnationalism, Hongmei Li


Incorporating Information from Neuroscience and Endocrinology Regarding Sexual Orientation Into Social Work Education, Jill Littrell


The Mind-Body Connection: Not Just a Theory Anymore, Jill Littrell


The Status of Freud’s Legacy on Emotional Processing: Contemporary Revisions, Jill Littrell


Sexually Dimorphic Activation of the Periaqueductal Gray – Rostral Ventromedial Medullary Circuit during the Development of Morphine Tolerance in the Rat, Dayna R. Loyd, Michael M. Morgan, and Anne Z. Murphy PhD


Androgen and Estrogen (α) Receptor Localization on Periaqueductal Gray Neurons Projecting to the Rostral Ventromedial Medulla in the Male and Female Rat, Dayna R. Loyd and Anne Z, Murphy PhD


Sex Differences in Mu-Opioid Receptor Expression in the Rat Midbrain Periaqueductal Gray Are Essential for Eliciting Sex Differences in Morphine Analgesia, Dayna R. Loyd, Xioaya Wang, and Anne Z. Murphy PhD


It's All in the Marketing: The Impact of a Virtual Reference Marketing Campaign at Texas A&M University, Karen I. MacDonald, Wyoma vanDuinkerken, and Jane Stephens


Revenue assignments in the practice of fiscal decentralization, Jorge Martinez-Vazquez


Recognition of facial emotions among maltreated children with high rates of post–traumatic stress disorder, Carrie L. Masten, Amanda E. Guyer, Hilary B. Hodgdon, Erin B. McClure, Dennis S. Charney, Monique Ernst, Joan Kaufman, Daniel S. Pine, and Christopher S. Monk


Blogging Can Support Rich, Meaningful, and Engaged Writing, Ewa McGrail and Anne Davis


Teaching Group Counseling As a Graduate Student: What Works and What We Will Never Do Again!, Amy L. McLeod, Chinwe J. Uwah, and Erin Mason


Amygdala and Nucleus Accumbens Activation to Emotional Facial Expressions in Children and Adolescents at Risk for Major Depression, Christopher S. Monk, Rachel G. Klein, Eva H. Telzer, Salvatore Mannuzza, John L. Moulton III, Mary Guardino, Carrie L. Masten, Erin B. McClure, Stephen Fromm, Daniel S. Pine, and Monique Ernst


Amygdala and Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex Activation to Masked Angry Faces in Children and Adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Christopher S. Monk, Eva H. Telzer, Karin Mogg, Brendan P. Bradley, Xiaoquin Mai, Hugo M.C. Louro, Gang Chen, Erin Tone, Daniel S. Pine, and Monique Ernst


Rurality and pandemic influenza: geographic heterogeneity in the risks of infection and death in Kanagawa, Japan (1918–1919), Hiroshi Nishiura and Gerardo Chowell


Nucleus Paragigantocellularis Afferents in Male and Female Rats: Organization, Gonadal Steroid Receptor Expression, and Activation During Sexual Behavior, Joseph J. Normandin and Anne Z. Murphy PhD


Protecting residential care facilities from pandemic influenza, Miriam Nuño, Thomas A. Reichert, Gerardo Chowell, and Abba B. Gumel


Recollections of Gilbert F. White in Colorado, Risa Palm


Classroom Performance Systems, Library Instruction and Instructional Design: A Pilot Study, Barbara Petersohn


U.S. Economic Troubles May Affect U.S.-China Economic Relations, Penelope B. Prime


The Sciences of Design: Observations on an Emerging Field, Sandeep Purao, Carliss Y. Baldwin, Alan R. Hevner, Veda C. Storey, Jan Pries-Heje, Brian Smith, and Ying Zhu


A Necessary Signifier: The Adaptation of Robinson's Body-Image in "The Jackie Robinson Story", Alessandra Raengo


How CIOs Can Enable Governance of Value Nets, Arun Rai, Vallabh Sambamurthy, and Ritu Agarwal


Apriority from the 'Grundlage' to the 'System of Ethics', Sebastian Rand


Reducing Levels of Toxic Chemicals in Cigarette Smoke: A New Healthy People 2010 Objective, Patricia Richter, Terry Pechacek, Monica H. Swahn, and Victoria Wagman


Optimization of Epidemiologic Interventions: Evaluation of Spatial and Non-Spatial Methods That Identify Johne’s Disease-Infected Subpopulations Targeted for Intervention, Ariel L. Rivas, Marcelo Chaffer, Gerardo Chowell, Daniel Elad, Ori Koren, Stephen smith, and Steven J. Schwager


Attention Bias Towards Threat in Pediatric Anxiety Disorders, Amy K. Roy, Roma A. Vasa, Maggie Bruck, Karin Mogg, Brendan P. Bradley, Michael Sweeney, Lindsey Bergman, Erin B. McClure-Tone, and Daniel S. Pine


Public and Private Forms of Opportunism within the Organization: A Joint Examination of Budget and Effort Behavior, Jeffrey W. Schatzberg and Douglas E. Stevens


The importance of behavioral integrity in a multicultural workplace, Tony Simons, Ray Friedman, Leigh Anne Liu, and Judi McLean Parks


Becoming Critical Mathematics Pedagogues: A Journey, David W. Stinson, Carla R. Bidwell, Ginny C. Powell, and Mary M. Thurman


Age of Alcohol Use Initiation, Suicidal Behavior, and Peer and Dating Violence Victimization and Perpetration among High-Risk, Seventh-Grade Adolescents, Monica H. Swahn, Robert M. Bossarte, and Ernest E. Sullivent III


Efficacy and Interest Profile of Foreign Language Teachers During a Time of Critical Shortage, Peter B. Swanson


The RIASEC Profile of Foreign Language Teachers, Peter B. Swanson


Digital Recordings and Assessment: An Alternative for Measuring Oral Proficiency, Peter B. Swanson and Patricia Early


Integrating Funds of Knowledge in the ESOL Practicum: The Missing Element, Gertrude Tinker Sachs, Mary Louise Hendley, Sara Klosterman, Eduardo Muga, Audrey Roberson, Beth Soons, Christina Wingo, and Mimi Yeo


Age and Body Satisfaction Predict Diet Adherence in Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Christina H. Vlahou, Lindsey L. Cohen, Amanda M. Woods, Jeffrey D. Lewis, and Benjamin D. Gold


The Principles as the Foundation of Emergency Management, William Waugh


The Varieties of Pathways to Dysfluent Reading Comparing Subtypes of Children With Dyslexia at Letter, Word, and Connected Text Levels of Reading, Maryanne Wolf, Robin Morris, Maureen Lovett, Tami Katzir, and Young-Suk Kim

Publications from 2007


“Send Me a Nice Little Letter All to Myself”: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s Fan Mail and Antebellum Poetic Culture, Jill E. Anderson


Gender and the Evolution of Normal School Education: A Historical Analysis of Teacher Education Institutions, Chara H. Bohan and Wesley Null


Racial Diversity on ACORN's Organizing Staff, 1970-2003, Fred Brooks


The Living-Wage Movement: Potential Implications for the Working Poor, Fred Brooks