Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Cultural and Linguistic Competence in Organizations Serving People with Disabilities: Recommendations and Exploration of Training Practices, Rachel LaFleur
Immigration, Crime, And Punishment: Minorities' Perception Of Immigrants And Attitudes Towards Punitive Policies, Lillie L. Lattimore
Haunt and Hold, Michelle Laxalt
Nietzsche on Realism in Art and the Role of Illusions in Life-Affirmation, Marie K. Le Blevennec
Altered Bodies, Altared Art: Genesis Breyer P-Orridge and Pandrogeny, Andrew Lee
The Feeling of Being Ok, Benjamin B. Lee
In Defense of the State-Based Account of Harming, Joseph Lee
Alliance Networks, Corporate Investment, and Firm Valuation, Sangho Lee
The Variation of a Teacher's Classroom Observation Ratings across Multiple Classrooms, Xiaoxuan Lei
Synthesis of Various Classes of Cyanine Fluorophores and Their Application In In Vivo Tissue Imaging, Andrew R. Levitz
Exploratory Factor Analysis of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children: A Comparison of Two Factor Extraction Methods, Rayleen Lewis, Betty S. Lai, and Shannon Self-Brown
Full-View Coverage Problems in Camera Sensor Networks, Chaoyang Li
The Cognitive And Linguistic Underpinnings Of Mathematical Abilities Of Children With Reading Disabilities, Nicole C. Lim
Exploring the Influence of Parents' Beliefs and Behaviors on Children's Developing Executive Function, Ellen Litkowski
Bayesian Methods in Brain Connectivity Change Point Detection with EEG Data and Genetic Algorithm, Bing Liu
Essays on the Effect of Pollution and Weather on Behavior, Bo Liu
Maternal Preconception Health and Neighborhood Factors in Relation to Preterm Birth in Georgia, 2012-2014, Michelle Sarah Livings
Comprehensive Glycoproteomics and Glycomics Study of N-Linked Glycans and N-Glycoproteins, Xu Li
“… Next Time”: Gulf Coast Residents’ Relationship with Hurricanes, Robert Lloyd
The Mug Shot, Wanted Poster, and Rogues Galleries: The Societial Impact of Criminal Photography in England, France, and the United States From 1839 to 1900, Samantha Rae Long
A Bioarchaeological Approach to Social Transition in the Pre-Hispanic Andes: A Diachronic Study of Health at Tumilaca la Chimba, Peru, Shannon A. Lowman
Social Attribution in Toddlers At Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Natasha Ludwig
Darwinian Domain-Generality: The Role of Evolutionary Psychology in the Modularity Debate, Michael Lundie
The Role of Feedback in the Development of Decision Making under Risk, Bethany MacDonald
Spotlighting Truth and Beauty: Willa Cather's Tenebraic Word Pictures, Maria Mackas
A Morphometric Study of Maxillary Post Canine Dentition in Australopithecus Africanus from Sterkfontein, South Africa: One Species or Two?, Lesley K. Mackie
Synergistic Effects of d-Tocotrienol and Xanthorrhizol in Prostate Cancer Cells, Chappell Madhani
Urban/Rural Inequalities in Suicide Rates in Georgia, 2008-2013: A county-level analysis, Garrett Mahon
The Need for Critical Composition Pedagogy in Present Times, Lashon Malone
A Critique of Catharine MacKinnon's Sex-Based Theory of Rape, Meagan Malone
They, Too, Sing America: A Critical Analysis of USG Policy 4.1.6 and Its Perceived Impacts on DACA Students in the State of Georgia, Ryan Z. Maltese
Determining the Mass of the Supermassive Black Hole in NGC 6814, Emily Rachel Manne-Nicholas
A few weeks, maybe months…, Tyler D. Mann
A Descriptive Profile of Dance Curriculum in Physical Education Teacher Education Programs, Jenee M. Marquis
I Ran Into Myself, Elham Masoudi
Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates and Sexual Education Programs in the Georgia School System, Valerie Masutier
Parental Translation of Child Gesture Helps The Vocabulary Development of Bilingual Children, Valery Denisse Mateo
The Impact of Dialogic CF on L2 Japanese Writers' Linguistic and Affective Outcomes, Mizuki Mazzotta
Women in Entrepreneurship and Corporate Business: A Qualitative Study of First Generation Businesswomen, Margaret McAlister
A Look at the Change in the Seasonality of Influenza between Three Distinct Regions of Uganda: Central, Northwest, and Western, Sarah K. McClellan, Richard Rothenberg MD MPH, and Gerardo Chowell PhD
Complements to Kazi Leaders: Female Activists in Kawaida-Influenced Cultural-Nationalist Organizations, 1965-1987, Kenja McCray
An Automated System for the Assessment and Ranking of Domain Ontologies, Melinda H. McDaniel
More Stores About Disappointment And TV, James McDermott
Preprocessing Strategies for Multiplex Bead Assay Data for Use in Quantitative Trait Loci Analysis, Circe McDonald
The Association Between Adverse Childhood Experiences and Educational Outcomes Among Children Ages 6-17, Naeshia McDowell
A Review of Humility Measures and a Test of the Social Bonds and Social Oil Hypotheses, Stacey McElroy
Talking About Clone Club: A Textual Analysis of Orphan Black, Lisa McGuire
Effects of Dietary Emulsifiers on Vasopressin and Oxytocin in Mice, Krishna Mehta
Comparing Sexual Minority Risk Behaviors to School Programs and Policies, Minerva Mendez
"I Wanna Know Where the Rule Book Is": YouTube as a Site of Counternarratives to Transnormativity, Jordan Forrest Miller
Pushing the Bounds of Typology: Jewish Carnality and the Eucharist in Jörg Ratgeb's Herrenberg Altarpiece, Genevieve D. Milliken
Walking With the Whirlwind of Change: Adrian Dominican Sisters and American Society in Transition, 1960-2017, Louise Milone
Zeolite Facies and Environmental Change in the Plio-Pleistocene Baringo Basin, Kenya Rift, Karim Minkara
Examination of Harm Perception of Hookah Among Youth in the US, Omkar R. Mirgal
Unsafe Abortion, Its Determinants and Associated Factors: The Case of Malawi. A Systematic Literature Review., Alexander Mkulichi
The Role of Leadership in Adoption of Waste-to-Energy (WtE) in Nigeria, Jahan Moghadam
Atomistic Insights into Binding Pocket Dynamics and Regulation in the Interleukin-2 T-Cell Kinase SH2 Domain, Mohamed Momin
Input-rich Writing Tasks and Student Writing on an English Language Proficiency Test, Megan J. Montee
La digitalización de la lectura en el aula de LE, Beatriz Morales Morillas
Cunningly Sweated: Creation, Memory, and Time in Faulkner's Mosquitoes, Joseph C. Morecraft IV
Cargivers' Pain Recognition in Older Adults with Chronic Pain and Dementia, Rebecca Anne Morgan
Pedagogical Dialogue: A Study of Pedagogical Dialogue in a Multicultural Education Theory Course., Jeffrey Morrison
Perceived Racial Discrimination in Adolescents Hospitalized for Sickle Cell Pain Crises: An Exploratory Examination, Ifigenia Mougianis
Essays on Gender and Microfinance, Shagata Mukherjee
A Mathematical Model for β1-adrenergic Regulation of the Mouse Ventricular Myocyte Contraction, Paula D. Mullins
Enhancing The Seeking Safety Group Intervention With Trauma Sensitive Yoga Practice: A Program Evaluation, Thomas M. Murphy
Characterizing Flavors Of Little Cigars And Cigarillos In YouTube Videos, Halley L. Myers
Lipid Utilization of Pseudogymnoascus Destructans and Accompanying Physiological Factors that Influence White-Nose Syndrome, John Neville
Investigating Microinsurance Issues by Using Laboratory Experiments to Evaluate the Welfare of Insurance, Jia Min Ng
Central Control Of Body Fat And Thermoregulation Through Shared And Separate Sympathetic Circuitries And Sensory Feedback, Ngoc Ly Nguyen
Regulation Of Innate Immune Cell Response Under Sub-acute/Chronic Inflammatory Conditions, Shuo Niu
Narrative Change in Professional Wrestling: Audience Address and Creative Authority in the Era of Smart Fans, Christian Norman
Los Buenos, los Malvados y la Zona Gris: La Complicidad Social y la Culpa en la Literatura Post-dictadura de Argentina, Sherry Nourizadeh
Transcriptional Regulation of the Caenorhabditis elegans GABAergic Terminal Selector, unc-30, Michael Nunneley
The Unknown Nationalists: Indian Migration, Integration, and Involvement in the Creation of the Kenyan Republic, 1895-1970, Catherine Odari
Watching for Wolves: Perspectives on Policing Among Experienced Officers in Atlanta, William G B Odum
Ultrafast Processes in 2d Materials, Seyyedeh Azar Oliaei Motlagh
Investigating Individual Differences in the Conceptual Change of Biology Misconceptions Using Computer-Based Explanation Tasks, Merrin Oliver
Special Education Teacher Retention in Small Schools, Siri Marie Olson
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Escherichia coli along metro-Atlanta Surface Waters, Diana Orquiola
How Principals Manage Time, Mindsets, and Communities to Benefit Children of Poverty, Tameka L. Osabutey-Aguedje
Examining Change Over Time in the Association Between Healthcare Access on Disparities in Colorectal Cancer Mortality for Minorities as Compared to Whites., Josephine Osaghae
Flagellin-Mediated Irradiation Protection in Mice, Damilola Oyewole-Said
Queering the Nation?: Analyzing the Politics of the LGBT Movement in Ukraine After the Maidan Protests, Lesia Pagulich
DNA Encoded Libraries (DEGL) of Glycan Antigens to Detect Antibodies: An Approach Towards Next Generation Functional Glycomics, Aishwarya Parameswaran
Ion Channel SUMOylation: a Novel Role for SUMO in Homeostatic Regulation of Multiple Ionic Conductances, Anna Parker
Investigating Time-Varying Effects of Stakeholder Relations on Firm Performance through Brand Equity, Insu Park
Celebrities’ Climate Change Advocacy on Twitter and its Effects on Public Perception and Behavioral Change, Sejung Park
Sign Patterns of J-orthogonal Matrices, Caroline Parnass
Essays on Fiscal Institutions, Public Expenditures, and Debt, Rahul Pathak