Theses/Dissertations from 2018
p-TypeE InAs/GaAs Quantum Dot, Dot-In-Well, and Low-Frequency Noise Properties of Infrared Photodetectors, Seyoum G. Wolde
Cellular And Molecular Insight Into Autonomic Function And Dysfunction, Yang Wu
Enzymatic Synthesis of Common Sugar Nucleotide and Therapeutic Oligosaccharides, Cong Xiao
Classification And Analysis Of Mobile Health Evaluation Through Taxonomy and Method Development, Alan T. Yang
Is Representational Content Determinable?- A Conceptualist Response To Travis, De Yang
Unheard Voices: Counterstories of Latinx Immigrant Parents? Experiences Navigating Metro Atlanta Public Schools, Michelle Yrigollen-Robbins
Empirical Likelihood Inferences in Survival Analysis, Xue Yu
Re-examining the Indirect Myth of Chinese Rhetoric on Social Media, Yunye Yu
Sign Patterns that Allow Diagonalizability, Christopher Michael Zagrodny
Relationship between Self- Report and Observed Parenting among Parents in Coerced and Non Coerced Population, Rabab Zahidi
Trans-Situated Gender Labor: Trans/Nonbinary Individuals Negotiating Gender & Race in Intimate Relationships, Alithia Zamantakis
Composing Women: Intersections of Transatlantic Modernist Literature and Visual Media, Meredith Zaring
Opioid Misuse Among Students Pursuing Higher Education, Heather A. Zesiger PhD
Factors Associated with E-cigarette Use: Analysis of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Study, Nannan Zhang
A Novel Method for Synthesis of 2'-SeMeANA-dT, Lingrui Zheng
Privacy-Preserved Linkable Social-Physical Data Publication, Xu Zheng
Glycosylation: Function, Synthesis and Application, Hailiang Zhu
Deep Learning in Chemistry and Computer-Go, Mengyuan Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
"El chupacabra vive": Ansiedades sobre la latinidad en The X-Files, Nadiyah Aamer
Integrating online-offline interactions to explain societal challenges, Christine Abdalla Mikhaeil
Ratcheting a Way Out of the Respectable: Genealogical Interventions Into Atlanta's Respectability Politics, Sarah Abdelaziz
Induction Of Arginase-1 In MDSC Requires Exposure to CD3/CD28 Activated T Cells, Ahmed Abdelbaky Abdelaal
Using Different Analytical Techniques and Synthetically Tailored Silica Nanoparticles in Drug Separations and Hydrophobicity-Based Detection Applications, Walid Abdelwahab
Pirin Allosterically Modulates The Dynamics And Interactions Of The Kappa B DNA In The NF-Kappa B Supramolecular Complex, Charles Adeniran
Exploring the Role of Work–Family Conflict on Job and Life Satisfaction for Salaried and Self-Employed Males and Females: A Social Role Approach, Anthony Adepoju
Organic Carbon Monoxide Prodrugs, Robert Aghoghovbia
Love, Touch and the Documentary Project, Laurel Ahnert
The Life of a Policy: An Afrocentric Case Study Policy Analysis of Florida Statute 1003.42(h), CHIKE AKUA
Modeling Rhythm Generation in Swim Central Pattern Generator of Melibe Leonina, Deniz Alacam
The Genetic Characterization of Locomotive Neural Circuits in Caenorhabditis Elegans, Aaron-Jay Alcala
Healthcare Students' Perceptions of Simulation Education at an Urban University, Fahad H. Al Enazi
The Impact of Race and Diabetes on Mortality among Breast Cancer Patients, Jibril Alim
Cation Adsorption and Exchange at the Mineral-Water Interface: The Role of Hydration and Hydrolysis, Nicholas Allen
Prediction Equations for Pulmonary Diffusing Capacity for Nitric Oxide in Healthy African-American Adults, Ahmad Almamary
Cuéntame un cuento: el álbum ilustrado en el aula de L2, Vanesa Alonso Gonzalez
Developing A Prediction Equation for the Six-Minute Walk Test in Healthy African-American Adults, Mobarak Alqahtani
Prevalence, Knowledge, Beliefs, and Attitude of Hookah (Waterpipe) Smoking among Health Care Students at a Southeastern Urban Research University, Mohammed Alqahtani
Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling (SOCS)1 and SOCS3 Stimulation during Experimental Cytomegalovirus Retinitis: Virologic, Immunologic, or Pathologic Mechanisms, Christine I. Alston
Sexual Education Among Indigenous Ngöbe Costa Ricans: A Tale of Two Schools, Maria G. Alvarado
Population Attributable Fraction of Smoking for Tuberculosis (TB) Disease Incidence and TB Mortality in High-Burden TB Countries, Genet A. Amere MD
Cross-sectional Examination of U.S. Gun Ownership and Support for Gun Control Measures: Socio-demographic, Geographic, and Political Associations Explored, Lynne P. Anderson
Effects of Systemic Administration of 8-OH-DPAT on Agonistic Social Behaviors in Male Syrian Hamsters, Corey Andrews
Three Essays on Health and Education in Indonesia, Bondi Arifin
“I Am the Joneses!”: Deconstructing Class Performativity and Identity Formation in Bravo’s the Real Housewives of Atlanta, Shari L. Arnold
Methods for Viral Population Analysis, Alexander Artyomenko
A Mathematical Model of the Human Cardiac Sodium Channel, Tesfaye Asfaw
Cultural Competence in Theory and Practice, Britni Ashkinazy
Discovery of Spatiotemporal Event Sequences, Berkay Aydin
Elliptical bodies. Avant-garde, and the physical shape of flamenco rhythms, Julie Baggenstoss
An Examination of the Relationship Between Black Millennial Social Media Use and Political Activism, Janessa R. Bailey
Mattiwilda Dobbs: A Study of Race, Class, and Gender in Opera, Lindsey Baker
Asunder, Rachel Ballard
Grounded Theory Ethnography of a Chromebook Implementation in a Bais Yaakov School, Marissa Ball-Rivner
Investigating the Effect of Aging and Time on the Fate and Transport of Lead in Artificially Contaminated Tropical soils., Fatai Balogun
Comagmatic Evolution of the Boulder and Pioneer Batholiths of Southwest Montana, John Bankhead
Neo-Fascism and the State: The Negotiation of National Identity in Modern Russia, Hanna Baranchuk
"[I]f such times came back upon us": Modes of Infidelity in the Late Romances of William Morris, Benjamin Barrett
Professional Learning Communities and Teacher Decision-Making, Michael C. Barr
Diabetes Mellitus is Associated with Increased Prevalence of Latent Tuberculosis Infection: Findings from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2011-2012, Marissa M. Barron
Mobile Message Design: A Mix-Methods Study of a Maternal Health Project in Northern Ghana, Erica Bass
Examining the Association Between Perceptions of Racial Discrimination and Depressive Symptoms Among African Americans in Georgia, Obioesio Bassey
How Child Gestures Relates To Parent Gesture Input in Older Children with Autism and Typical Development, Stephanie D. Baumann
Symbiont-Produced Byrostatins: Investigation of their Biosynthesis and Effects on Host Target, Kayla I. Bean
Alcohol Outlet Density, Heavy Episodic Drinking, and Sexual Violence Perpetration: A Multilevel Mediation Model, Alexandra L. Bellis
Illuminating Actionable Biology in Breast Cancer: Novel Predictive and Prognostic Biomarkers, Angela Ogden Bellos
Outcome Expectancy, Working Alliance, and Symptom Reduction in Social Anxiety Disorder, Amanda Benbow
Diet and the Dietary Niches of the Malagasy Subfossil Lemurs: An Analysis of Dental Microwear, Dental Proportions, and Grit Accumulation, Cristel Bender
Not on My Watch: Moral Trauma and Moral Injury Among Combat Medics, Courtney Benshoof
Autonomous UAV Path Planning for Wildfire Data Collection, John Bent
Identity, Knowledge, and Power: Ford Madox Ford's The Good Soldier and Parade's End, Dianne D. Berger
The Effect of Intact Protein from Foods and Phenylalanine Free Medical Foods on Large Neutral Amino Acids in Patients with Phenylketonuria., Ann M. Berry, Anita M. Nucci, Teresa D. Douglas, and Sarah T. Henes
Computational Interrogation of Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Mechanisms Regulating Dendritic Development, Surajit Bhattacharya
The Association Between Illicit Drug Use and Suicide Attempts Among Adolescents: Electronic Bullying as an Effect Modifier, Alexandria Blake
Regulation of Nontypeable Haemophilus Influenzae-Induced Inflammation in Upper Respiratory Tract, Ashley Bohn
Like Father, Like Son: Stereotypical Black Facial Features in Children Causing Trouble, Alesha D. Bond
National Identity, Social Justice, and Internal Minorities: A Critique of David Miller's Liberal Nationalism, Shaila Bora
Virtual Violence against Women: Is Increased Exposure Related To Men's Attention To Intimate Partner Violence and Bystander Behavior?, Robyn Borgman
Insulin Nucleation Using Voltage Clamping and Current Clamping Techniques, Michael J. Bowen
Postsecondary Success Outcomes for Veteran and Nonveteran Students at a Public University in Georgia, Jonathan Boyd
El Genio Quijotesco Sheldon Cooper: La Locura Y Las Relaciones Con Los Demás, Rehanna Braun
An Epidemiological Study of West Nile Virus in Maricopa County, Arizona, Shawna Bronte
Impact of Student Teaching On the Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Beliefs of Preservice Elementary Teachers, Don Keith Brown
Descriptive Analysis of Mental Health Needs of Nontraditional Black and White Students, Jordan A. Brown
Bicycling for Transportation: Health and Destination, Results of a survey of students and employees from a southern urban university, Joseph M. Bryan
Risky Behaviors of Ugandan Youth in Vocational Training Compared to Traditional Education, Portia Buchongo
Assessing Organic Chemistry Students? Understanding Of Chemical Bonding Concepts and their Perception of a Project-based Lab, Nikita L. Burrows
First-Year Writers and "Student Success": A Framework for Supporting Multiple Pathways Through Higher Education, Cristine Busser
Rights, Alienation & Forfeiture, Jason Byas
Fundamental Properties, Activity, and Planet-Hosting Potential of Young Suns Near Earth, Nicole E. Cabrera Salazar
The Influence of Traditional vs. Balanced School Calendars on Middle School Mathematics Achievement, Doug Callahan