Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Institutions and Interactions: Shanghai Jewish Refugees and American Jewish Communities, 1930s-1940s, Anna Tucker
PROAGIO (A Protein Designed to Target Integrin αVβ3), Ravi C. Turaga
Race, Culture, and French National Identity: North African, West African, and Antillean Communities in Paris, 1950-1990, Dennise M. Turner
The Impact of Violence Against Children On Human Capital in South Africa, Hope Ugboke
Biochemical and Biophysical Studies of Heme Transport Proteins: HtaA, HtaB, and ChtB from the Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Rizvan C. Uluisik
Kant's Singularity Thesis, Robert Vanderbeek
On Nietzsche, Homer, and Dissimulation, Joel A. Van Fossen
Minor League Metropolis: Urban Redevelopment Surrounding Minor League Baseball Stadiums, Eric Joseph van Holm
Prediction of Disease Status Based on MRI Brain Scans Using Sparse Principal Component Analysis, Tejal Vashi
Same-Sex Marriage as a Waste of Time: The Importance of Norms and the Impotence of Law, Gaetano Venezia
Burnout among Sexual Minority Male Mental Health Counselors, Cory J. Viehl
Mixed Messages: The Effect of Social Location, Parental Communication About Sex, and Formal Sexual Education on Protective Sexual Behaviors, Eryn G. Viscarra
The Concurrent and Longitudinal Associations of Bullying Perpetration, Acceptance of Partner Violence, and Adolescent Dating Violence Perpetration, Alana M. Vivolo-Kantor
Determination of Dynamical Conservation in Human Cyclophilin Isoforms, Phuoc Jake D. Vu
The Simultaneous Pursuit of Exploitation and Exploration in a Small Owner-Managed Service Firm, Dawn Wade
A Multi-Level Discourse Analysis of African American, Middle School Girls? Science Identity Development, Katherine Wade
Association Between Concussions and Suicidal Behaviors, Tahira Wangnoo
Building the New Babel of Transnational Literacies: Preparing Education for World Citizens, Xiaobo Wang
Machine Learning Methods for Finding Textual Features of Depression from Publications, Zhibo Wang
Magneto-transport Study of 3D Topological Insulator Bi2Te3 And GaAs/AlGaAs 2D Electron System, Zhuo Wang
Broken Bonds: The Role of Place-Based Social Bonds in Shaping Public Housing Relocation Outcomes, Chandra Ward
Rational Fools: (Ir)rational Choices of Humans, Rhesus Macaques, and Capuchin Monkeys in Dynamic Stochastic Environments, Julia Watzek
Caregiver Perceptions of Stigma Associated with Youth Psychopathology and Its Treatment: Development and Initial Validation of a Novel Measure, Rachel Weinstock
Facile Enzymatic Synthesis of Ketoses and Chemoenzymatic Reporter Strategy for Probing Complex Glycans, liuqing Wen
Monarchy and Effective Governance: The Success of Middle Eastern Monarchies and the Arab Spring, Michael Westberg
A Cost Effectiveness Analysis of Breastfeeding Promotion Within Georgia's WIC Program, Erica Wherry
The Impact of Geography and Ethnicity on EU Enlargement: New Evidence from the Accession of Eastern Europe, Diana Petrova White
Length of Exclusive Breastfeeding and Obesity Risk in Children at Risk for Type 1 Diabetes, Krista Whitfield, Anita M. Nucci, and Barbara Hopkins
Ballroom in the Big Peach: The History of Organized Ballroom Dancing in Atlanta, 1950-1984, Roger Wiblin
Humanities with a Black Focus: Margaret Walker Alexander and the Institute for the Study of the History, Life, and Culture of Black People, 1968-1979, Theron Wilkerson and Theron A. Wilkerson
Civic Crowdfunding under Citizens United: Empowering Counterpublic Activists for a Commoditized Public Sphere, Laura K. Williams
Adenovirus ?Hit-And-Run? Eviction From B-Cells Harboring Leukemic Runx1 Fusion Genes And Adp Controlled Latency In Lymphocytes, Hans T. Wilms
Folklore and Identity in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights, Amy Wilson
Emotional Health of Parents and the Association of Mental Illness among Children, Ashley Wilson
Reinvente: A Hybridized Home Collection, valerie q. wocklish
Other Ways of Knowing:Teachers Insight into Struggling Students' Visual Images in Response to Social Studies Text, Margul Woolfolk
Clinical Considerations for Preterm Infant Growth Curves Regarding Distributions and Race, Samantha Wotiz
The Impossible Thought of Georges Bataille: A Consciousness That Laughs and Cries, Drew M. Wright
The Boy in the Tunnel, Rachel Wright
Sequential Monte Carlo Based Data Assimilation Framework and Toolkit for Dynamic System Simulations, Peisheng Wu
Managing Earnings for My Boss? Financial Reporting and the Balance of Power between CEOs and CFOs, Qinxi Wu
Evaluation of the Effect of Rail Intra-Urban Transit Stations on Neighborhood Change, Christopher K. Wyczalkowski
Warp/Weft: Agnes Martin, Textiles, and the Linear Experience, Ariana Yandell
Design and Synthesis of Inhibitors of Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1-mediated Functions, Lingyun Yang
The Connection between Marijuana, Cigarette Smoking and Metabolic Syndrome among Adults in the United States, Barbara Yankey
Intersection of Longest Paths in Graph Theory and Predicting Performance in Facial Recognition, Amy Yates
Advisory Firm Employee Ownership and Performance in Separately Managed Accounts, Samuel W. Yates
Essays on Fiscal Policy, Institutions and Economic Growth, Bauyrzhan Yedgenov
An Analysis of Presence in an Asynchronous Online Undergraduate Mastery Course Using Structural Equation Modeling, Johnathan Yerby
A Woman’s Worth: A Phenomenological Study on Black Women Entrepreneurship And Building Net-Worth, Miriam Young
Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of UDP-GlcNAc and UDP-GalNAc Derivatives for Chemoenzymatic Labeling, Yuan Zheng
New Chemical Strategies for prodrug preparations: from sulfide to doxorubicin, Yueqin Zheng
Intervention to Extrasynaptic Gabaa Receptors for Symptom Relief in Mouse Models of Rett Syndrome, Weiwei Zhong
Stereoselective Iron-catalyzed Intermolecular Olefin Amino-oxygenation, Amino-fluorination And Trifluoromethyl Azidation, Chengliang Zhu
Essays on Tax Avoidance, Monetary Policy and International Trade, Giulia Zilio
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
The Effect of Risk Management Systems on Honesty in Managerial Reporting: An Experimental Examination, Heba Abdel-Rahim
Evaluating the Potential Impact of Targeted Vaccination Strategies in Mitigating Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (SARS-CoV) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Outbreaks in the Healthcare Setting, Fatima Abdirahim Abdirizak
Cultural Influences on HIV Prevention among Hispanics in Atlanta, Georgia, Amira Abdulhafid
La enseñanza de la literatura en un aula de español como lengua extranjera. Didáctica: "Crónica de una muerte anunciada" de Gabriel García Márquez, Ingrid Abisambra
The Perceived Impact of International Educational Experiences in the United States on Saudi Respiratory Therapists, Hassan Y. AbuNurah
Spatial Analysis of Environmental Factors Affecting Endangered and Invasive Fish Species on the Belize Barrier Reef, Adam S. Acker
“In Black and White, I’m A Piece of Trash:” Abuse, Depression, and Women's Pathways to Prison, Alexa Adamo Valverde
HIV Care Retention and Attainment of Viral Suppression among Georgia Women during Pregnancy and Postpartum Period, Stacey Adjei
Tuberculosis (TB) Trends Among Refugee, Other Foreign-Born, and US-Born Cases in DeKalb County During 2004-2015, Maryam Ahmad
Investigating the Effect of Aluminum Substitution on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Ferrihydrite, Richard Ajewole
The Prevalence of Use, Awareness and Beliefs of Electronic Cigarettes Among College-Based Health Care Students At A Southeastern Urban University, Abdullah Mayof Alanazi
Identifying Mavens in Social Networks, Hussah Albinali
Rhetorically Constructing Immigrants in French and U.S. History Textbooks: A Burkean Analysis, David Alexander
Evaluation of Clinical Facilities in term of Clinical Learning Environment, Supervisory Relationship,and Roles of Clinical Instructor, Saeed M. Alghamdi
Three Essays on Family and Labor Economics, Fatma Romeh Mohamed Ali
Depression and Empathy Predict Emotion-Modulated Startle Reactivity, Alyssa M. Ames
The Regulation of Nontypeable Haemophilus influezae-Induced Inflammation and an Alternative Therapeutic Strategy, Carla S. Andrews
Early Onset Marijuana Use and Adult Mental Health, Christine Murphy Andrews
Essays on Regional Amenities and Public Policies, Elena Andreyeva
L1 and L2 Doctoral Students' Intertextuality and Academic Literacies at the GCLR Web Seminars, Tuba Angay-Crowder
Novel Nonparametric Methods For ROC Curves, Yueheng An
More than a Feeling: A Study on Conditions that Promote Historical Empathy in Middle and Secondary Social Studies Classes with "The Elizabeth Jennings Project", Katherine Anne Assante Perrotta
Understanding the Role of Reactions to Race-based Treatment on HIV Testing Behaviors, Joelle Atere-Roberts
Machine Learning Approaches for Assessing Moderate-To-Severe Diarrhea in Children < 5 Years of Age, Rural Western Kenya 2008-2012, Tracy L. Ayers
Distributed Graph Storage And Querying System, Janani Balaji
The Evaluation of Measuring Stream Channel Morphology using Unmanned Aerial System-Based Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry, William Ballow
"More than Just a Teacher": Anticipatory Advocacy as Vision and Defense in Urban High-need Schools, Kim Stevens Barker
Process Improvements to Fed-batch Fermentation of Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253 for the Production of a Practical Fungal Antagonistic Catalyst, Courtney Barlament
Successful Sexual Aging: A Feminist Gerontological Examination of Sexual Behavior and Health, Christina Barmon
Imagining the Housewife: Mediated Representations of Gender in Post-War America, Nicole Barnes
Mental Health Stigma-Reducing Education: Trainee Confidence in their Ability to Demonstrate Skills, Jessica Barnett
A Comparative Analysis of Salmonellosis among Children Younger than 6 Months and 6-12 Months of Age, Gitangali B. Baroi
Phonological awareness in preschool age children with developmental disabilities, Andrea Barton-Hulsey
"Some guys do, but that's not me." Language use and the rejection of hegemonic masculinity., Lanier Basenberg