Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Lillian Smith's Killers of the Dream and Michel Foucault: Structural Racism, Critical Theory, and the U.S. South, Emily Pierce
Between what exists, Madeline Pieschel
Visual Analytics Of Sports Data, Shiraj Pokharel
Essays on Maternal and Child Healthcare, Deepmala Pokhriyal
Differential Effects of Acute Cadmium, Copper, and Chromium Assault on Glutathione and Transcription Profiles in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Brent M. Poling
Why Ralph Waldo Emerson Is A Virtue Ethicist, Christopher Julian Porzenheim
Black Migrants Matter: A Narrative Study of the Experiences of Haitian Migrants in the United States, Brittany Ingrid Pradere
For the Good of the Kids: Three Essays about the Economics of Child Welfare, Alexa Prettyman
Left of the Dial, Right on the Music: 50 Years of Georgia State FM Radio, Andreas Preuss
Understanding the Gender Gap in the Republican Party on State Judiciaries, Reagan Pritchett
“Maintaining Frame” in the Incelosphere: Mapping the Discourses, Representations and Geographies of Involuntary Celibates Online, Meredith L. Pruden
Chen Mul Modeled Type Effigy Censers, Maya Caves, and Their Relationship with Ritual Practices: Emerging Evidence in Quintana Roo, Mexico, Joy A. Przybyla
Extensions of Vizing fans and Vizing's Theorem in graph edge coloring, Xuli Qi
Universe Diving: Phenomenologically Feeling the “Universeness” of DC and Marvel Comics, Jayson W. Quearry
'We Want Women?': An Examination of Female Political Leadership During National Public Health Crises, Kelsi Rae Quick
Governments Response to Drug Cartel?s Violence: The Case of Colombia and Mexico, Ilenia E. Quintero
Trends in Pertussis Incidence in Georgia from 2010 – 2020 Based on the 2020 CSTE/CDC Case Definition, Gina U. Raderalazasoa
Examining the use of Spreadsheets in a High School Statistics Course as it Relates to Participant Knowledge and Attitudes, Aaron A. Rafter
Essays on Environmental and Health Economics, Golnoush Rahimzadeh
Historical legacy, civil society, and Islamization of the party system: A comparative study of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Tunisia, and Tajikistan, Tahmina Rahman
Adam Smith and the Problem of Parochialism: Can the Impartial Spectator Engage in Social Critique?, Aaron D. Richardson
The Impact of Social Disruption as a Result of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Children with Gastrointestinal Disorders, Abigail Robbertz
The Impact of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy on The Continued Participation of African American Male Chorus Students in a High School Chorus Classroom, Lawrence Robinson
Calculated Vibrational Frequencies of Pigments in Protein Binding Sites, Leyla Rohani
Stories I Have Always Heard: The Rhetorical Life of an American Song, Jessica Rose
Improving Potency of Existing Drugs: From Developing Bacterial Sensitizers for Existing Antimicrobials Towards Multi-Drug Resistant Strains to Targeting Cancer Drugs to the Mitochondria, Manjusha Roy Choudhury
Evaluation Of Intensive Behavioral Interventions For Severe Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder In Young Children, Emily K. Rubio
Analyzing Tweets For Predicting Mental Health States Using Data Mining And Machine Learning Algorithms, SUDHA TUSHARA Sadasivuni
Post-Tuberculosis Metabolic Disease and Mortality Among Patients Treated for Tuberculosis, Argita Salindri
Imaging Insurrection: Protest, Photography, and the Visual Framing of Black Resistance, Zana Z. Sanders
Data Efficient Learning: Towards Reducing Risk and Uncertainty of Data Driven Learning Paradigm, Krishanu Sarker
Enhancing the Safety of People Who Inject Drugs: A Program Evaluation of a Syringe Services Program in Atlanta, Megan A. Sarmento
Because The Wreck: Poems, Eric Saye
How White Racial Identity Changes in Time and Context for One Teacher (Educator), Melissa Schellenberg
Characterizing Household Preparedness and Emergency Supply Kit Possession in the United States -- 2020-2021, Amy Helene Schnall
Convergent Grounds: Black and Native Women Imagining America, Carlye Schock
Local Health Department activities to address health disparities: What do public health practitioners view as impactful?, Shaunda Scruggs DrPH
Youth Profiles of Program Quality Perceptions and Their Associations with Social Competence, Scot R. Seitz
Enhancing the Quality of Denoised Image Using Guided Image Filtering, Kiruthiga Sekar
Knowing Together With An Other, Jessica Self
Diplomacy as Pedagogy, Pedagogy as Diplomacy: Diplomatic Simulations, Constructivism, and the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, Sawsan Hatem Selim
Navigating Chaos and Taking Risks: An Art Teacher's Experience through A/R/Tography... and A Pandemic, Amy N. Sery
Information retrieval from graphs with feature engineering, Dhara Shah
Hypoglycemia in the Hospital and in the U.S. Population, Payal Suresh Shah
Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis to Estimate the Burden of Fatal and Non-Fatal Overdose Among Persons Who Inject Drugs., Jalissa Y. Shealey MPH
Examining the Role of Trait Resilience and Self-Compassion in Adaptive Responses to Stress: A Physiological Stress Response Study, Karen M. Shebuski
An Examination of Family Level Factors and Health-related Psychosocial Concerns in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease, Sharon Shih
The Influence of Pain Catastrophizing and Parent Behavior on Health-Related Outcomes for Youth with Sickle Cell Disease, Caitlin E. Shneider
Cognitive Dissonance and Special Education Teachers: Examining Instructional Decisions in a High-stakes Testing Era, Alyse H. Showers
Structure And Function Of Viral RNA-Host Protein Interactions Among Flaviviruses, Jessica Siemer
The Dual-Process Model and Moral Dilemmas: Reflection Does Not Drive Self-Sacrifice, David Simpson
Size Ramsey Numbers Involving Double Stars and Brooms, Yuan Si
Behavioral, Cognitive, and Genetic Factors Underlying Socio-Communicative Development in Bonobos, Sara Skiba
Aviation Economics: Safety, Monopsony, and Small Sample Inference, Marc Sleiman
Does Economic Development Have an Influence on Human Labor Trafficking?, Ashley Smith
The Black Panther Party and Mother Country Radicals: Black-White Coalitions and Alliances During the Black Power Movement, Marcus P. Smith
Fear and Loathing: Understanding Risk Perception for Terrorism and its Relationship with Islamophobia, Daniel W. Snook
The CD98 is a Potential Target for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Treatments, Heliang Song
Under What Conditions do Ethnic Conflicts Occur? The Case of Cote d?Ivoire, Kamonon Amy Soro
The Engagement-Achievement Paradox and the Role of Cultural Humility in the Instruction of Diverse Youth, Emily N. Srisarajivakul
Within-Individual Neural Variability in the N-Back Task: Relation to Neuropsychological Assessments of Executive Function, Reading, and Language, Stephanie Steinberg
So It Seems, Kourtney Stone
Speaking the Unspeakable: How Children of Militants During Argentina's "Dirty War" Have Used Literature and Film to Process Trauma, Samantha J. Strong
What Is Wrong with Statistical Discrimination?, Ziyue Sun
ChiTransformer: Towards Reliable Stereo from Cues, Qing Su
The Generators, Relations And Type Of The Backelin Semigroup, Arun B. Suresh
Nietzsche's Critique of "Absolute" Music, David Swigart
Does Math Anxiety Moderate the Effect of an Online Arousal Reappraisal Intervention on Math Performance?, Zachary Taber
White Matter Hyperintensities and Symptom Profiles of Late-Onset Depression: A Latent Class Analysis, Zinat Taiwo
An Experimental Benchmark Set for Oscillator Strength Calculations of Small to Medium-sized Organic Molecules, Astrid Tarleton
Prana in Prison: An Analysis of Teacher-Student Dynamics in the Teaching of Trauma-Informed, Mindfulness-Based Yoga to Incarcerated Youth in Atlanta, Georgia, Vladimir Tchakarov
Three Essays on Tobacco Control Policy, Arjun Teotia
Utilizing Molecular Probes to Examine Protein Structure-Function Relationships, James Terrell
Eternal Summer, Christina Teruel
Zoetrope Blues, Andrew Tetz
A Principal as Literacy Leader: Promoting Literacy Outcomes for Third-grade Students of Color, Lisa D. Thompson
Heaven on Earth in Medieval Europe: Material Expressions of an Immaterial Realm, Christopher A. Tiegreen
Birth Lost in Translation: Obstetric Violence and the Plight to Humanize Institutional Birth, Claudia Tillman
Development of the Posttraumatic Play Screening, Galina K. Tobin
Population-level Characterization of Nocardiosis in the United States, Rita M. Traxler
Algorithms for Analysis of Heterogeneous Cancer and Viral Populations Using High-Throughput Sequencing Data, Viachaslau Tsyvina
Masked Abilities and Manipulation Arguments, Matthew Turyn
When Gestures Do or Do Not Follow Language-Specific Patterns of Motion Expression in Speech: Evidence from Chinese, English & Turkish, Irmak Su Tutuncu
The Timing of Smectite-To-Illite Transformation in Cretaceous Rocks of Powder River Basin, Benard O. Uruowhe
Growing The Pie: How Supplier Diversity Can Enable Minority Businesses to Create Stakeholder Value, Ashok Kasi Vairavan
Mental Health, Health Coverage, and Perceived Barriers to Care among LGBTQ+ Southerners, Andre Vasi
Beyond Bandwidth: An Examination of Making Learning Accessible for All Students, Christal Walker
The Kitsch Masterpiece: Odd Nerdrum and the Problem of the New Old Masters, Jordan Walker