Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Exploring Assistant Principals' Preparedness to Lead Diverse Schools as Culturally Responsive Leaders in an Urban School District, Catana Harris
Victimization Amongst People with Mental Disorders: What Factors Influence Resiliency?, Michelle Harris
Technological Resistance: West African Military Responses to European Imperialism, 1870-1914, Broxton Harvey
An Innovative Way To Synthesize 2'-SeMeANA-U AND 2'-SeMeANA-C, Mohammad Sazid Hassan
Silent or Salient? Ability Heterogeneity in Tournaments, HAO HE
All Cultures Matter: Rachel Davis Dubois, The Intercultural Education and Group Conversation Methods, Charles Hight
The Effect of Birth on Neural Activation in the Rodent Brain, Yarely C. Hoffiz
The Differential Incidence of Gestational Hypertension Among Georgia Counties, Douglas Hoffmann
Automating Graphology Using Computer Vision, Yashaswini Hosaguthi Vishwanath
"I Can Overcome That": Counterstories of Black Secondary Science Teachers' Positional Identities, Sonia M. Howard
"Gillian Anderson Made Me Gay:" The Case of the X-Files Lesbians, Samantha Howat
Influence Function-based Empirical Likelihood Method for Kendall Rank Correlation Coefficient, Zhonglu Huang
Correlates And Predictors Of Life Satisfaction And Resilience Among Sexual Minority Persons Living With Disabilities, Tameeka L. Hunter
Competencies for Customer Education Professionals in Software-as-a-Service Organizations: A Multi-Phase Analysis, Julia Huprich
Some Novel Interval Estimation Methods, Xinjie Hu
Leadership Style and Organizational Structure Alignment: Impact on Innovativeness and Business Performance, Charles Ifedi
Synthesis, Characterization, Optical Properties and DNA Cleavage Study of Symmetrical Pentamethine Cyanine Dyes Containing Quinoline Moieties, Kristina Ilina
Prime Characteristic Aspects in the Study of Stanley-Reisner Rings and Monomial Ideals, Irina Georgeana Ilioaea
A Syzygy of Snails, Nathan G. Isaksson
Deep Functional Mapping For Predicting Cancer Outcome, A.K.M. Kamrul Islam
Experiences and perspectives of graduate teaching assistants at a large urban university, Justina Jackson
Essays on Small Business Lending Policies in the U.S., 2010-2016, Joowon Jeong
A Multidimensional Approach to Understanding the Value of Educational Capital in Policing, Thaddeus L. Johnson
Education Research Using Data Mining and Machine Learning with Computer Science Undergraduates, William Gregory Johnson
Using Blended Learning to Improve the Mathematics Achievement of Students with High Incidence Disabilities in an Alternative Education School, Zachary G. Johnson
Essays on the Impacts of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, Jordan William Jones
Principles for Making Half-center Oscillators and Rules for Torus Bifurcation in Neuron Models, Huiwen Ju
Impact of Perceived Peer Attitudes and Social Network Diversity on Violent Extremist Intentions, Wojciech Kaczkowski
Data Preprocessing for Haplotype Calling from Viral NGS Data, Sai Sudheep Reddy Kaidapuram
Dynamic Capabilities in Microfinance Innovation: A Case Study of The Grameen Foundation, Sarah Kayongo
Examining the Role of Assessment in a Transition-to-proof Course: Teaching Practices and Evaluation, Adam Kellam
The Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Later Sexual Violence Perpetration Among Male College Students: A Moderated Mediation Model, Saja B. Khader
Stillbirth Risk during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in Arizona, USA., Smriti Khare
Staff- and Youth-reported Youth Voice as Predictors of Community Service through Empowerment, Nadim khatib
Student Understanding in Acid-Base Concepts in Chemistry: Conceptualization from General Chemistry II through Biochemistry, Nancy A. Kilpatrick
The impacts of new technologies on physical activities: Based on fitness app use and fitness social media postings, Hyungmin Kim
Digital Innovation towards a Service-Dominant Business: A Clinical Inquiry into Georgia Pacific's Connected Restroom Initiative, Jung Hwan Kim
The Evolution of the Lyrics of The Beatles as a Social Function within the Popular Culture, Leslie King
Predictors of TB-mortality among hospitalized HIV-infected children in Kenya, Henry Sohre Kitiabi Mr. and Lisa Marie Cranmer Dr.
Science Teachers' Understanding of Formative Assessment and its Practice with Three-dimensional Teaching and Learning, Yotah Koulagna
Gene Expression of Candidate Chemoreceptor Protein Families in Transcriptomes of Two Major Chemosensory Organs and Brain in Decapod Crustaceans, Mihika T. Kozma
Assembling An End: The Aesthetic Categories of Finitude, Cameron Kunzelman
Hiraeth Never Fades, Jeffrey R. Kuratnick
Determining the Effects of Hydrothermal Alteration on the Sorption of Neptunium and Europium onto Bentonites, Dominique S. Kwong-Moses
Public Reason and Moral Repair, Luke Larson
Math Modeling of Interlimb Coordination in Cat Locomotion, Elizaveta Latash
What We Can't and Won't Believe: Rethinking Belief Polarization as Political Acceptance, Rachel E. Lehmann
Visual Orbits of Spectroscopic Binaries with the CHARA Array, Kathryn V. Lester
Gesture Gives Bilingual Children a Hand with Spatial Vocabulary, Valery D. Limia
Development of Point-of-Care Assays for Different Biologically Relevant Analytes, Dandan Liu
Implicit Biases and Byrne's Epistemic Rule for Self-knowledge of Beliefs, Hanyu Liu
Technical and Behavioral Interventions for Medication Adherence through Mobile Health, Xinying Liu
Historical Injustices and the State Endurance Thesis, Yuchen Li
Untold Truths: Explorations of Intra-Group Colorism and the Experiences of Light-Skinned Women That Identify As Black, Krysten L. Long
Unsolicited Narratives: The Experiences of Afro-Caribbean Women as Mathematics Learners and as Mathematics Educators in U.S. Institutions of Higher Education, Dihema R. Longman and Dihema R. Longman
Abroad, Constanza Loustalet Lopez Aranguren
The Synthesis and Optical Properties of the Squaraine Scaffold and Ph Responsive Cyanine Dyes Containing Pyridine at the Meso-Carbon, Wheeler R. Lovett
Barriers and Facilitators of Electronic Health Records in Rural Communities, Lisa D. Lowe
Encountering Christianity In Twentieth Century East Asia: A Case Study Of Jiang Wenhan And Takeda (Cho) Kiyoko, Linlin Victoria Lu
De Machos a Homosexuales. La Transición del Protagonista Masculino entre el Boom y el Post Boom, Luis C. Luna
Sex Work and Empowerment, Marisa E. Maccaro
Local Labor Market Spillover of M&As, Han Ma
Simulation of Photoelectron Spectra of Small Organic Molecules, MD Mahbub
Factors Affecting the Financial Performance of US Children’s Hospitals: An Exploratory Study, Jimmy Mahgoub
Assessing Baseline Knowledge and Practices on Trauma-Informed Care across Workforce Sectors, Amanda Malasky
Analysis of Seasonal Influenza Virologic and Hospitalization Trends among Children in the United States from 2010-2019, Samantha Mandel
Role of Social Capital in Crowd Funding Campaigns: Exploring Factors That Fuel Success in Crowd Funding Campaigns, Babu V. Manikandan
"The Good Lord Tells Me What to Do."- Granny Midwives and Georgia's Maternal Healthcare Crisis, Ruby J. Manley
The Association between Undernutrition and Malaria among Under-five Children in Nigeria, 2018, Daena Mann
Confessions Of A Black Female Rapper: An Autoethnographic Study On Navigating Selfhood And The Music Industry, Chinwe Salisa Maponya-Cook
The Effects of Partitioned Pricing on Event Ticket Purchasers, Armin A. Marquez
Remembering and Feeling the Nation: Circulations of Emotions of the Imagined Community in the Contemporary Venezuelan Diaspora, Neidegar Martinez Parra
Earth of Inedible Things, Joshua Martin
Clustering of Time Series Data: Measures, Methods, and Applications, Ruizhe Ma
A Randomized Control Trial Adapting a Self-Forgiveness Intervention for Perfectionists, Michael Massengale
The Mustard Seed, Zachary Matteson
Reinvigorating Maneuver Warfare: An Organizational Learning Analysis of A Failed Strategic Initiative, Bryan P. McCoy
Investigating the Use of Social Media in Undergraduate and Graduate University Music Students' Practice Routines, Lindsay Heston McCranie
The Role of Collaborative Governance in Blockchain-Enabled Supply Chains: A Proposed Framework, Denise McCurdy
Long-term health effects of family income received at different stages in the life cycle, Nicardo Mcinnis
Cultural Humility in the Context of Teacher-Student Relationships, Kathryn M. McPhee
Cyberbullying Victimization and Corresponding Distress in Women of Color, Joanna Menendez
The Manual for Neocadia, Jack Michael
Microbial Bioconversion of Polypropylene by Yarrowia Lipolytica: Enhancing Bioconversion and Lipogenesis through Optimization of Fermentation Parameters, Merhawi Mihreteab
Gender, Eugenics, and Stratified Reproduction in the Gamete Donation Marketplace, Mia Milne