Theses/Dissertations from 2021
The Bold and the Beautiful: Portraiture in Pakistani Truck Art, Farah Ali
The Importance and Needs for a Standardized Preceptor Training Program in Respiratory Therapy Departments in Riyadh City, Saudi Arabia, Ahmed Y. Aljoni
The Effects of an Asthma Action Plan and Asthma Self-efficacy on Asthma Control, Abdullah Alkhthlan
The Neuroprediction of Recidivism: Validation and Extension of the Error-Monitoring Model, Corey Allen
Perceptions of E-cigarettes and Tobacco-Related Harm Among U.S. Adolescents: Findings From the 2020 National Youth Tobacco Survey, Reem Alluhibi
Attitudes, Practices, and Perceptions towards Covid-19 Patients among Respiratory Therapists in Saudi Arabia., Rayan Almadni
The Perceptions of Healthcare Students toward the Evidence-Based Practice of Asthma Management, Fatimah N. Alobaidi
An Assessment of the Knowledge, Perception, and Prevalence of Using APRV on ARDS Patients among Respiratory Therapists in the Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia, Mohammad Al Obead
Essays on Pro-Poor Education Policies and Tax Compliance, Amakoe D. Alognon
Evaluating The Effective Teaching Characteristic of Saudi Arabian Preceptors in Clinical Education, Abdulaziz Alolayan
Job Satisfaction among Saudi Arabian Respiratory Therapists, Saleh M. Alosaimi
Survey of COPD Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes Among Saudi Arabian Respiratory Therapists, Ziyad Mubarak Alshahrani
The Political Revolution in Managerial Power: Corporate Personhood and the American Plutocratic Class, Liam Ammerman
“We’re Still Learning and Growing”: An Ethnographic Program Evaluation of an After-School Program for Refugee Youth, Shelby M. Anderson-Badbade
The ESG Behaviors of Multinational Enterprises: An Exploration of Emerging and Developed Market Norms, Julie A. Anderson
A Comparative Study of Oxycyclobutenolate vs Dicyanomethylene Squaraine Dyes: Synthesis, Photophysical Properties and Biological Imaging Application, Babatunde N. Animasaun
Delineating Optimal Solar Sites in Atlanta Using GIS and Remote Sensing, Sam Yaw Appiah
Civic Action Among Immigrant Youth of Color in the U.S.: Contributions of Critical Reflection, Sociopolitical Efficacy, and Immigrant Optimism, Maria Alejandra Arce
Laborare, Vivere, et Ludere, Nathalia Arruda Silva
Essays on health economics and human capital, Samuel Asare
Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome Among Respiratory Therapists in Saudi Arabia, Waleed Abdullah Asiri
Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Estimates in Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Models: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study, Brandon Attell
Kernel-based Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Area under the ROC Curve using Ranked Set Samples, Iyanuoluwa Ayodele
Machine Learning Methods for Effectively Discovering Complex Relationships in Graph Data, Thosini K. Bamunu Mudiyanselage
Fullness, Jamaal Barber
Examining the Relationship between Perceived Neighborhood Context on Sexual Risk Behaviors among Black Men who Have Sex with Men in the South, Terrika Barham
Webs of Social Support for Mental Health: An Examination of College Students' Social Support Seeking Behavior on Social Media, Dilan Sinem Basaran
Kinematics, Kinetics, and Modeling of Fatigue in Young Distance Runners, Susan Basile
Considering different research-based activities by using a k-means cluster analysis, Amin Bayat Barooni
Toxicological Characterization of Traffic-related Air Pollution in Five Distinct Atlanta Locations, Haris Bejdic
Philosophy as Bad Poetry: Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on the Ancient Quarrel, Bridget Berdit
“Where—Am I?”: H.D.’s Search for Identity, Dianne D. Berger
Using Differential Item Functioning and Anchoring Vignettes to Examine the Fairness of Achievement Motivation Items, Jacquelyn Bialo
Household food insecurity, depression, and disordered eating symptoms in adolescents with severe obesity, Meredith Bishop
Effects of Raspberry Consumption on Angiotensin II-induced Hypertension and Expression of Antioxidant and Pro-oxidant Enzymes in the Brain of Rats, Jasmynne N. Blacks
Artifact Discard Eligibility: A Potential Alleviation to the Growing Curation Crisis, Andrew Jerome Blank
Balancing Focal and Client Firm Employee Identification and Acculturation Tensions: A Case Study Approach at a BPO Firm, Jonna B. Blount
Neighborhood Disadvantage and Gender Inequality: Exploring Community-Level Risk Factors for Sexually-Violent Crime, Robyn A. Borgman
A Comparative Perspective on the Paradox of Choice, Maisy D. Bowden
From Athlete to Politician: Women’s Sports as a Medium for Political Progress, Abigail Bowen
Correlating Resting-State Functional Connectivity with Mental Imagery Vividness in a Healthy Population, Kyla Brannigan
Optimizing the Aging Services Network to Identify and Respond to Older Adults at Risk of Suicide, Mary Chase Breedlove Mize
Examinación del Concepto de la Reencarnación En La Nueva Era y Tres Otras Áreas de Estudio, Adam H. Brown
Exhibition, Narrative, and Civil War Memory: The History of the Battle of Atlanta Cyclorama, Jessica M. Brown
The Impact of Vaping Cannabidiol A Case Series of Young Adults, Samuel M. Bullard
The Athletic Department's Role in Racial Justice and the Black Lives Matter Movement: Perceptions of NCAA Student-Athletes, Natalie N. Bunch
Crystallographic and enzyme kinetics studies of multidrug resistant HIV-1 protease mutants PR20 and PRS17., Shelley Burnaman
Queering the Monstrous Feminine: Lesbian Vampires, Folklore, and Trauma in Sheridan Le Fanu's Carmilla, Emilee Calametti
Illusions of opportunity? A critical discourse analysis of Atlanta's opportunity youth initiative, Alexander Camardelle
Individual Mobility Across Clusters: The Impact of Ignoring Cross-Classified Data Structures in Discrete-Time Survival Analysis, Christopher Cappelli
Disaggregating the Paradox: Foreign-born victimization by "immigration" status and nationality, Krystle Lynn Caraballo
Examining the Prevalence of Self-Reported Respiratory Symptoms and Respiratory Infection amongst Firefighters in the Presence or Absence of Asthma, Juliana K. Cartwright
Essays in Environmental Economics and International Trade, Kenneth Castellanos
The Influence of Relatedness on Emotional Brand Attachment with Fitness-Oriented Non-Profits: A Self-Determination Theory Approach, Alexander Castiglione
Technology Usage to Manage Client Growth: Understanding Robo-Advisor Adoption Among Registered Investment Firms, Kevin Chalk
Comparison Of Different Exhalation Filters In Protection Against Fugitive Aerosol During Nebulizer Treatments: An In-vitro Study, Li Sheng Chen
Linguistic Perceptions and Ideologies of Race and Whiteness in the USA, Taylor James Chlapowski
Pressure to Forgive: How Religious Pressure Effects Moving From Decisional to Emotional Forgiveness, Elise Choe
The Paratext in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility: Examining Paratextuality in Modern Mass Media, Erik K. Clabaugh
Relationships Between Cerebello-Cortical Functional Connectivity and Executive Functioning Across Childhood and Adolescence, Sarah V. Clark
Leveraging Federal Policies to Prevent and Respond to Communicable Disease Outbreaks, Samuel Clasp
Closeted Tiktok: Liminality, Internalized Stigma, and Heterotopia in the Rite of “Coming Out”, Michael-Anthony Claytor
Consumer Preferences Towards Book Formats: How to Address Technological Disruption in the Publishing Industry, Gustavo Cotrino
Use of Cigarette and Non-cigarette Combustible Tobacco Products Among African Americans: An Examination of Risk Factors and Protective Factors, Cherell Cottrell-Daniels
Salmon or Chameleon? Rethinking Evangelical Political Behavior, James Crawford
Double Bind, Caroline Crew
How Does the Use of a Social Studies Video Game Affect Student Learning?, John S. Crumb II
Decision-Making Dilemma in Human-Automation Interaction: Who Should Grasp Authority, Human or Intelligent Systems?, Xiaocong Cui
Climate and Security: Evolution in the United States Political Discourses, Luciano da Costa Pereira de Souza
The Right to Toil: Labors Fight Against Right to Work Laws, Joshua Da Cruz
Material Intelligence, Soude Dadras
Temporal and Spatial Evaluation of the Relationship between Beaver Dam Analogs (BDAs) and E. coli Levels, Jordan Daniel
Surveilling Wolves, Reticent Rabbits, and Pecking Parties: Discourse as Power Mechanism for Policing Queerness in Ken Kesey?s One Flew Over the Cuckoo?s Nest, Sarah E. Darling
Chemistry of a Dehydrogenase and Di-heme Enzyme Related to Tryptophan Oxidation, Christopher Ian Davis
Examining Mycofiltration Efficacy in a First Order Stream, Lacey J. Davis
Investigating the Performance of (Multiple-Factor) Multiple-Group Methods for the Detection of Differential Item Functioning, Theresa L. Dell-Ross
Distribution of Contamination Sources in the Atlanta Metropolitan Area along the Upper Chattahoochee River Basin: An Environmental Justice Focus, Ahmadou T. Deme
Integration of Calcium Signaling by Dynamically Tuned Calcium Indicators and Calcium Sensing Receptor, Xiaonan Deng
Comprehension of Collocations In English and Spanish: Exploratory Study with Spanish Speakers, Stephanie Diaz
An Examination of the Role of vCISO in SMBs: An Information Security Governance Exploration, William Dicker
Counting Generating Sets in Frobenius Skew Polynomial Rings, Alan M. Dills
Longitudinal Analyses Of Frailty Trajectories Among European Older Adults, Linh Dinh
Rastafari: A Modern Method of Marronage, Melvin Douglas
A Novel Task to Assess Outcome Probability Bias for Social Anxiety, Amanda A. Draheim
Functional Importance of Non-Catalytic Residues in the Active Site of NADH:Quinone Oxidoreductase From Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01, Benjamin Dratch and Gioavanni Gadda
Jackknife Empirical Likelihood Methods for the Cox Regression Model, Lauren Drinkard
How the Car Won the Road: The Surrender of Atlanta's City Streets, 1920-1929, Laura Drummond
Habituation, Transformation, and Conflict: Hegel and Transformative Theories of Rationality, Alexander Drusda
Differences in the Association between Use of Electronic Vaping Products and Subsequent Tobacco and Marijuana Use among US Youth, Zongshuan Duan