Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Do Students Gain Scientific Inquiry Knowledge and Practices by Participating in a School Garden Inquiry Unit?, Carmen A. Carrion
Partnering Universities with Their Neighboring High School Writing Centers: A Local Study Through Interviews and Observations, Katherine Carroll
The Role of Pyroptosis and Associated Inflammasomes during Experimental Cytomegalovirus Retinitis, Jessica Carter
Experience without Memory: Optogenetics, the Self, and the Ethics of Forgetting, David Kendall Casey
Recovery from Homelessness: Choice, Mastery, and Relatedness, Joshua J. Castleberry
A Category-Theoretic Compositional Framework of Perceptron-Based Neural Networks plus an Architecture for Modeling Sequences Conditioned to Time-Structured Context: An Implementation of a Generative Model of Jazz Solo Improvisations, Rodrigo Ivan Castro Lopez Vaal
Airports - Cultural Ambassadors, Valentina Caver
A New Era of HIV: Psychology’s Contributions to the Epidemic and Development of the Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis Determinants Scale, Caleb Chadwick
What Community and Organizational Factors Affect Care and Financial Performance of U.S. Hospitals?, Esther Chance
CliqueSNV: GUI and Deployment on Galaxy, Sakshitha Channadi
Essays on Unintended Consequences: Policy, Incentives and Behavior, Chandrayee Chatterjee
Heme Uptake in Group A Streptococcus: A Role in Physiology and Disease, Nilanjana Chatterjee
Jackknife Empirical Likelihood For The Correlation Coefficient With Additive Distortion Errors, Da Chen
Relative Performance Information, Advice-Seeking, and Trust in the Supervisor, Ta-Tung Cheng
Integrated Study of Liver Fibrosis: Modeling and Clinical Detection, Hao Chen
Identifying Influential Variables in the Prediction of Type 2 Diabetes Using Machine Learning Methods, Amanda E. Chernishkin
Experimental Reduction Of Fe-Oxyhydroxides In Simulated Carbonate and Sulfide/Sulfate Brine: Implications for Paleolake Deposits., Joshua M. Chidzugwe
The Impact of Incarceration on Income Inequality in the United States, 1962 - 2014, Aaron Childree
A Case Study: Impact Of Assessment For Learning In A Badminton Unit In Physical Education, Lena Chng
Essays on Motivations and Motivational Affordances in the Context of Health Information Technology, Hyoungyong Choi
Total Capital -- Total Cinema, Jordan S. Chrietzberg
Here Today, Gone Tomorrow? Essay on the Economics of Hurricanes, Yasin Civelek
Using My Body, Using My Labor: Exploring The Relationship Between African American Women And Chronic Hair Pulling Behavior, Kiana N. Clark
What the Water Gave Us, Megan L. Clark
More than Free Speech: Politics, Higher Education, and the First Amendment, Kristina Clement
An Investigation of Criminal Face Bias in the Innocence Project Cases, Amanda Clevinger
Delusions as Hetero-Dynamic Property Clusters, Shelby Clipp
Advenus, Ana M. Coello-Amado
The Aluminum Age: Postmodern Themes in American Comics Circa 2001-2018, Amy Collerton
"Say What I Wear": A Study of Clothing and Animal Language within Aldhelm's Enigmata and the Exeter Riddles, Bridgitte I. Colwell
Educational Adequacy, Capability, And Basic Educational Justice: A Revision Of Anderson and Satz, Jared Corbett
Identity Work in Career Transition: Lessons for Human Resources Development in the Verification of Identity in Career Transition, Jennifer Crenshaw
Optoelectronic and Transport Properties of Indium Nitride, Garnett Cross
Organizational Innovativeness Among Employees in an IT Operations Organization: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective, Darrell D. Crull
Adopting Home Language and Multimodality in Composition Courses, Mack Curry
Dietary Intake, Nutrition Knowledge, and Body Composition of Collegiate Athletes: A Pilot Study, Jessica-Kim Danh; J. Andrew Doyle PhD, FACSM; Anita M. Nucci PhD, RD, LD; and Rafaela G. Feresin PhD
How It Lives in Me Is the Work: A Mother and Daughter’s Critical Collaborative Inquiry Navigating and Deconstructing White Fragility, Margaret Dantzler
Tailored eHealth and mHealth for Physical Activity Promotion, Ashlee Davis
Essays on the Economic Determinants of Health, George Davis
Information Asymmetry, Organizational Performance, and Private Giving: Can Performance Ratings Build Trust in Nonprofits?, Iurii Davydenko
Trust and Populism: The Vote for Bolsonaro, Thais De Almeida
Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Mean Past Lifetime Function, Edem Defor
Caging Carbon Monoxide For Therapeutic Applications And Carbonylation Reactions, Ladie Kimberly C. De La Cruz
Art-Making as Self-Care in Studio Practice and in the Art Classroom, Shauna Delong
Biomedical Data Classification with Improvised Deep Learning Architectures, Heta Desai
Endless Exuberance, Coorain W. Devin
Brain Functional and Structural Networks Underpinning Musical Creativity, Kiran Dhakal
Exploring the role of coercive control in arrest incidents of intimate partner violence, Nancy Dickinson
Computational Investigations of Biomolecular Mechanisms in Genomic Replication, Repair and Transcription, Thomas Dodd
'Keep that Same Energy Sis': An Exploration of Black Women's Use of Offline Resistance Strategies, Gabrielle A. Donaldson
Examining the Impact of Urban Neighborhood Disparities on the Treatment of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity Using Mixture Modelling, Matthew Donati
A Qualitative Content Analysis of Cultural and Linguistic Factors in Clinical Supervision of Spanish-English Bilingual Counselors, Daniel Dosal-Terminel
"Kids Can Change the World": An Action Research of Latinx English Language Learners Students' Experiences With Culturally Relevant Morning Meetings, Darline Douangvilay
Examination of Household Drinking Water Quality in the Dominican Republic, Quonesha Douglas
Melanocortin-3 Receptor-Expressing Neurons of The Ventral Tegmental Area: Anatomy and Regulation of Feeding and Body Weight, Anna I. Dunigan
Sista-to-Sista: Black Women (Re)Examining Their Experiences as Teachers with Stereotypes and Oppression in Secondary Schools, Adrian Dunmeyer
An Analysis of Generational Differences in the Selection and Pursuit of Professional Certification, Dania El-Eter
Improving The Acceptability Of Internet-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Among Black Americans, Donovan Ellis
Essays on Financial and Public Economics, Samir Elsadek Mahmoudi
Whenever You Eat This, Gregory Emilio
Characterization of self-regulatory mechanisms and internal dynamics of ETS transcription factor PU.1, Shingo Esaki
Predictive Factors of HIV Testing Uptake among Pregnant Women in Nigeria- 2013 Demographic Health Survey, Ogochukwu Ezeigwe
Moringa oleifera Improves Skeletal Muscle Metabolism and Running Performance in Mice, Siobhan M. Eze
Essays on Health and Education Economics, Ishtiaque Fazlul
Storied Stones: An Exploration of Material Silence in Postcolonial Fiction, Donald Fentem
Acute Effect of Whole-Body Vibration on Motor and Cognitive Function in Children with Down Syndrome: A Series of Case Studies, Diego Ferreira
Time Series Mining: Shapelet Discovery, Ensembling, and Applications, Soukaina Filali Boubrahimi
Older Adults' Intimacy Process in the Realm of Long-term Care, Andrea F. Fitzroy
Assessing the Perception of Face Pareidolia in Children and Nonhuman Primates, Molly Flessert
The Role of Racial Identity on the Mental Health and Functioning of Postpartum Black Mothers, Kortney Floyd
Politics and Products: An Arendtian Analysis of Modern Humans' Concern for Immortality, Gunnar Footh
Ghosting Images: Haunted by and Haunting Filmic Images, Charles Fox
Opting-In: A Further Justification of Robin Zheng's Role-Ideal Model, Meagan D. Fraser
The Assessment of Cognitive Bias in Capuchin Monkeys Using a Computerized Task, Kristin French
A Multimodal Analysis of Teacher-Student Interactions in Reading Recovery Writing Sessions, Cindy Fujimoto and Cindy H. Fujimoto
Disease Self-Management Capacity, Patient Burden, and Medication Adherence in African American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension, Michelle Gaddis
Does Board Connectedness Contribute to Firms Performance During A Financial Crisis?, Rajendra Prasad Gangavarapu
The Representation of the Archaic Record at Traversant, Troup County, Georgia, Ethan Gilbert
Displacing the "Black Mecca": Romanticizing or Witnessing African American Historical Trajectories in the Case of the Atlanta BeltLine, Rhana Gittens
Exploring the Relationships Among Mindfulness, Attention and Interpretation Bias, and Depressive Symptoms in Emerging Adults, Meghan Goyer
Default Mode Functional Connectivity, Aerobic Exercise, and Depressive Symptoms: A Resting-State fMRI Study, Andrew Gradone
An In-Depth Investigation Of How An Undergraduate Mathematics Major Student Learns The Concept Of Proof, Shanah K. Grant
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia Reactivity to Others' Emotions as Predictors of Internalizing Symptoms during Middle Childhood, Jackson Gray
Preparing Effective Urban Practitioners: The Study of Two Urban-Focused School Psychology Graduate Training Programs, Kirnel D. Grishby
Urban Spaces, Places, and Identity in Early Medieval Britain, David Grogan
Survival Analysis of Infections in Dialysis Patients by Patient Characteristics and Modality, Brianna Guney
Novel Estimation Methods for Sensitivity And AUC in Medical Diagnostic Study, Yan Hai
Evaluating Best Practices in Group Mentoring: A Mixed Methods Study, Katherine E. Hale
Free Will Experiences and Higher-Order Thoughts, Kyle Alan Hale
Slouching Towards Atlanta: The Influence of Churches on Atlanta's Hippie Community, Timothy Cole Hale
Learning Interpretable Features of Graphs and Time Series Data, Shah Muhammad Hamdi
Functions of Extracellular Pyruvate Kinase M2 in Fibrosis-related Diseases, Hongwei Han