Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Guyon's Sensitive Appetite, Matthew J. Davis
Outcomes of the Implementation of the Mental Health Recovery Measure in the DeKalb Community Service Board Population, Sharon H. Davis
Beyond Transition: Democracy and the Development of Civil Society in Ghana, Josephine J. Dawuni
Mindreading, Language and Simulation, Ryan C. DeChant
Three Essays on the Search for Economic Efficiency, Jason J. Delaney
Jake Wells Enterprises and the Development of Urban Entertainments in the South, 1890-1925, Eric Dewberry
Mineralogical and Geochemical Indicators of Subaerial Weathering in the Pozzolane Rosse Ignimbrite (Alban Hills Volcanic District, Italy), Jennifer M. Dickie
Quality in IS Research: Theory and Validation of Constructs for Service, Information, and System, Yi Ding
Letter to So-and-So from Wherever, Michael Scott Dockins
Corruptions of the Flesh: The Body, Subjectivity, Postmodernity, Larrie Dudenhoeffer
Unnamed Sources: A Longitudinal Review of the Practice and its Merits, Matt J. Duffy
Essays on Personal Income Taxation and Income Inequality, Denvil R. Duncan
Foucauldian Genealogy as Situated Critique or Why is Sexuality So Dangerous?, Ian Douglas Dunkle
Gentlewomen: The Westernizing of Chinese American Prostitutes in San Francisco, 1870-1940 A History on Chinese American Prostitution, Missionaries and the Law, Jennifer Becker Dykman
School Mental Health Professionals' Experiences of Hurricane Katrina Evacuees: A Phenomenological Approach, Stephanie E. Eberts
A Spatial and Health Burden Analysis of Census Tract 85: Implications for Prevention and Intervention, Allison C. Edwards
Maternal Barriers to Childhood Vaccinations in Tanzania: An Examination of the 2004-2005 Demographic and Health Survey, Ashley E. Edwards
Colleges Connect to Collect: The Atlanta Collegiate Food Drive (CAPSTONE), Jessica L. Ekhomu
The Scuola Dei Mercanti: Social Networking and Marital Mobility in Sixteenth-Century Venice, Rachel D. Erwin
Effects of Language on the Development of Executive Functions in Preschool Children, Greer A. Ezrine
The Relationship between Language and Reading in Bilingual English-Arabic Children, Lama K. Farran
Roles of Serine 101, Histidine 310 and Valine 464 in the Reaction Catalyzed by Choline Oxidase from Arthrobacter Globiformis, Steffan Finnegan
An Analogical Paradox for Nonhuman Primates: Bridging the Perceptual-Conceptual Gap, Timothy M. Flemming
Small Finds From Chogha Gavaneh Site in the Islamabad Plain, Central Zagros Mountains, Iran, Firoozeh Forouzan
Within Classroom Peer Effects and Tracking: Assessing the Impact of Classroom Peer Variation and Ability Tracking with Disaggregated High School Data, C Kevin Fortner
Semiosis of Self: Meaning Making in a High School Spanish for Native Speakers Class, Tammy G. Frederick
The Relationship between Within-Day Energy Balance and Menstruation in Active Females, Alexandra J. Friel
Why Are You Really Winning and Losing Deals: A Customer Perspective on Determinants of Sales Failure, Scott B. Friend
How and Why do IT Professionals Leave their Salaried Employment to Start a Company?, Mourmant Gaetan
Building toward an Intervention for Alcohol-Related Aggression: A Cognitive and Behavior Test of the Attention Allocation Model, Kathryn Elise Gallagher
A Dynamic Analysis of Variable Annuities and Guarenteed Minimum Benefits, Jin Gao
Nuclear Pyruvate Kinase M2 Functional Study in Cancer Cells, Xueliang Gao
Public Health in Georgia, An Internet Advocacy Tool: A Capstone Project, Patricia B. Garcia
What is a City but the People?: An Evaluative Study of the Development and Implementation of a 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness in Macon, Georgia, Michael G. Gazy
The Forgiveness Project, Karen Lee Gentry
Moral Injury and the Puzzle of Immunity-Violation, Jesse Gero
The Justificatory Role of Habit in Hegel's Theory of Ethical Life, Walter Philip Glazer
The Effects of Counselor Trainee Stress and Coping Resources on the Working Alliance and Supervisory Working Alliance, Philip B. Gnilka
In a Strange Place, Benjamin Goldman
Essays on Optimal Jurisdictional Size for Local Service Delivery, Juan L. Gomez
The Visual Rhetoric of Craftsmanship, Amalia K. Gonzales
Eudora Welty's Theatrical Sketches of 1948: Summer Diversion or Lost Potential? Bye-Bye Brevoort and Other Sketches, Leslie H. Gordon
Persistent Pasts: Historical Palimpsests in Nineteenth-Century British Prose, Tamara Gosta
Synthesis of Near-Infrared Heptamethine Cyanine Dyes, Jamie Loretta Gragg
Writing and Wellness, Emotion and Women: Highlighting the Contemporary Uses of Expressive Writing in the Service of Students, Cantice G. Greene
The Effect of Green Tea Extract on Endurance Performance in Young Adults, Eric D. Green
Life Portraits: A Comparative Case Study of Four Veteran Spanish Teachers, Myrnelle L. Gregory-Bryan
Dynamic Data Driven Application System for Wildfire Spread Simulation, Feng Gu
Subcloning, Expression, and Enzymatic Study of PRMT5, Ran Guo
An Examination of the Information Content of Funds from Operations (FFO) Using Polynomial Regression and Response Surface Methodology, Frank Gyamfi-Yeboah
Power and Bias in Hierarchical Linear Growth Models: More Measurements for Fewer People, Regine Haardoerfer
Personal Factors, Perceptions, Influences and Their Relationship with Adherence Behaviors in Patients with Diabetes, Glenn E. Hagerstrom
Experiments on Redistribution, Trust, and Entitlements, Daniel T. Hall
Governance and HIV Prevalence in African Countries, Lod C. Hambanou
Opportunity to Rebel: The Effects of Unemployment Coupled with Ethnic Divided on the Onset of Civil Conflict, David R. Hamilton
Impact of Aging on Morphine Analgesia and Associated Changes in μ-Opioid Receptor Binding and Expression in the Ventrolateral Periaqueductal Gray, Richard l. Hanberry IV
Nadya Suleman and Kate Gosselin in the Media: Exploring Images of Motherhood and Reproductive Technology, Lisa A. Hanna
The Study of Literacy Coaching Observations and Interviews with Elementary Teachers, Rhonda S. Hayes
Living Together: Conservative Protestants and Cohabitation, Anthony E. Healy
Safe Routes to School: Launching the Program at Oak Grove Elementary School, Susan Henderson
Ford Madox Ford's Good Soldier in a Modern World, Constance Hinds
Catholicism and Community: American Political Culture and the Conservative Catholic Social Justice Tradition, 1890-1960, Jayna C. Hoffacker
Covert DCF - A DCF-Based Covert Timing Channel In 802.11 Networks, Russell Holloway
Exploring Environmental Service Auctions, William B. Holmes
Purification and Structural Characterization of a Novel Class of Protein- Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents, Kendra Lynette Hubbard
Autism, Social Comprehension, and Cognitive Impenetrability, Matthew E. Hudgens-Haney
The Poet and the "Temple of Delight": Allegory in "Ode on Melancholy" and Blake's "Songs", Stuart H. Hunt
Passing as Literate: Gender, Dyslexia, and the Shaping of Identities, Ellen Burns Hurst
To Forbear or not to Forbear? A Behavioral Perspective of Multimarket Competition, Ana Elisa A. Iglesias
The Lived Experience of Economically Disadvantaged, Black Students Attending Predominantly White, Elite Private Boarding Schools, Tameka R. Jackson
Essays in Experimental and Environmental Economics, Sarah Jacobson
The Failed NC-17 Rating, Screen Violence and Sexuality, and the Viability of the Current MPAA Ratings System, David Wesley James
Examining the Influence of Economic and Political Factors Upon Access to Improved Water and Sanitation in Select African Nations, 2005-2008, Dlorah C. Jenkins
Strategic Positioning: UNESCO's Use of Argumentation to Encourage a U.S. Return to Membership, Jared L. Johnson
An Analysis of Prominent Water Models by Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Quentin Ramon Johnson
J. R. R. Tolkien, War, and Nationalism, Amanda J. Johnston
Using Peer-Mediated Fluency Instruction to Address the Needs of Adolescent Struggling Readers, Nikki L. Josephs
Censoring Maps in Google China? Visual Analysis through Foucault't Power/Knowledge, Zhanar Karimbayeva
Associations of Race, Age, and Socioeconomic Status among Women with Prediabetes: An Examination of Nhanes Data 2005-2006 Regarding Prediabetes Risk, Rose T. Kattakayam
A Dichotomy Examined: Beginning Teach for America Educators Navigate Culturally Relevant Teaching and a Scripted Literacy Program in their Urban Classrooms, Kara M. Kavanagh
Voices of the Earth: A Phenomenological Study of Women in the Nation of Gods and Earths, Ahmon J. Keiler-Bradshaw
William Shakespeare's Parable of "Is" and "Seems": Ironies of God's Providence in Hamlet and Measure for Measure, Joseph L. Kelly
The Effects of Praise Notes on the Disruptive Behaviors of Elementary Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders in a Residential Setting, Christina N. Kennedy
A Novel Stable Model Computation Approach for General Dedcutive Databases, Komal Khabya
Essays on Agglomeration Trends in the U.S. Manufacturing Industries, 1988-2003, Abdullah Mahbuzzaman Khan
Injection Safety in Central Asia, Omer Khan
Examining the Mental Health of Public Housing Residents in Atlanta, Georgia, Christy Kill
A Novel Approach to Ontology Management, Jong Woo Kim
The Association between Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and the Risk of HIV/AIDS in Kenyan Girls and Women (15-49 Years), Rosemary G. Kinuthia
From Rivers to Gardens: The Ambivalent Role of Nature in My ?ntonia, O Pioneers!, and Death Comes to the Archbishop, Graham Kirkland
Opportunistic Adaptation and New Venture Growth: Exploring the Link between Cognition, Action and Growth, Andreea Kiss
Design and Synthesis of Novel Serotonin Receptor Ligands, Jeffrey D. Klenc
Mythos for the Mortal, Stephanie Elaine Kolpy
Epidemiology of Adiposity in Childbearing Ghanaian Women, Emma Roselyne Konan Mrs