Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Minimum Degree Conditions for Tilings in Graphs and Hypergraphs, Andrew Lightcap
Lean on me: Informal social networks and the prevention of intimate partner violence in sexual minority communities, Caroline A. Lippy
Modified Profile Likelihood Approach for Certain Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, Huayu Liu
The Role of Dividend Policy in Real Earnings Management, Nan Liu
Analysis of Dependently Truncated Sample Using Inverse Probability Weighted Estimator, Yang Liu
Re-imagining Arts-centered Inquiry as Pragmatic Instrumentalism, Leann F. Logsdon
Sounds Carefully Crafted: Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Literary Composition, Francisco Lopez
The Relationship Between Carbohydrate Restrictive Diets And Body Fat Percentage in the Female Athlete, Lauren L. Lorenzo
The effect of N-acetylcysteine supplementation on recovery of strength following eccentric muscle injury, Ryan C. Luke
Perceived Health Status, Source of Care and Health Outcomes of Individuals with Self-Reported Mental Disorders, Rita Marie W. Lumansoc Dr.
Parental Stress, Socioeconomic Status, Satisfaction with Services, and Family Quality of Life among Parents of Children Receiving Special Education Services, Heather F. Lundy
Nutrition Environment and Practices in Twenty-Four Child-Care Centers in Georgia, Joyce Maalouf
Mechanisms of Multistability in Neuronal Models, Tatiana Malashchenko
Effects of Exercise Training on Fat Oxidation in Untrained Overweight and Obese Females, Kelly Manning
Fraudulent Elections, Political Protests, and Regime Transitions, Alla Manukyan
"Yeah, I Drive an SUV, but I Recycle":The Cultural Foundations of Environmentally Significant Behavior, Gail L. Markle
Victim Offender Overlap in Intimate Partner Violence, Erin A. Marsh
Critical Thresholds for Sediment Mobility in an Urban Stream, Ross H. Martin
A Fregean Response to Moore and Altman, Sean S. Martin
Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Comedy: Finding the Humor in Rasselas through Ecclesiastes, Mary Katherine Mason
A New Jackknife Empirical Likelihood Method for U-Statistics, Zhengbo Ma
"At the Still Point of the Turning World", Faith M. McClure
"Now There's No Difference": Artificial Subjectivity as a Posthuman Negotiation of Hegel's Master/Slave Dialectic, Casey J. McCormick
Check, Connect, and Expect in a Self-Contained Setting for Elementary Students with Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Sara C. McDaniel
Haunting the House, Haunting the Page: The Spectral Governess in Victorian Fiction, Shane G. McGowan
Men Feel it too: An Examination of Body Image and Disordered Eating among Older Males, Amber S. Meadows
Disappearing Acts: The Mass Incarceration of African American Women, Christina Faye Meares
The Cultural Influence and Interpretation of Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, Joy M. Messerschmidt
Cyanine Dye Interactions with Quadruplex and Duplex DNA: Changes in Conformation, Stability, and Affinity, Leah E. Mickelson
A Phenomenological Case Study of a Principal Leadership: The Influence of Mr. Clark's Leadership on Students, Teachers and Administrators at Eastside High School, Olandha Pinky Miller
The Youth Party-Subculture: A Prerequisite for Adulthood Success?, Mollie V. Mills
Rhetoric and Rupture: A Theory of the Event, Robert Mills
Re-Membering Ancient Women: Hypatia of Alexandria and her Communities, Cara Minardi
Rational Requirements for Moral Motivation: The Psychopath's Open Question, Maria L. Montello
Allow the Music to Speak: A Portraiture Case Study of Pre-service Teachers' Experiences in a Music-Integrated Literacy Methods Course, Christi Moore
Factors That Influence Smoking Cessation in Women Following an Invasive Cardiovascular Procedure, Leslie C. Moore
Parental, Peer, and Tobacco Marketing Influences on Adolescent Smoking in South Africa, Reynolds A. Morrison
A Descriptive Review of Balamuthia and Non-Keratitis Acanthamoeba Cases in the United States, 1955-2009, Melanie A. Moser
Trios and Sexual Health: The Relation between a Cultural Specific Theory of Resiliency and Sexual Health Outcomes among Black Women, Mwende K. Mualuko
Visual Culture within Comprehensive Art Education and Elementary Art Curriculum, Amanda J. Muirheid
The Role of Frontal Lobe White Matter Integrity and Executive Functioning in Predicting Adaptive Functioning in Alzheimer's Disease, Matthew A. Mumaw
Negotiating Identity Among Second-Generation Indian Americans: A Collaborative Ethnography, Kelly E. Murray
Evaluation on Health Impact of Government Support for GER (Traditional Dwelling) District's Electricity Night Rates in Ulaanbaatar City, Erdenekhuu Nansalmaa
Risk and Visibility in Global Supply Chains: An Empirical Study, Hung V. Nguyen
Multiple Biolgical Sequence Alignment: Scoring Functions, Algorithms, and Evaluations, Ken D. Nguyen
Teaching Boys More Effectively in the Art Classroom: A Personal Investigation, Jessica Y. Nicula
Chemical Defenses of Aplysia Californica and Sensory Processing by Predatory Fishes, Matthew Nusnbaum
The Self-Calibration Method for Multiple Systems at the CHARA Array, David P. O'Brien
Steps to Evaluate the Emory Breast Center Cancer Education Class, Jillian B. Ogden
The Development of Ethnic Identity among African-American, African Immigrant and Diasporic African Immigrant University Students, Victor A. Ogundipe Jr.
Cost-Benefit Analysis of a Dosimetric Nebulizer Using Circulaire and aTraditional Vixone Nebulizer, Nwakaego C. Okere Ms
Paths to Peacebuilding: Amnesty and the Niger Delta Violence, Benjamin A. Okonofua
An Exploratory Study: Perceptions of Power Dynamics and Sexual Decision-Making among College-Age African American Women, LaTisha Oliver
Igniting my Creative Process, Stephanie E. Olson
Hagiography, Teratology, and the "History" of Michael Jackson, Kelly M. O'Riley
Prevalence and Correlates of Suicidal Ideation Among Students in sub-Saharan Africa, Jane B. Palmier
Assessment of the Sustained Financial Impact of Risk Engineering Service on Insurance Claims Costs, Bobby I. Parker Mr.
Nurses' Posttraumatic Stress, Level of Exposure, and Coping Five Years After Hurricane Katrina, Wendy Park
The Investigation of Prosocial Behavior in a Tool Task by Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus Apella), Audrey E. Parrish
Rethinking Legal Retribution, Stephen Parsley
Discordance of Drug Susceptibility Test Data between the CDC Mycobacteriology Laboratory and Local Public Health Laboratories Participating in Tuberculosis Clinical Trials, TBTC, CDC, Anne Havilah Patala
Repetitive Acts Now, Leigh K. Peacock Ms.
An Evaluation of the Client Navigator Program for Enhanced Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Underserved Women in the State of Georgia, Danielle M. Pendrick
An Exploration of Pathological Gambling Among Diverse Populations, Ayana N. Perkins
Walker Percy and the Magic of Naming: The Semeiotic Fabric of Life, Karey L. Perkins
The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts. NGO-Business Partnerships in International Cooperation, Susanna Perko
Competing Image Vernaculars in the Anti-lynching Movement of the 1930's, Samuel P. Perry
Telling Stories About Monsters Through Art, Megan L. Peterson
Rescuing Inclusive Legal Positivism from the Charge of Inconsistency, Cindy L. Phillips
The Relation between Perceived and Real Obesity in School Children from Georgia, Kartik Pillai
Conscious Living: A Look at Two Low-Impact Intentional Communities, Carmen S. Price
The Relationship between Stress, Cortisol Reactivity and Memory Performance in Younger and Older Adults, Jessica L. Pruitt
Targeted Molecular MR Imaging of HER2 and EGFR Using De Novo Designed Protein Contrast Agents, Jingjuan Qiao
Finding their Place in the World: Meiji Intellectuals and the Japanese Construction of an East-West Binary, 1868-1912, Masako N. Racel
Tactics, Politics, and Propaganda in the Irish War of Independence, 1917-1921, Mike Rast
A Critical Discourse Analysis of the Marketing of Merck & Co.'s Human Papillomavirus Vaccine Gardasil®, Malika A. Redmond
Stability Selection of the Number of Clusters, Gabriella v. Reizer
Group Leadership of Experienced Middle School Counselors, Robert E. Rice
Student Perceptions of Engagement in Schools: A Deweyan Analysis of Authenticity in High School Classrooms, Gloria D. Richards Perry
Becoming the Generalized Other: An Analysis of the Narratives of Teach for America Teacher-Bloggers, Neil J. Rigole
La Autohagiografía En La Edad Media: Teresa De Cartagena, Santa, Allison A. Riley
Protein-Nucleic Acid Interactions in Nuclease and Polymerases, abdur rob
Veiled Politics: Legitimating the Burqa Ban in the French Press, Anne Roberts
Synthesis and Characterization of Metal Nanoclusters Stabilized by Dithiolates, Donald A. Robinson III
Building an Information Management System for Emergency Preparedness and Response to Promote Assurance: A Case Study of the Fulton County Department of Health and Wellness, Judith A. Robinson
The Sermonic Urge: Postsecular Sermons in Contemporary American Fiction, Peter W. Rorabaugh
The Old Biology Book, Michele E. Rozga
Teachers and English Language Learners Experiencing the Secondary Mainstream Classroom: A Case Study, Amanda M. Ruiz