Theses/Dissertations from 2010
The Interrelationships among Coping Resources, Gender Role Stree, Self-Efficacy, and Anxiety in University Women Enrolled in Graduate Counseling Programs, Jessica B. Kordansky
"...And, If You Have a Class Like That, I'd Like To Sign Up!": Beginning Teachers Navigating the Constraints of Teaching Literacy in a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse, Professional Development School, Katharine S. Kurumada
Student Participation in Mathematics Discourse in a Standards-based Middle Grades Classroom, Brian S. Lack
Bhaktivedanta Swami's American Scripture, Christa Marie Lasher
Reducing Automatic Stereotype Activation: Mechanisms and Moderators of Situational Attribution Training, Ioana M. Latu
The Radical Voice in the Rhetoric of the Tea Party Movement, Joel M. Lemuel
The Political Economy of Federal Assistance: Demand-Side Determinants of New Awards in the 110th Congress, Matthew A. Lenard
Cox Model Analysis with the Dependently Left Truncated Data, Ji Li
Synthesis, Structure, Function and Biomedical Studies of Nucleic Acid Derivatized with Selenium, Lina Lin
Semi-Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for the ROC Curve with Missing Data, Xiaoxia Liu
Elevated BMI-associated Characteristics of Patients with Invasive MRSA Infection in the Atlanta, Georgia Metro Area, 2005-2008, Lauren R. Lorentzson
A Woman's Touch in F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night: Pulling the Women Out of the Background, Merry B. Luong
Can We Be Forgiven?: On "Impossible" and "Communal" Forgiveness in Contemporary Philosophy and Theology, Joshua Scott Lupo
Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Accelerated Failure Time Model via Kendall Estimating Equation, Yinghua Lu
Amnesia y Nostalgia, Una Odisea Africana y Española: La Inmigración Africana En La Espana Contemporanea Como Vista En Tres Representaciones Fílmicas Españolas, Lorraine Anne Lynch
A SWOT Analysis of the Protecting Pedestrians on the Move Project, Victoria Rock Lynch
Understanding the Health Beliefs of First Time Mothers who Request an Elective Cesarean versus Mothers who Request a Vaginal Delivery, Deborah T. MacMillan
Functional Substrates of Social Odor Processing within the Corticomedial Amygdala: Implications for Reproductive Behavior in Male Syrian Hamsters, Pamela Mary Maras
An Exploratory Examination of Afghan Women Socio Economic Status (SES) and Child Health Indicator, Zakia Maroof
An Examination of the Socio-Demographic Characteristics Associated with Adult Vaccination Prevalence for Preventable Diseases in the United States, Jessica Mastrodomenico
Differential Gene Expression in Bugula Neritina during Symbiotic Association with "Candidatus Endobugula Sertula", Meril Mathew
Defining the Role of Rubella Virus Nonstructural Proteins in Replication Complex Assembly and Fiber Formation, Jason D. Matthews
A Case Study Examination of Culturally Relevant Pedagogical Practices for English- Language Learners in a Pre-Kindergarten Classroom Setting, Lisa Anne Matthews
Development of a Novel DNA Microchip for Pathogen Detection, Khin Lay Maw
Preservice Teachers' Use of Lesson Study in Teaching Nature of Science, Amy McDowell
"Our Good and Faithful Servant": James Moore Wayne and Georgia Unionism, Joel C. McMahon
A Monte Carlo Study of Fit Indices in Hierarchical Linear Models, Kelly McMurray
"Sugarman Done Fly Away": Kindred Threads of Female Madness and Male Flight in the Novels of Toni Morrison and Classical Greek Myth, Ebony O. McNeal
Scrapworthy Lives: A Cognitive Sociological Analysis of a Modern Narrative Form, Stephanie R. Medley-Rath
Borders and Barriers: Perspectives on Aging and Alternative Medicine Among Transnational North Indian Immigrants, Kanan B. Mehta
Early Epigenetic Regulation of the Adaptive Immune Response Gene CIITA, Ninad T. Mehta
Liminal Resistances: Local Subjections in my Story, Vidheyan, and the God of Small Things, priya menon
Study of Cyanine Dye Binding to Amino Acids and Its Analytical Utility, Yonathan Merid
Effects of Sexual Abuse and Cultural Coping on African American Parent-Child Relationships: Implications for Intervention, Alana K. Miller-Clayton
History in the Making: The Impact of Ideology in Lynne Cheney's Children's Books, Samuel Miller
The Revolving Door: How Leaders Push Teacher Turnover, Suzanne B. Miller
"Cooking with Love": Food, Gender, and Power, Melinda Anne Mills
Initiation in the Novellas of Henry James, Collyn E. Milsted
Refugees in DeKalb County: A Capstone Project, Andrew C. Moore
Design, Synthesis and Mechanistic Studies of Small Molecule Inhibitors of the Hypoxia Inducible Factor Pathway, Suazette Reid Mooring
The Brain on Ritual: How Tantric Puja Shapes the Mind, Sherry Lynn Morton
Perceptions and Experiences in Elijah Muhammad's Economic Program: Voices from the Pioneers, Nafeesa Haniyah Muhammad
An Auto-Ethnographic Study of a Novice Itinerant Art Teacher, Kimberly A. Muhlheim
The Relationship Between Risky Behaviors, Individual Characteristics, and Sexual Revictimization Among College Women, Sadie J. Mummert
Decisions as Performatives, Dylan Murray
"How Silence Best Can Speak": The Distrust of Speech in George Meredith's Modern Love, Ellen J. Murray
Heterocyclic Cations as Potential Anticancer Agents: An Approach that Targets G-quadruplex with Different Binding Modes, Caterina Livia Musetti
Human-Computer Interface Design for Online Tutoring: Visual Rhetoric, Pedagogy, and Writing Center Websites, Alice J. Myatt
Quorum Sensing Inhibitory Activities of Various Folk-Medicinal Plants and the Thyme-tetracycline Effect., Maria M. Nagy
Sequence-Specific and Conformation-Specific Targeting of Duplex and Quadruplex DNA Grooves with Small Molecules, Rupesh K. Nanjunda
Mechanism (S) of Metal-Induced Apoptosis in Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, Amrita Mohan Nargund
Halftime Hydration and Snacking Practices in Collegiate and Professional Basketball and Football Players, Desiree L. Nathanson
Pogg'es Institutional Cosmopolitanism, Scott Nees
What Do They Expect? A Study of the Rhetoric of Job Expectations for First Post-College Jobs Found on Career Webpages of Gender-Dominant Organizations, Catherine Franklin Neiner
A Joint Reading of the Color Purple and the Awakening: From Feminism to Womanism and the Significance of Authentic Feminine Space, Catthuan L. Nguyen
Application of Boronic Acids in Medicinal Chemistry (Inhibitors, Sensors), Nanting Ni
Anatomy and Physiology of the Nucleus Paragigantocellularis: Neural Regulation of Genital Reflexes in Male and Female Rats, Joseph Jeremy Normandin
Health Care Disparities and Chronic Disease Burden: Policy Implications for NGOs, Stella S. Obot
Social Transformation in Divided Societies: Willingness to Integrate Post-Power Sharing Agreement: The Northern Ireland Case, Elizabeth A. O'Callaghan
The Effects of Selective Estrogenic Drugs in the Medial Amygdala on Male Rat Sexual Behavior, Ejiroghene V. Ogaga-Mgbonyebi
The Impact of Performance Ratings on Federal Personnel Decisions, Seong Soo Oh
Ties That Bind, Jessica Marie Orlowski
Narratives of Social Change in Rural Buryatia, Russia, Luis Ortiz-Echevarria
Thomas De Quincey's Retreat into the "Nilotic Mud": Orientalism as a Response to Social Strain, Patrick W. Osborne
The Indirect Effects of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: An Empirical Analysis of Familias En Accion, Monica P. Ospina
A Hermeneutical Examination of Creation in Islam at Georgia State University, Ndola M'Balia Owuo-Hagood
Injection Safety Patient Notification Communication Toolkit, Brian J. Panasuk
The Political Benefits of Decentralization: Multi-tier Governments, Multi-level Elections, and Regime Stability, Attasit Pankaew
The Relationship between Nature of Science Understandings and Science Self-Efficacy Beliefs of Sixth Grade Students, Elisabeth A. Parker
The Pink Passenger, Samuel Tovarisch Parker
Assessment of Existing Mercury Fact Sheets for Development of a Revised Mercury Fact Sheet, Subash C. Patel
Bead Modeling of Transport Properties of Macromolecules in Free Solution and in a Gel, Hongxia Pei
Differences in Parental Expectations and Interactions of African American Mothers with a History of Substance Dependence, Ayana N. Perkins
A Comparative Analysis of the Attitudes towards People Living with HIV/AIDS between Haiti and the Dominican Republic, Georges Perrin
How Does Engagement Risk and the Focus of the PCAOB Inspection Process Influence Internal Auditors' Reliance Decisions?, Julie A. Petherbridge
Bend, Break, Robert R. Pfeiffer
Nurses' Use of Hazardous Drug Safe Handling Precautions, Martha Polovich
An Examination of the Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Perceptions of Cycling among Students at Georgia State University, Nancy B. Pope
The Fashioning of Fanny Fern: A Study of Sara Willis Parton's Early Career, 1851-1854, Amy S. Porche
The Effect of Post Event Processing on Response to Exposure Therapy among those with Social Anxiety Disorder, Matthew Price
Eating Disorder Narratives: Personal Experiences of Anorexia and Bulimia, Veronica Ashley Przybyl
A Framework for Group Modeling in Agent-Based Pedestrian Crowd Simulations, Fasheng Qiu
The Optical and Radio Properties of a Low-Redshift Sample of Broad-lined Active Galactic Nuclei, Stephen E. Rafter
Data Aggregation through Web Service Composition in Smart Camera Networks, Jayampathi S. Rajapaksage
Using Function-Based Choice-Making Interventions to Increase Task Completion and Accuracy and to Reduce Problem Behaviors for Students with E/BD, Michelle L. Ramsey
Early Medieval Rhetoric: Epideictic Underpinnings in Old English Homilies, Jennifer M. Randall
Synthesis of Selective 5-HT6 and 5-HT7 Receptor Antagonists, Elizabeth A. Raux
Investigating the Relationship between IT and Organizations: A Research Trilogy, Benoit Raymond
The Relationship between Subjective Memory and Objective Cognition, Depression, and Anxiety by Dementia Status, Nia MaLika Reed
The Mehmooni and Diasporic Iranian Identities in Atlanta, Tina Rezvani
Mass Media's Relationship with Adolescents' Values and Behaviors: A Theory of Mediated Valueflection, Melanie Burleson Richards
Recovering Hyperbole: Re-Imagining the Limits of Rhetoric for an Age of Excess, Joshua R. Ritter
"Now I Turn the Remainder of the Service into the Hands of the Pulpit": Leadership in an African American Church, Kaniqua Robinson