Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Reading 9/11 in 21st Century Apocalyptic Horror Films, Colby D. Williams
Optical Spectroscopy of Massive Binary Stars, Stephen J. Williams
From Orators to Cyborgs: The Evolution of Delivery, Performativity, and Gender, Victoria E. Willis
The Determinants of Private Contributions and Government Grants to Nonprofit Organizations, Amanda Lori Wilsker
Risk Factor Clustering Among Adolescents Infected with or At-Risk for Chlamydia: A descriptive study, Elizabeth R. Wilson
Regulating Healthy Gender: Surgical Body Modification among Transgender and Cisgender Consumers, Elroi J. Windsor
Ballads, Culture and Performance in England 1640-1660, Sarah Page Wisdom
Nietzsche's Causally Efficacious Account of Consciousness, Bradley Wissmueller
Connecting the Old with the New: Developing a Podcast Usability Heuristic from the Canons of Rhetoric, Laurissa J. Wolfram
Simulation Video Games as Learning Tools: An Examination of Instructor Guided Reflection on Cognitive Outcomes, Kevin R. Wood
Improvements for Differential Functioning of Items and Tests (DFIT): Investigating the Addition of Reporting an Effect Size Measure and Power, Keith D. Wright
Development of Inhibitors and Assay Methods for Histone Acetyltransferases, Jiang Wu
Non-Classical Protein Secretion and Transcriptome Studies during Stationary Phase of Bacillus Subtilis, Chun-Kai Yang
Exploring Second Language Writing Teacher Cognition, Nur Yigitoglu
Rational Design and Development of Anti-Angiogenic Protein Agents, Lu Yin
The Political Impact of Quality of Life, Ryan M. Yonk
Mechanistic Studies of Two Selected Flavin-Dependent Enzymes: Choline Oxidase and D-Arginine Dehydrogenase, Hongling Yuan
Channels of Adjustment in Labor Markets: The 2007-2009 Federal Minimum Wage Increase, Tetyana Zelenska
Discrimination of High Risk and Low Risk Populations for the Treatment of STDs, Hui Zhao
Imagining Queerness: Sexualities in Underground Films in the Contemporary P. R. China, Jin Zhao
Treatment Comparison in Biomedical Studies Using Survival Function, Meng Zhao
Statistical Inferences for the Youden Index, Haochuan Zhou
Estimation of the Optimal Threshold Using Kernel Estimate and ROC Curve Approaches, Zi Zhu
South African Youth and Parents: A Mixed-Methods Examination of Family Communication about Sex, HIV, and Violence, Lindsey Zimmerman
Professional Development, Writer's Workshop and Identity: A Case Study of Women Elementary School Teachers Using Writing as Resistance, Karla J. Zisook
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Energy-Efficient Data Management in Wireless Sensor Networks, Chunyu Ai
Looking in the Crystal Ball: Determinants of Excess Return, Kokou S. Akolly
An Empirical Analysis of the Determinants of Project Finance: Cash Flow Volatility and Correlation, Zinat S. Alam
Art for the Home-Schooled Student: A Document Analysis of Art Curricula Commonly Used by Georgia Home-Schoolers, Audrey L. Albright
The Shia Migration from Southwestern Iran to Kuwait: Push-Pull Factors during the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries, Mohammad E. Alhabib
Comparison of Albuterol Delivery between High Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation and Conventional Mechanical Ventilation in a Simulated Adult Lung Model using Different Compliance Levels, Waleed A. Alzahrani
The Health Workers Crises In Cameroon, Adidja Amani
Food Store Audits: Examining Food Price, Availability, and Quailty, Before and After Relocation of Public Housing Residents, Anjenique Anderson
The Effects of High Density Septic Systems on Surface Water Quality in Gwinnett County, Georgia, John R. Anderson II
William Apess and Sherman Alexie: Imagining Indianness in (Non)Fiction, Gabriel M. Andrews
The Relationship of Personal Characteristics, Behavorial Capability, Environmental Factors, and Hypertension Medication Adherence in African American Adults with Metabolic Syndrome, Karen Andrea Armstrong
Die Selbstkonstruktion Des Fiktiven Serienmörders Als Grundlage Der Narratologischen Grenzsetzung- Und Überschreitung, Johanna Asmuss
Analysis of Four-word Lexical Bundles in Published Resesarch Articles Written by Turkish Scholars, Betul Bal
Health Disparities in a Diverse County: Investigating Interactions between Residents and Neighborhoods, John P. Barile
Modeling Phonological Processing for Children with Mild Intellectual Disabilities: The Relationship between Underlying Phonological Abilities and Associated Language Variables, Robert Michael Barker
Acculturative Stress and Gang Involvement among Latinos: U.S.-born versus Immigrant Youth, Alice N. Barrett
The Ministry of Passion and Meditation: Robert Southwell's Marie Magdalens Funeral Teares and the Adaptation of Continental Influences, Mark Russell Benedict
The Use and Knowledge of Olive Oil and Other Lipids in a Collegiate Student Population, Samir Benyazza
A Sacred People: Roman Identity in the Age of Augustus, Edwin M. Bevens
Roles of the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System and Mono-ubiquitination in Regulating MHC class II Transcription, Kavita Purnanda Bhat
Aspects of Tax Spillovers: Is There a "Worldwide" Tax Burden?, Sandeep Bhattacharya
Successful White Mathematics Teachers of African American Students, Carla R. Bidwell
Virtual Dynamic Tunnel: A Target-Agnostic Assistive User Interface Algorithm for Head-Operated Input Devices, Ferrol R. Blackmon
Synthesis of Substituted Pyrimidines and Pyridines as Ligands to the 5-HT7 Receptor, Ava L. Blake
Stories from a Chair: A Life Exquisite, Jessica Elaine Blinkhorn
Effects of Heat and Moisture Exchangers Designed to Allow Aerosol Delivery on Airflow Resistance and Aerosol Deposition, William Sonny Bowers II
Measuring the Effective Wavelength of CHARA Classic, Emily Collins Bowsher
"They Need Labels": Contemporary Institutional and Popular Frameworks for Gender Variance, Ophelia Bradley
Ontology and Knowledge Base of Brittle Deformation Microstructures for the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD) Core Samples, Cynthia Marie Broda
Filling Gaps in the Schoolhouse Floor: The Differential Effects of Graduation-Targeted Intervention Services on 11th Grade Academic Achievement in 2008-2009, Jessica A. Broome
Synthesis of Fused Heterocyclic Diamidines for the Treatment of Human African Trypanosomiasis and Fluorescence Studies of Selected Diamidines, Jennifer Crystal Brown Barber
The Pleiadic Age of Stuart Poesie: Restoration Uranography, Dryden's Judicial Astrology, and the Fate of Anne Killigrew, Morgan Alexander Brown
Technology Resolved: An Ethnographic Approach to Instructional Design within Urban Middle School Debate, Dana Bryant
Delivery of Asthma Management Services by a Federally Qualified Health Center in an Urban Setting, Tyra T. Buckley
Promoting Older Adults' Health through Policy, Pamela L. Buckmaster
The Effect of Different Interfaces on Aerosol Delivery in Simulated Spontaneously Breathing Adult with Tracheostomy, Alaa Ahmed Bugis
Dworkinian Liberalism & Gay Rights: A Defense of Same-Sex Relations, Ngoc Quang H. Bui
Fish from Deep Water, Monica R. Burchfield
We Must Grow Our Own Artists: Mary-Russell Ferrell Colton, Northern Arizona's Early Art Educator, William James Burns
Marx, Economic Sustainability, and Ideal Capital, Sean Cashel Bustard
Racial Uplift and Self-Determination: The African Methodist Episcopal Church and its Pursuit of Higher Education, Shannon A. Butler-Mokoro
Evaluating Changes in Attentional Biases following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Social Phobia, Martha R. Calamaras
Nature Et Fonction Du Portrait Chez Molière : Le Misanthrope Et Le Tartuffe, Anemarie Calin
Effectiveness of a Computer-Based Syntax Program in Improving the Morphosyntax of Students Who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Joanna Erin Cannon
The Relationship between Omega-3 Fatty Acid Intake and Muscle Soreness in Collegiate Rowers, Danica R. Carswell
Examination of the Mental Health and Family Dynamics in Caribbean Immigrants using the National Survey of American Life, Brian D. Carter
Environmental Worldview and Faith in Science as Moderators of the Relationship between Beliefs about and Attitudes toward Nuclear Energy, Adam D. Carton
Factors Affecting Bone Mineral Density in Elite Female Runners, Maureen E. Cartoon
Hot versus Cold Processing in Moral Judgment and the Role of Cognitive Capacity, Sarah Cavrak
Long-Term Effects of Bullying: Exploring the Relationships among Recalled Experiences with Bullying, Current Coping Resources, and Reported Symptoms of Distress, Courtney Brooke Chambless
Enhanced Web Search Engines with Query-Concept Bipartite Graphs, Yan Chen
Government Funding and INGO Autonomy: From Resource Dependence and Tool Choice Perspectives, Grace L. Chikoto
Essays in Health Economics: A Focus on the Built Environment, Thomas James Christian
Agricultural Commodity Futures and Farmland Investment: A Regional Analysis, John S. Clements III
Microvariability of the Blazar 3C279, Hannah M. Clemmons
Rational Drug Design for Neglected Diseases: Implementation of Computational Methods to Construct Predictive Devices and Examine Mechanisms, Catharine Jane Collar
Framing Autism Causes and Prevelance: A Content Analysis of Television Evening News Coverage--1994 Through April 2010, Angela S. Colson
The Ties that Bind: The Role of Place in Racial Identity Formation, Social Cohesion, Accord, and Discord in Two Historic, Black Gentrifying Atlanta Neighborhoods, Barbara Harris Combs
[Redacted Text] and Surveillance: An Ideographic Analysis of the Struggle between National Security and Privacy, Eric M. Connelly
Changing the Traditional High School Photography Curriculum: Integrating Traditional and Digital Technologies, Julie A. Cooper
Cultural Play at the Crazy Horse Colossus: Narrative, Thomas M. Cornwell
Where my Girls at?: The Interpellation of Women in Gangsta Hip-Hop, Chanel R. Craft
An After School Program to Reduce Teen Violence, Recidivism, and Prepare Teens for the Workplace in Douglas County, Georgia, Christina E. Crane
Adapting to Incarceration: Inmate Perceptions of Prison Life and Adjustment, Beverly Reece Crank
Kant's Use of Transcendental Arguments, Thomas Wayne Cudney
Applied Cognition in Reading: An Analysis of Reading Comprehension in Secondary School Students, Joshua A. Cuevas
Evaluating the Influence of Participaiton in a Diverse High School-Based Group Mentoring Program, Lawanda Cummings
The Effects of Rent Assignment on Long-Lived Public Goods in Exhaustible Resource Economies, Musharraf R. Cyan
Examination of Perceived Norms and Masculinity Threat as Predictors of College Men's Behavioral Intentions as Bystanders in a Party Gang Rape Situation, Doyanne A. Darnell
Alcohol Misuse and Depressive Symptomology among Males with a History of Service in the U.S. Armed Forces, Ashley Davis