Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Ghostwriting as a Critical Lens: Authorship and Attribution in Professional and Academic Contexts, Charles Grimm
An Educational Intervention Addressing Postpartum Depression and Help-Seeking Behavior: A Pilot Study, Brittany G. Grissette
Expanding the Search for the Pulse of Jupiter, Deborah Gulledge
Choose Your Own Adventure!, Jordan Gum
Decoding Mutual Fund Performance: Dynamic Return Patterns via Deep Learning, Xuxi Guo
The Information Content of High School Courses: How Early Exposure to STEM Impacts Future Decisions, Phillip E. Gustafson
Identifying Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and its Symptoms: a Diffusion Tensor Imaging Machine Learning Study, Olivia Haller
Goffman's On Grindr?: Presentation of Self Among Nonbinary Users, Samuel Hammer
Examining Workplace Informal Learning, Years of Professional Experience, and Occupational Self-Efficacy among University Information and Communications Technology Workers, Charles Edgar Hampton
Polyvictimization: Exploring Correlates and Consequences, Katelyn Hancock
Notions of Blackness: English Ideas Perpetuated Within A Colonial Empire, Peyton S. Hankins
Essays on Female Employment and Labor Policies in South Korea, Kukhee Han
Secondary & Collegiate English Composition Education in Turkey: a Case Study of History and Present State, Haris U. Haq
Essays on Urban Disinvestment & Neighborhood Displacement, Austin Harrison
Women of the West: Voices from the Home Front of the Crusades, Samantha Harvel
Risk Factors of Sexual Assault Victimization within the U.S. Military, Katherine Hebrank
An Examination of Consent and Experiences of Sexual Violence Among Queer and Transgender People in Atlanta, Laura Hernandez
Sustainable Investing: Navigating the Inefficiencies of an Inefficient Market, Dale Herndon
Power, Domesticity, and Insanity: Gender Roles in Mary Elizabeth Braddon's Lady Audley's Secret, Danielle Hestand
Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas: Examining the Influence of Postsecondary Education, Cathy Hill
Jet-Like Correlations in 200GeV Au+Au Collisions, Anthony Hodges
An Investigation of the Professional Socialization Phase and Grading in Physical Education, Casey I. Hollibaugh
“Better Than We Found It”: A Persuasive Narrative & Its Impact, Alexandra Holzworth
The Role of Self Compassion in the Relationship between Perfectionism and Suicide, Jihee Hong
The Importance of Fitting In: Investigating the Role of Protein Dynamics in DNA Sequence Specificity, Kenneth Huang
Assessing the Prevalence of Anemia Post COVID-19 Infection in Adult Members of a Southeastern Integrated Healthcare System, Alexander F. Hudgins IV
Pharmacist of the Bench, Levi Wayne Hudson
Reestablishing Organizational Stability Through Leading Resilience: Avoiding the Maelstrom of Personal Distress Caused by an Organizational Disruption, Wallace Andrew Huey Jr
Self-Mutilation as Nonverbal Communication in Young Adult Literature, Morgan L. Hunter
The Effect of Ketone on β-aminopropionitrile-induced Vascular Remodeling, Abdulgafar Ibrahim
Image Frames, Cascading Activation, and Formation of Foreign Policy: A Case Study of the 2012 Benghazi Attacks, Michael Jablonski
Peacemakers, Patrons, & Politics: How International Mediation Leads to Local-Level Change in Protracted Conflicts, Christopher Jackson
Fiction, History, Feelings: American Africanism and the Market of Feelings in US Historical Novels, History Textbooks and Teaching Methods, 1892 – 1998, Joshua R. Jackson
“I’m not your SISTA”: An Intersectional Exploration of Queer Black Women’s Experiences in LGBT+ Nightlife in the United Kingdom, Monisha Jackson
A Qualitative Case Study of the Influence of Action Research on the Teaching Practices of Novice Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Teresa I. Jackson
Representations of Southern Tourism Imaginaries and Negotiations of Difficult History in Plantation Site Interpretation, Elizabeth C. Johnson
Infinite Monkeys: Nietzsche and the Cruel Optimism of Personal Immortality, Robert Johnson
Peer Tutoring in a High School Writing Center: A Phenomenological Study, Thomas Jolly
Digital Tales from the Cutting-Room Floor: Learning How to Design Instruction from Latinas, Afro-Latinas, and Black Women in Tech, Renee D. Jordan
Essays On Public Debt Management: An Exploration Of State Oversight Of Local Government Debt Issuance, Justina Jose
Implicit Bias Before and During COVID-19 Epidemics Among US Healthcare Providers, Taina Joseph
Evaluation Of Prognostic Role Of Kinesin Family Member C1 And Its Downstream Molecular Partners In Aggressive Breast Cancer Subtypes, Shriya P. Joshi
Intersections: Black female school leaders' lived experiences of leading and mothering Black children, Rolandria N. Justice-Emenuga
Sin With Me, Nicholas Kakavas
"Cuz It's in My Blood": Bilingual Latinx Youth, Their Decolonial Visions, and the Coyolxauhqui Imperative for Educators, A. Jyoti Kaneria
Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on Inclusive Growth and Employment, Hyojung Kang
Risk Analysis and Uncertainty Quantification in Insurance Ratemaking, Seul Ki Kang
Characterizing Temporal Dynamics of Isotope and Ion Chemistry in Groundwater Across a Barrier Island as Influenced by Rainfall and Tidal Cycles, Galapitagedara Subhashi Karunarathne
Multi-omics Approaches to Study Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Metastasis, Jaspreet Kaur
Genetic Models for Long-Term Neurocognitive Outcomes in Pediatric Medulloblastoma and Traumatic Brain Injury, Rella J. Kautiainen
Stories of Exile: The Construction of Trans Athletes as a Political Category, Jordan Keesler
Increasing the Accessibility of Archaeological Education: Exploring the Possibilities of Inquiry-Based Pedagogy Through Collections Research, Aspen Kemmerlin
Bosses, Mobs, and Trash: A Transactional Approach to Videogame Narrative through Cooposition, William Kemp-Wilcox
A Practical Conception of the Kantian Bifurcation, Nikolaus Kennelly
Towards Complete Ocular Disease Diagnosis in Color Fundus Image, Aashis Khanal
Finding Lost Voices: An Archaeological Study of Historic, African American Burial Sites in North Georgia, Ayesha Khan
Effective Online Instruction Through the Community of Inquiry Framework: An Exploratory Study in Kinesiology, Gi Cheol Kim
A Defense of Algorithmic Homuncularism, Spencer Kinsey
Plantasia's Daughter: An Intersectional Approach to Environmental Education Organizations Through Diverse Hiring Practices, Milka Kiriaku
Wax and Mortality: A Transhistorical Study on Wax in Artistic Depictions of Death, Mary Kirkpatrick
Neuropathogenesis of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Mice, Pratima Kumari
"It's Always a Combination of Things": An Intersectional Approach to Post-Migration Discrimination and Mental Health in Refugee Women, Jessica L. Kumar
Stakeholder Governance: Empirical and Theoretical Developments, Sarah Ku
Development of an LC-MS/MS Method For Evaluating Lipid Lowering Drug Use and Reporting in Medical Records, Jennifer Kusovschi
A Review and Analysis of Instructional Design Competencies, Molly Lance
Examining Student Engagement with Safe Dates, Nickolas R. Langley
Influence of Social Support and Family Resources on Workload, Capacity, and Depressive Symptoms in Parents of Children with Medical Complexity, Patricia R. Lawrence
Political Religion and the American Dream, Ruben A. Lebron Villegas
Epidemic Vulnerability Index: Vaccine Dissemination Criteria for Successful Resolution to Epidemics, Hunmin Lee
Semantic Structure based Query Graph Prediction for Question Answering over Knowledge Graph, Mingchen Li
Nonprofits for Nonprofits: Three Essays on Nonprofit Infrastructure Organizations, Qiaozhen Liu
Profiling Substrates of HECT and RBR Type E3 Ligases by Orthogonal Ubiquitin Transfer Cascade, Ruochuan Liu
Towards Robust and Interpretable Deep Learning, Xiang Li
Notch-1 Mediates Epithelial-Mucosal Healing During Murine Colitis Recovery Phase, Latika Luthra
Georgia Immigrant Voices: Intersecting Texts and Testimonies, Maria Demetra Mackas
Spatio-temporal Deep Learning Architectures for Data-Driven Learning of Brain’s Network Connectivity, Usman Mahmood
Towards General AI using Continual, Active Learning in Large and Few Shot Domains, Jaya Krishna Mandivarapu
A Case Study Exploring Ethnomathematics' Effects on Students' Cultural and Historical Literacies in a Virtual Classroom, Kimbeni Mansion
Single Molecule Fluorescence Imaging of Nanoconfinement in Porous Materials, Nourhan Mansour
Decolonial Connectivity: A Study Abroad Program in Mexico, Beth Marks
Factors That Impacted Biology Student Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Aliyah Martin