Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Discourse Framing Educational Policy in the Quasi-Public Sphere: The Case of the Atlanta Beltline Tax Allocation District, Anne E. Martin
Innocent Preferences in Hume's Morality, Shaharyar Masood
Functional and Immune Characterization of the Gonococcal Zinc Importer TdfJ, Stavros Maurakis
Factors Affecting Healthcare Access Among Diverse Populations: Implications for the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond, Michelle Mavreles Ogrodnick
Expert Cognition During Proof Construction Using the Principle of Mathematical Induction, Catrina May
Inside the Box: A Case Study of How Spatial Rhetoric in High School Computer Science Curricula Inhibited the Acquisition of Technology Competence, Bernadette A. Mc Adam
Calcium Sensing Via The Calcium-Sensing Receptor and Designed Calcium Sensors, Cheyenne T. McBean
Filling in the Gap: A quantitative analysis of dental restoration types among body donors of Asian descent at the Mann-Labrash Osteological Collection, Melissa Bernadette Romero McCarthy
Student Success According to Whom? A Black Aesthetics-Informed Critical Multimodal Discourse Analysis, Natasha McClendon
Impact of ethanol on regulated cell death Crithidia Fasciculata, Morgan McCraw
Identifying Neural Correlates of Positive and Negative Empathy in Middle Childhood, Erin McDonald
Does Humility Help in Cross-Cultural Adaptation?: Exploring Effects of Humility Alongside Acculturation and Enculturation, Aaron Mclaughlin
Academic Enabling Behaviors of Students with an Intellectual Disability in Inclusive Postsecondary Education Programs, Katherine McLendon
Is Dominance One Size Fits All?: The Influence of Face-Type and Emotional Expression on Memory, Ashley M. Meacham
Ethnogenesis in Italian America: The View From the Homeland, Christian Meehan
The Dynamics of Narrow Line Region Outflows in Nearby Active Galaxies, Beena Meena
Essays on Environmental Economics, Xiangyu Meng
The Spectral Energy Distributions of Active Galactic Nuclei with Direct Black Hole Mass Measurements, Rachael Merritt
Adult Literacy and Educational Attainment, Christine Miller
What Makes Trans Lives More Livable?: An Intersectional Content Analysis of #WeHappyTrans* and #TheGenderTag, Jordan F. Miller
Formulation and Production of Collagen Targeting Protein MRI Contrast Agent for Early Detection of Liver Cancer and fibrosis, Brenda-Ruth Mimba
The Seven Valleys, Darya Mojtahedzadeh Fard
Mechanistic Investigation of a Non-Catalytic Gating Residue in NADH:Quinone Oxidoreductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PA01, Bilkis Mehrin Moni
Examining The Longitudinal Effects of Father Incarceration on Children?s Reading and Socioemotional Outcomes, Chelsea V. Moodie
Evaluation of Personal Protective Equipment against Bacteriophage Bioaerosols, Jamari Moore
Getting Carded: A Micro-Foucauldian History of the School Report Card, 1835-1935, Wade Hampton Morris
Towards Data-centric Artificial Intelligence with Flexible Photorealistic Simulations, Mehdi Mousavi
Sinkhole Susceptibility Analysis using Machine Learning for West Central Florida, Olanrewaju Muili
No Boys Allowed, Jennifer E. Murphy
Nietzsche's Scala Amoris: Nietzsche and Diotima on Eros and Philosophy, Paul R. Murphy
Management Perceptions of the Value of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Discovery and Development, Scott P. Murray
Diabetes Mellitus among Persons Living With HIV: Prevalence and Predictors, GLODI K. MUTAMBA
Magnetotransport Studies of GaAs/AlGaAs Heterostructures, Epitaxial Graphene, and CVD Graphene, and Growth of CVD Graphene, Tharanga Nanayakkara
The Identity of Yoga: Contemporary Vs. Traditional Yogic Discourse, Octavia Nasr
Racial Residential Segregation and COVID-19 Mortality, Suresh Nath Neupane
Geographies of Resistance: Interpreting Blank Spaces and Locating Marronage on Imperial Maps of Colonial Jamaica, Patrick J. Nichols
Confirming New Suns and Searching for New Planets in IC 2602 and IC 2391, Azmain Nisak
Analyzing and Contextualizing Experiences of Sexual Violence Among Sexual and Gender Minority Populations, Zainab G. Nizam
Police Reforms and Citizen Complaints: Utilizing Citizen Complaint Data when Reexamining the State of American Policing, Isabella Nuccio
Factors Predicting The Self-efficacy Of Instructional Coaches Of Mathematics In Urban Elementary Schools, Ayana Oden
Together We Can: A Collaborative Community as a Means to Improve Instructional Practices of Secondary Mathematics Teachers, Jillian Ogundele
Innovative Investment and Trade in Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities and Barriers for State Governments in a Disruptive Global Environment, Nkiruka Catherine Ohaegbu
Direct transfer techniques of graphene, Aisha Okmi
Rare-Earth Element Occurrences in Heavy Mineral Sand, Southeast Georgia, Ibrahim Ajibola Oladeni
Kantian Assent in a Practical Relation, Matt Osborne
Identifying Brain Stimulation Targets for Improving Automaticity in Reading, Alexandra Ossowski
Diminishing Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Metabolic Syndrome Severity through Naturally Occurring Fibers, Rachael Ott
Influences on Academically Successful Black Students' Participation in School Music, Jimmy Owens
Epidemiological Game-theory Dynamics of the co-evolution of Infodemic and Pandemic with Vaccination, Seyifunmi Michael Owoeye
When the Hand Says More Than the Mouth: Role of Gesture in Communication in Adults With and Without Aphasia, Hatice Sumeyra Ozturk
Let Each Invoke the God he Worships: A Muslim Traveler’s Account of 12th-century Sicily, Nicholas Pacetti
Perceptions of Leading and Supporting School and District Leaders Through a Personalized Learning Initiative in the Southeastern United States, Christian S. L. Padgett
“Writing all this is helping me justify my plan and to see the futility of continuing:” An Exploratory Study on the Use of Neutralization Techniques in Incel Manifestos, Katerina Papatheodorou
The Solar Neighborhood Complete Survey of Stars and Planets Orbiting K Stars, Leonardo A. Paredes
A Longitudinal Examination of the Sociality of Cardiovascular Disease and its Most Common Risk Factor, Hypertension, Brenda Parker
Intergenerational Multilingual Practices of Asian American Immigrants: A Multiple Case Study of Korean American Families, Jee Hye Park
Essays on IT and Platform Governance from External Stakeholder Perspectives, Junyoung Park
Campylobacter in Drinking Water: A Systematic Review, Kyra Parks
God, Dog, and the Problem of the Immanent Frame, Sung Park
A Content Analysis: Examining Facebook Comments on News Media Posts For Echo Chambers, Jacob Parsons
Multiscale Systems Level Analyses of Cold Sensitive Somatosensory Neurons in Drosophila, Atit A. Patel
Bargaining Dreams and Myths: The Relationship between the Literacy Myth, the American Dream, and the Immigrant Bargain, Brianny M. Paulino Feliz
Association between Mindful Movement Yoga on a Social Media Platform and Disordered Eating Patterns in College Students: a Pilot Study, Melissa A. Pearson
Service Function Protection in Network Function Virtualization, Chengzong Peng
Project Heal Generational Trauma: A Mixed-methods Participatory Action Research Study of Generational Trauma and Healing in Millennial Black Women, Ashlei A R Petion
Barriers to Abortion Access: An Ethnography of the Clinic, Amelia Phan
Novel Jackknife Empirical Likelihood With Applications In The Measurement Error Data, Brian Pidgeon
Neurophysiology of Mental Imagery and Reality Monitoring, Thomas Pietruszewski
Alive in the Glamour Pit, Alec J. Prevett
The Radical Archive of Preservation: From Acts to Archives in Black Production Culture, shady r. radical
Considering the Agency of Faith in Reimagining Narrative and Shared Space in Beth Moore?s Departure from the Southern Baptist Convention, Samantha Joann Rae
Deep Interpretability Methods for Neuroimaging, Md Mahfuzur Rahman
Improved Visible Light Communication Receiver Performance by Leveraging the Spatial Dimension, MD Rashed Rahman
Evaluating the Impact of Digital Media on Prospect Conversion in Nonprofit Organizations: An Action Research, Divya Ramachandran
“I Will Punish Everyone”: Themes of Masculinity, Race, and Privilege in the Writings of Mass Shooters, Shafeeq Rashid
Friendships, Anxiety, and Intergroup Bias: Optimizing the Contact Model for Minority and Majority Status Groups, Michelle Rattinger
Effect of Eccentric Contraction-Induced Injury on Individual Quadriceps Muscles: Impact on Muscle Activation, Joint Torque and Motor Control, Christopher Rawdon
Assessing B2G Customer/Contractor Relationships Using Social Exchange Theory During the Search and Selection Stage, Mitchell Lee Reed
Black Habitus and Social Capital: A Case Study in Protection Against Negative Health Outcomes in Atlanta, Georgia, Ebony Respress
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Autistic Adults: Correlates of Meeting DSM-5 Criteria and Predictors of Professional Diagnosis, Katherine E. Reuben
Self-identification, Maximiliana Jewett Rifkin
Water Use Patterns of a Riparian Forest in a Humid Subtropical Catchment in the Southeastern United States, Jeffrey Riley
An Art Museum at the Intersection of Science and Technology: An Anthropological Approach, Birney L. Robert
Artifacts of Industry, James D. Robertson
Fundamental Properties of Active Galaxies: Distances and Black Hole Masses of Nearby Seyferts, Justin H. Robinson
Does the APOE ε4 Allele Moderate a CA1 Atrophy and Psychotic Symptomatology Relationship in Alzheimer’s Disease?, Kelly Rootes-Murdy
Factors Impacting Resiliency And Susceptibility To Social Stress, Anna M. Rosenhauer
To Decorate the Dungeon with Flowers, Cora Rowe
The Mobilization of Social Networks in Professional Development Decision-Making – A Mixed Methods Study in a Technical Field, Isabel Ruthotto
Sky Garden Graduate Student Housing, Maria Paula Saavedra Rios