Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Cocaine Intake And The Gut Microbiota in Adolescent and Adult Male Rats: A Vicious Cycle?, Gregory Suess
Access and Engagement of MoodTools, an mHealth Application for Depression, Langting Su
Applied Suicide Intervention Training for Inclusive Post-Secondary Education Staff: Intervention Skill Measurement, Skill Retention and Staff Attitudes, Mackenzie Suttles
Joseph Butler on Self-Reverence as a Moral Duty, Ruby Tamariz
The Effects of Repeated Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) on the Speeded Identification of Happy Faces in Depressed Adults, Brian L. Tang
Machine Learning and Deep Learning to Predict Cross-immunoreactivity of Viral Epitopes, Zahra Tayebi
Relationships to Alcohol Among Black Queer Women and Non-Binary People, Brittany Jean Taylor
Foundational Curriculum: Integrating Art, Literacy and Social Emotional Learning, Rosie Tempka
Maternal and Adolescent Depression: The Role of Genetic Variability and Telomere Length, Amanda Thompson
Animus, Parker Grace Thornton
Absurd Vessel, Michael Jess Tolley
Sustainable Organization of a Lean Six Sigma Program: A Competing Values Perspective, Marilyn J. Tom
Pedagogical Effects on Student Learning, Attitude, and Retention of Physics Majors, Zeynep Topdemir
Palynology of an Extinct Barrier Island Wetland, Isle of Hope, GA, Matthew Toro
Ancestral Wisdom and Spiritual Practices for Healing: Decolonizing Feminist Theory and Pedagogy, Justina N. Trim
Examining the Risk and Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Among Hispanic Population Subgroups in the United States, Natalie Tripp
Exploring the Use of Youth Mental Health First Aid Skills in Schools, Janay N. Tyler
Educational Leadership in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Matthew Tyson
Investigating Reading Behavior and Inference-making in Advanced L2 Reading Comprehension Assessment Tasks, Rurik Tywoniw
The Meat of the Text: Posthuman Aesthetics in Contemporary Cannibal Movies, Ece Üçoluk Krane
A Large Scale Deep Learning Application for Protein Structure Prediction and Analysis, Chinua Umoja
Types Of Types: Social Network Typologies and Meaning of Clients With Serious Mental Illness, George Usmanov
Developing and Testing Alternative Benchmarks of Lexical Sophistication: L2 Lexical Frequency, Semantic Context, and Word Recognition Indices, Katia Vanderbilt
Intelligent Vehicular Perception of Non-Line-Of-Sight Environment using Visible Light Communication with Stereo Camera, Vignesh Varadarajan
Basic Alchemy: Dramatism as a Tool for Progressing Basic Writing, William G. Vickery
B Virus Neutralization And Specific Antibody Induction: Each Dependent On Unique Glycoprotein B Epitopes., Vishakh Walia
Racism Stress and Self-Concept: The Moderating Role of Ethnic-Racial Socialization, Aisha Noni Walker
America's Quandary-- Masking Injustice: Ideological Analyses of America's Moves Towards its Promise | A Pedagogical Primer on Rhetoric, Ronald J. Walker
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of glycoconjugates and their applications, Shuaishuai Wang
Learning From Mistakes: Decision-making Biases Within the Primate Lineage, Julia Watzek
Perceptions of How Leadership Interactions Influence the Development of Collective Efficacy in Professional Learning Communities, Toni Ross Weir
"Unnatural Cruel Beasts in Women's Shapes": The Female Body in Early Modern England, Heather L. Welch and Heather Welch
Influence of Transformational Principal Practices on Developing a Teacher Leadership Pipeline, Deborah White
The Effect of Period of Service and Exposure to Service-Connected PTSD on Employment Status of US Veterans, Cleveland Whitehead III
"SHE WILL TELL ME THE TRUTH": Listening to Black Girls Co-Organizing Liberatory Spaces, Maya White
Palliative Care Referral Behavior Among Nurse Practitioners in Hospital Medicine, Sharon Jackson White
Modifiability Of Strategy Use In Probabilistic Categorization By Rhesus Macaques (Macaca Mulatta) And Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus [Sapajus] Apella), William Whitham
Regulation of social, anxiety, and sickness behaviors by forebrain vasopressin cells in mice, Jack Whylings
The Relationship Between the College Board AP Exam Registration Process and African- American Students' Mathematics AP Exam Participation Rates, Corey Williams
An Investigation of the Effects of Free Writing on the Scope and Control of Attention, Melany Williams Love
Does Oxidative Status Predict Progress in Subclinical Atherosclerosis: An Analysis of the Insulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study, Shayla Williamson
A Longitudinal Investigation of the Relationship Between Gender Discrepancy Stress and Teen Dating Violence, Samantha Williams
An Exploration of the "Over-The-Top" Sports Streaming Consumer, Tyler A. Williams
Neutral Pion-hadron Correlations in 200 GeV Au + Au Collisions, Cheuk-Ping Wong
Mina: A Novel, Jeremiah Wood
What's Culture got to do with it? Leadership for Culturally Responsive SEL Implementation, Lindsay Welles Wyczalkowski
What Controls the Controller: Structure and Function Characterizations of Transcription Factor PU.1 Uncover Its Regulatory Mechanism, Suela Xhani Georgia State University
Methods for Improving Time and Accuracy in Deep Learning and Its Applications, Xueli Xiao
International Students' Social Factors And Acculturative Stress, Xiaohui Yang
A constructional analysis of written academic English as a Lingua Franca: The case of unedited and edited research writing, Selahattin Yilmaz
Towards Negotiating the Ethics of Comedy through Affective Pedagogies of Feminist Humor, Muge Yuce
School Climate Methodology: Issues of Multilevel Data and Measurement Invariance, Faith A. Zabek
The Incidence of Post-stroke Depression in Adults with Aphasia in an Acute Care Setting, Christina Zanella
An Investigation of Recent Climate Change in Southern Ukraine, Liudmyla Zapukhliak
Seizing The Opportunity: Principal Exercise Of Budget Autonomy In A Decentralized Environment, Kenneth Zeff
Jackknife empirical likelihood methods for the income inequality lower mean ratio, Li Zhang
Development of Multiscale Spectro-microscopic Imaging System and Its Applications, Fei Zhao
Sustainability Evaluation of Shallow Groundwater for Non-potable Use, GSU Downtown Campus, Atlanta, Georgia, Fabian J. Zowam
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Writing Women's Experiences: Twelve Memoirs of Life in Iran and Abroad Since the 1940s, Kayla Abercrombie
The Good Life is out there Somewhere: British and U.S. Women's Utopian Literature 1836-1916, Dan M.R. Abitz
Determining Relationships among Executive Functioning, Empathy, and Autism Spectrum Disorder Traits in Neurotypical Adults, Danielle N. Abrams
The Role of Executive Function in Impulsive Consumer Purchasing Behavior, Holly Adams
Class Clown, Andrew Adamson
Role of Microbiome in Impacting Treatment of Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes, Aneseh Adeshirlarijaney
“You Are Not a Woman”: Disposable Mothers And The Clandestine Baby Factories In Nigeria, Irene Agunloye
Trends in Antimicrobial Resistance of Campylobacter Infections--United States, 2005-2017, Lauren Ahart
Relationship Between Acculturation and Elevated BMI Among Foreign-Born US Residents - NHANES 2015-2016, Elizabeth O. Akindele
Comparison of Various Discretization Algorithms for Stable Estimation of Disease Parameters and Forecasting in Epidemiology, Aurelie Akossi
Explaining the Privacy Paradox through Identifying Boundary Conditions of the Relationship between Privacy Concerns and Disclosure Behaviors, Tawfiq Alashoor
Role of Notch1 in acute colitis and colitis associated cancer, Adani Pujada Alcala
Testing the Effects of US Airstrikes on Insurgent Initiated Violence in Yemen, Joshua Allen
Understanding Other Conscious Minds, Nicholas Alonso
Low Flexibility of Depressed Mothers' Emotional Behaviors During Mother-Child Discussions, Alyssa Ames-Sikora
An Epidemiology of Adolescent Obesity in Latin America and the Caribbean, Lynnette A. Ametewee
A Qualitative Content Analysis of Crisis Pregnancy Center Websites to Assess Medical Misrepresentation in Georgia, Laura E. Anderson
Design and Synthesis of Anticancer Agents by Targeting p53 Degradation and Photodynamic Therapy, Abiodun Anifowose
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Association between the Joint Occurrence of Obesity, Physical Inactivity and Type 2 Diabetes among US Adults, Chiamaka Anyanele
The Manfestation of the African-Centered Educational Philosophy in the Pedagogical Practices of an Elementary Education Science Teacher, Akua Appiagyei
Exploring the Contribution of Racially-based Harassment and Personality to Variation in Native and American Identity in Immigrant-origin Youth, Maria Alejandra Arce
Embodying Blackness: Perceptions of African American Identity and Hiring Practices within African American Businesses, Lauren Arrington
Ann Berthoff from the Margins: An Infusion of All-at-once-ness for Contemporary Writing Pedagogy, Paige Davis Arrington
GABAergic Inhibition of Brainstem Neurons Involved in Breathing Regulation is Disrupted in Rett Syndrome, Colin Arrowood
A Series of Quiet Decisions, Aaron Artrip and Aaron C. Artrip Mr.
Critical Conversations: A Social Justice-Driven Professional Learning Community, Felicia Baiden
Parents' and Children's Oral Language Use During Three Play Contexts, Dariush Bakhtiari
From Discovery to Implementation of Organic Chemistry Learning Models in Secondary and Post-Secondary Classrooms, Joy Ballard
Emergence Elsewhere: Third Space in Linda Hogan's People of the Whale, Joan M. Banez
Residential Mobility, Parental Stress, & Parenting, CHELSEA BARROWS
Binding Modes and Near Infrared Photo Cleavage of DNA by Pentamethine Bridged Phenanthridinium and Quinolinium Carbocyanine Dyes, Kanchan Basnet
Le corps dans les œuvres de Fabienne Kanor, Hortense Baya