Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Multiple Minority Stress, Problematic Drinking, and Intimate Partner Violence in Sexual Minorities of Color, Kevin Moino
L'étude de L'utilisation du Créole dans les Familles Haïtiennes Vivant dans la Partie Centrale Nord de L'état de Géorgie, Carline Montreuil and Carline Montreuil
The Role of Family Background in Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Teachers? Evaluations, Chelsea V. Moodie
Affirming Theologies and Transgender Refugees and Asylum Seekers, Catherine E. Moore
A Phenomenological Analysis of Information Security Reporting: A Paradoxical Perspective, Robin L. Moore
Topological Properties of J-Orthogonal Matrices, Seyedeh Sara Moosavi Motlaghian
Three Essays on the Academic Outcomes of Disadvantaged Students and their Peers, Maria Camila Morales Leon
The Association Between Child Maltreatment and Impulsivity, Emotional Adjustment, and Substance Use Among First-year Male College Students, Katherine A. Moran
Maternal Determinants of the Timing of Introduction of Complementary Food to Infants, Susana Morphis, Anita Nucci, Kate Wiley, and Alicia C. Simpson
Analyzing Media of ISIS, the Taliban, and al-Qaeda: Use of Cinematographic Techniques in Retributive Justice Videos, Matthew P. Mottet
Understanding Conflict: An Exploration of the Relationship between Horizontal Inequality and Violent Conflict, Samaria Muhammad
Regulation Of Cardiovascular Homeostasis By Autophagy, Jing Mu
Developmental Feedback, Ability, and Employee Effort in a Multitask Environment, Alice Muncy
The Effects of Atlanta’s Urban Regime Politics on the Atlanta Public Schools Cheating Scandal, Johnathan S. Mungo
Infiltration and Inflow as a Component of the Urban Water Cycle: Inter-Watershed Comparison of Magnitude and Correlative Watershed Attributes, Allison D. Murray
The Impact of Concurrent Racial and Religious Discrimination on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Muslim Young Adults, Zahra Murtaza
Women as Catalysts for Human Development: Evidence from Pakistan, Tareena Musaddiq
An Analysis of Climate Resilience Planning in Atlanta, Georgia, Nkosi Muse
Highlighted Findings Related to Use of Smokeless Tobacco and Prevalence of Precancerous Oral Lesions from Wave 1 (2013-2014) of Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health dataset, SRAVYA NALLAPANENI, David L. Ashley, and Dora Il'yasova
Active Noise Cancellation of Drone Propeller Noise through Waveform Approximation and Pitch-Shifting, Michael Narine
School Connectedness and African American Students: An Examination with Implications for Policy and Teacher Education, Adrian Neely and Adrian Neely
Towards a Distinction between Gender Identity and Gender Orientation, Avery Newman
IL-36R Signaling and Gut Immunity, Vu Ngo
An Item-Level and Test-Level Analysis of Struggling Adult Learners' Performance on Reading Assessments, Elena Nightingale
Examining Task Transferability in Task-Based Language Teaching: A Multi-Case Study, Charlotte Nolen
The Effect of Paid Maternity Leave on Maternal Health and Parental Health Involvement within the United States, Alyssa M. Nunez
The Implementation of Organizational Systems to Reduce Novice Teacher Attrition: A Case Study of One High-Needs School, Eldread Nunnally
Perceptions of transformational leadership: The effects of organizational justice for English language learners, Graham Allen Oakley
Bringing Clarity to the Construct: A Content Analysis of Dispositions for Urban Teaching and Learning, Sarah Mia Obiwo
Meta-Analysis of Diagnostic Accuracy of M-CHAT by Categorical Rank of Clinical Diagnosis, John Olmstead
The Future of the AICPA Peer Review Program: The Impact of Age, Henry Okwuchukwu Onwumbiko
Oral Health in the Inka Heartland During the Late Horizon: A Tale of Two Sites, Macie Orrand
Psychopathology in Children: the Transdiagnostic Contribution of Affiliative Capacity and Inhibitory Control, Isabella Palumbo
RNA Helicase DDX5 Regulates Platelet Derived Growth Factor Receptor β and Androgen Receptor (AR) Expression in Breast Cancer, Neha Panchbhai
Essays on Housing and Locational Choices, Siyu Pan
I Didn't Know it was Harassment: Pervasive & Unrecognized Discrimination on the College Campus, Tiffany A. Parsons
Gut Microbiota, Inflammation, and Behavioral Expression Following Social Defeat, Katherine A. Partrick
Association Between Health Insurance and Undiagnosed Diabetes: NHANES 2013-2016, Komal Patel
Correlates of Self-Rated Health Among Youth in Kampala Slums, Uganda, Annabel Patterson
Empirical Information and Kant's Moral Laws, Joseph Payne
Etude Sur le Roman D'apprentissage Français du Xixème, Fabienne Payoute
Art Talk/Creative Talk Time (C.T.T): A Framework for Using Student-Teacher Conversation as an Instructional Tool, Erica Pendleton
Art Talk/Creative Talk Time (C.T.T): A Framework for Using Student-Teacher Conversation as an Instructional Tool, Erica M. Pendleton
Psychological Distress Among Orphaned Youth and Youth Reporting Sexual Exploitation in Kampala, Uganda, Elizabeth W. Perry
Deep Architectures for Visual Recognition and Description, Anuja Perunninakulath Parameshwaran
Elementary Science: A Critical Race Perspective of Exemplary African American Teachers, Mario Pickens
Chymical Collections: Seventeenth Century textual transmutations in the work of Arthur Dee, Megan Piorko
School Counselors And Multicultural Counseling Competencies: Are We As Competent As We Think We Are?, Vanessa Placeres
Built on Blood: Understanding Menstrual Attitudes in Sex Work, Athanasia Platis
Language Strategies in International Business: New Prospects for Negotiation and Conflict Management, Elena Poliakova
Young Black Men And Mathematics: Exploring Changes, Influences, And Perceptions Of Social Justice Pedagogy, Dean W. Potts
Complex Dynamics in Dedicated / Multifunctional Neural Networks and Chaotic Nonlinear Systems, Krishna Pusuluri
Reducing Nutritional Disparities Among Pregnant and Postpartum Minority Women Using the Fundamental Cause Theory, Bisma M. Rais
Influence Of Developer Sentiment And Stack Overflow Developers On Open Source Project Success: An Empirical Examination, Johnson Rajakumar
Family Values: Pleasure Work, Black Genderqueers, and the Instagram Sphere, Sukhai Rawlins
School Resource Officers, School Safety, and School Climate in a Large Urban School District, Melinda Reed
Factors Influencing Surgeon Adoption of Technology in the Medical Device Industry, Sean Reynolds
Student/Intern, Emily Riggall
Predictors of Parent Training Completion for Non-voluntary Participants, Danielle Rivers
The Anti-Base Movement in Okinawa: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Social Movement Development, Ariana Roberts
Comparative Assessment of Epidemiological Models for Analyzing and Forecasting Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Kimberlyn Roosa
Associations between Depression and Blood Pressure among United States Adults: A Bayesian vs. Frequentist Approach, Vinay Rudresh
Predictors of Late Stage Cervical Cancer Diagnoses and Disparities in the U.S. (A Closer Look at the Interactions Between Characteristics of Access, Women & Place), Yamisha Rutherford
Conversational AI Agents: Investigating AI-Specific Characteristics that Induce Anthropomorphism and Trust in Human-AI Interaction, Kambiz Saffarizadeh
The Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Preterm and Low Birth Weight Infants, Sonia Sanchez-Alvarez
Novel Empirical Likelihood Inference Procedures for Zero-Inflated and Right Censored Data and Their Applications, Faysal I. Satter
A Paired-catchment Approach for Characterizing Hydrologic Response to Mountaintop Mining, Elinor A. Sattler
Dimer Pyruvate Kinase M2 Regulates de novo Collagen Synthesis and Crosslinking in Pathological Fibrosis, Ganesh Satyanarayana
Career Transitions in the Digital Age: Mastering the Art of Communicating Career Direction Clarity, Daphne J. Schechter
Risk Factors of Incomplete Immunization Among Children Under Five in Nigeria: An Analysis of theDemographic Health Survey, Yesser Sebeh
A Review and Analysis of Process at the Nexus of Instructional and Software Design, Eric Sembrat
Unveiling the Polymerase Complex of Negative Stranded RNA Viruses, Chelsea Severin
Therapeutic Targeting Of Stroma Decreases Tumor Progression And Restores Chemosensitivity, Malvika Sharma
Reconciling Selectorate Theory with Democratic Erosion: The Role of Polarization, Sam Sharman
Your Tracks are Showing: Understanding the Experiences of Black Girls in a Middle School with Racialized Tracking, Kamaria Shauri-Webb
The Significance of the Informal Waste Sector in A Minority World Country: A Case-Study of Metropolitan Atlanta, Anamarie D. Shreeves
Privacy Preserving User Data Publication In Social Networks, Madhuri Siddula
"You Can Disappear Here Without Knowing It": Excess, Accommodation, and Assimilation in The Great Gatsby and Less Than Zero, Jeremy Simpson
Jammu and Kashmir during the Communication Blackout: A Textual Analysis of Indian News Coverage, Akansha Sirohi
King James and the Intellectual Influences of the Witchcraft Phenomenon in England and Scotland, Lashonda Slaughter
Driving Green: Employment effects, policy adoption, and public perceptions of electric vehicles, Anmol Soni
Yes, We Like Math Too! - African American Women Mathematics Educators? Stories of Success, Katrina E. Stanfield
A Critique of Practice-Based Directives for Personal Relationship Law, Robert Stanton
Centering Black Women's Ways of Knowing: A Review of Critical Literacies Research and a Black Feminist Analysis of Black Women Educators’ Extraordinary Literacies, Francheska Denise Starks
An Examination into Teacher Hiring: Preferences, Efficiency, Stability, and Student Outcomes, Katherine Stewart Georgia State University
Facilitators and Barriers to Bystander Intervention in the Context of Alcohol Use: A Qualitative Study, Phylicia Stewart
Men’s Externalizing Depression: Invariance of the Male Depression Risk Scale and Latent Symptom Profiles among African American and European American Men, Robert A. Stewart
The Effects of Political Attacks on Independent High Courts in Global Cases of Democratic Backsliding After the Cold War, Miranda L. Stinson
Eco-Traffic: Globalization, Materiality, and Subalternity in Asia-Pacific Literature, David E. St. John
Metabolic Pathway Activation: An Analysis of the Effects of Traffic Related Air Pollution and Physical Activity, Micah Streiff
At Odds, Robert Sturgess
The Role of Reward Sensitivity in the Perpetration of Reactive and Proactive Aggression, Olivia Subramani
Two Essays from the Laboratory: An Experiment in Two-Sided Markets and a Meta-Analysis of Dictator Games, Maria B. Sudibjo