Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Effects of Latinx Parental Deportation on U.S. Citizen Children: A Literature Review, Rafael Bernal
In a Space of their Own: Literary Representations of Feminine Trauma through the Arthuriad, Viktorija Bezbradica
Alternative Therapies in Person-centered Care for Persons with Dementia in Nursing Homes, Kallol Kumar Bhattacharyya
A Disparity Analysis of Health Determinants and Outcomes in 500 Cities in the United States, Margaret Boateng
Sex-dependent Regulation of Social Reward by Oxytocin Receptors in the Ventral Tegmental Area: an Inverted U Hypothesis, Johnathan Borland
Veteran Peers' Perceptions and Reactions to High Status and Proactive Newcomers: The Effects on Newcomers' Adjustment and Veteran Peers' Outcomes, Artemis Boulamatsi
The Shine of The Shining: Domestic Violence and Deterministic Trauma, Ashleigh Boutwell
Optogenetic Control of Social Communication, Samantha Bowden
Revolutionary Departures: Reimagining the World of Black Fatherhood, Clinton Boyd Jr.
Buried Histories: A De-Colonial, Feminist View of Land, Space, and U.S. Universities, Laura Brannan
Programmed 'Treasuries of Eloquence’: A Rhetorical Take on Productivity Aids in Audio Engineering Software, Thomas Breideband
Shame, Masculine Identity Threat, and Acceptance of Emotions Predicting Sexual Aggression: An Application of the I3 Model, Carolyn Brennan
An Examination of Family and Provider Factors Predicting Behavior Change in Real-World Implementations of a Behavioral Parenting Model, Jessica Brown
Racial Differences In Occupational Prestige Among Athletes, Tim Brown
Three Essays On The Role Of Student And Teacher Non-Cognitive And Cognitive Skills In Determining Student Success, Carycruz M. Bueno
Empty Seats at Circle Time: A Phenomenological Perspective of Social-Emotional Learning in Preschool, Alicia C. Burford
The Love of My Sisters: Exploring Black Women Academics’ Narratives on the Uses and Benefits of Sister Circles, LaVette M. Burnette
Approaches forPurifying Recombinant Proteins from Gram Negative Bacteria, Susan Burran
Gonorrhea Screening Among U.S.-bound Immigrants and Refugees, 2018, Kiara Butler
Living Hysterically, Jessica Caldas
Outness, Discrimination, and Serious Mental Illness Among LGBTQ Southerners, Joanna Alene Caldwell
Exploring Intersections of Art, Labor, and Identity in Urban Atlanta, Samantha Camirand
Art Making as a Means of Self-care for the Art Teacher, John Chase Campbell
Hybrid Entrepreneurs’ Intention to Transition to Full Entrepreneurship: A Career Approach, Simoon Cannon
Doing Science: Data Enactments in Mathematics Education and Qualitative Research, Susan O. Cannon
Arguments for Banning Autonomous Weapon Systems: A Critique, Hunter B. Cantrell
The Changing Economics of Attaining Post-Secondary Education in the U.S.: An Analysis by Stakeholder: Employer, Student, and Government, Sheila Cappel
Residential Mobility in the Late Pre-hispanic Osmore Drainage: Isotopic Analyses of Hair from the Estuquiña, Danielle E. Carmody
Enterprise Data Mining & Machine Learning Framework on Cloud Computing for Investment Platforms, Narasimharao V. Casturi
Necrotic Machines/Zombie Genders: Transfeminine Disruptions of Feminist Progress, Alexandra Chace
Collaborative Edge Computing in Mobile Internet of Things, Ravishankar Chamarajnagar
Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorescent Silica Nanoparticles with Large Stokes Shifts for Multiplexed Assays and Imaging, Gala M. Chapman
Essays on Social Dilemmas: Incentives and Institutions, Anomitro Chatterjee
A 23 Kyrs Record Of Environmental Change From Cherangani Hills, Kenya, Vicky Cheruiyot
Navigating Mobile Learning: English Learners' Language Learning and Literacy Practices, Aram Cho
The Remaking of Asian Horror Films in Hollywood: Semiosphere, Authorship, and Photograph, Young-joon Cho
Survival of Potential Ebola Virus Surrogates (Bacteriophages ?6 and MS2) on PAPR Hood Material, Cody Clemmons
Finding Identity through 'Place': African Retention in African American Poetry, Shelley S. Clopton
The Intersection of Young Children's Play Activities and Multimodal Practices for Social Purposes, Rebecca Rohloff Clough
Effects of Knowledge, Beliefs, Self-Regulation, and Social Facilitation on Physical Activity Engagement of African American Women, Elicia Collins
E. Coli in the Tanyard Creek Combined Sewage Overflow: a Spatial and Temporal Review Coordinated with Weather Patterns, Hannah-Leigh Crawford
Living Legacies: A Historical Analysis of the Atlanta Nine Who Desegregated Atlanta Public Schools, Tanya Crawford
Commercialism and Pay in the Nonprofit Sector, Shicun Cui
The Impact of Child Maltreatment on Suicidal Ideation, Polysubstance Use, and Sexual Risk Behaviors, Rachel Culbreth
Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Preparation Program Quality and Beginning Teacher Retention, Brittany Cunningham
Associations between Paid Sick Leave Availability and Health Outcomes in the 2014 Health and Retirement Study, Michelle D'Amico
A Wintering Room, Taylor D'Amico
Effects of Subgroup Size on Confidence Interval Length in the 2016 National Survey of Children’s Health, Patricia Daniel
Psychological Contracts from the Employer?s Perspective: Qualitative and Quantitative Studies, Tanja R. Darden
Race and the Impact of Parental Incarceration on Childhood Outcomes, Asantewaa Darkwa
Shock and the Poststructural in Watt and Murphy, Emily B. Davis
Pre-pilot Fed-batch Fermentation of Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253 with Emphasis on Production of Therapeutic Enzymes and Post-harvest Agricultural Applications, Maurice de la Croix
Experiences of Uncertainty Among Latinx Immigrant Parents in the U.S., Claudia A. Delbasso
A Phenomenological Exploration of the Experiences Gained During Pre-Service Music Teacher Preparation of Black Urban Band Directors, Gregory L. Denson
Examining the Relationships between Early Sexual Debut and Social Norms, Sexual Behaviors, and Sexual Violence in Nigerian Girls and Young Women, Natasha Deveauuse-Brown
Unison and Harmony, Dissonance and Dissolution: German Choral Societies in an Age of Rising Nationalism, Mass Culture, and Social Conflict, 1870-1918, Ruth L. Dewhurst and Ruth L. Dewhurst PhD
Exploring the Dietary Proclivities of Neanderthals Using Dental Microwear, Laura M. Diaz-Villaquiran
Histone Deacetylase-linked Repression and Metabolically-linked Derepression of Adenovirus Persistent Infection of Lymphocytes, Megan Dickherber
Adverse Health Effects Associated with Long-term Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter at Levels below 12 µg/m3, Karbet Djedouboum
Mutilation Génitale Féminine : Le Cas de la Région du Haut Ghana Occidental du Xixe Siècle Au Xxie Siècle, Juliet K. Doku
Rhetoric of Public Crises: Constructing Communication Networks in Transcultural Contexts, Lin Dong
Partnering People with Deep Learning Systems: Human Cognitive Effects of Explanations, Sean Dougherty
The Development of Digital Human Rights in the European Union: How Key Interests Shape National and Regional Data Governance, Rebekah Dowd
Cold Witness: A Short Story Collection, Hannah Doyle
Characterization of the Proline-78-Glycine Mutant of PA1024 from Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Benjamin Dratch
Co-Morbid Conditions and Driving Status Among Older Low-Income African Americans., Pranusha Dubbaka
The Relationship Between Parental Criminal History and Substance Use on Child Mental Health, Janhavi A. Dubhashi
Detection Of Necroptosis and Pyroptosis-Associated Molecules during Experimental MAIDS-Related Cytomegalovirus Retinitis, Lauren-Asley Duncan
Examining the Dimensionality and Contributors of Kindergarten Composition, Molly K. Duncan
Identification of Novel Druggable Targets in Two Members of Mononegavirales, Venice DuPont
Mobile Health Clinic as a Medium for Reducing Health Disparities in Underserved Populations, Elizabeth Egwu
The Georgia IUD Project: An Ethnography of Birth Control and Biopolitics, Nicole Elliott
Influences of Maternal Obesity on Induction of Labor Requiring Cervical Ripening, Jessica Ellis
Using the Visual Arts to Support the Development of Young Refugee Children: A Puppet-Making Workshop, Ghenwa El Souki
I am not your Student-Athlete: An Investigation of Social Identity Complexity as a Stereotype Threat Mitigation Strategy and Individual Differences that may moderate the effect, Jacob Alan English
Biophysical Properties of DNA Minor Groove Binding by Heterocyclic Cations of Varying Structures, Noa Erlitzki
Inclusive Art Education as a Tool for Art Museum Experiences, Sonja Fasen
Relocating Home: Second-Generation East African Women's Twitter-Use as sites of Homeplace, Identity, and Memory, Beza T. Fekade
Associations Between Pupillary Response Patterns to Emotional Faces and Self-Reported Social Anxiety, Mary Fernandes
Defining Microbial Signatures of Gut Dysbiosis in Models of Anxiety-related Disorders, Christopher Fields
Willingness to Pay for Medicare in a Structural Model of Retirement and Health Investment, Peyman Firouzi naeim
“Roots Au Routes” : L’Identiteé Fractureé d’Une Noire Antillaise Dans Le Film Des Pieds, Mon Pied de Fabienne Kanor, Mary Fisher
The Making of Mañana-Land: The American Mediterranean In The Age Of Jim Crow And The United Fruit Company, Joseph R. Floyd
Analysis of Experimental Bone Tools from Swartkrans Cave, South Africa, Sara Gardner
Clay Mineralogy and Porosity Estimates of the Lower Permian Wolfcamp Shale, Morgan Garner
The Devout Griot, Emotional Keeper., Shanequa S. Gay
Unravelling the Influence of Online Social Context on Consumer Health Information Technology (CHIT) Implementations, Amrita George
Deep Reminding, Amin Ghasemi
A (Partial) Rehabilitation of Euthyphro, Andrew Gilley
Real-Time Push Mobile Marketing Strategy: To What Extent Do Time and Relevance Matter?, Alvin Glay
American Poly: A History, Christopher Gleason
Re/construction d'identités transatlantiques dans les ouvrages littéraires et cinématographiques de Fabienne Kanor, Maria Del Rosario Gonzalez Perez