Theses/Dissertations from 2019
HIV Disclosure and Family Processes Among Mothers Living with HIV and Their Children: A Mixed-Methods Longitudinal Investigation, Nada M. Goodrum
Footprint of Calcium on Regulation of Extracellular Calcium-Sensing Receptor and Connexin26, Rakshya Gorkhali
Corporate Sustainability: The Impact of Corporate Leadership Gender On Year-Over-Year Performance, Jennoa R. Graham
Catalan Modernism in Fin-de-Siècle Spain: Culture and Medicine, Helen M. Greeson
Abundance and Distribution of Invasive Woody Shrub Mahonia bealei in the Metropolitan Atlanta Area, Adam W. Greim
Deeds Against Nature: Gender And Disorder In Print, 1590-1700, Leslie Grimes
Encouraging Action During Overdose Events – the Good, the Bad, and the Barriers, Thomas Griner
Multicast Aware Virtual Network Embedding in Software Defined Networks, Evrim Guler
Monotheist but not Monolithic: Middle Eastern Muslim Identity and Intersectionality in Middle Eastern Picture Books, Mehmet Gultekin
Narcisscinema: Selfie Culture and the Moving Image, Jenny Gunn
Time and 'Manyness': Temporality, Ecology, and Form in Don DeLillo's Underworld, Andrew B. Hagan Mr.
The Effectiveness of Intense Monitors on Mutual Fund Boards, Mehdi Haghbaali
Dismantling Rape Culture: The Need for a Comprehensive Educational Approach, Chase Halsne
The Perceptions and Experiences of Elementary Georgia Science Ambassadors: What Educational Leaders and Policymakers Need to Know, Charles E. Harper Jr
A Methodology for Black Geographies, Karlyn Harris
Epidemiology of Early Sexual Debut Among Females, Tiffany Harris
Niche Construction Theory: Difficulties for a Practice Approach to Theoretical Pluralism, Caleb Hazelwood
What’s behind School Choice? Middle-Class Parents in France, Race, and Decisions over Public Middle Schools, Anthony E. Healy
The Limits of Rationality: Aristotle on the Possibility of Practical Reason, Russell Helder
Job Aid or Job Slayed? The Perceived Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Medical and Legal Work, Jessica Louise Helsten
Two Dimensional Nano-Structures, Herath Mudiyanselage Herath Mudiyanselage
Educational Social Justice Agnostic to Zealot: One White Male Elementary Principal's Journey, Jamie C. Hitzges
Groundwater Inundation and Wastewater Treatment in the Coastal Plain of Georgia, Ben Hodges
Event-Specific and Individual Factors Impacting College Students’ Decisions to Intervene During a Potentially Risky Scenario: A Vignette Study, Chrystina Hoffman
Event-Specific and Individual Factors Impacting College Student' Decisions to Intervene During a Potentially Risky Scenario: A Vignette Study, Chrystina Yong Hoffman
Off the Bloodied Grounds: The Civil War and the Professionalization of American Medicine, Nicolas Georges Hoffmann
Examining the Effect of Group Assignment on Upper Elementary Students' Experiences in a Technology-Mediated Collaborative Compositional Activity, Samuel C. Holmes
Risk of Unintentional Opioid-involved Overdose Death Among Decedents of Industries with a High Risk of Non-fatal Work-related Injury, Georgia, 2014, Emily Hosterman
Game Theory Based Privacy Protection for Context-Aware Services, Yan Huang
Influences of Psychocultural Factors of Self-Stigma on Biracial Individuals' Counseling Utilization, Mary Huffstead
Comparative Analysis of Water Storage Dynamics and Storage-Discharge Relations among Variably Urbanized Catchments within South River Watershed, DeKalb County, GA, Eimienwanlan Ibhagui
A Systematic Literature Review on Water Access and Governance in Accra, Ghana, Keziah Illidge
Towards AI-Assisted Disease Diagnosis: Learning Deep Feature Representations for Medical Image Analysis, Jyoti Islam
Elemental Analysis of Pre-Contact and Contact Period Ceramics From Northeastern Florida, Jeanie R. Jackson*
Region-Specific Effects Of Microglial Depletion On Developmental Neuronal Cell Death In The Mouse Brain, Andrew Jacobs
Masculine Discrepancy Stress and Health Behavior Outcomes, Genna M. Jacobs
In Situ, mohammadjavad Jahangir
From Invisibility to Normativity: LGBT Families' Representation in Parenting Magazines, Claire James
High Performance Frequent Subgraph Mining on Transactional Datasets, Bismita Jena
Density and Chromatic Index, and Minimum Ranks of Sign Pattern Matrices, Guangming Jing
Spill The Tea Sis': Misogynoir's Problem And Black Women's Support, Narratives And Identities Found In Love & Hip-Hop's Reality Tv Franchise, Adeerya J. Johnson
Identification and Treatment of Autonomic Dysfunction in Rett Syndrome Mouse Models, Christopher Johnson
Animacy's Effect on Attention and Memory in Humans and Macaques (Macaca mulatta), Jennifer Johnson
Trends in Testing Behavior Among Young MSM in the United States from 2013-2018, Justin B. Johnson
Writing HERstory: Examining the Intersectional Identities of Black Women in Educational Leadership, Natasha N. Johnson
Photoelectron Spectra and Formation Mechanisms of Interstellar C3H2O Isomers from Quantum Mechanical Calculations, Rebecca Johnson
The Plastic Ocean: An Art Educator’s Interpretation, Rochelle B. Johnson
Organizational Learning Through Disruptive Digital Innovation. A Blockchain Implementation, Veneetia Johnson
Building in Struggle: A Home Buying Cooperative as a Transformative Asset Accumulation Enterprise- A Case Study Analysis, Angela Yaa Jones
Hybrid – Can That Be My Nickname?: Intersectionality, Afro-Nihilism, And The Otherly Existence Of Queer Black Women, Bryana Jones
Race, Discrimination, and Substance Use, Dina Jones
Peer Influence in Group Mentoring: A Source of Peer Contagion or Prosocial Behavior Change?, Hannah Joseph
Artistic Gestures: Choreography in the Artist's Portrait Film, Kristin D. Juarez
Dynamics of a Periphery TV Industry: Birth and Evolution of Korean Reality Show Formats, Soo keung Jung
Maximally Even Tilings: Theory and Algorithms, Jeremiah D. Kastine
Fear Eats the Soul: American Melodrama and African-American Sports Activism, Dafna Kaufman
Hegel's Empty Formalism Critique, Auj Kausar
GSTP1 Polymorphisms Sex-Specific Association with Cognitive Outcomes in Survivors of Pediatric Medulloblastoma Tumors, Rella J. Kautiainen
The Body of Ideas: Nietzsche, Embodiment, and the Genealogical Method, Matthew Kelley
Examining The Association Between Self-Reported Postpartum Depression and Breastfeeding Habits of Women In Georgia, Helina Wondwossen Ketema
Childhood Trauma in Refugee Children: Caretakers’ Perspectives, Ghazal Khaksari
A Comparison of Molar Morphology from Extant Cercopithecid Monkeys and Pliocene Parapapio from Makapansgat, South Africa Using Elliptical Fourier Analysis, Alexander Chil Kim*
Assessing English Writing in Multilingual Writers in Higher Education: A Longitudinal Study, Minkyung Kim
Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Recurrence of Aggressive Tumors, Sergey Klimov
Finding Prejudice in Unexpected Places: Racially Biased Perception, Spencer Knafelc
X-Ray Crystal Structures And Enzyme Kinetic Investigations Of Drug-Resistant Mutants Of Hiv-1 Protease, Daniel Walter Kneller
Deep Neural Networks to Denoise Images, Nikhita Kokkirala
Transgender Women's Health: HIV/AIDS and Beyond..., Krishna Kiran Kota
Drivers of Success to Effective Entrepreneurship: A Comparison of Immigrant and Native-born Perceptions, Irina Kozlovski
Culturally Responsive School Leadership and Gifted Identification in a Heterogeneous School: A Case Study, Kimberly Kranzlein
As Small As a World, Rebecca Kumar
The Problem of Coercion in State Apologies, Jackson Kushner
Boston, New York, and Philadelphia in Global Maritime Trade, 1700-1775, Jeremy Land
The Heart of Politics: A Typology of Gender Stereotypes in Campaign Advertisements and Analysis of Emotional Reactions Among Voters, Kristina La Plant
The Fat Agenda: An Analysis of Fatphobia, Race, Gender, Sexuality and Black Womanhood, Kara A. Lawrence
Drama Therapy: A Character Analysis of the Self, Kathryn Leek
Political Ideology Divergence at the Top and Financial Reporting Quality, Nian Lim "Vic" Lee
Systematic Comparison of Parameter Estimation Approaches Using the Generalized-growth Model for Prediction of Epidemic Outbreaks, Yiseul Lee, Kimberlyn M. Roosa, Amna Tariq, and Gerardo Chowell
The Impact of Transformational Leadership Practices on the Cultural Responsiveness of Academic Parent Teacher Teams (APTT) Implementation, Sally Seana Lehmann
Effects of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Bystander Decision Making and Intervention Behavior for Sexual Violence, Ruschelle Leone
Risk Mitigation in International Mergers and Acquisitions, Yimai Lewis
Reservoir, Jessica E. Lindberg
Ambiguous Criteria, travis c. lindquist
Schopenhauer's Philosophy of Religion and his Critique of German Idealism, Nicholas R. Linhares
Negotiating Dutch Brazil: Portuguese Atlantic Vassals, Rebels, and "Wild Nations of People", Suzanne Marie Litrel
Butler and Kant on Human Nature and Morality, Botian Liu