Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Essays on the Commons, Scarcity and Innovation, Yaqin Liu
Remixing Pedagogy: How Teachers Experience Remix as a Tool for Teaching English Language Arts, Stephanie J. Loomis and Stephanie J. Loomis
Essays on Technology in Presence of Globalization, Joshua Madden
Observational Constraints on the Solar Dynamo and the Hunt for Precursors to Solar Flares, Sushant Sushil Mahajan
A New Scalable, Portable, and Memory-Efficient Predictive Analytics Framework for Predicting Time-to-Event Outcomes in Healthcare, Ramesh Manyam
"I Felt All the Pangs of Exile": Trauma and the Fight for Human Rights in the Memoirs of Nabokov, Soyinka, and Danticat, Lauren Marlatt
Invisible Girls: Victimization, Teacher Support, and Pathways to Punishment for Black Girls, Samantha D. Martin
The Experiences of National Guard Fathers When Communicating With Their Young Children During Combat Deployment, Kimberly Massey
Military Members: Body, Identity, and The Transformations of Military Service, Valerie Masutier
Investigating the Relationship Between Water Flow Path and Contaminant Risk from Georgia Coal Ash Ponds in the Piedmont, Claire C. Mathis
Children Of Genius: Affirmation Of Will In Schopenhauer's Aesthetics, Clare Mauney
Eddie Murphy In The Cut: Race, Class, Culture, And 1980s Film Comedy, Gail A. McFarland
Evaluating The Impact of Esport Brand Extensions on Brand Equity and Behavioral Intentions, Glynn M. McGehee
Perfectionism and Psychological Flexibility in University Students and Counseling Clients, Kathleen McKinney Clark
Empathetic Humanism and Multiethnic Narratives, Ashley Cheyemi McNeil
The Bisexual To Be Corrected: Interrogating The Threat And Recuperation Of Women's Femme Bisexuality, Hannah McShane
Seeing Beyond the Stereotype to See the Whole Human: Teachers? Perceptions of Media Stereotypes and Black Youth, Syreeta Ali McTier
Becoming Mentors: Mentor Praxis and Self-directed Development, Hafeez Merchant
I know now...I am here, Ana meza
Dimensions of Depression and Cerebellar Subregion Volumes in Older Adults, Hannah R. Michalak
Monitoring Subcellular Calcium by Designed Calcium Sensors and the Calcium Sensing Receptor Structure and Function, Cassandra Miller
Enzyme Stability Reaction for Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253 Asparaginase as a Potential Treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Yathreb Mohamed
Examining The Density And Distribution Of Micro And Macroplastics As A Possible Contributor To Sea Turtle Nesting Sand Habitat Quality, Celine Mollet Saint Benoit
Evaluating Traditional and Newer Indices of Attention Bias Among People with Social Anxiety Disorder, Anthony Molloy
Privacy Recommendations for Future Distributed Control Systems, Wasfi Momen
My hideous progeny, Nathaniel Mondragon
Public Attention and Certiorari: The Impact of Public Attention on Supreme Court Petitions, Matthew Montgomery
The Effect of Social Support on Problem Substance Use within Black Homeless Youth, Alexus Moore
Mechanisms Underlying Maintenance of Adult Visual Receptive Fields, David Mudd
Zika Virus RNA Degradation In Municipal Wastewater, Aaron Muirhead
Essays on Social Dilemmas in Networks, Prithvijit Mukherjee
Kant and Joseph Butler on Autonomy, Moral Obligation, and Stoic Virtue, Samuel Munroe
Marxism, Racism, & Capitalism: A Critical Examination of Nancy Fraser, Joseph Murphy
Technology Enabled Social Responsibility Projects and an Empirical Test of CSR's Impact on Firm Performance, Elizabeth Napier
Ultrafast Processes in Phosphorene and Weyl semimetals, Fatemeh Nematollahi
Creative Industries: Behind the Scenes Inequalities, Sierra C. Nicely
Waking Up from the American Dream: A Marxist Critique of Homeownership and the Accumulation of Capital, Christian Noakes
Seeing Stars Like Never Before: A Long-term Interferometric Imaging Survey of Red Supergiants, Ryan P. Norris
Examining a Cumulative Risk Index for Language Delay in Infants at High- and Low-Risk for Autism, Nonye Nwosu
The Whole of the Hidden Thing, Linda Maria Ojeda
Understanding the Dearth of Contacts between Citizens and their Members of Parliaments in Africa, Jean Francois Koly Onivogui
Assymetric Epistemic Labor as Hermeneutical Injustice, Margaret F. Owens
Effect of Sex and Dyad Composition on Speech and Gesture Development of Singleton and Twin Children, hatice sumeyra ozturk
Healthcare Providers´ Experience With Wellness Seeking Refugees In Clarkston, Georgia, Litza Pabon Malave
Diversity, Culture, and Islam in Higher Education: An Anthropological Approach, Laila Panjwani
Development of Organic Carbon Monoxide prodrugs, Zhixiang Pan
How Does the Association between Social Support and Drug Court Completion Vary by Drug of Choice?, Mary Jane Parker
Sociodemographic and Clinical Factors Associated with Poor Oral Health Outcomes among US Adults, Apexa Patel
Teacher Mobilization: A Case Study on Organizational Factors & The Movement of Teachers within an Urban District, Jason A. Patterson
Bioinformatics Techniques for Studying Drug Resistance In HIV and Staphylococcus Aureus, Shrikant Pawar
Don Quixote: Freedom of Interpretation Without Boundaries, Fabienne Payoute
Benefits and Constraints of Participation in Collegiate Recreation Programs and Services for Trans-Identifying Students, Jennifer Pecoraro
Factors Associated with Dietary Patterns for Stroke Prevention among Young Adult African Americans, Stacy Perrin
Identifying the Role of Vasopressin and Oxytocin in the Microbiota-Gut-Brain-Behavior Axis, Nicole Peters
Biochemical Characterization of the Flavivirus-resistance Mouse ABCF3 Protein and a Review of the Antibiotic Resistance and Dissemination Mechanisms in Bacteria, Elizabeth A. Peterson
"A Luta Continua": George Houser in the Peace, Civil Rights, African Liberation, and Anti-Apartheid Movements, Zachary C. Peterson
Characterizing Bars in Low Surface Brightness Galaxies, Wesley C. Peters
Effect of Child Sex and Sibling Composition on Parental Verbal and Nonverbal Input, Ebru Pinar
Essays on Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Alicia Plemmons
Animating Predator and Prey Fish Interactions, Sahithi Podila
A Narrative Inquiry of Black Upper Middle-Class Children's Experiences with School Writing, April L. Poindexter
The Henrietta Hypothesis: Redefining Crisis Communication Practice For Women’s Health Organizations, Monica L. Ponder
Dignity, Carla Powell and Carla Powell
Feminist Music in Brazil and its Effects on Women's Identity: Feminism, Sexuality, and Blackness, Alexis Lynn Powers
Obstacles to Integration: Caseworkers’ Perspectives on the Refugee Resettlement Process, Richard A. Powers
Abstract Forms/Explicit Intent: Modernist Monuments of Socialist Yugoslavia in Service of the State, Aaron Kagan Putt
A Comparison of Student Growth Percentile and Value-added Models on School Quality Measures, Qi Qin
Measuring Risk In Networks, Daniel Quiggin
Novel Nonparametric Methods in Functional Time Series and Diagnostic Medicine, Husneara Rahman
Construyendo la Identidad: Los Factores Que Afectan la Identidad Latina Contemporánea, Laura E. Ramirez
Social Networks, Supportive Behaviors, and Perceived Social Support as Predictors of Drug Court Completion, Tasha M. Ramirez
Finding Order in Chaos: How Bureaucracy Provides Governance Stability in Times of Political Chaos, Adnan Rasool
Attentional Bias for Threat in Intergroup Anxiety, Michelle Rattinger
From the Past to the Present: Collaborating on the Production of a Community Museum in Chiquilá, Quintana Roo, Mexico, Mikaela Razo
Essays on Migration, Energy Use, Emissions, and School Assignment, Cody Reinhardt
Mutual Fund Redemptions in Kind, Honglin Ren
Quantifying Feedback from Narrow Line Region Outflows in Nearby Active Galaxies, Mitchell Revalski
Convergence Liberalism and the Limits of State Coercive Power: A Case Against the Public Justification Principle, Sean R. Rice
Improving the Employee Transition Experience: A Practical Business Application for Design Thinking, Aleta W. Richards
Pair Bond Dynamics: Evaluating Longitudinal Changes in Behavior and 11-Ketotestosterone in Parental Convict Cichlids (Amatitlania Siquia), Celine Richards
The Supermassive Black Hole Mass of NGC 4151 from Stellar Dynamical Modeling, Caroline Roberts
Figures of Conspiracy: Finance Capital and the Aesthetics of Speculation, John Roberts
Mixed-Methods Analysis Of Pica In Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease, Nikita Rodrigues
Respecting an Incompetent Person's Autonomy, Erica Ronning
Integrating Disability Studies into the English Department, Kristen Ruccio
Visceral Whiteness: Public Memory and (Dis)Comfort in 'Post-Racial' Narratives about Slavery and Civil Rights in America, John Russell
Effects Of Different Halide Salts On DNA Photocleavage By 9-aminomethylanthracene Dyes, Mohammad Sadegh Safiarian
Further Purification of an Isolated Nitrile Hydratase Fraction With Asparaginase and Glutaminase Activity from Rhodococcus Rhodochrous and Evaluation of its Kinetics and Properties as a Potential Treatment for Human Leukemia, Etna Milena Sanchez-Castelblanco