Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Performing Valor, Redeeming Virtue, Karen Dodson
Epistemic Injustice in White Academic Feminism, Mary Donnelly
Functions of Guilt and Reparative Behaviors in Middle Childhood, Meghan R. Donohue
Embodied Hope in an Urban Elementary School: Stories of Veteran Educators, Martha Donovan
Incentive Mechanism Design in Mobile Crowdsensing Systems, Zhuojun Duan
Examining Education Level Correlation with Cognitive Function Among People with Alzheimer’s Disease, Simone Dumas
Dissecting Visual Conflict: A Comparative Analysis of ISIS and the Egyptian Military's Photographs in 2016-2017, Kareem El Damanhoury
Who Wants to Be a Teacher? Essays on Education Policy and Teacher Supply, Mahmoud Elsayed
Arriba, Abajo, al Centro, pa' Dentro!: An Event-Related Brain Potential Study of Path- and Manner-Sensitivity and Motion Expression, Samantha N. Emerson
Improvement Of Vesicular Stomatitis Virus In Order To Enhance Its Oncolytic Effects, Zahra Enadi
Latent Tuberculosis Infection and Dyslipidemia among Refugees Attending a Community Based Clinic in Georgia, Dolgion Erdenebat
Cultural Analysis of Organizational Development Units: A Comprehensive Approach based on the Competing Values Framework, Richard Erhardt
Social Skills and Language Development in Preschool Children with Developmental Disabilities Following Augmented Language Intervention, Candace L. Evans
Development And Implementation Of Genetics Modules For Young Learners, Michelle V. Ezeoke
Elucidating Mechanisms of Gefitinib Resistance that Instigate Cancer Progression, Raeesa Faisthalab
Structure, Function and Potential Application Studies of Selenium Substituted Nucleic Acids, Ziyuan Fang
Essays in Environmental and Energy Economics, Faraz Farhidi
Rhamnus prinoides (gesho) extract Inhibits Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans Polymicrobial Biofilm Formation, Raghda Ayman Ahmed Fathi
Public Policy and Youth Substance Use, Bo Feng
Characterizing the Heme Uptake Proteins HtaB and ChtB in Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Brandon L. Ferrell
The Effects of Ultra-Filtered Milk Consumption on Strength and Performance Following Resistance Training in Female Collegiate Athletes, David A. Ferrer
Understanding Integrase-DNA Interactions in Retroviruses Through 3'-processing, Zachary E. Ferris and Markus W. Germann
Cut + Paste | An Aesthetic Exploration, Kristin Ferro
Use of High-resolution Metabolomics to Assess Changes in Metabolic Pathways Associated with Acute Exposure to Air Pollutants., Elizabeth Finlon
Quantitative Analysis of Traffic Related Air Pollution Along the Atlanta BeltLine East Side Trail, Adam Fischer
Emerging Language Comprehension in Toddlers with Significant Developmental Delays, Evelyn Fisher
Learning To Love Machiavelli: Best Practices in Teaching Primary Source Documents to Struggling Secondary Readers of World History, Lindsey A. Fisher
Yours Truly MF, michelle e. florence and Michelle E. Florence
Need Evolutionary Debunking Arguments Rely on a Particular Metaphysical Construal of Evaluative Facts?, Christopher Foster
A Qualitative Examination of Teacher-Student Relationships in the Elementary Grades: Teacher and Student Perspectives, Ryan Daniel Fremeau
A Critical Discourse Analysis of Middle-Class African American Parents' Racial Socialization Parenting Behavior with Their 3 and 4-year-old Sons, Stacey French-Lee
The Fragility of Convergence: Public Reason, Political Liberalism and Stability, Paul Fryfogle
Impact of Organizational Career Management Activities on Organizational Commitment of Early, Mid, and Late Stage Career Professionals, Melissa J. Furman
Una Revisión De La Literatura Sobre La Carencia De Docentes De Lenguas Del Mundo, Encarnacion Galindo Parra
Disability Status and Victimization: An Examination of Mediating Factors on Risk, Taylor L. Gann
High School Mathematics Teachers' Positioning within the Culture Of Blame: A Case Study, Ashley Marie Garner
The Development of Collocations as Constructions in L2 Writing, James Garner
An Examination of Pre-K Co-Teacher’s’ Perceptions and Self-Efficacy in their Present Co-teaching Experiences, Nicola A. Gayle
Exploring First Graders' Mathematical Explanations, Nicole Gearing
Considering Social Media and Mental Health in Critical Expressivism, Sarah Geil
CFL Teacher Cognition in K-8 School Settings: Focus on Classroom Management, Ziyi Geng
Association between Eosinophilic Esophagitis and Food Protein-Induced Enterocolitis Syndrome in Children, Ashley Gerken, Anita Nucci, and Kate Wiley
Calcium Release from the Endoplasmic Reticulum Is Required for the Anticancer Action of Mibefradil, Ahmed Ghareeb
Whiteness in Black Spaces: An Extended Case Study of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tiara Giddings
A Transpacific Peace Movement: Encounters Between American and Japanese Peace Advocates 1889-1919, Wendy Giere-Frye
Prosecutors Under Persecution: A Phenomenological Study of Black Women Prosecutors, Jocilyn Gilbert
The Association Between the 2014 Medicaid Expansion and Screening Colonoscopy and Sigmoidoscopy Receipt for Adults Aged 50-75 Years, Madison E. Gilbert
Aristotle on Virtuous Disharmony: Mixed Actions and the Virtue/Continence Distinction, James Gillard
Evaluation of Stable Isotope Ratios within Meteoric, Surface, and Groundwater within the Kathmandu Valley, upendra giri
The Roles of Servant Characters in Restoration Comedy, 1660 - 1685, Patricia A. Godsave
Forgiveness Communication During End-of-Life: Perspectives From Surviving Loved Ones, Carmen Goman
The Role of Dialogic Teaching in Fostering Critical Literacy in an Urban High School English Classroom, Charity Gordon
Fundamental Properties of O and B Stars with Optical Interferometry, Kathryn D. Gordon
An Empirical Examination of How Supervisor and Peer Knowledge Dissemination Affects a Salesperson's Performance., Ashley Goreczny
Black On Both Sides: An Examination of Race and Class in the Ghetto Mecca, Jonathan P. Grant
"They Ought to Wear Petticoats!": Male Support of Women's Suffrage in America, 1840 to 1920, Kristina Graves
Orfean Harmony: An Ensemble's Creation Of Ancient Greek Music As Ode To The Resilience Of Modern Greece, Aikaterini Grigoriadou
Chronostratigraphy of Barva and Po s Volcanoes, Volcanic Central Cordillera, Costa Rica, Anjelica Guerrier
Structure-Function Relationships of the Nucleocapsid in Vesicular Stomatitis Virus, Ryan Gumpper
Essays on Risk Pricing in Insurance, Qiheng Guo
A Selkie Tale: The Mythical Journey of the Charlotte Bronte Heroines, Pallabi Gupta
The Perception of Adherence to Cystic Fibrosis Guidelines by Respiratory Therapist in Saudi Arabia, Jameel Zaid Hakeem
Forms and Functions of Aggression in Adults: Validation of a Measure of Aggression to Assess Intimate Partner Aggression, Miklos B. Halmos
Using Biomarkers to Optimize the Rehabilitation of Wild Raptors, Molly A. Haman
Examining Rural and Urban Differences in Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among Obese and Overweight Adults in Georgia (BRFSS 2015), Kadija Hamki
Demons of Discord: Violence and the Socio-political Growth of Colonial South Carolina and Georgia, 1690-1776, Corrie N. Hand-Stephenson
Sweet Memories: Hippocampal Regulation of Energy Intake, Reilly C. Hannapel
Monitoring Self & World: A Novel Network Model of Hallucinations in Schizophrenia, Stephanie Marie Hare
Understanding the Recognition of Mixed Sequence DNA through Minor Groove Binding Compounds, Narinder Kaur Harika
Examining the "Just-us" League: A Heuristic Inquiry of African American Male Teachers in a Predominantly White School District, Brian K. Harmon
Reasons I Care: Exploring Relationships Among Social Identities, Cultural Values, and Black Adolescent Males’ Pro-Social Behaviors, Johari Harris
"Perhaps No One General Answer Will Do": Cotton Mather's Commentary On The Synoptic Gospels In "Biblia Americana", Grace Sara Harwood
b-Quark Production in Proton-Proton Collisions at Center of Mass Energies of 510 GeV in the PHENIX Detector at RHIC, Tristan Haseler
#Melanin: How Have Dark-skinned Black Women Engaged In Social Media Hashtags To Affirm, Validate and Celebrate Their Beauty?, Ololade S. Hassan
Shifting Professional Dialogue: Engaging Algebra 1 Teachers in Research-Based Professional Development, Jennifer Henderson
The Locational Patterns and Socioeconomic Effects of the New Markets Tax Credit and Low Income Housing Tax Credit in Distressed Metropolitan Census Tracts, Michael Henderson
Surface Soil Metal and Metalloid Contamination Within the Urban Environment of Atlanta, Georgia, Lanier Henson
Wayfaring, Brian Patrick Heston
Integrated Mathematical and Experimental Study of Cell Migration and Shape, Xiuxiu He
Privacy Preserving Data Publishing, Zaobo He
Examining Spatial Distribution of Adult Glioma Incidence using SEER Data 2001-2014, Marissa Hicks, Lia Scott MPH, and Xiaozhong Ma
In the Arena: Deep South Racial Threat and Contact, Kurt Hitzeman
Methionine Restriction Inhibits Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Growth by Targeting the Beta-Catenin Pathway, Katherine Hobson
Longitudinal Structure of Expressive and Receptive Language Among Young African American Children: An Examination of the Preschool Language Scale-5, Leslie E. Hodges
Stating The Sine Qua Non Of The State Without The State: The Necessity Of The State During International Humanitarian Interventions, Gregory Hodgin
Predicting DeKalb County Drug Court Graduation, Jeffrey-Michael P. Holiday
Cumulative Risk of Psychological Distress in College Students Affected by Hurricane Harvey, Philip Hudson
The Effectiveness of a Volume-Based Enteral Feeding Protocol to Provide Energy Intake in Hospitalized Critically Ill Adults, Anna Huffman, Anita Nucci, Katherine Wiley, and Kathy Taylor
Scientists With and Without Managerial Responsibilities: How Managerial Training Affects the Perception of Job Satisfaction, Jamie Humphries
Health Behaviors and Fundamental Cause Theory Factors Influence the Future Need for Long-Term Care, Tabitha Ingle