Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Patterns of Communication, Cognition, and Adaptive Behavior in Children with Developmental Delays, Phebe Albert
Essays in Behavioral Labor and Welfare Economics, Aleksandr Alekseev
Stock Marketing Prediction Using Narx Algorithm, Enas Alkhoshi
Faculty Approaches to Active Learning: Barriers, Affordances and Adoption, Julian Allen
A "Practice-Based" Theory of the Firm: A Practice Theory Perspective to Organizational Strategy Development and Knowledge Management, Sayed Mahdi Almohri
When to Initiate Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patients, Samar Alosaimi
The Impact of Aerosol Devices and Delivery Interfaces on Aerosol Deposition in Children Receiving Noninvasive Ventilation, Malak Obaid Alshlowi
Religious Symbolism in August Wilson’s the Piano Lesson, Pedro E. Alvarado
Community Violence and Trauma: The Influence of Child Abuse, Bullying, and Intimate Partner Violence, Claudine O. Anderson-Atkinson
Strange Visitor: The Subjective Identity of Superman, Edward J. Anderson
Humanization in the Digital Age: A Critique of Technophilia in Education, Morgan Anderson
A Qualitative Study of Black Doctoral Music Students' and Graduates' Management of Identity Stereotypes, Steven Anderson
Combining Self-Determination and Check-In/Check-Out to Improve the On-Task Behavior among African American Students with Challenging Behaviors, Weke T. Andrews
What Difference do the Government Institutions of Haiti and the Government Institutions of the Dominican Republic Make for Tourism Growth?, Ludmilla Anglade
A Pilot Study of an Online Stress Intervention for P-12 Teachers, Brandis M. Ansley
Three Essays on the Economics of Education, Jarod T. Apperson
Predicting Client Housing Outcomes from Georgia's Homeless Management Information System with Hierarchical Generalized Linear Modeling, Katherine Arce
The Reifying Center Archive Process: Sustainable Writing Center Archive Practice for Praxis, Research, And Continuity, Roger Austin
Child Maltreatment and Depression: the Role of Social Support, Andia Azimi
Capacities and Cancellation, Robin Baidya
Stronger: An Examination of the Effects of the Strong Black Woman Narrative through the Lifespan of African American Women, Verinique Bailey
Choose or Lose: African-American Parents and the Decision-Making Process in School Choice, Marquis Baker
Mechanistic Studies on D-arginine Dehydrogenase and Functional Annotation of a Novel NADH:quinone Oxidoreductase (PA1024), Jacob A. Ball
Why do Low R2 Hedge Funds have Low R2? An Empirical Study of the Performance and Risk of Low R2 Funds, Arnab Banerjee
Determinants of Childhood Stunting in Guinea: Further Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey 2012, Abdoulaye Bangoura
Mapping Los Angeles: Spatial Representations of the Margin in Fiction, Anna Barattin
Atomic Resolution X-Ray Crystal Structure of HIV-1 Protease in Complex with Atazanavir, Andrew N. Baumert
The Fall from 'Their Ancient Dignities': How the Old English Became Irish from the Viewpoint of England, Katharine Beene
The Longitudinal Development of Lexical Network Knowledge in L2 Learners: Multiple Methods and Parallel Data, Cynthia May Berger
A Qualitative Look at Relationships and Social Support Within Criminogenic Environments, Mindy O'Hara Bernhardt
The Effects of Mathematical Modeling Instruction on Precalculus Students' Performance and Attitudes Toward Rational Functions, Solomon A. Betanga
Self-Compassion and Healthy Behavior Regulation, David Biber
Animating Social Pathology: Ontology, Aesthetics, and Cartoon Alienation, Wolfgang Boehm
Rape Myth Acceptance: Clinical Implications for Victims and the Role of Sexist Attitudes, Conformity to Gender Norms, and Closeness to a Rape Victim, Jhodi-Ann M. Bowie
Teacher and Administrator Perspective of Project-Based Learning, Nicholas Boyers
Downhill running impairs activation and strength of the elbow flexors, Kyle Brandenberger
The Cost of Integration: Grounding the Integration Debate in Black Experience, Hansen Breitling
"Soul In A Can": Exploring How Black Male Students And Artists Navigate The Constraints Of Urban Classrooms And The Music Industry, Garfield R. Bright Jr
Modeling And Experiments Of Electroosmotic Flow Effects On The Ion Transport In Nanopipettes, Warren D. Brown
La Religion dans René de Chateaubriand, Emmanuel Buteau
Critical Compassion in the Composition Classroom, Brittny M. Byrom
A Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating the Effects of a 4-Week Ankle Rehabilitation Program on High School Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability, Mary Spencer Cain
The Confederacy’s “Hardest Hitter”: Reevaluating James Longstreet’s Civil War Record on the Tactical Offensive, Joseph Callaway
Young Stars, Young Planets, and Habitable Zones, Justin Cantrell
A Survey of No Place, Amelia Carley
"Irresistible Motion": Matter, Causality, and Henry David Thoreau, Kristen Carlson
Elucidating Ubiquitin Chain Formation Catalyzed by E2 Enzymes through use of a Di-Ubiquitin Probe, Tomaya Carpenter
Post-Partum Sleep and Breastfeeding Outcomes Among First-Time Mothers of Full-Term Newborns, Joanna Carrega
Insights into the Association of Proteins and Small Molecules with the Minor Groove of DNA, Emma Kathleen Carter
The Effect of Using Dragonbox On The Mathematics Teaching Efficacy of Preservice Middle Grade Teacher, Monica Cates
Home: A Process Based Visual Exploration Of The Sentiment Of Attachment, Demi G. Chandler
But Some of Us Are Brave: Race, Rape Culture and Sexual Violence on College Campuses, Kayla N. Charleston
Material And Techniques For Extended-Wavelength And Split-Off Band Infrared Detectors, Dilip Chauhan*
An Examination of Pre-major Health Student's Readiness for Interprofessional Education at a Technical College, Ryan G. Cheek
The Differential Effects of Stress on the Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata) Brain and Behavior, Shauna C. Cheesman
Autism Literacy: A Rhetorical and Social Inquiry Through Archival Research, Kristeen E. Cherney
Discerning the Language Assessment Literacy of EFL Teachers in Uzbekistan: An Individual, Social, and Sociohistorical Teacher Cognition Inquiry, David Lawrence Chiesa
Bridging Loves: How Korean-American Mothers and Daughters Trouble "Tradition and Modernity" through Love, Su C. Choe
Screening for the Success Potential of New Products: The Case of the Movie Industry, Jee Won Choi
An Investigation of Changes in Diabetes Trends after the Affordable Care Act, Blair Christensen
An Empirical Investigation of Customer Retention: Addressing Unique Challenges in Customer-Firm Relationships, Angeliki Christodoulopoulou
Protection by Co-Immunization of Influenza Hemagglutinin and Tandem Repeat M2e Virus-Like Particle Vaccines in Aged Mice, Hyunjung Chung
Prodromal Variability in Huntington's Disease Progression and Resistance, Jennifer Ciarochi
Loose Larry: A Binding of Non-Blood Story, Tyler Scott Cieplowski
CREB Binding Protein Exerts Transcriptional and Post-translational Regulatory Effects on Dendritic Arborization in Drosophila Sensory Neurons, Sarah Glenn Clark
Investigation of Low-Temperature Effects on DNA Photocleavage Using a Novel Thioether Substituted Cyanine Dye, Andrew Clay
Believability: A Study of Coincidence and Scarcity in Consumer Behavior, Gregory Cohen
Seeing Past Causes: Causation and Covariation in Informational Teleosemantics, Asa Collier
#WeKnowWhatYouDid: An Ethnographic Exploration of Male Socialization and Rape Culture at a Black College for Men, Eva M. Cooke
A Return to Commercial Cinema in a Digital Age: Rerouting the Affective Impulse Under Neoliberalism, Corey Couch
A thing among things, Kelli Couch
Autonomous Exchanges: Human-Machine Autonomy in the Automated Media Economy, Christopher Cox
Noble Taste, Noble Style: Exploring the Concept of Vivre Noblement in the Hours of Engelbert of Nassau, Ceallsach VonEhren Crouch
Maternal Responses to Children;s Exposure to Violent/Tragic News Media in a Sample of Multiply-Traumatized, African-American, Low-Income Youth, Susanna Crowell McQuarrie
Income Level and Educational Attainment as Predictors of Self-Reported Type 2 Diabetes in African American Women Residing in the United States, Vondra Crowell
Thru-hiking and Why People Do It, Richard Crowley
Synthetic Glycans Analogues for the Precise Point-of-care Detection of Pathogens, Xikai Cui
Dynamic Regulation Of The Bone Marrow Myeloid Compartment Under Post-Acute/Chronic Inflammatory Conditions, Courtney Culpepper
An Anchor Action Research Study on Student Achievement Utilizing the Teacher-Intern-Professor Model, David Curlette
New Perceptions of Old Constructs: Re-examining Ease of Movement and Trustworthiness, Ryan Currie
Design and development of small molecule based biosensors for detection of pathogens, Amrita Das
Understanding African American Teachers' Perceptions of African American Students Who are Homeless, Sharhonda Davies
Machine Automation and the Critique of Abstract Labor in Hegel's Mature Social Theory, Matthew J. Delhey
Essays on Misreporting, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, and Adult Health, Augustine Denteh
Privacy in the age of Snowden: The Affective Infrastructure of Late Liberalism., Jason Derby
Sisters, Stephanie L. Devine
The Effects of a Platform Digital Game-Based Learning Environment on Undergraduate Students Achievement and Motivation in a Multivariable Calculus Course, Malcom W. Devoe
Trends in Prediabetes and Associated Comorbid Conditions in Adolescents Aged 12 to 19 Years, Between 2003 and 2014., Taylor Dias
The Identification of Genes and Brain Patterns in the Quantitative Trait Loci of Chromosome 5, Kimberly Diaz Perez
The Elles Series: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s Unusual Approach to Prostitution, Anna Dobbins