Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Elementary Teacher Candidates’ Lived Experiences Of edTPA Mathematics Assessment Task, Tiffany Jacobs
The Role of Reflection in Predicting Stress Coping, Turnover, Absenteeism, and Lateness: A Study of the Hospitality Industry, Hicham Jaddoud
DONT FEEL TOUCH, Vanessa Jagodinsky
Service Function Graph Design And Embedding In Next Generation Internet, Maryamsadat Jalalitabar
Testimonios: A Twenty-First Century Colonial Project and the Closure of Historically Black High Schools in New Orleans, Elizabeth K. Jeffers
Whole Indian: Racism, Resistance, And (Re)Membering Turtle Island, Marshall Jeffries
The Stability and Control of Stochastically Switching Dynamical Systems, Russell C. Jeter
The Filibuster As Populist Transcendence: The Deliberative, Dramatic, And Spectacular Forms Of Talking A Bill To Death, Evan Layne Johnson
Estimation of Dog-bite Rates and Evaluation of Healthcare Seeking Behaviors following Dog Bite, Haiti, Gabrielle Johnson and Gerardo Chowell
Depression in Contemporary Times: A Study of Its Determinants Among Middle-Aged Adults in the United States, Takiyah L. Johnson
Social Media Marketing to Encourage HIV Testing among Young Black College Men, Jamal Jones
Foundation for an Upcoming Study on Risk Perception and Proper Personal Protective Equipment Use of GSU Laboratory Workers, Jacquan Jordan
The Association between Literacy and HIV-related Knowledge for Adults in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Gregory J. Joseph
Investigating Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of Peer Violence and Dating Violence Perpetration Among High-Risk Adolescents, Sandhya Joshi
Cicero's de Oratore from Antiquity to the Advent of Print, Joanna Jury
Synthesis and Photophysical Properties of Phenoxazine Analogs Designed as Potential Antimalarials, Carl Mufungwa Kananda
The Effects of Unilateral Ankle Loading on the Long-Range Correlation of Spatiotemporal Gait Parameters during Treadmill Walking, Yeon-Joo Kang
Sounding Anew: Anasonicity in Contemporary Global Cinemas, Arzu Karaduman
A Report on the Estimates for E-Cigarette Use and Past Year Dental Visit - from 2015-2016 NHANES and 2015 NHIS in the United States, Pavani Priyanka Karri
Mind Over Matter: Evaluation of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Program for College Students, Jim Kasper
Evolution of Relativistic Effects in the Photoionization of Free and Confined Heavy Atoms, David A. Keating
Rescuing the Individual from Neoliberalism: Education, Anarchism, and Subjectivity, Gabriel Keehn
Generalizing and Transferring Mathematical Definitions from Euclidean to Taxicab Geometry, Aubrey Kemp
Factors Associated with Adults’ Perceptions of Nicotine and Nicotine e-Liquid Harm to Young Children and Associations with Nicotine Handling Behaviors in the Home, Catherine Blanchard Kemp
Sparse Coding for Event Tracking and Image Retrieval, Dustin J. Kempton
Simbelmynë, Anna King
Exploring a Model of Social Support and Nonsupport among LGBTQ Youth with and without Parent Consent, Sarah Kiperman
Feminist Aims and A Trans-Inclusive Definition of "Woman", Katie L. Kirkland
Small Molecule Inhibitors of G9A And HDAC for Targeted Cancer Therapy and DNA Encoded Glycan Library (DEGL) For Early Detection of Cancer, Shukkoor Muhammed kondengaden
Examining Correlates of Alcohol Related Condom-less Sex among Youth in Kampala, Uganda, Sagar Kumar
"(I Want to) Change the World": An Analysis of Future Orientation of Homeless Youth in Atlanta, Ana LaBoy
Women's Narratives of Their Experiences with the Diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), Jennie E. Lambert
The Value of Business Incubators and Accelerators from the Entrepreneurs Perspective, Ginger S. Lange
Attitudes Towards Depression And Suicide: An Analysis Of News Coverage and Online Comments on Nigerian News Sites, Oluwamayomikun Lawal
The Effect of Dynamic Capabilities and Military Experience on the Performance of Veteran Women-Owned Businesses, Sequoiya Lawson
Altering Attitudes and Improving Intentions: An Evaluation of the Safe Zone Workshop at Georgia State University, Rebecca H. LeCroix
A History of Boundaries: Redefining the Bordering Process, Cuong Han Le
Measuring Parent Engagement in a Group-based Parent-focused Prevention Program (Legacy for Children TM) to Improve Child Development Outcomes, Akilah Heggs Lee
Good Girl: Sweaty Palms and the Smile, Nuni Lee
Frenzied, Desperate Birds, RaNiqua S. Lee
Capuchin (Cebus [Sapajus] Apella) Change Detection, Jesse Leinwand
Effect of Whole-Body Vibration on Acceleration Transmission and Jumping Performance in Children, Michael Lelko
Actuando género, raza y patria en la tradición sonora dominicana, Gisabel Leonardo
The Role of Racial Ideology in the Relation Between Racial Discrimination and Psychological Well-being Among African American College Students, Ciera B. Lewis
Effect of Single-session Whole-body Vibration on Spasticity and Motor Function of Children with Cerebral Palsy, Huaqing Liang
Privacy Leakage through Sensory Data on Smart Devices, Yi Liang
Manual and Automatic Translation From Sequential to Parallel Programming On Cloud Systems, Bing Li
Epigenetic Regulation of Brown Fat Thermogenesis, Fenfen Li
Data Collection and Aggregation in Mobile Sensing, Ji Li
Teacher-Child Relationships and Parental Support: Association with Academic Achievement among Preschoolers, Chaehyun Lim
Essays on Alternative Perspectives on Cross-Border B2B Trust and Commitment, Yen-Hung Liu
Metaethical Contextualism and the Problem of Disagreement: When Somebody Must Be Wrong, Bradley Loveall
Rawls's Political Liberalism: Historicist Or Kantian?, Linh Mac
Tool Use in Pan: Two Modalities, Two Species, Lindsay M. Mahovetz
Bioenergetics in Photosystem I: Time-Resolved Step-Scan FTIR and Visible Spectroscopic Studies of the Secondary Electron Acceptor A1, Hiroki Makita
Assembly, quantification, and downstream analysis for high trhoughput sequencing data, Igor Mandric
A Study of Low-Income Black Women and the Change of Life, Pamela Manley
The Utilization of Alternative Synthetic Methods for Further Optimization of Cyanine Dyes and their Potential Use in Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy, Fahad Marmarchi
The Problems of Impartiality: Attention, Deliberation, and Having "One Thought Too Many", Stephen Marrone
Sherbet House: Designing Iranian Culture for the United States, Atena Masoudi
Enhancing Automatic Annotation for Optimal Image Retrieval, Mohamed Masoud
Living Links: Examining Immigrant Teens' Experiences in Communication Technology Enhanced Transnational Spaces, Bethany Massey
Multiple Perspectives in a Virtual Environment: Critically Examining Virtual History Curriculum, Tiffany McBean
Preservice Teachers' Understanding Of Geometric Definitions And Their Use In The Concept Of Special Quadrilaterals, Jeffrey E. McCammon
Examining Variations of Patient Visit Characteristics on Lifestyle Counseling Among Diabetic Patients, Ashley McCook
Nietzsche's Art of Interpretation: The Role of the Epigraph in GM III, Ryan McCoy
The House by the Side of the Road: A History of the Andrew P. Stewart Center, Megan W. McDonald
Effect of Monoethanolamine on the Lipid Metabolism of Prostate Cancer Cells, Jennifer McFaline-Figueroa
Reining In The Passions: The Role Of Emotions In Understanding Self-Control, Mara McGuire
Schopenhauer on Aesthetic Experience, Robert McKinley
The Functional Significance of the Excitatory Effects of GABA in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, John K. McNeill IV
Spatial Analysis of County Level Influenza Vaccination Coverage Estimates, Seth Meador
The Association of Female Genital Mutilation in Sexual Behaviors and Marriageability, Ethiopia DHS 2016, Lemlem Eyob Mehari
Envisioning An Imperial Outpost: The Colonial City And Naval Base of Singapore In Anglo-American Travel And World Affairs Writing, 1900-1942, Eduardo Leon Mejia
Our Sacrifice Shall Not Be Required: Examining Maternal Ambivalence and Refusal in Black Motherhood, Candice J. Merritt
Examining the Association Between Well Child Care and Developmental and Behavioral Health Conditions in Children, Alison M. Meyn
Computational Complexity And Algorithms For Dirty Data Evaluation And Repairing, Dongjing Miao
Sexual Health among Female Refugee Youth: An Ecological Approach, Jessica L. Miller
Polycentric Information Commons: A Theory Development and Empirical Investigation, Vitali Mindel
La Barriere entre la Folie et La Sagesse Dans une Vie et « Le Horla » de Maupassant, Soheila Mir Mohammad Sadeghi
Evaluating a Measles and Rubella Multiplex Bead Assay for Countries in the WHO Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network, Alexandria R. Mitchell
Clinical and Translational Implications of Centrosome Amplification and Clustering in Multiple Malignancies, Karuna Mittal
Navigating Reform in Mathematics Teacher Education: Teacher Educators' Responses to edTPA and Professional Organizations' Initiatives, Alesia Mickle Moldavan
Adolescent Economic Empowerment in a Kenyan Urban Rural Context, Amanda Lane Moll
Evaluating Hand Hygiene Compliance Among Healthcare Workers in a Specialized Pediatric Hospital, Abigail Monteiro
Parent-mediated Support of Social Communication Among Toddlers with Autism: A Systematic Review and Direct Observation of Parent-child Interaction, Danielle M. Moore