Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Marketing Insight: The Construct, Antecedents, Implications, and Empirical Testing, Roberto Mora Cortez
Militarized Patriotism: Constructing Norms Of Patriotic Behavior Through The Image Of The Soldier In Film, Matthew Morley
Differences in Exposure to Perfluorocarbons and Renal and Liver Function among Foreign-Born U.S. Residents, Reynolds A. Morrison
The Educational Experience of Virtual Reality: An Archaeological Case Study of the Maya Site, Vista Alegre, Jessica M. Moss
The Association between Maternal HIV Status and Low Birth Weight Offspring, Malawi DHS 2010, Sterner Msamila
Spatiotemporal Variation of Land-Use and Land-Cover in the Nairobi River Watershed, and Its Effects on the Inorganic Geochemistry of Nairobi River, Francis Muchemi
Financial Literacy and Victimization, Mecca Samaria Muhammad
Heaven is Hard Work: The Nation of Islam's Economic Philosophy, Program, and Voices from the Pioneers, 1930-1975, Nafeesa Muhammad
Personalized Texts and Second Language Reading: A Study in Self-Efficacy, Lewis Mullins
The Volcanism Ontology (VO): Semantic Modeling of Volcanic Eruptions and Volcanoes, John Myer
The Energetics and Reversibility of Oxyanions Adsorption/Desorption on Pure and Aluminium-Substituted Ferrihydrite, Alireza Namayandeh
DMI Interaction and Domain Evolution in Magnetic Heterostructures with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy, Jagodage Kasuni S. Nanayakkara
Bringing Sex To Theory: Sensational Affinity, Pleasure, and Sexual Pedagogy, Andreanna Nattiel
Examining Risk Behaviors of a School-Based Mental Health Program in Rural Georgia, Nancy Nava
Epistemic Entrapment - The Right of Exit, Brennan Neal
The Principal's Influence on Teacher Efficacy to Foster Student Engagement: A Case Study of Two Elementary Schools, Emily Nelson
The Enduring Kind: Conceptions Of Freedom For An Unstable Present, Katherine Nelson
Language, Mechanical Memory, and the Speculative Sentence in Hegel, Peter Nennig
Determination of Mouth-level Exposure to Catechol in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke, Phuong K. Ngac
Characterizing F-rationality of Cohen-Macaulay Rings via Canonical Modules, Shuenn Ng
GAGA! Interdisciplinary And Integrated Education: Geography, Art, and Global Awareness, Lieu Nguyen
TIMSS 2015: Influences of Student and Classroom Related Background Variables on Eighth-Grade Mathematics Achievement in Asean+3 (APT) Countries, Michael Nguyen-Quan
Unintentional Secrets of a Museum: Exploring Possibilities of an Underutilized Museum Collection, Theresa LJ Nosacek
Comparison of Nutrition Outcomes by Enteral Nutrition Feeding Method during Weaning from Parenteral Nutrition in Children with Intestinal Failure, Anita Nucci, Elizabeth Thomas, Barbara Hopkins, and Jessica White
Elite Influence and Social Cohesion in Northern Ireland: An Individual Level Theory, Elizabeth A. O'Callaghan
Assessing Patterns in Sexually Transmitted Disease from Hospital Discharges in Chile: 2001-2010, Oluwadamilola Ode-Martins
Mathematics Self-efficacy in High School Students and the Effects of Interim Goal Setting: How Goals and Efficacy are Linked in the Self-efficacy Goal Spectrum, Hannah H. Oldham
Paleoenvironmental and Paleoclimatic Changes in Tropical East Africa Since the LGM: New Record from the Cherangani Hills Kenya., Benjamin Atieno Opiyo
Beyond the Scripted Presidency: Heckling's Affective Ripples, Milene Ortega Ribeiro
Child Maltreatment Victimization and Adolescent Weapon Carrying: Exploring the Role of In-Home Firearm Access and Parent-Child Relationships, Melissa Osborne
Essays on Medical Marijuana Laws, Health Insurance and Health Care Utilization, Pelin Ozluk
Elementary School Teachers' Integration Of Digital Literacy During Collaborative Planning Sessions In a Project-Based School, Zehra Ozturk
Characterizing the Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Monolayer-Protected Noble Metal Nanoclusters, Jonathan W. Padelford
Folded Mystery, maryam palizgir
Essays on Public Health Insurance and Child Health, Makayla Palmer
Antediluvian, Judy Parady
L'Assommoir et "Le Roman Experimental" d'Emile Zola, Richard Parry
A Case Study: Evaluating the Implementation of Eligibility Screening and Sliding Scale Payments in A Community Clinic, Carol Passley
Association between Sleep Disturbances and Suicidal Ideation among Opioids Abusers, Aditiben Patel
Impact of Finger Rings on the Presence of Bacteria on Healthcare Providers' Hands, Anish Patel
Diversity "Versus" Quality: How Public Liberal Arts Universities Manage Pressures to Increase Ranking, Selectivity, Access, and Diversity, Hersheda Patel
The False Promise of Individual Choice: Residential Segregation and Policy Discourse in Baltimore Public Housing, 1940-1970, Sara Patenaude
The Impact of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and Acculturation on Obesity among Adult Immigrant Groups in the United States, Sashoy Patterson
Literary Equivocation: Women Playwrights and the Early Modern “Closet”, Nancy Paxton-Wilson
Toxicological Assessments of Released Engineered Nanoparticles from Aerosolized Products on Human Small Airway and Bronchial Epithelial Cells, Kaitlin Pearce
A Critique of Compatibilist-Libertarianism, Zachary Peck
Isolated Sacred Value Theory: An Account of Moral Conative Attitudes, Adrian Pecotic
Wycliffite Influence in an Age of Political and Religious Turmoil: A Reassessment of Jack Upland, Friar Daw's Reply, and Upland's Rejoinder, Bradley Peppers
The Association Between Maternal Hypertensive Disorders and Perinatal Mortality in Kigoma Region, Tanzania: 2011-2015, Janee S. Perry
Relationship Between F2 – Isoprostanes and Adult Metabolically Healthy Obesity, Tatiana Piccoli
Civil Disobedience and the Duty to Obey the Law: A Critical Assessment of Lefkowitz's View, John Pizzato
A Longitudinal Study of Elementary School Climate and Achievement: Testing a Protective Resilience Model, Katelyn Cleary Plescow
Essays on Electoral Accountability and Equalization Transfer under a Decentralized Context: The Case of Peruvian Municipalities, Linda Porras Mendoza
Community Supervision and Mental Health: The Psychological Well-Being and Expectations of Officers Supervising People with Serious Mental Illness, Nicholas Powell
The Hill Fire and Other Stories, Michael Putnam
Another Failed Attempt, Aaron Kagan Putt
Investigating Paleodiet and Mobility throughout Stable Isotope Analysis at the Site of Tumilaca La Chimba, Moquegua, Peru, Breidy Ivan Quispe Vilcahuaman
Late Quaternary East African Environmental Change based on Mineralogical and Geochemical Analysis of Outcrop and Core Material from the Southern Kenya Rift, Nathan Rabideaux
Substrate Binding and Energy Transduction in a Multidrug Resistance ABC Transporter DrrAB, Sadia J. Rahman
Health-Seeking Behavior Among Older Adults with Hearing Impairment, Mary Dioise Ramos
Characterizing a Novel Forward Locomotion Mutant in Caenorhabditis Elegans, Christian A. Randall
Toward a Diffusive, Non-Destructive Approach to Measuring Stable Isotopes of Water within Tree Stems, Scott A. Raulerson
The Sonnet in Twentieth-Century America, Zachary Rearick
The Classification of Artificial Intelligence as "Social Actors", Mallory Reed
#Moment: Creating Moments of Truth Through Experiential Interior Design, Jennifer Refsnes
A Survey of Research Productivity in Respiratory Therapy Educational Programs, Melinda Register and Melinda L. Register
Production, purification, and process development of recombinant flagellin vaccine platform in Escherichia coli, Joshua Renfroe
Formal Genre Interruption in Ursula K. Le Guin and Samuel R. Delany, Christopher Reynolds
The Past Informs the Future: War Representations and Their Influence on Future Soldiers, Danielle Rhodes
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Teacher Education: Are We Adequately Preparing Pre-Service Teachers to Circumvent Cultural Marginality in the Classroom?, Chatee' Richardson
Mental Health Stigma And Indigent Defense, Ruth Richardson
Primary and Secondary Subnational Debt Markets, Konul A. Riegel
Primary and Secondary Subnational Debt Markets, Konul A. Riegel
Determining xE2-xE3 Pair of RNF38 by Phage Display for Orthogonal Ubiquitin Transfer, Nicolas Rios
Can Global Workspace Theory Solve the Frame Problem?, Katelyn Rivers
Examining Indoor Levels of Carbon Monoxide and Black Carbon in Metropolitan Atlanta Smoking Establishments, Hookah Establishments, and Non-Smoking Venues, Chandan Morris Robbins
Refusals and Re-Creations: Imagining Utopia through Black Lesbian Affect in Modern Dance, Shayla K. Robinson
Educational Attainment and Kinship Ties: Does Kin Network Density Predict High School Graduation?, Sarah Roche
Integrating Protein Dynamics And Enhanced Conformational Ensembles To Better Understand Their Role In Biomolecular Function, Isela Rodriguez-Bussey
Do Financial Incentives Make a Difference? A Study of Dual Eligible Medicare Advantage Primary Care Providers and Quality Gaps in Care for the Dual Eligible Population, Estevan Rodriguez
Influencing the Court: Determinants of Presidential Action, Natalie Rogol
Demand-side Interventions to Promote Residential Energy Conservation, Florian Rundhammer
Methods of Determining Energy Requirements in Critically Ill Adults Before the Publication of New Critical Care Guidelines, Lindsay Ryan, Anita Nucci, Barbara Hopkins, and Jessica Todd
Implementation of Technology in the Primary Grades: Transformational Leadership and Teacher Motivation, Kristi Ryczek
The Effects of Gender in Violent Video Games, Samantha Sabin
Development of Novel Collagen-targeted Protein-based MRI Contrast Agent for Imaging of Chronic Liver and Heart Diseases, Mani Salarian
Sexually Nonconforming Pinays Negotiate Relationships with Parents, Partners, and Community, Veronica Salcedo
Examining the Predictive Validity of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire Using Office Discipline Referrals, Ashley Jacinth Salmon
Effect of DC-Current and Microwave Excitations on Negative Magnetoresistance in GaAs/AlGaAs 2DES, Rasanga L. Samaraweera