Theses/Dissertations from 2018
The Etymology Of Salvation, Anna Sandy
An Analysis of Child Health Indicators across 57 Cities Using 2003-2013 Demographic and Health Survey Data, Victoria Sanon
Rapidly Rotating Low Mass Stars in the K2 Photometric Monitoring Survey, Dicy Ann Saylor
Qualitative Study of a Mindfulness-based Smoking Cessation Treatment among Racially/Ethnically Diverse Adults, Charlayne A. Scarlett
The Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Interracial Anxiety and Avoidance, Lee Schaefer
Experiences of Black Women in College Science Learning Spaces: A Critical Race Theory Perspective, Melissa P. Schoene
Hegelian Freedom and the Communitarian Critique of the Market, Matthew Schrepfer
Understanding Self-regulated Learning, Dina M. Schwam
The Intellectual Intuition of Hegel's Psychology, Daniel Schwartz
Everybody Has It but No One Knows Much About It: How Patient-Provider Communication & HPV Knowledge Impact the Lived Experience of Having HPV, Kelsey Schwarz
Examining the Prevalence and Risk Factors for Diabetes in Los Robles, Nicaragua – A Pilot Study, Abdoulie Senesie
Science Teachers' Epistemological Beliefs, PCK of Argumentation, and Implementation: An Exploratory Study, Ozden Sengul
Strategic Aid: Explaining The Motives And Choices Of International Donors, Onur Sen
How Experts Judge Creativity: A Field Study of the Assessment of Creative Output, Michael Robert Seyle
Applying the Self-Determination Theory to Adolescents with Congenital Heart Disease, Jenna Shackleford
Skilled Labor Mobility and Firm Value: Evidence from a Natural Experiment, Mo Shen
Dental Morphology and Diet Use-wear of the Belgian Neolithic: A Study of Mass Cave Burials in the Meuse River Basin, Katherine E. Sherrill Ms
An Exploratory Study of Mindfulness in Adolescents Diagnosed with Chronic Pain, Sharon Shih
From ESL Learners To EFL Learners: A Case Study of Adolescent Korean Returnees, Ji Hye Shin
Lexical Bundles in Argumentative Essays by Native and Nonnative English-Speaking Novice Academic Writers, Yu Kyoung Shin
Influence Function-Based Empirical Likelihood And Generalized Confidence Intervals For Lorenz Curve, Yuyin Shi
Effects of Acquisition and Maintenance of Social Status on the Behavior, Physiology, and Brain of Anolis Carolinensis, Deep Shukla
The Impact of Knowledge Acquisition on Developing a New Launch Strategy into China, Kristine Sickels
Semi-independent Judiciaries and the Danger of Election Violence: An Analysis of African Elections, Meshack Simati
How Do We Understand International Law and Peace?, Rebecca Sims
Exploring Parallel Efficiency and Synergy for Max-P Region Problem Using Python, Viney Sindhu
Decentralized Parameter Estimation, Ben Sirb
Beyond Literal Meaning: Linguistic And Cognitive Features Of Figurative Language Processing And Production, STEPHEN SKALICKY
Person-environment Fit, Neighborhood Satisfaction, and Social Interaction Among Relocated Public Housing Residents in Atlanta, Renee A. Skeete
"Because I'm Regular, Too": Educational-Life Narratives of Metro-Atlanta Students in Special Education, 1975-2005, Cristy Sellers Smith
A Computation Study of Biofilm Development and Dispersal, Howard Smith
The Impact of Airport Servicescape on Passengers Satisfaction, Kamau Kofi Smith
Ghost Hunting in the New Millennium: A Trans-Media Theory of Cycle Studies, Matthew Smith
Higher Education Pricing: Effects of Tuition Pricing on Nontraditional Student Persistence Moderated by Demographics., Katherine Crowell Spradley
An Analysis of Prenatal Care in Georgia, Joncel Stephens, Shanta Dube, and Merrilee Gober
Managing Implicit Bias with Transformational Conversation: A Qualitative Field Study of Social Identity Theory, Kimberly Stephens
The Measurement of Dreams, Marissa Stephens
Characterizing Multiple Spatial Waves of the 1991-1997 Cholera Epidemic in Peru, Natalie Sterrett
A Narrative Study: Understanding The Intersections Of Race, Class, Gender, And Sexuality In The Pathways To Crime And Incarceration In African American Women’s Lives, Rachelle A. Stewart
The Puzzle of Faith, Jason C. Stigall
The Effects of Autonomy-based Instruction on Motivation to Learn and Academic Performance, Mariana Stone
Gangsta Expressions 1983-1993: Exploring the Mental Health of African American Men, Alexzandra Strickland
An Islamicate History of the Alcazar of Seville: Mudejar Architecture and Andalusi Shared Culture (1252-1369 CE), John Sullivan
Essays on the Impact of Economic Conditions on Health, Jaesang Sung
Rome is Burning: Reevaluating Futurism's Relation to Fascism, Carl C. Sweat IV
The Relationship between Executive Function and Empathy: An fMRI Investigation in Healthy Adults, Zinat Taiwo
Effectiveness of Interorganizational (B2B) Selling: The Influence of Collaboration, Initiator, Market Segmentation, Product, George Talbert
The Comparative Efficiency of Public and Private Provision of Postsecondary Education in U.S. National Universities, David Talley
Reenchantment: A Case for a Cosmological Interpretive Strategy of Literature, Salvatore Talluto
Three Empirical Essays on Health Informatics and Analytics, Youyou Tao
Elder Victimization and Routine Activities: An Examination of the Predictors of Fraud and Burglary for those Age 60 and Older, Susannah Naomi Tapp
Navigating Food Deserts: A Geo-Ethnography of Atlanta Residents' Experiences, Routines, and Perceptions, Lakeisha Tate
Dwelling on Things, Kirstie J. Tepper
Novel role of the central unstructured Paramyxovirus nucleopcapsid protein tail domain, Vidhi Deepak Thakkar
Points of Reflection: A Case for Moral Engagement Across Video Game Time and Space, Ryan C. Thames
Reclaiming Our Promise: Victorious Narratives of African American Males Navigating The School-to-Prison Nexus, Clarice Thomas
Fourier Transform Infrared Microscopy for Probing Changes in Biomolecular Composition of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells in Response to External Stressors, Jodian Marie Thomas
Ghrelin Regulates Energy Homeostasis Through Discrete Central and Peripheral Signaling Mechanisms, Michael Alex Thomas
Analyzing Brain Networks Associated with Social Evaluation and Uncertainty in Subclinical Social Anxiety, Khalil Thompson
Racial Injustice: A History of the Segregated School System in Jackson, Mississippi, Susan C. Thompson
The Emergence of Traumatic Birth, Claudia Tillman
The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Financial Transactions, Al Tilooby
Teachers' and Leaders' Perceptions of an Induction Program's Influence on Teacher Retention in a Title I School with a High Population of English Language Learners, Cynthia B. Tookes
Truffle Butter: Examining Heterosexual Anal Sex and Risk for Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Black Americans, Ebony Townsend
Neuropsychological effect on long-term Ayahuasca use, Tiffany D. Tucker
Levinas and the New Woman Writers: Narrating the Ethics of Alterity, Anita Turlington
Recognizing the War-Torn Wives of West’s Return of the Soldier and Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway, Nicole Turner
Legal Marriage and Political Liberalism, Yunn Ueng
Violence Against Children and Mental Health Outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Ijeoma Nnenna Uzoezie
A Marxian Critique of Nonideal Theory, Tyler Vanwulven
The Effect of Sensor Resolution on Detection of Vegetation in the City of Atlanta, Georgia in June 2011, Daniel Vinson
Synthesis and Analysis of Pyridine Derivatives as Small Molecule Antagonists of CXCR4, Saniya Virani
Distribution of Psychiatric Disorders Among Adolescents of Togo, Kokou Volley
Beyond an Epidemic: Examining the Syndemic Relationship between Alcohol, Violence and HIV among Youth Living in the Slums of Kampala, Malikah Waajid
Rhetorical Being: A Metaphysics of Freedom and Essence, Nathan Wagner
Imprisoned by Sex, Spirit, and Speech: Complicating Diasporic Negritude, Natasha N. Walker
The Novel Tumor Supressive Role of Epithelial-Derived Matrix Metalloproteintase 9 In Colitis Associated Cancer, Lewins Walter
A Case Study of English Language Learners? Multimodal Compositions and Identity Representations, Huan Wang
Spatiotemporal Variation in Emotional Responses to 2017 Terrorist Attacks in London Using Twitter Data, Ruixue Wang
Statistical Inference for the Haezendonck-Goovaerts Risk Measure, Xing Wang
Education Blues: A Study of the Experiences of Black Families Encountering Discipline Policies at a Charter School in Memphis, Tennessee, Ryan B. Warren
Students' Experiences of Design Thinking and Distributed Scaffolding in a Middle School Social Studies Classroom', Todd W. Wass Ed.D.
Icing the Batter: The MYP Coordinator, Principal Leadership, and School Reform, Susan M. Waterbury and Susan M. Waterbury
The Impact of Medical Home on Outcomes for Children with Special Health Care Needs, Rebecca Wells
Regulation of Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neuron Activity by Feeding-related Hypothalamic Neuropeptides, Katherine MS West
Randomness and Structure to Humans and Rhesus Macaques, William Whitham
Black Matter: Re-Evaluating Representations Of Blackness Through Theatre Arts, Aubrey S. Williams
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) Case Definition Change: A Comparative Study of the Georgia Emerging Infections Program, 2011-2015 and 2016, Jeremiah Williams
The Effect of Adaptive Learning Software in Mathematics on the Achievement of Sixth-Grade Black Males at a Title I School, Demetria Wilson
A Comparative Analysis of the Implicit Motives of Violent Extremist Groups, Rebecca Wilson
Child Maltreatment-Related Homicides: Examining Characteristics and Circumstances in the Context of Victim-Perpetrator Relationship, Rebecca Wilson
The Curvy Girl Handbook vs. the Industry: A Unique Body Image in a One-Track Business, Jessica Wise