Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Time Is On My Side . . . Or Is It?: Time of Day and Achievement in Asynchronous Learning Environments, Angela Gilleland
The Influence Of Others' Goals On Young Children's Sharing Decisions, Melissa L. Glasser
Computational Methods for Sequencing and Analysis of Heterogeneous RNA Populations, Olga Glebova
Adults' and Children's Identification of Faces and Emotions from Isolated Motion Cues, Anna Gonsiorowski
The Relationship between Sun Exposure, Dietary Vitamin D and Muscle Soreness in Collegiate Football Players, Emily M. Goodman
Anonymity and Anti-Gay Aggression in an Online Sample: The Effect of an Audience on Gender Role Enforcement, Bradley Goodnight
Returning to Presence: The Effects of Mindfulness on Emotion Regulation Following Worry among Individuals with Analogue Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Jessica Rose Morgan Goodnight
Optical Property Enhancement And Characterization Of Fluorescent Protein Based Intracellular Calcium Probes, Demesheka Goolsby
The Artistic Contributions of Women in Antiquity: Art and Spirituality in the Works of Sappho and Hildegard, Aikaterini Grigoriadou
Evidence-based Child Maltreatment Prevention: An Examination of Risk and Novel Approaches, Katelyn Guastaferro
Asteroseismology in Binary Stars with Applications of Bayesian Inference Tools, Zhao Guo
The Relationship Among Normative Male Alexithymia, Gender Role Conflict, Men's Non-romantic Relationships With Other Men, and Psychological Well-being, Onurkan Guvensel
Effect of Ketamine on Social Avoidance in Socially Defeated Male and Female Syrian Hamsters, Alejandro D. Guzman Bambaren
Essays on Computational Problems in Insurance, Hongjun Ha
Public Housing Relocation and Utilization of the Food Safety Net: The Role of Social Capital and Cultural Capital, Marcie Hambrick
Collections of Disorder: Stories of Mental Illness, Kalyn M. Hardman
A Shared Authority? Museums Connect, Public Diplomacy, And Transnational Public History, Richard J. W. Harker
The Prediction of Violent Recidivism Amongst Individuals with Mental Disorders: Situational vs. Dispositional Factors, Michelle Harris
Transnational Health Seeking Behavior of Bangladeshi People Living in Atlanta, Md Tanveer Hassan
Surface Charge Characterization of Anatase and Rutile using Flow Adsorption Microcalorimetry, Tyler Hawkins
Assessing Seatbelt Usage among Teenagers in Rural Settings: The Drive Alive Program, Elizabeth Head
Spectroscopic and Thermodynamic Characterization of Human 3-Hydroxyanthranilate-3,4-Dioxygenase, Calmour Henry
The Dialectics of Engaging the BOP through Microfranchising: Evidence from a Mexican Agribusiness, Rafael Hernandez Cazares
Text and Spatial-Temporal Data Visualization, Xi He
A Collaborative Inquiry: Working Together to Make Our Reading Recovery Lessons Culturally Responsive, Danielle M. HIlaski
Land Management Controls on Hydraulic Conductivity of an Urban Farm in Atlanta, GA, Hayden Hinton
Attitudes Toward Marriage and Long-term Relationships across Emerging Adulthood, Kaitlin A. Hippen
Risk Factors for Sexual Assault: Can Existing Theories Explain Bisexual Women's Disproportionate Risk?, Tracy N. Hipp
Case Study of an English Program in a Multi-ethnic Chinese Context: Feasibility of Genred Task Instructional Approaches and Implications for Teacher Development, Merideth Hoagland
A Road Less Traveled: Learning With And From Contemporary Black Secondary School Leaders, Demetricia L. Hodges
Synthetic Development of Cyanine Dyes and Investigation of Their Interaction with Duplex DNA, Cory Holder
Bodies That Scatter: Sound, Cinema, Figure, Form, Justin Horton
Perfectionism, Acculturative Stress, Coping Styles, and Depression among International Students., Yi-Shi Hsiao
Spatial Analysis of Retinal Pigment Epithelium Morphology, Haitao Huang
An Evaluation of Late Holocene Sea Level Rise and Anthropogenic Impacts; Jones Narrows Marsh, Chatham County, Georgia, Jessie Hughes
The Relationship of Mathematics Anxiety, Mathematical Beliefs, and Instructional Practices of Elementary School Teachers, Pamela T. Hughes
Love on the Stage, War on the Page: Evaluating the Role of War Trauma in How I Learned to Drive, Deborah Hull
Brushing Off the Dust: Transitionary Diet at the site of Cerro del Oro, Brittany Hundman
Efficacy and Safety of Virus Like Particle Vaccines against Respiratory Syncytial Virus in Mouse and Cotton Rat Models, Hye Suk Hwang
Individualism, the Total State and Race in the Views of Carl Schmitt, Eva Imbsweiler
Lysine Catabolism and In Vivo Substrate Specificity of D-Amino Acid Dehydrogenases in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa PAO1, Sai Madhuri Indurthi
American Father Perspectives of Breastfeeding and How it Affects Breastfeeding Rates, Lesshon Irby
Micronutrient Intake in Children Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Food Selectivity, Lisa Janik
Combined Environmental and Social Stressors in Northwest Atlanta's Proctor Creek Watershed: An Exploration of Expert Data and Local Knowledge, Na'Taki Osborne Jelks
Constructing Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for Medical Cost Data with Censored Observations, Jenny Vennukkah Jeyarajah
The Preliminary Study on the Role of 1-Hexene Monooxygenase in Delayed Fruit Ripening by Rhodococcus rhodochrous DAP 96253, Wenxin Jiang
Envisioning Siberia: Siberian Regionalism through Evolution and Revolution, Anthony Johnson
Our Grandmothers’ Ways: Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use by the Gullah-Geechee in McIntosh County, Georgia, Roman Johnson
The Impact of Social Identities on the Presentation and Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder, Suzanne Johnson
"Doomed to Deviance?": Examining the Impact of Perceived Ability to Change on Offending Behavior, Tricia Johnston
Managing Pharmaceutical Research And Development Portfolios: An Empirical Inquiry Into Managerial Decision Making In The Context Of A Merger, Catrina M. Jones
An Evaluation of Worksite Wellness Program Components within the Corporate and Academic Settings, Jalisa Jones
The Ages of A-Stars, Jeremy W. Jones
Mapping Extremism: The Network Politics of the Far-Right, Shannon Jones
Social Support and Mental Health Among Homeless Youth: A Multi-Group SEM Model of Non-LGBT*, LGB, and Trans* Youth in Metro-Atlanta, Morgan Justice
Decentralized Convex Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks, Goutham Kamath
Essays in Fiscal Policy and Budgeting, Krishanu Karmakar
Essays on Policy Evaluation from an Environmental and a Regional Perspective, M. Taha Kasim
Exploring Personal Symbolism and Visual Metaphors through Artistic Inquiry, Mollie Katzin
Enhancing Workforce Development in Rural Communities: The Georgia Mountains Manufacturing Initiative, Jason Kaup
Relative Energy Deficiency in Female Collegiate Track and Field Athletes., Niamh Kearney
Race, Online Health Resources and their Contribution to Health Disparities, Elizabeth Keck
Assessment of Changes on HIV-Related Knowledge, Attitude, and Behavior and Its Impact on HIV Status in Ethiopia, 2005-2011, Filson Kelemewark
Doc Mcstuffins: How African American Preschoolers Interpret Entertainment-Education Messages, Shajobia Keys
REITs: Dual Asset Markets and “Arbitrage”, Dongshin Kim
The Effect of Economic and Relational Direct Marketing Communication on Buying Behavior in B2B Markets, Kihyun Kim
Healing PTSD with Mindfulness: Exploring Mindfulness' Mechanism of Change, Sara Klco
Hacking AngelList: Third Party Signaling in Equity Crowdfunding, Matthew C. Klein
Insulin Dynamic Measures and Weight Change, Noreen Kloc and Noreen G. Kloc
Longevity of Multinational Retail Enterprises in Foreign Markets: An Empirical Examination, Ozlem Tuba Koc
Immune mechanisms of influenza vaccine adjuvants and respiratory syncytial viral vaccines, Eunju Ko
Queering Images of Citizenship: Rhetoric, Representation, and LGBTI Refugees, Emily Kofoed
Modulation of nontypeable Haemophilus influenza-induced inflammation in the pathogenesis of otitis media by curcumin, Anuhya S. Konduru
Content Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks, Chenguang Kong
Effects of Urbanization on Stream Flashiness in the I-85 Corridor of the Southeastern Piedmont, Eli Koslofsky, Katie Price, and C. Rhett Jackson
Unequal Beauty: Exploring Classism in the Western Beauty Standard, Leah Kozee
The Nature of the Union: The Evolution of Understandings about Government and Society Under the Early Continental Congresses, 1774-1776, Tyler J. Kubik
Should Good Girls Like Bad Sex: Depictions of Kink in Cosmo, Kiersten Kummerow Brown
Measuring Syntactic Development in L2 Writing: Fine Grained Indices of Syntactic Complexity and Usage-Based Indices of Syntactic Sophistication, Kristopher Kyle
To Affinity & Beyond: Exploring Sequence Selectivity of Small Molecules for the DNA Minor Groove, Sarah Laughlin-Toth
Syndromic Surveillance using Poison Center Data: An Examination of Novel Approaches, Kai Yee Law
Designing and Orchestrating Embedded Innovation Networks: An Inquiry into Microfranchising in Bangladesh, Late M. Lawson-Lartego
Gender and Gaming: Postmodern Narratives of Liminal Spaces and Selves, Amana Marie Le Blanc
Modeling neuropathogenesis of B virus infection in the macaque ganglia, Julia LeCher
Three Essays on Social Issues in Experimental Economics, Daniel Lee
Multi Domain Semantic Information Retrieval Based on Topic Model, Sanghoon Lee