Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Modulation of nontypeable Haemophilus influenza-induced inflammation in the pathogenesis of otitis media by curcumin, Anuhya S. Konduru
Content Dissemination in Mobile Social Networks, Chenguang Kong
Effects of Urbanization on Stream Flashiness in the I-85 Corridor of the Southeastern Piedmont, Eli Koslofsky, Katie Price, and C. Rhett Jackson
Unequal Beauty: Exploring Classism in the Western Beauty Standard, Leah Kozee
The Nature of the Union: The Evolution of Understandings about Government and Society Under the Early Continental Congresses, 1774-1776, Tyler J. Kubik
Should Good Girls Like Bad Sex: Depictions of Kink in Cosmo, Kiersten Kummerow Brown
Measuring Syntactic Development in L2 Writing: Fine Grained Indices of Syntactic Complexity and Usage-Based Indices of Syntactic Sophistication, Kristopher Kyle
To Affinity & Beyond: Exploring Sequence Selectivity of Small Molecules for the DNA Minor Groove, Sarah Laughlin-Toth
Syndromic Surveillance using Poison Center Data: An Examination of Novel Approaches, Kai Yee Law
Designing and Orchestrating Embedded Innovation Networks: An Inquiry into Microfranchising in Bangladesh, Late M. Lawson-Lartego
Gender and Gaming: Postmodern Narratives of Liminal Spaces and Selves, Amana Marie Le Blanc
Modeling neuropathogenesis of B virus infection in the macaque ganglia, Julia LeCher
Three Essays on Social Issues in Experimental Economics, Daniel Lee
Multi Domain Semantic Information Retrieval Based on Topic Model, Sanghoon Lee
Study Of The DNA Packaging Protein From A Phage That Replicates Under Extreme Conditions, Philip Lessans
Some Novel Statistical Inferences, Chenxue Li
Defining the Inflammation Biomarkers of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases and Colorectal Carcinomas, Jianxu Li
One Hundred and Sixteenth: One Family's Education, Kelly Limes Taylor Henderson
Feminist Perspectivism: A Revised Standpoint Theory, Chevan Lindsay
Distribution and Dynamics of a Defensive Symbiosis in the Bugula neritina (Bryozoa) Sibling Species Complex, Jonathan P. Linneman
Data Dissemination And Information Diffusion In Social Networks, Guoliang Liu
Polarization Rotation Study of Microwave Induced Magnetoresistance Oscillations in the GaAs/AlGaAs 2D System, Han-Chun Liu
Two Essays on Investor Differentiation in Industrial Real Estate Markets, Yu Liu
Incentive Compatible Payoff Mechanisms for General Risk Theories, Yi Li
Gender Justice and Fraser's Universal Caregiver, Mandy Long
Data Assimilation for Spatial Temporal Simulations Using Localized Particle Filtering, Yuan Long
Functional Morphology of the Distal Forelimb and the Evolution of Tool Use in Humans, Sarah Love
An Imperfect and Incomplete Quest for Freedom: An Extended Case Study of Black American Counter-Framing and Resistance Strategies, Angela Luvara
Privacy Preserving Data Mining For Horizontally Distributed Medical Data Analysis, Yunmei Lu
Mapping Transgender Narratives in a Digital Age, Megan Mabry
Uranus from The Planets by Gustav Holst Arranged for Brass Ensemble, Bryan Mack
Tobacco Control in U.S. Mental Health Delivery Systems: A Descriptive Analysis by Facility Characteristics, Veronica Mahathre
Self-Care Practices of Populations at Risk for HIV, Nasim Mahboubi Fluker
Planning Obsolescence: Generational Labor, Welcoming Crisis, and Actualizing Immaterial Bonds, Syeda Mahmood
Examining The Influence Of HIV Status Upon The Access To Improved Water And Sanitation In Households In Kenya, Miriam Makali
The Three Merry Wives of Windsor, Kirsten Marciniak
Nurses Engagement in End-of-Life Discussions with Dying Patients and Their Families, Frances Gomes Marthone
Modifications To The Benzophenoxazine Architecture: Synthesis And Characterization, Vincent Martinez
Outbreaks of Salmonella enterica Linked to Animal Contact: Demographic and Outbreak Characteristics and Comparison to Food Outbreaks — United States, 2009–2014, Jessica R. Marus
Optoelectronic and Structural Properties of Group III-Nitride Semiconductors Grown by High Pressure MOCVD and Migration Enhanced Plasma Assisted MOCVD, Indika Matara Kankanamge
Symbiont Dependent Host Reproduction In The Marine Bryozoan, Bugula neritina, Meril Mathew
Fundamental Parameters of Eclipsing Binaries in the Kepler Field of View, Rachel A. Matson
Does tooth size matter?: A dental measurement analysis on StW 252 from Sterkfontein, South Africa, Caitlin Mayer
Outdoor Play Behaviors of Pre-Kindergarten Students: Investigating Sociometric Scores, Familiarity, Gender, and Play Entry Strategies, Leslie McAlpin
Incidence of Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes Among Obstructive Sleep Apnea Patients, Dedria McArthur
Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms Underlying Stress-Induced Behavioral Change, Katharine E. McCann
Correlates and Predictors of Anti-Transgender Prejudice, Julian R. McCullough
Characteristics of Exemplary Teachers as Part of Georgia's Vision for Public Education, Kimberly A. McDermon
The Relationships Among Multiracial Identity, Color-blind Racial Ideology, and Discrimination in Multiracial Individuals: Implications for Professional Counseling and Counselor Education, Christen Peeper McDonald
Association between Alcohol and Substance Use and Risky Sexual Behaviors in African American Adolescents in the United States, Jeanette Mcfall
Thought Experiments and the Myth of Intuitive Content, Marcus McGahhey
Remaking Resistance: Cultural Meaning and Activism in the SOA Watch Movement, Kevin McGuire
Cloud Computing: TOE Adoption Factors By Service Model In Manufacturing, Michael McKinnie
Cognitive Biases in Social Anxiety Disorder: Examining Interpretation and Attention Biases and Their Relation to Anxious Behavior, Natasha Mehta
Why Does Kant Think That Moral Requirements Are Categorical Imperatives’?, Maria Mejia
Sympathetic And Sensory Innervation And Activation Of Inguinal And Epididymal White Adipose Tissue, Jennifer Mendez
Microbiota Metabolism of Soluble Fiber Protects Against Low Grade Inflammation and Metabolic Syndrome, Jennifer Miles-Brown
Perceptions and Practice: An Investigation of Urban Teachers' Perceived and Observed Teaching Dispositions, Carla Bernard Miller
Defining the Distinction: Neural and Cognitive Correlates of Apathy & Depression in Prodromal Huntington's Disease, Maria Misiura
Overcoming Diminished Motivation, Jumana Morciglio
Pepper Mild Mottle Virus as an Indicator of Fecal Pollution along an Urban Stretch of the Chattahoochee River in Atlanta, GA, 2014, Darian Morgan
Jackknife Empirical Likelihood for the Concordance Correlation Coefficient, Anna Moss
Outside Ownership in the Hedge Fund Industry, Kevin Mullally
Community Stigma and Discrimination Against Persons Living With HIV/AIDS in Kenya, Catherine Muthoni
Lyrical Music Improves 5 km Time Trial Performance Compared to Non-Lyrical Music, Denise J. Myers MS, J. Andrew Doyle PhD, Jeffrey Scott Otis, and Christopher P. Ingalls PhD
Piecing Together the Puzzle of the Past: A Biographical Research Project on "Doing History" the Fred Morrow Fling Way, Kerri B. Napoleon
Geographic Variation of Radon Gas Concentrations in Relationship to Housing Characteristics in Dekalb County, Georgia, Fredrick Neal
Triad, Kelly Neal
Suffragists With Suitcases: Women Advocacy Travelers of the Early Twentieth Century, Megan Neary
A Benefit Argument for Responsibilities to Rectify Injustice, Suzanne Neefus
Essays on the Role and Influence of Top Managers on Firm Interactions With Secondary Stakeholders, François Neville
An Investigation of the DNA Interactions of Polyamine Anthracene Conjugates under High Ionic Conditions, Khoa Nguyen
LGB Cancer Survivors are More Likely to Participate in Risky Behaviors than Straight Cancer Survivors, United States, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 2014, Thuy Hang T. Nguyen
Beyond the State: The Early Nietzsche's Post-Political Rhetoric, Keegan Nichols
Embrace The Suck, Tyler Nicholson
Authigenic Clay Formation and Diagenetic Reactions, Lake Magadi, Kenya, Elena L. Nikonova
Looking At the Past: Eighth Grade Social Studies Teachers and Historical Visual Texts, Jearl Nix
Adverse Childhood Experiences and the Association with Childhood Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Study of the U.S. National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), 2011-2012., Omarwalid Noorzada
A Comparison Of Art Education Practices In Bangladesh And In The United States, Nafisa I. Nova
Parental Responsivity and Language Outcomes During a Language Intervention for Children with Developmental Delay, Nonye Nwosu
The Effects of Psychological Stress on Abdominal Obesity Among African American Women, Sankan W. Nyanseor
Biodegradation of Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Contaminated Coastal Environments, Nigeria, SAMSON ONIBIYO
Glucose Challenge Test as a Predictor of Type 2 Diabetes, Rahsaan Overton
Unsilenced: Black Girls' Stories, LaToya Owens
Essays on the Convergence of Consumer Spending Patterns across National Markets, Ayse Ozturk
Factors Affecting Length of Stay in Children and Adolescents Admitted with an Eating Disorder to a Large Urban Pediatric Hospital, Adelina Paduraru
A Road to Engagement, Anita Pansari
An Examination of the Effects of Air Pollution and Physical Activity on Markers of Acute Airway Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Adolescents, Emilia Pasalic
Adam Smith's Circle of Ambition, Zakary Pearsall