Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Language Policy in Rwanda: Shifting Linguistic and Educational Landscape, Pamela Pearson
Transgressing the Borders: Text and Talk in a Refugee Women's Book Club, Amy E. Pelissero
Molecular Mechanism of Pseudmonas Aeruginosa Responses to Spermine Stress, Yu-chih Peng
The Effectiveness of a Social Thinking Curriculum in Facilitating Social Competence of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Brooks L. Peters Ph.D.
Professional Profiles, Pedagogic Practices, and the Future of Guitar Education, Robert Pethel
Presence of Paragonimus species Within the Secondary Crustacean Hosts in Bogotá, Colombia, Gillian Phillips
Uncovering Trahlyta: Examining Textual Manifestations of Dahlonega's Cherokee Indian Princess, Allison Pine
Addressing Bullying: A Case Study Investigating School Personnel's Perceptions of Policeis and Practices at Three Private Christian Middle Schools, Jennifer L. Pinkett Smith
An Analysis of Association between Using Solid Fuel and Anemia among Reproductive Age Women, 15-49 Years Old in Timor-Leste, Venancio Soares Pinto
Can Changing Your Environment Change Your Health? Examining Public Housing Relocation and Cardiovascular Disease Risk, Amanda N. Powell MA, MPH
Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Adolescents' Insights About Engagement with Sports Texts in a Voluntary Sports Reading Club, Kevin J. Powell
An Analysis of Micronutrient Consumption of Mothers Using the Demographic and Health Surveys of the Dominican Republic, Genevieve N. Prieur Keys
Use of Home Protection and Worry About Burglary, Tam Quach
Exoplanets in Open Clusters and Binaries: New Constraints on Planetary Migration, Samuel N. Quinn
Crafting Alliances between a Mexican Agribusiness and the Base of the Pyramid: An Action Research into Strategizing, Sergio Quinonez-Romandia
Gender Influence on Cognitive and Structural Differences in People with Schizophrenia, Nadia A. Quyyum
Building Occupancy Simulation and Data Assimilation Using a Graph Based Agent Oriented Model, Sanish Rai
Dynamic Capabilities to Evolve an Ambidextrous IT Organization, Douglas Redden
Only the lull I like, the hum of your valved voice, Trevor Reese
Comparing HIV Risk Among Individuals Living in High and Low Burden Zip Codes in Atlanta, GA Using Different Risk Assessment Models, Joshua Renfroe
A Nietzschean Diagnosis of Philosophers, Jared Riggs
The Value of Scholarly Writing: A Temporal-Material Rhetorical Analysis of Delivery in Google Documents, Valerie Robin
A Shift in Gender Representations and Narratives in Super Bowl Commercials, Ashley M. Rockwell
Association between HIV/AIDS Education and Reduced Risky Sexual Behaviors amongst African American Adolescents living in the United States in 2013, Jasmine A. Rockwell
Pediatric Chronic Abdominal Pain Nursing: A Mixed Method Analysis of Burnout, Nikita Rodrigues
Intergenerational Transmission of Violence: Parent-Child Profiles and Dating Violence in Latino Adolescents, Rebecca Rodriguez
The Dupe, Andrea Rogers
Antioxidant Therapy Attenuates Post-Infarct Cardiac Remodeling by Driving Expression of Krppel-Like Factor 15, Russell George Rogers III
The Influence of Caregiver Mental Health On Parenting Focused Intervention Service Utilization and Parenting Behavior Change, Tia McGill Rogers
The Rhetoric of the iPhone: A Cultural Gateway Of Our Transforming Digital Paradigm, Jessica Rose
Towards a Framework for DHT Distributed Computing, Andrew Rosen
Thick Skin: The History of the Black Tattoo Community in Atlanta, Danielle Rosenthal
The Effects of Synchronous Versus Asynchronous Temporal Patterns On Sequential Learning, Kimberly Ross
Towards a Better Comprehension of Adaptation to Information and Communication Technologies: A Multi-level Approach, Najma Saidani
Site-based Management, Job Autonomy, and Principal Turnover in the Public Education System, Na Sai
The Duty to Truthfulness: Why What We Care about Is a Moral Matter, Jeremy Sakovich
Association of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior among Obese Adolescents across Ethnicity: Examination of 2007-2012 NHANES Data, Tharushi Samaraweera
Prioritizing Diseases, Disorders and Disabilities and the Relative Importance of Skin Cancer: A Public Health Faculty Survey, James Thomas Sandwich MD
Youth Alcohol Marketing Exposure and Sex Risk Behavior: A Social Cognitive Perspective from Uganda, Vinita Sangtani
Microbial Biofilms: An Evaluation of Ecological Interactions and the Use of Natural Products as Potential Therapeutic Agents, Ariel J. Santiago
Aristotle on Practical Wisdom and the End of Action, Gagan Sapkota
Evaluation of Induced Cells of Rhodococcus Rhodochrous to Inhibit Fungi, Muzna Saqib
The Yard's Edge: Poems, Eric Saye
Leadership in High Poverty, High English Language Learner Schools, As Part of Georgia's Vision for Public Education, Kelly Scarborough
Exploring the Effects of Brief Mindfulness and Reappraisal Training on Executive Control and Affect, Lee Schaefer
Another negotiator's dilemma: Negotiating against a counterpart with a bad reputation, Jeff Schatten
“The Pondering Repose of If”: Herman Melville’s Literary Exegesis, Damien Brian Schlarb
An Examination of Student Achievement Differences Between Charter System Schools and Start-Up Charter Schools, Namik Sercan
The Implementation of 311 Technology in Local Government and the Impact on Citizen-initiated Contacting, Emefa Sewordor
Teacher Retention: Behaviors of Principals Influencing Teachers in Schools as part of Georgia?s Vision for Public Education, Sharissa Y. Seymour
Characteristics and Risk Behaviors of Men Who Have Sex with Men and Women Compared to Men Who Have Sex with Men – 20 U.S. Cities, 2011 and 2014, Shaun Shadaker
Buy Nathan Sharratt: A Requirement of the Masters of Fine Arts Degree of Georgia State University, Nathan Sharratt
Real-time In-situ Seismic Tomography in Sensor Network, Lei Shi
Authigenic Clays used as Terrestrial Climate Proxies: Locality 80, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, Alexandra M. Simpson
Smart Interventions for Effective Medication Adherence, Neetu Singh
Queer Subjectivity, Transmedia, and Embodiment in the Carmilla Fandom, Stephanie Skinner
Sex Differences in the Effect of Prenatal and Perinatal Fluoxetine Exposure on Adult Aggression and Avoidance in the Syrian Hamster, Ryan J. Slaby
Dangling Damsels: The Gendered Nature of Executions at Tyburn, 1625-1685, Christine Smith
Gender Nonconformity in Youth and Safety: Utilizing Photo-Elicitation and Thematic Analysis, Jennifer Smith
Max Weber and Pentecostals in Latin America: The Protestant Ethic, Social Capital and Spiritual Capital, Keith Smith
Corpus Callosum and Word Reading in Adult Survivors of Childhood Posterior Fossa Tumors, Kristen M. Smith
Three Essays on the Housing Market, Patrick S. Smith
Strategic Error as Style: Finessing the Grammar Checker, Sarah Smith
Can a Code of Ethics Reduce Sabotage and Increase Productivity under Tournament-Based Compensation? An Experimental Study, Stuart Smith
The Effects Of HIV Disease And Lifestyle Factors On Cellular Aging In Trangender Women, scott s. sohn
Cross-talk between the Oxytocin and Vasopressin Systems in the Brian: Roles in Social Behavior, Zhimin Song
The Unity of Higher Cognition: The Case against Dual Process Theory, David Sorensen
Establishing the Relationship Between Function and Dynamics Within the Gated Mechanism of D-arginine Dehydrogenase, Michael Souffrant
S¡, Se Puede (Yes, We Can), Culturally Relevant Biographies: A study on the impact of culturally relevant biographies on social studies instruction., Aubrey Southall
Civil Rights and the Theology of Atonement, Joy Spann
"Ours is a Great Work": British Women Medical Missionaries in Twentieth-Century Colonial India, Beth Bullock Spencer
School Culture, School Climate, and the Role of the Principal, Felecia V. Spicer
Coming Out Late:The Impact on Individuals' Social Networks, Russell Elliott Spornberger MA
Place, Space, And Gender at the State Normal School, Athens, Georgia, 1891-1932: A Narrative of Influences, Identity, and Disruption, Lindsey Spring
Troy Novant: An Examination of Aeneas as Depicted by Geoffrey Chaucer, Peter Steffensen
Structural and Return Characteristics Of Mid-Capitalization Firms: A Study Into The Myth Around The Superior Returns Of Mid-Size Stocks, Lane Steinberger
The Impact of Financial Statements For SEC Spin Off Entities On The Market's Ability To Anticipate Future Earnings, Nancy Stempin
Location of Healthcare Resources and Perceptions of Access among Rural Dwelling Older Georgians, Eugenie Stephenson
The Time Is at Hand: The Development of Spatial Representations of Time in Children?s Speech and Gesture, Lauren Stites
The Impact of Collaboration Between Science and Education Faculty Members on Teaching for Conceptual Change: A Phenomenographic Case Study of a Physics Professor, William A. Stoll III
Definition and Validation of Influenza Vaccination Status: Implications for Observational Studies of Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in an Inpatient Setting, Courtney Strickland
Some Results on Generalized Complementary Basic Matrices and Dense Alternating Sign Matrices, Mikhail Stroev
The Bioconversion of Plastic Materials, Bryan Stubblefield
Linguistic diversity and the politics of international inclusion in higher education: A critical sociolinguistic study international teaching assistants, Nicholas Subtirelu
Close Enough to Burn, Bethany Sullivan
American Cities in Turbulent Economic Times: An Exploration of Financial Slack in Municipal Finance, Min Su
Interactive Social Selling and Relationship Management on WeChat, Ying Sun
Discrimination of Faces, Sex, and Relationships by Capuchin Monkeys, Catherine F. Talbot
Secular and Longitudinal Trends in Body Weight in a Large Population of Veterans, 2000-2014, Margery J. Tamas
On Cyber-Physical Security of Smart Grid: Data Integrity Attacks and Experiment Platform, Song Tan
Rethinking Turkey's Laicism In Light Of The Debates About Liberal Neutrality, Omer Tasgetiren
Methods for Differential Analysis of Gene Expression and Metabolic Pathway Activity, Yvette Charly B. Temate Tiagueu
Black Men; Are You too “Masculine” for Mental Health Treatment?, Jasmine C. Thomas
Dysfunctional, Gina R. Thompson
Suffrage Is Not The Goal: Medicine, Law, and Radical Thought in the Struggle to Legalize Birth Control, 1870-1930, Lauren Thompson
The MARTA Collection: An Investigation of an Archaeological Legacy and Cache of History, Lori C. Thompson
Deciphering Phosphorus and Aluminum Physiochemical Associations in Paleolake Sediments of Long Pond, GA, Christopher Tidwell