Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Addressing Bullying in Schools: The Perceptions, Thoughts and Beliefs of Middle-School Principals, Quentin Fretwell
Gender Games: A Content Analysis Of Gender Portrayals In Modern, Narrative Video Games, Jared Friedberg
Modeling Reading Constructs with Struggling Readers at Different Ages, Cortney M. Fritz
Investigating the Synergistic effect of Leucine-Metformin-Sildenafil on Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis, Lizhi Fu
The Effect of Auditor Reporting Choice and Audit Committee Oversight Strength on Management Financial Disclosure Decisions, Stephen Fuller
Assessing Learning Strategy Use in English- and Spanish-Speaking Older Adults During Verbal Learning Tests, Cynthia Funes
The Effects of Urbanization on Baseflow over Time: An Analysis of Changing Watersheds and Stream Flow Response in Georgia, Emily B. Furtsch
Southern Lives: Selected Fiction, Amanda Gable
Extrinsic Effects of Cranial Modification: A Case Study of Cranial Porosity and Cranial Modification Intensity in Late Intermediate Period (AD 1000 - AD 1400) Andahuaylas, Peru, Davette N. Gadison
Effects of Maternal Folate Levels and Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Fetal Growth, Infant Outcomes and Later Development, Amanda R. Gailey
Three Essays on Laboratory and Field Experimental Economics, Guanlin Gao
Control of Spiking Activity by Persistent Sodium and Hyperpolarization-activated Currents, Hasti Ghabel
Mental Effort and Political Psychology: How Cognitive Resources Facilitate Collective Action and Political Reasoning, Jeffrey Glas
HIV Care Continuum among Subpopulations of MSM, Georgia, 2012, Hilary Gleske
Diabetes in American Indian and Alaska Native Populations, Courtney Godwin
"Speaches Seeming Fitt": Rhetoric and Courtesy in The Faerie Queene, Michelle L. Golden
Association of Social Support and the Well-being of Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Analysis of the Georgians Organized Against Lupus (GOAL) Cohort Study, Reginald O. Gooden
Civic Engagement 2.0: A Blended Pedagogy of Multiliteracies and Activism, Lauri B. Goodling
Both Ends of the Leash: Pit Bull Ownership and Activism in Atlanta, Georgia, Sarah Goss
Disneyland, Suburbia, and Drugs: The Futility of Escaping Reality in the Art of Camille Rose Garcia, Erin M. Grant
Does A Veridical Libertarian Experience Require Quantum Indeterminacy?, Jessica Rae Green
Analysis of Predictors of Unmet HIV-related Support Services and Barriers to Needs among HIV-infected Individuals in Georgia, Taylor Guffey
Evolution of swimming behaviors in nudibranch molluscs: A comparative analysis of neural circuitry, Charuni Gunaratne
Searching Genome-wide Disease Association Through SNP Data, Xuan Guo
Trends in Herpes Zoster Incidence from 1940 to 2008 Using a Cross-sectional Survey, Craig Hales
Perfect Matchings, Tilings and Hamilton Cycles in Hypergraphs, Jie Han
Moby-Dick as Proto-Modernist Prophecy, Randall W. Harrell
The Development of Microaggressions in the Online Natural Hair Community: A Thematic Analysis, Yasmin Harrell
Surrogate Power: The Agency of the Replacement Mother in Mid-Victorian Literature, Kathryn M Huie Harrison
Organizational Learning Through Marketing Analytics In Health Care, Sherry D. Hartnett
Perception and Theory-of-Mind Development in Preschool Children: Comparing Visual and Auditory Modalities, Anita A. Hasni
The Underrepresentation of Black Students in Advanced Placement Courses: Student Perceptions of Peers, Teachers and School, Camille Havis
A Comprehensive Examination of the Arrowsmith Program At One Private School in Atlanta, Rhonda Hawkins
A Multi-Method Examination of Homicide Investigations on Case Outcomes, Shila René Hawk
Exploring the Efficacy of the Volunteer Return Preparation Program for Low-Income Taxpayers, Melissa Mae Hayes
The Effects of Individual Differences in Imagery Ability and Working Memory Capacity on False Memories for Imagined Actions, Shanna E. A. Hegerty
How Do Teachers Utilize iPads to Enhance the Quantity and Quality of Inquiry-Based Pedagogy within STEM Classrooms?, Aleigha Houston Henderson-Rosser
Effect of State E-Verify Laws on H2A Program Utilization, Raymond Henry
Vehicles for the Absorption of Vitamin D In Cystic Fibrosis: Comparison of Powder Vs. Oil, Wendy A. Hermes
Representations of African American Women on Reality Television After the Great Recession, Steven Herro
Ill-Timed: The Effect of Early Chronic Illness Onset on Young Adult Psychosocial Development, Eundria A. Hill-Joseph
The Chromophilic Chromophobe: Transference of Racial Otherness in Wes Anderson's The Royal Tenenbaums, Reginald Hill
Lest We Forget: Ladies' Memorial Associations in Georgia and the Creation of the Lost Cause, Lindsay Ann Hinnant
Contextual Cues To Word Learning: Mapping Meaning To Form At Two Developmental Milestones, Leslie E. Hodges
The Association of Antecedent Conditions on Disease Duration and Diagnosis Age of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients, Sabrina Hollinger
Deliberative Democratic Equality, Travis Holmes
"Move the Decimal Point and Divide": An Exploration of Students' Introduction to Division with Decimals, Sharon Hooper
Extending Pereboom's Quarantine System, Nathan Houck
In Their Own Words: A Materialist and Archival Look at Contingency in Composition Studies, Laura Howard
(De)Tangled: an Exploration of the Hierarchies in the Natural Hair Community, Schillica Howard
Social Models Influence Children's Delay of Gratification Strategy Use and Delay Performance, Melissa Hrabic
Towards a Virtualized Next Generation Internet, Qian Hu
Barriers to Democracy in the Arab World, Mohammad Huweih
Cyanine Dyes Targeting G-quadruplex DNA: Significance in Sequence and Conformation Selectivity, Hang T. Huynh
Applying Focal Concerns and the Theory of Planned Behavior to the Decision-Making Process in Policing, Glen Ishoy
Suicide Ideation Amongst Adolescent American Indains in a Longitudinal Context, Jerreed Ivanich
Language Teacher Development: A Study of ESOL Preservice Teachers? Identities, Efficacy and Conceptions of Literacy, Annmarie Jackson
The Geochemical Trends of Major and Select Trace Elements through a Soil Profile Near Mt. Daisen, Japan, Cynthia Jackson
Real-Time Social Network Data Mining For Predicting The Path For A Disaster, Saloni Jain
English in the Margins: Cajun Literacy Communities in Bec Doux et ses amis, Samantha Jakobeit
Teachers' Navigation of Policy Context: Plotting the Course for Balance between Conviction and Reform, Linda James
1890-1969—Early History of the Advanced Placement Program: an Argument for Reform of the AP Language & Composition Exam, Elizabeth Jamison
Academic Procrastination: Prevalence Among High School and Undergraduate Students and Relationship to Academic Achievement, Jill Janssen
Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor Modulates Behavioral and Brain Responses to Social Stress, Elizabeth Jeffress
Measurement of Phi Meson Production and Nuclear Modification in Cu+Au Collisions at √(sNN) = 200 GeV with the PHENIX Detector at RHIC, Margaret Annette Jezghani
Sexy Ambiguity and Circulating Sexuality: Assemblage, Desire, and Representation in Seba al-Herz's The Others, Kristyn Johnson
An Assessment of the Feasibility of Environmental Exposure Data for Syndromic Surveillance, Nolan Johnson
Bioarchaeological Analysis of Isolated Crania from the Elizabeth Site in the Lower Illinois River Valley, Daniel Jones
Imagining Home: Tracing the Bond between African Americans and Africa from 1619 to 1936, Darrell W. B. Kefentse
The Paradox of Theodore Parker: Transcendentalist, Abolitionist, and White Supremacist, Jim Kelley
Saving Face, Lane Ketner
Gendered Admission: Transinclusive Admissions Policies at Women's Colleges, Ruby Kett
Early Sexual Debut and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Central Africa, Emerencienne Kibangou
Kant's Logic and the Completeness of his Table of Judgments, Hyoung Sung Kim
A Transnational Perspective On Vietnam War Narratives of The U.S. and South Korea, Na Rae Kim
Analog God, Katherine Kincer
Explaining the Relationship between Paternal Incarceration and Family Well-Being: A Mediating Model Using Food Insecurity, Christian King
Radiation epigenetically modulates tumor cells and alters activation and function of effector T cells, Anita Kumari
Neural Basis of Social and Perceptual Decision-making in Humans, Bidhan Lamichhane
Can Tracking Representationalism Make Sense of Synesthesia?, Casey Landers
Association Between Preoperative Pulmonary Rehabilitation And Postoperative Hospital Outcomes, Shenee Laurence
Downside-Upside Duality: The Role of Ambidexterity in Enterprise Risk Management, Emanuel V. Lauria Jr
Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs: A Policy Review and Recommendations for States, Christine Sh-Teng Lee
Affect and Decision Making in Troubled Information Technology Projects, Hyung Koo Lee
Morning Eating, Bmi and Metabolic Syndrome in U.S. Adults: Nhanes 2005-2010, Joy Lee
Life-style, Coping Resources, and Trauma Symptoms: Predicting Posttraumatic Growth, Michael Leeman
Viewers' Involvement and Responses to an Entertainment Narrative in the Personal Television Environment, Sangmi Lee
Can You Turn a Good Egg Rotten? Examining The Effects of Audience Inhibition on Bystander Behavior for Sexual Aggression, Ruschelle Leone