Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Using The Old To Speak To The New: An Appropriative Studio Approach, David W. Batterman
A Comparative Analysis of State School Food Preparation Practices in NJ, GA & KY, 2006 - 2012, Shanice Battle
Heat Shock Protein 70 Regulates Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha and Myogenin in Skeletal Muscle Following Chemical-Induced Injury, Cory W. Baumann
Early Life Cold Exposure Decreases Global Methylation Levels in Juveniles and Attenuates the Corticosterone Response after Restraint in Adult Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata), Anne Kristel Yu Tiamco Bayani
The Survival and Recovery of ϕ6 Virus from Fomites, Richard L. Bearden II
Surgical Site Infections Following Total Joint Arthroplasty: An Examination of Microbial Isolates, Predisposing Patient Factors, and Diagnostic Delay, Brooke Beaulieu
Sexual Aggression on Campus: Alcohol Use, Peer Support, and Fraternity Membership, Alexandra L. Bellis
The Relationship Between Diet, Body Composition, and Grip Strength in Professional Cheerleaders, Moriah Bellissimo
Dynamic and Improvisational Capabilities in Small Defense Contractor Firms: An Investigation into the Role of IT Enabled Business Processes, Gabriel Beltran
The Relationship Between Within-day Energy Balance and Protein Distribution on Body Composition in Collegiate Female Basketball Players, Robert Bergia
Modeling Public Satisfaction with School Quality: A Test of the American Customer Satisfaction Index Model, Anita Berryman
Examining a Customer Relationship Management Strategy: The Antecedents and Consequences of Gift-Giving Behavior, Yashoda Bhagwat
Hostages in Old English Literature, Melissa Bird
Hegel on Marriage: The Importance of the Wedding Ceremony, Joshua T. Bisig
Relationship of Energy Balance and Body Composition in Elite Female Gymnasts, Taylor E. Blake
Effects of Response Cards on Math Performance for Students with Moderate Intellectual Disability, Lauren J. Boden
Isla Palenque Revisited: An Archaeological Community Study, Johnny Bogle
Cartography for Communities: An Examination of Participatory Action Mapping, Amber J. Boll
The Association of Participant Characteristics and Service Delivery with Program Completion Rates for SafeCare in Georgia, Malinda Bolt
Arts and Academics: How teachers perceive school climate relating to subject area (homerooom or special area) in an elementary school., Tracie Welborn Brack Ed.D.
Becoming the New Soviet Woman: Redefining Class and Gender in the Early Soviet Women's Press, Elena Braginskaya
Interdisciplinary Infusion in the Discipline Based Middle School Art Classroom, Mary Breazeale
What is the Likelihood of Being Heard? An Examination of the Relationship Between Decentralization, Strength in Indigenous Movements, and Meaningful Consultation with Indigenous Groups in Latin America, Brittany M. Bromfield
Unmet Community Needs and Overall Community Satisfaction of Older Adults in Fulton County, Georgia, Kayla Brookshire
Graphic Design and Morale: Helpful Widgets and Worthwhile Distractions for the Masculine Chemo Crowd, Carrie W. Brown
These Heads are Packed with Stories: The Out-of-School Writing Experiences of Elementary Age Boys, David Brown
How Does a Knitted Vagina Work? The Craftivist Response to Current Political Issues through the Utilization of Historically Feminine Crafts, Lauren Elizabeth Browning
Humunculus, Jennifer Brown
An Examination of the Relationship Between SafeCare Provider Fidelity and Parenting Outcomes, Jessica Brown
Inactivation of Bacteriophage Φ6 on Tyvek Suit Surfaces by Chemical Disinfection, Travis Brown
The Atlanta Phoenix Project: Applications of Gamification for Online Civic Engagement, Robert Bryant
Hero Me Not: Mammy, Magical Negro and the Constructed Containment of Storm from the X-Men, Chesya Burke
Down But Not Out: How American Slavery Survived the Constitutional Era, Jason Butler
Combating the Epigenome: Elucidation of Mechanisms Underlying Chemoresistance and Enhancing Tumor Immunogenicity, Ercan Cacan
"Bid Us Rise from Slavery and Live": Antislavery Poetry and the Shared Language of Transatlantic Abolition, 1770s-1830s, Kathleen Campbell
Filtered Identities: A Digitally Active Mid-Adolescent's Identity Construction in Social Networking Spaces, Tara M. Campbell
The Logic of Labor in Nineteenth Century American Literature, Owen C. Cantrell
Disney et l'Enseignement Interculturel du Français Langue Etrangère aux Etats-Unis, Juliette L C Carrion
Numerical Solutions to Two-Dimensional Integration Problems, Alexander Carstairs
Determining the Role of the Art Museum in Students' Perceptions of Themselves as Artists, Lisa Casey
How are Electric Utilities Responding to the Impact of Renewables? Exploring an Integrative Approach to Ambidextrous Business Behavior, Robert T. Casey Jr
Broken World: New Perspectives on American Women Regionalists, Tara D. Causey
Optical and Transport Properties of Quantum Dots in Dot-In-A-Well Systems and Graphene-Like Materials, Venkata Chaganti
Oscillatory Network Dynamics in Perceptual Decision-Making, Ganesh Chand
Durable state rivals: Hezbollah and Lebanon, Hend Charif
The Cruel Daughter, Diya Chaudhuri
Patient Satisfaction & Knowledge of Services: An Evaluation of a Street Medicine Program, Aleta Christensen
Changes in Youth and Adolescent BMI After a Family-Based, Healthy Weight Summer Camp, Lauren Clark
The Power and Peril of Global Professionalization: The Global Knowledge Economy, The World Bank, and Higher Education, Jeremy Cole
A Case for Performance Art: An Artist/Educator Exploring Identity, Zully A. Conde
IT-Enabled Service Innovation—A Field Study of Agile Approaches to Value Co-Creation, Fabiola Corvera-Stimeling
The Role of Education in the Assimilation of Romani Women in the United States, Melanie Covert
Robin Hood as Sheriff in Medieval Estates Model Literature, Macklin Cowart
Aristotle, Determinism, and Moral Responsibility, Jennifer Daigle
Using Telehealth to Support Informal Caregivers of Elders with Urinary Incontinence: A Pilot/Feasibility Study, Nicole Davis
A Teacher's Journey: Making Sense of How Reading Combined Text Genres Influenced Instructional Practices in a Sixth Grade Science Class, Romesa Bryant Davis
Association Between Adverse Health Behaviors and Depression in American Adults with Metabolic Syndrome, Ebenezer Dawodu
Damnatio Memoriae in Non-Royal Tombs: Case Studies in the Theban Necropolis, Margaret Deane
Herr Kant, der Alleszermalmer-Kant the "All-Crushing" Destroyer of Metaphysics: Metaphilosophy of the Critique of Pure Reason, Jake De Backer
Associations between Butylparaben and Thyroid Levels in Females Aged 12 and over (NHANES, 2007-2008), Andrea H. Decker
The Impact of Voter Exit on Party Survival: Evidence from Zimbabwe's ZANU-PF, Chipo Dendere
An Event-based Analysis Framework for Open Source Software Development Projects, Tianjie Deng
Women's Experiences With Traumatic Childbirth, Tamara Dennis
Brownian Motion, Bradley Scott Denton
The Revitalization of the Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition Program in Haiti, Johanne Desormeaux Dr
The Self-Reported Impact of Instructional Coaching on Middle School Teachers' Practices in an Urban Georgia School District, Jeffrey D. Dillard
Synthesis of Small Molecules for Diagnostics and Therapeutics of Influenza Virus, Hieu T. Dinh
Pre-College Causes of Women's Underrepresentation in Philosophy, Christopher Dobbs
Learning to Repair Transgressions: Toddlers' Social Learning of a Reparative Prosocial Act, Meghan Donohue
Nietzsche's Constructive Philosophy: Self-understanding and the Sovereign Individual, Walter Duhaime
Negotiating White Science in a Racially and Ethnically Diverse United States, Patricia S. Dunac-Morgan
Arginine Vasotocin and Social Behavior: Endocrine Effects and Reciprocal Interactions in Anolis carolinensis, Leslie Allison Dunham
Entertainment-Education To Increase Self-Efficacy And Reduce Counterarguing: HIV/AIDS Prevention And African Americans, Tonia N. East-Phanor
African American Males Pursuing STEM Degrees: A Phenomenological Case Study, Dante Edwards
Periaqueductal Gray Glia Modulate Morphine Tolerance Development via Soluble Tumor Necrosis Factor Signaling, Lori Eidson
These Things Could Not Be Resolved: Short Stories, Kara E. Eidsvik
Roles Of Gaseous Neuromodulators NO And CO In Determining Neuronal Electrical Activity And Growth Cone Motility, Stephen Estes
The Role of Health Literacy and Numeracy on Exercise Self-efficacy and Exercise Behavior in the PAADRN Bone Health Intervention, Elizabeth A. Fallon
A Double Loop Learning Model For Integrated and Proactive Customer Relationship Management, Jia Fan
"Dead and Black" Motherhood and The Dialectics of Losing a Black Child to Homicide, Aisha Farley
Running as Women Online: Partisanship, Competitiveness, and Gendered Communication Strategies in Congressional Campaign Websites, Elizabeth Felker
Exploring Relational & Goal-Directed Interactions in Community-Based Mentor Relationships, Kandi Felmet
The Effects Of Unexcused Absences And Excused Absences On Mathematics And Reading Performance Of Eighth Grade Students, RaNae L. Fendley
Calcium-Sensing Receptor Mediated Calcium Signaling in Cancer Bone Metastasis, Jie Feng
Essays on Democratic Institutions and Policy Outcomes, Vladimir Fleurimond
Contending with (Inter)Disciplinary Identity and Specialization: Rhetorical Pasts and Futures for Women's Studies, Composition Studies, and Writing Center Studies, Jennifer Forsthoefel
Multinomial Logistic Regression Analysis Of Varicella Vaccination - 2011 National Immunization Survey (NIS) – Teen Survey Data, Benjamin Fredua
Folk Intuition and Thought Experiments in Science, Benjamin Freed
Factors Related to Access to Nutritious Foods and the Association with Cancer Mortality in the Southeast United States, Krystal Freeman
Dead Before Coed?: Perceptions of Women's Colleges in Male Dominated Society, Zoe RF Freggens