Theses/Dissertations from 2015
INDIGO: An In-Situ Distributed Gossip System Design and Evaluation, Paritosh Ramanan
From Panic to Pity: Circuits and Circulations of the Contemporary Anti-Trafficking Crusade, Juliana Ramirez-Rodriguez
Freedom and Equality in Education: A Private School - Publicly Funded Voucher Education System, Jonathan Ravenelle
Managing the Connections: A Case Study of Managerial Interventions and Contextual Ambidexterity, Richard F. Read
A Moral Reconciliation With Aristotle's Intellectualism, Asher Reisman
Come To The Cypress Pond: The Archaeological Survey of an Antebellum Plantation, Lindsey Renaud
Global Playground: Mutualism, the Ethic of World Citizenship, and the Films of Dayyan Eng, Munib Rezaie
Hooded Secularism: Exclusion and "100 Percent Americanism"'s Version of Separation of Church and State, Kevin Rhoads
Problem Formatting, Domain Specificity, and Arithmetic Processing: The Promise of a Factor Analytic Framework, Katherine Rhodes
An Analysis of Access to Improved Drinking Water and Sanitation and Distance to the Water Source in a Newly Independent Country, Timor-Leste: Assessing Geographical and Socioeconomic Disparities, Decio Ribeiro Sarmento MPH
The Schizophrenic Warrior: Exploring Agl‘ca in the Old English Corpus, Danielle Robinson
Sankofa Healing: A Womanist Analysis of the Retrieval and Transformation of African Ritual Dance, Karli Sherita Robinson-Myers
Recorridos performativos y vectores intertextuales. La representación del espacio literario en París no se acaba nunca, de Enrique Vila-Matas, Carmen Rossell Marsal
Event-Related Potentials in Episodic and Semantic Memory: Distinguishing the N400 from the fN400, Stephanie Ross
A Kingdom for the Birds, Pir Joseph Rothenberg
Legislation as a Site of Contested Meaning in United States Congressional Debates, John Rountree
Is There an Association Between Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Participation and Elevated Body Mass Index in Women?, Jennifer Rucker and Jennifer Lauren Rucker
The Rural School Project of the Rosenwald Fund, 1934-1946, Rebecca Ryckeley
Possibilities For the Urban Grower: Finding Sites in the City of Atlanta using Geographic Information Systems, Nicole B. Ryerson
Genetic, Biochemical, and Functional Characterization of Heme Metabolism in Group A Streptococcus, Ankita J. Sachla
Barriers and Potential in the Final Stage of Global Polio Eradication Initiative, NDHS 2008, Sarah Safi
Frequency of Nutrition Counseling in an Overweight and Obese Adolescent Urban Population and its Effect on Health Related Outcomes, Lisa M. Sakalik
The Impact of a South African, Family-Based HIV Prevention Intervention on Child Sexual Attitudes: Child Neuropsychological Factors as Moderators, Christina Salama
Diabetes Reduces the Rate of Sputum Culture Conversion in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis, Argita Salindri
Kinetic and Structural Studies on Flavin-dependent Enzymes involved in Glycine Betaine Biosynthesis and Propionate 3-nitronate Detoxification, Francesca Salvi
Risks, Controls and Business Value of IT-Enabled Interfirm and Intrafirm Processes, Chaitanya Sambhara
The Role of Comorbid Anxiety Symptoms in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) on an Emotional Perception Task, Kayla Sargent
Investigating the Effectiveness of Physical Activity Policy and Environmental Strategy Interventions for Adults in the Workplace, Colleen Saringer
Exploring Leading Causes of Childhood Morbidity using the Global Enterics Multicenter Study (GEMS), Rural Western Kenya, 2008-2012, Katharine A. Schilling
A Rhetorical Analysis of George Jackson's Soledad Brother: A Class Critical and Critical Race Theory Investigation of Prison Resistance, Nick J. Sciullo
First Science with JouFLU, Nicholas Jon Scott
Beyond Liabilities: Survival Skills for the Young, Small, and Not-for-profit, Elizabeth A.M. Searing
Iron-Catalyzed Amino-Oxygenation and Aminofluorination of Olefins, Jeffrey Sears
Capital Sandbox: Fantasy and the Mechanics of Form in Fallout 3, Christopher Seidl
Essays on Sub-National Value Added Tax of India and Tax Incidence, Astha Sen
Is It All Just For Laughs? An Examination of Gender Minstrelsy and its Manipulation of the Image of Black Womanhood, Brittany Sessions
Silt Geochronology and Mineralogy, Mount Daisen, Japan, Afshan Shaikh
Management of Spectral Resources in Elastic Optical Networks, Sunny Shakya
The effect of MC3/4 receptor agonist and antagonist injections into the ventral tegmental area on motivated food behavior, Laranci Shanmugarajah
Homeomorphically Irreducible Spanning Trees, Halin Graphs, and Long Cycles in 3-connected Graphs with Bounded Maximum Degrees, Songling Shan
Visual Reconciliations of Concordia as Ancient Egypt Enters the Vatican, J. Brianne Sharpe
Eating Frequency, Within-Day Energy Balance, And Adiposity In Free-Living Adults Consuming Self-Selected Diets, Ayla C. Shaw
Chronic Disease and County Economic Status: Does It Matter Where You Live?, Kate M. Shaw
Postpartum Depressive Symptoms: A Study of Influencing Factors and an Intervention for Improvement, Susan Liipfert Shelton
Can You Hear My Voice? Students' Reflections Regarding Access to Music Participation During Secondary School, Paulette T. Sigler
Internships in Writing and English Studies Programs: Opportunities, Locations, and Structures, Lara Smith Sitton
A Catalog of Cool Stars for Precision Planet Searches, Cassy Smith
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Quality along an Urban Stretch of the Chattahoochee River and Proctor Creek in Atlanta, GA, 2014, Dominique Smith
Biochemical and Mechanistic Studies of Nitronate Monooxygenase and Roles of Histidine Residues in Select Flavoprotein Oxidases, Crystal L. Smitherman
Consequences of Electoral Openings on Authoritarian Political Parties, Ian Smith
Fracture: Failure as a Path to Utopia in Queer Art and Life, Charles D. Snyder Jr
Synthesis and Characterization of New Near-Infrared Chromophores: Cyanine and Phenoxazine Derivatives, Eduardo Salvador Soriano Juarez
Cash Holdings of Publicly Unlisted Real Estate Investment Trusts: A Comparative Analysis, Kenneth Soyeh
The Others: Self-Perception And Social Stratification Amongst Incarcerated United States Citizens, Hannah Spadafora
Fumbling in the Greasy Till: Economic Rhetoric and Contemporary Irish Poetry, 2006-2012, Amanda Sperry
Why Pereboom's Four-Case Manipulation Argument is Manipulative, Jay Spitzley
The Effect of Social Capital on Hispanic Post-Secondary Educational Outcomes, Amy Stalzer
Investigating Student Learning and Perceptions Through Concept Journaling: An Exploratory Case Study in Coordinate Algebra, Amber Steele
Enough, Kelly A. Stevenson
The Fallen Woman and the British Empire in Victorian Literature and Culture, Ellen Stockstill
Childhood Maltreatment and Revictimization by an Intimate Partner: The Role of Africultural Coping for at-risk African American Women, Jalika C. Street
G-quadruplex Polymorphism: a Winding Road from Structure to Therapeutics, Ekaterina M. Stroeva
High School Special Education Teachers' Use Of Positive Behavior Supports: Effects of a Behavior Prompting Routine on Specific Praise Rates, Adrienne Stuckey
The Relationship between the Source of Protein Intake and Obesity Risk in Children, Grace Stuhrman, Anita M. Nucci, Barbara Hopkins, and Sarah T. Henes
Measuring the Lifetime Value of a Customer in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry, Sarang Sunder
A Preliminary Investigation into the Mediating Role of Positive Affect in the Development of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder among African American Female Sexual Assault Survivors, Mahogany L. Swanson
Triangulating Racism: French and Francophone African Reactions to the African American Freedom Movement (1954-1968), Allyson Tadjer
Seeking Sexual Health Information from Romantic Partners: Testing an Application and Extension of the Theory of Motivated Information Management, Michael Tannebaum
Preventing HIV in Adolescents Affected by Maternal HIV Infection: The Ms. Now! Program, Nicholas Tarantino
Essays on Information Asymmetry and Welfare Benefit, Hizkia Tasik
Art and Self Discovery The Call and Response of Making Art, Cindy A. Taylor
Human Flourishing and Autonomy as Passive, Gerald Taylor
Interorganizational Learning through Exploration and Exploitation Under Conditions of Goal Divergence in Private-Public Partnerships: A Case Study, Wallace T.F Taylor
Holes, Jessica Temple
Portraits, Wesley Terpstra
Arthritis Impact on Employment Participation among U.S. Adults: A Population-based Perspective, Kristina A. Theis
Preparation for Bias as a Buffer Against the Effect of Racial Discrimination on Academic Attitudes of African American College Students, Dominique Thomas
Bell's Curve: Why the Arc of American History Does Not Bend Toward Racial Equality, Jon Thomas
A Multilevel Analysis of Institutional Factors Affecting Student Success at Community Colleges, Aaron Thomason
Contractions or Constructions: A Content Analysis of Birthing Facilities in Miami, Florida, Shameka Thomas
Selling Peace: The History of the International Chamber of Commerce, 1919-1925, Shane R. Tomashot
Computational Perspective on Intricacies of Interactions, Enzyme Dynamics and Solvent Effects in the Catalytic Action of Cyclophilin A, Safieh Tork Ladani
Dialogic Reading: Language and Preliteracy Outcomes for Young Children with Disabilities, Jacqueline Towson
"Lean In," "Opt Out," and the Journey to Happiness: Brazilian College Women Imagine Freedom, Cecilia Troiano
Essays on the Economic Impact of Conflict on Communities and Individuals, Melissa Rose Trussell
Medicaid's Postpartum Tubal Sterilization Policy's Effect on Vulnerable Populations, Katherine Turner
Built Environment and Birth Outcomes: Examining the Exposure to the Atlanta Beltline and Its Effects on Community Health, Amanda Tyler
Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals for the Population Mean Based on Incomplete Data, Jose Manuel Valdovinos Alvarez
Moral Injury on the Home Front: Can a New Approach Provide Fresh Insight into Spirituality and Alcoholism?, Edward Van Herik
Guidelines for Teaching Art to Students from Urban High-Poverty Backgrounds, Sheena Varghese
Effect of Customer Heterogeneity on Online Pricing: Just Noticeable Differences in a Competitive Service Industry, Saloni Vastani
Space, Settlement, and Environment: Detecting Undocumented Maya Archaeological Sites with Remotely Sensed Data, Andrew Vaughan
Frobenius-Like Permutations and Their Cycle Structure, Adil B. Virani
Holy Bass: Spirituality in Electronic Dance Music Culture, Malone H. Walker
The Prophetic Chronotope and the Sexual Revolution in Baron Ludwig von Reizenstein's The Mysteries of New Orleans, Timothy Walker