Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Spectroscopic Studies of Cyanine Dyes and Serum Albumins for Bioanalytical Applications, Erica Lewis
Band on the Brain: Instrumental Music and Student Achievement, Edward Lindekugel
Characteristics of African American Adolescent Females Who Use Emergency Contraception, Erin Little
Touching Scenes: The Politics of Female Touch in Nineteenth-Century British Literature, Molly Livingston-Martin
The Impact of the Atlanta Race Riot of 1906 on the Discourse on Womanhood, Pamela Logan
Effect of Progesterone Administration in Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Michael Lunney
L¡deres Comunitarias: Evaluation of Community Workshops on Domestic Violence, Rosemarie L. Macias
Role of 26S Proteasome and Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 10 in Regulating Neuroinflammation in the Central Nervous System, Nagini Maganti
Effective Tool Choice by Chimpanzees (Pan Troglodytes): Learning and Flexibility, Lindsay Mahovetz
Electronic Cigarettes: Associated Beliefs and Reasons for Use among US Adults, Ban A. Majeed
The Contribution of Callous and Unemotional Traits and Parenting Practices to Aggressive and Rule-breaking Behaviors, Mariya V. Malikina
Enhanching Security in the Future Cyber Physical Systems, Kebina Manandhar
Clinical Perspectives on the Applicability of “ACOA” as a Diagnosis, Valerie Manley
Evaluating Occupational Outcomes and Interventions in Schools, Julia Manzella
Literatures of Stress: Thermodynamic Physics and the Poetry and Prose of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Thomas Mapes
Synthesis of Sulfated Polysaccharides for Colitis Mice Model, Qiang Ma
New Extensions and Applications of Geršgorin Theory, Rachid Marsli
Peer Support in Adolescents Hospitalized for Sickle Cell Pain Crises, Sarah R. Martin
Essays On Housing Tax Policy and Discrimination in the Mortgage Market, William H. Martin
Creating Space For New Teacher Voices: Examining Mentoring From the Perspective of New Teacher Residents, Cassandra Matthews
Salesforce Automation: An Examination of Issues, Robert Mayberry
Factors that Increase and Decrease Therapist Use of an Evidence-based Practice with Youth Victims of Commercial Sex Trafficking, Colleen McCarty
The Politics of Protection: The Forgotten History of Georgia Feminists and Doe v. Bolton, Alexandra McGee
Geertgen tot Sint Jans's Night Nativity: A Study in Female Spirituality Practices, Kimberly B. McGee
Medical Music: Anthropological Perspectives on Music Therapy, Stephen McMasters
Fred Ain't Dead: The Impact of the Life and Legacy of Fred Hampton, Craig S. McPherson
I. Kinetic and Computational Modeling Studies of Dimethyldioxirane Epoxidations II. Adressing Misconceptions About Energy Changes in Chemical Reactions Through Hands-on Activities, Davita McTush-Camp
Contributing Factors in a Successful Foodborne Outbreak Investigation: an Analysis of Data Collected by the Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet), 2003-2010., Taryn Mecher, Christine E. Stauber, and L. Hannah Gould
Lead Contamination: Environmental Geochemistry of Gold Mining Villages in Northwest Nigeria, Lucy Taylor Mejia
Understanding Ancient Indian Rhetoric on Its Own Terms: Using a Vedic Key to Unlock the Vedic Paradigm, Anne Melfi
God Made the Apples, We Made the Bites, Jessica Melilli-Hand
Oxidative Status and Hypertension: An Examination of the Prospective Association Between Urinary F2-isoprostanes and Hypertension, Charles Melton
Kant and the Problems of Sex, Daniel Mendez
We Might Have Power, Benjamin Michelman
Essays in the Economics of Aging, Ryan Mickey
Food and Nationalism in an Independent Ghana, Brandi Miller
"So Long as the Work is Done": Recovering Jane Goodwin Austin, Kari Holloway Miller
The Mobile Phone and You: Human Interaction and Integration with Mobile Technology, Ryan C. Miller
Pleasure, Honor, And Profit: Samuel Hartlib In His Papers 1620-1662, Timothy Earl Miller
Sonic Vocality: A Theory on the Use of Voice in Character Portrayal, Cindy Milligan
Lewis L. Lorwin and "The Promise of Planning": Class, Collectivism, and Empire in U.S. Economic Planning Debates, 1931-1941, Claude Misukiewicz
The Unity of Happiness and Reason in Hegel, Carson Monetti
Black Themed Reality Television & Racial Identity: Gendered Perceptions from Black College Students, Calvin Monroe
Body Satisfaction and Maladaptive Relationships with Food in African American Women, Angela K. Montfort PhD
Art Capstone Project: Creating a Rite of Passage for Middle School Students, Jon-Erik Montgomery
Democratic Crises in Latin America from 1990-2012: Explaining the Variation in Responses From Regional Intergovernmental Organizations, Betsy Montgomery-Smith
Back Away From the Lecture Notes: Using a Simulation Game to Engage Social Studies Haters, Christopher D. Moore
An Examination of the Relationship between Latino Children's Knowledge of Domestic Violence and Their Attitudes Towards Violence, Charmaine Jennifer Mora-Ozuna
Dynamic Regulation of the Class II Transactivator by Posttranslational Modifications, Julie E. Morgan
Ambiguous Union: Madison, Jefferson and the Principles of '98, 1798-1834, Jeffrey E. Morrison
Comparing Effects of Public Service Announcements on Young Adults' Perception of the R-word, Vangelia Morris
The Efficacy of a Screening Tool to Assess Malnutrition in Adults Admitted to a Large Urban University Hospital, Alexandra Moshier
Maps, Tourism, and Historical Pedagogy: A Study of Power, Identity, and the Politics of Representation in Two Southern Cities, Jessica Marie Moss
Faust on Film: A Hegelian Modern Art, Sarah Kathryn Murphy
Assessing the Effectiveness of Extensive Green Roofs at Improving Environmental Conditions in Atlanta, Georgia, Sharon Murphy
Multicultural Curriculum: Models and Methods in Elementary Art Education, Yoo Lim Na
Trait Mindfulness as a Mediator of Resilience, Depressive Symptoms, and Trauma Symptoms, Kiranmayi Neelarambam
"Free Negroes" - The Development of Early English Jamaica and the Birth of Jamaican Maroon Consciousness, 1655-1670, Patrick John Nichols
Accurate Approximation Series for Optimal Targeting Regions in a Neural Growth Model with a Low –branching Probability, Bernardo Nieto
Gwinnett County, Georgia, A Sunbelt Community: The Invention of a Postwar Suburb, Katheryn Nikolich and Katheryn L. Nikolich
Observation Of Spectral Changes To Trp-214 Residue In Human Serum Albumin Upon Binding With Mangiferin And Near Infrared Dyes, Jennifer Novak
An Assessment of the Relationship between the Quality of Parenting Behaviors and the Potential for Child Maltreatment, Chinyere Nwamuo
Behavioral Characteristics of White-Collar Crime and the Pre-Employment Hiring Process, Connie O'Brien
Health care access, utilization and barriers among injection drug users, Ishaka Oche
The Rhetoric of Refugees: Literacy, Narrative and Identity for Somali Women, Mary Helen O'Connor
To Eat or Not To Eat: Contributions of Dorsal Hippocampal Neurons and Memory to Meal Onset, Yoko Ogawa Henderson
The Use of Antenatal Care Services Among Women Living in Cote d’Ivoire: Focus on Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV, Constance Ogokeh
Characteristics of Disease Transmission, Geography and Risk in an Urban Population with Endemic HIV, Evelyn J. Olansky
The Decorative Program of the Eighteenth-Dynasty Tomb of Pairy (TT 139), Megan C. O'Neill
Essays on the Economics of Transplantation, Marietou Ouayogode
Mechanistic Investigation of the Flavin-Neighboring Residues S45, A46 and I335 in Pseudomonas aeruginosa D-arginine Dehydrogenase, Daniel Ouedraogo and Gioavanni Gadda
Developing an Integrated High School Art Curriculum, Laura Owen
Synthetically Tailored Cyanines for Imaging and Therapy, Eric Owens
An Investigation of Emergent Perceptual Phenomena in Primates: Illusions and Biases in Decision-Making, Audrey E. Parrish
Development of New Series of Protein Based MRI Contrast Agents: ProCA1 Variants and Humanized ProCA32, Anvi N. Patel
Exploratory Assessment of Manufactured E-Liquids and Do It Yourself (DIY) E-Liquids, Sarita Pathak
"Hello Shoppers?" - Themed Spaces, Immersive Popular Culture Exhibition, and Museum Pedagogy, Ian Peters
on Remaining, Lauren Michelle Peterson
“You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup”: Self-Care and Spiritual Activism in Queen Afua’s Sacred Woman, Brandy j. Pettijohn
Susceptibility for Hepatitis B Infection within the United States Population with Special Focus on African American Females., Dajuana Phillip
Dissonance and Accord Between Black Faith Leaders’ and Community Members’ Perceptions of Structural and Institutional Barriers in HIV, Jennifer Phillips
Essays on Risk Management for Insurance Companies, Xiaohu Ping
I’m Sure I Know Myself from Somewhere: Surveillance and Subjectivity in Social Media, Lucas Power
The Cerberus: Parental Licensing And The Equalization Of Opportunity, Sidney M. Prescott
Efficient Parallel and Distributed Algorithms for GIS Polygon Overlay Processing, Satish Puri
Protein Modification of Designed MRI Contrast Agents, Corrie N. Purser
The Digital Logic of Death, Steven Pustay
Three Essays on the Impact of the Affordable Care Act Expansion of Dependent Coverage for Young Adults, Yanling Qi