Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Spectroscopic Investigation into Minor Groove Binders Designed to Selectively Target DNA Sequences, Joseph Walton
Quantification of Nonlinear And Dynamic Charge Transport Through Nanoscale Confinements, Dengchao Wang
The Effects Of Environmental Pollutants On Adipogenesis In The 3T3-L1 Model, Jing Wang
Essays on Insurance Economics, Jinjing Wang
The Veiled Identity: Hijabistas, Instagram and Branding In The Online Islamic Fashion Industry, Kelsey Waninger
Social Ontology, Spectacle, and Hyperreality: A Critical Examination of Searle, Debord And Baudrillard, Nathan D. Ward
Church of Kicks, Ricky Warren
Sex Differences in Stress-Responsive Neural Substrates and the Development of Mood Disorder-Like Behavior Following a Rodent Model of Early-Life Adversity, Jill M. Weathington
Long-term Predictors and Consequences of Optimal Psychological Outcomes in Childhood Cancer Survivors, Aurelie Weinstein
Examination of the Association Between Intimate Partner Violence and STI/HIV Risk in African American Women in High Risk Areas of Atlanta, GA: A Mixed Methods Analysis, Rachael Wendlandt
The Evolution of Cable Network Branding: Time Warner in the Post-Network Era, 2001-2011, Darcey West
Role of Influenza among Adult Respiratory Hospitalizations: a Systemic Review, Melissa Whaley
Exploring Gifted Pedagogy: Evaluating Teacher Knowledge and Implementation of Common Core Professional Learning, Gyimah I. Whitaker
Student Affairs Educators' Efforts to Teach Undergraduates to Be Engaged Civically: Conceptualization, Practices, and Influences at Six Independent Colleges, Laura Whitaker-Lea
Celestial Bodies, Jared White
Transcending Barriers: Race, Mobility, and Transportation Planning in Postwar Atlanta, 1944-1975, John E. Williams
Gendered Racism and the Moderating Influence of Racial Identity: Implications for African American Women?s Well-Being, Justin L. Williams
Adolescent Sexual Risk Reduction and the Theory of Planned Behavior: Moderation Effects and the Role of Previous Experience, Christyl Wilson
The Efficacy of Utilizing Chitosan as an Antiviral Agent in Water Treatment, Jessica Wilson
Nearby Red Dwarfs and Their Dance Partners: Characterizing More Than 2000 Single and Multiple M Dwarfs Near the Sun, Jennifer G. Winters
An Examination of Risk and Violence Indicators among a Subset of Elder Deaths in Fulton County, GA, Ahmed Witwit
The Effectiveness Of Child-Centered Play Therapy On The Challenging Behaviors Of Early Elementary School Students, Corinne Wixson
Essays on Urban Life and Labor Supply of Women, Dong Kyu Won
Glycosylation of Amino Acids and Efficient Synthesis of Glycosphingolipids, Jonathan Wooten
Implementation and Outcome of Taiwan Diagnosis-Related Group (DRG) Payment System, Jhih-Jhong Wu
Optimizing Sparse Matrix-Matrix Multiplication on a Heterogeneous CPU-GPU Platform, Xiaolong Wu
Pulmonary Function Alternations after Vog Exposure in Hawaii Island Schoolchildren, YANJUE WU
Computational Study in Chaotic Dynamical Systems and Mechanisms for Pattern Generation in Three-Cell Networks, Tingli Xing
Restless, Ion Yamazaki
Data Aggregation Scheduling in Wireless Networks, Mingyuan Yan
Urban-rural disparities in HIV related knowledge, behavior and attitude in Burkina Faso: Evidence from Burkina Faso Demographic and Health Survey 2010, Degninou Yehadji
Post-Feminism, Shaming, and Wedding-Themed Reality Television, Katharine P. Zakos
Browning of white adipose tissue by melatonin, Eleen Zarebidaki
Managing a Profitable Interactive Email Marketing Program: Modeling and Analysis, Xi Zhang
Development of Glycan Based Diagnostics to Detect Pathogens, xiaohu Zhang
Essays on Women's Employment and Children's Well-Being, Xilin Zhou
Dynamic Ensemble Selection with Regional Expertise, Yun Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Research proposal for Assessing Patient Safety Culture in Public Hospitals under the Essential Package of Hospital Services (EPHS) in Afghanistan, Haroon Achakzai
Oscillatory Network Activity in Brain Functions and Dysfunctions, Bhim M. Adhikari
Respiratory Therapy Students' Perceptions of Effective Teaching Characteristics of Clinical Instructors at an Urban University, Ali M. Alasmari
Consultation with Performance Feedback to Increase Phonological Awareness in Preschool Age Children, Kizzy Albritton
Critical Thinking in Public Health: An Exploration of Skills Used by Public Health Practitioners and Taught by Instructors, Martha Elizabeth Alexander
Perceived Stress and Generalized Anxiety on Cardiovascular Health Measured by Ultrasound Carotid Intima-media Thickness, Everett Allen
Essays on the Effects of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program on Adult Obesity, Lorenzo Nicolas Almada
Representational Love Triangle of Dion Boucicault's “The Octoroon”, Pedro Alvarado
From Splicing To Dicing: Film Sound Design Goes Digital In The 1990s, Vanessa Ament-Gjenvick
unfictional, Curtis Ames
Effects of Gene Methylation on Behavior in Green Anole Lizards (Anolis carolinensis), Krystal Archer
Deutsches Auto AG and its Global Behavior, Liane Armenta
Brazilian And Nigerian International Students’ Conceptions Of Learning, Carol Ashong
Determinants of Regional Disparities in Under Age five Mortality in Cote d'Ivoire, Poquelin Assi Kouame
When "Being Down" Isn't Enough: Examining White Antiracism and Racial Integration in the Era of Colorblindness, Amanda C. Atwell
Optimizing the Production Parameters of Engineered Protein-Based MRI Contrast Agents, Rose Auguste
Teaching Strategies For Implementing Choice-Based Art Curriculum, Yeon Joo Bae
School Desegregation, Law and Order, and Litigating Social Justice in Alabama, 1954-1973, Joseph Mark Bagley
The Effects of Hospital Unit Nurse Leaders' Perceived Follower Support on Nursing Staff Performance Outcomes, Joy Bailey
An Empirical Investigation of Successful, High Performing Turnaround Professionals: Application of the Dynamic Capabilities Theory, Scott R. Baird Dr.
Photography: A Communication Tool, Holly B. Ballenger
Mechanisms of Experience-dependent Prevention of Plasticity in Visual Circuits, Timothy Balmer
The Way They Never Were: Nationalism, Landscape, and Myth in Irish Identity Construction, Natalie Barber
Software Service Innovation: An Action Research into Release Cycle Management, Neda Barqawi
Constitutional Courts, Legislative Autonomy, and Democracy: What Price Rights?, Kathleen Barrett
The Influence of a K-5 Science Endorsement on the Professional Knowledge Bases of Elementary Teachers, Donna Barrett-williams
Essays on Health and Retirement, Subhasree Basu Roy
The Impact of Pain on Executive Functioning via Anxiety in Youths with Sickle Cell Disease without a History of Stroke, Donald J. Bearden M.A.
The Relationship Between Alcohol Intake and Body Fat Percentage in Adult University Employees, Jessica Beardsley
The Hen's Secret, Laura Beasley
The Commercialization Of The Atlanta Pride Festival: “Somebody's Got To Pay For It”, Sarah Beasley
Effects of Frequency on Single Leg Hopping in Typically Developing Preadolescents, Matthew Beerse
The Evaluation of a Workbook Designed to Promote Self-Forgiveness, Christopher Bell
The Impact of Age, Race and Ethnicity on Employment, Jeremy Bennett
Specific patterns of motor neuron loss in cnd-1 mutants affect backward locomotion in Caenorhabditis elegans, Anela Biscevic
The Vortex of Continuous Development of Embedded Systems: An Inquiry into Agility Orchestration, David A. Bishop
A Comparison between Selected Pre-Final Decision and Completed Superfund Sites in EPA Region 4, Natalie Blanton
From Traditional to Reform: Exploring the Involvement of School Psychologists in the Provision of Educator Professional Learning, Michelle Bolling
Classification of Genotype and Age by Spatial Aspects of RPE Cell Morphology, Michael Boring
Imagining a Twenty-First Century Strategy, Marcia Bost
Method of Recruitment Produces a Group of Persons Who Look Different from the Groups with HIV in Most Studies: A Case-Control Study, Zaghla Boumenir
American Apparel Advertisements, Heather Bowles
Design and Production of a Recombinant FliC-Antigen Co-Expression Platform for Increased Vaccine Efficacy, Sarah Boyd
The Examination of White Matter Microstructure, Autism Traits, and Social Cognitive Abilities in Neurotypical Adults, Lauren E. Bradstreet
Enhancing Georgia's Paleohurricane Record: A Comprehensive Analysis of Vibracores from St. Catherines Island, Erick Braun
Federal Circuit Courts and the Implications of the Doctrines of Procedure, Jurisdiction, and Justiciability, Shenita Brazelton