Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The effects of the integration of mathematics within children's literature on early numeracy skills of young children with disabilities, Katherine B. Green
Traveling of Requirements in the Development of Packaged Software: An Investigation of Work Design and Uncertainty, Thomas Gregory
Attempting To Adequately Position Elements as Analogies within a Defined Field, Kojo Griffin
The Remediation of Dumas Fils' La Dame aux Cam‚lias, Brandi Guined
Phytocomplexity: Implications For Development Of Novel Anticancer Therapeutics Using Dietary Agents, Sushma Reddy Gundala
Photoionization of Fullerens and Atoms Confined in Fullerenes, Mohammad Hadigheh Javani
Idiom Comprehension Skills of Adult Struggling Readers, Stephanie Ryan Hall
Effects of Electronic Reminders for Promoting Exercise Motivation and Adherence in University Students, Ashlee Hamilton
On the Possibility of Robots Having Emotions, Cameron Hamilton
Targeting Holliday Junctions, Christopher Hamilton
Religion and Depression: Examining the Nature of the Relationship, Stephanie Hansard
Within-Day Energy Balance and Protein Intake Affect Body Composition in Physically Active Young Adult Females, Heather Hanson
Retention of Accomplished Veteran Social Studies Teachers, Russell Hardin
Undergraduate Student Writing Across the Disciplines: Multi-Dimensional Analysis Studies, Jack Hardy
The Impact of Environmental Factors on Caregiver Perception for Caregiving Dyads, Ashley Harrill
Community on Campus: The Role of Physical Space, Kim D. Harrington
Web-based Nutrition Education in Georgia Senior Centers: Pilot Test of a Dietary Approaches to Stopping Hypertension (DASH) Diet Website Prototype, Ashley Harrison
A Sticky Space Model for Explanation and Individuation of Anchoring Effects, Robert Hatcher
Space, Politics and Occupy Wall Street, Sarah Heck
Aging out of foster care: The experiences of former foster youth who successfully navigated this transition, Margot A. Hedenstrom PhD, RN
The Mobile Savage: Presidential Peace Rhetoric and the Perpetuation of Enemies, Stephen Heidt
Examining Preservice Teachers' Knowledge about and Beliefs of Classroom Management, Kristen Heil
Impact of Internet Usage on Risk Perceptions of Hookah Use, Britany Helton
Examination of Parameter Estimation Using Recursive Bayesian Analysis in Simulated Item Response Theory Applications, Robert Hendrick
Framing Issues in Education: From a Domestic and International Perspective, Melissa Henrichs
Finding Ourselves Abroad: How African American Women Successfully Navigate The Study Abroad Process, Sonya S. Henry
Carl Heinrich Becker and the Making of the Modern Orient, James Herman
Public Reasons, Comprehensive Reasons, and the Integrity Objection, Stephen Herman
Detection and inhibition of influenza using synthetic sialosidesc, Yun He
Social Media and Freedom: Exploring Human Connections, Bradford Hincher
Risk for Obesity: Contribution of Socioeconomic Status Factors and Potential Mediators, Anne Hirschman
Using a Computer-adaptive Test Simulation to Investigate Test Coordinators' Perceptions of a High-stakes Computer-based Testing Program, Tiffany Hogan
Factors Which Influence Adult African Americans' Asthma Self-Management, James Holland
Purification of Soluble Recombinant Salmonella typhimurium Flagellin (FliC) Protein Constructs Expressed in Escherichia coli, Jennifer Ann Hooker
Maya Ceramic Production in the Yalahau Region: A Diagnostic Analysis of Unslipped Sherds From Vista Alegre, Quintana Roo, Joseph Horne
Temporary Use of Pop-Up Environment’s Potential for Repurposing Neglected Buildings and Spaces, Mary Horne
It Came from Somewhere and it Hasn't Gone Away: Black Women's Anti-Poverty Organizing in Atlanta, 1966-1996, Daniel Horowitz
An Evaluation of Captain Planet Foundation's Learning Gardens Pilot Program in Atlanta, Georgia, Cassie House
Row Compression and Nested Product Decomposition of a Hierarchical Representation of a Quasiseparable Matrix, Mary Hudachek-Buswell
What You Must Understand, Sara Hughes
An Outcome Evaluation of the Feminist Women’s Health Center’s: Young Women’s Leadership Program, LaShonda Hulbert
Fan-Linear Maps and Fan Algebras, John J. Hull
The Influence of Audience Presence on Cases of Victim Precipitated Homicide, Donald Hunt
A Simulation Study Comparing Two Methods Of Evaluating Differential Test Functioning (DTF): DFIT and the Mantel-Haenszel/Liu-Agresti Variance, Charles Hunter
Essays on Multiple Job Holding Across Local Labor Market, Muhammad Mudabbir Husain
Association of Antioxidant Intake and Body Mass Index in Pre-to-Early Adolescent Children, Elizabeth K. Imboden
Christ in Speaking Picture: Representational Anxiety in Early Modern English Poetry, Judith A. Irvine
Trojans in Wireless Sensor Networks, Maryamsadat Jalalitabar
Authigenic Minerals: Locality 80, Bed I Tuffs, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, ROBERT E. JARRETT
Digital image politics: The visual rhetoric of Anonymous, Jason Jarvis
Novel Selenium-modified Nucleic Acids For Structural and Functional Studies, Sibo Jiang
The Relationship between Fruit and Vegetable Intake of Adolescents Before Sleeve Gastrectomy and Success with Weight Loss Six Months Post-Surgery, Abby L. Johnson
The Association between Maternal Age and Low Birth Weight Offspring, NHANES 2007-2008, Dianna Johnson
Examining The Social Networks Of Internationally Married Couples And Divorced Individuals: Are Relationships Autonomous Entities?, Kimberly Johnson-Diouf
An Outcome Evaluation of CHOICES: A Brief Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program at Georgia State University, Ethan Johnson
The Nature of Religious Melancholy: Edward Taylor's Poetic Treatments of a 17th Century Epidemic, Sheena K. Johnson
The Effect of Stereotype Confirmation Concerns on Fear of Negative Evaluation and Avoidance for Those with Social Anxiety Disorder, Suzanne Johnson
In the Shadow of the Beast: The Impact of Aleister Crowley on New Religious Movements and Contemporary Culture, Robert Jones
The Politics of Impossibility: CeCe McDonald and Trayvon Martin— the Bursting of Black Rage, Taryn Jordan
Global Audience Participation in the Production and Consumption of Gangnam Style, Soo keung Jung
Improving Recurrent Software Development: A Contextualist Inquiry Into Release Cycle Management, Syed M. Kamran
Benzene and Beyond: Mechanisms of Novel Anaerobic Aromatic Degradation Pathways in Geobacter daltonii, Alison Kanak
Towards an MPI-like Framework for Azure Cloud Platform, Sara Karamati
GIS Least-Cost Route Modeling Of The Proposed Trans-Anatolian Pipeline In Western Turkey, Austin Kelly
Building Community in Schools: Narratives of Possibilities and Limitations in Critical Friends Groups, Shannon Kersey
Phenotypic Effects of Predicted SigI on Virulence in Bacillus anthracis, Jenny Gi Yae Kim and Adam Christopher Wilson
A Social Cognitive Model of Bystander Behavior and the Mediating Role of Self-Efficacy on Bullying Victimization, Samuel Yi Kim
A Policy and Infrastructure Analysis of Bicycle Friendly Campuses: an Examination of Three Atlanta-area Universities, Virginia Kincaid
Art Education in Finland and the United States: A Qualitative Inquiry into Teacher Perceptions, Lauren E. Knight
The Nonhuman Lives of Videogames, Cameron Kunzelman
Construction of the Racist Republican, Barbara M. Lane
Identity Construction and the Post-Museum of Burning Man: Exploring David Best's 2012 Temple of Juno, Christopher R. Langley
Students' and Teachers' Perceptions of the Engagement of Creativity in Secondary Choral Ensemble Classes, David W. Langley
Fatherhood of God; Brotherhood of Man: Prince Hall Affiliated Freemasonry, Manhood, and Community Building in the Jim Crow South, Derrick Lanois
Privatizing Education with the Public's Purse: An Analysis of the 2012 Georgia Constitutional Amendment on Charter Schools, Kristina La Plant
Wordsmith: Examining the role hip-hop texts play in viewing the world, Crystal LaVoulle
Within-Day Energy Balance, Body Mass Index, and Body Composition in College Students, Rebecca Leet
Evaluating how Providers’ Competency to Deliver SafeCare® Relates to Provider Training and Family Outcomes, Allison M. Leonard and Jenelle R. Shanley Chatham Dr
A Du Boisian Approach: How Does Double Consciousness Manifest in the Experiences of Black Males in an Urban Teacher Preparation Program, Brandon Lewis
The Teacher Cadet Program: Qualitative Insights in Sequence and Scope, Patsy Lewis
Language, literacy, and funds of knowledge: Somali refugee women in Clarkston, Georgia, Cassie Leymarie
The Evolution of Family Firms: The Exit of Founding Families and the Survival of Family IPOs, Huimin Li
Extracellular Pyruvate Kinase M2 regulates tumor angiogenesis, Liangwei Li
Union Closed Set Conjecture and Maximum Dicut in Connected Digraph, Nana Li
The Determinants of the Level of Cooperation and Conflict in Cross-Strait Relations after 1990, Pao-wen Li
Influence Function-based Empirical Likelihood Inferences for Lorenz Curve, Bing Liu
Characterization of DrrAB Complex from Streptomyces Peucetius as A Multidrug Transporter, Wen Li
Francesca Caccini (1587-1641): Composer, Performer, and Professor Represented in Il Primo Libro Delle Musiche, Marina Lobato Miranda
Arts Integration: Models and Methods in Elementary Art Education, BRIANA M. LONG
Institutional Development and Monetary Policy Transmission, Luciana Teagno Lopes