Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Fatherhood of God; Brotherhood of Man: Prince Hall Affiliated Freemasonry, Manhood, and Community Building in the Jim Crow South, Derrick Lanois
Privatizing Education with the Public's Purse: An Analysis of the 2012 Georgia Constitutional Amendment on Charter Schools, Kristina La Plant
Wordsmith: Examining the role hip-hop texts play in viewing the world, Crystal LaVoulle
Within-Day Energy Balance, Body Mass Index, and Body Composition in College Students, Rebecca Leet
Evaluating how Providers’ Competency to Deliver SafeCare® Relates to Provider Training and Family Outcomes, Allison M. Leonard and Jenelle R. Shanley Chatham Dr
A Du Boisian Approach: How Does Double Consciousness Manifest in the Experiences of Black Males in an Urban Teacher Preparation Program, Brandon Lewis
The Teacher Cadet Program: Qualitative Insights in Sequence and Scope, Patsy Lewis
Language, literacy, and funds of knowledge: Somali refugee women in Clarkston, Georgia, Cassie Leymarie
The Evolution of Family Firms: The Exit of Founding Families and the Survival of Family IPOs, Huimin Li
Extracellular Pyruvate Kinase M2 regulates tumor angiogenesis, Liangwei Li
Union Closed Set Conjecture and Maximum Dicut in Connected Digraph, Nana Li
The Determinants of the Level of Cooperation and Conflict in Cross-Strait Relations after 1990, Pao-wen Li
Influence Function-based Empirical Likelihood Inferences for Lorenz Curve, Bing Liu
Characterization of DrrAB Complex from Streptomyces Peucetius as A Multidrug Transporter, Wen Li
Francesca Caccini (1587-1641): Composer, Performer, and Professor Represented in Il Primo Libro Delle Musiche, Marina Lobato Miranda
Arts Integration: Models and Methods in Elementary Art Education, BRIANA M. LONG
Institutional Development and Monetary Policy Transmission, Luciana Teagno Lopes
The Impact of Systematically Hiring Top Talent: A Study of Topgrading as a Rigorous Employee Selection Bundle, Michael S. Lorence
Maternal Ministry, Other Mothering, And Finding Power For Women In The Black Church: A Phenomenological Exploration, Shauntia Lovett
J-Setting in Public: Black Queer Desires and Worldmaking, Lamont Loyd-Sims
"Between the Devil and the Deep Sea": The Freedmen's Bureau at Marietta, Georgia, Jason Lutz
The Effects of Visual Color Stimuli on Zebra Finch Behavior and Stress Response, Bao Chau Ly
The Impact of Inventory Leanness and Slack Resources on Supply Chain Resilience: An Empirical Study, David J. Lyons
A Comparative Analysis of the Health Status of Children Under 5 Years of Age in the Dominican Republic and Dominican Bateyes, Fitumai Madrid
An Auto-ethnographic Study of Teaching Methods that Support Meaning Making in Middle School Art, Brenda Major
Algorithms for Viral Population Analysis, Nicholas Mancuso
NeuroRhetoric(s) and NeuroComposition: Foundational Questions for Future Research, Robert Manfredi
Process and Product: High School English Learners Redefined, Sarah Mantegna
Detection of Microvariability in a New Class of Blazar-Like AGN, Jeremy Maune
White Trash Cherub, Ashley Maxwell
The Effects Of Using Visual Statistics Software On Undergraduate Students' Achievement In Statistics And The Role Of Cognitive And Non-Cognitive Factors In Their Achievement, Kori Lloyd Hugh Maxwell
Beyond Your Perception: An Exploratory Study of Black Parent-Daughter Relationships and Hip Hop Influences on Adolescent Girls, Sherell A. McArthur
Using Molecular Dynamics to Elucidate the Mechanism of Cyclophilin, Lauren McGowan
Understanding the Health-related Challenges Experienced by Former State Prisoners Living with HIV: A Qualitative Study, Rene' Meadors
Stilz and Simmons on Justification, Legitimacy and Coercion, Laurie Mehrwein
Establishing 21st Century Expressionisim, Philip Messina
Performing Specters of Imperialism: Affect, Terror, and the Body in Naveed Mir's The Cinco Sanders Show, Andrea Miller
Wordsworth’s Prelude: The Continuing Relevance of the Epic in Education, David Miller
A Transformative Effect of Migration on Tolerance? Theory Building on Democratic Learning with Empirical Investigation in Romania, Raluca Miller
Samuel Butler's Ernest Pontifex, or The Way of All Flesh: Evolution, Religion, and Wealth, Carla Mills
Using Burke’s Dramatism to Unpack Intractable Conflict: Bush 43 and the Process of Peace in the Middle East, Trent Mills
The Nine-Week Bridge: A Middle School Art Curriculum with Focus on the Development of Drawing Skills, Julie W. Mitchell
Language and Literacy Multilevel Constructs in Young Nonmainstream American English Speakers: Examining Relationships between Latent Variables, Souraya Mansour Mitri
South to Freedom? Anti-Apartheid Activism and Politics in Atlanta, 1976-1990, Lauren E. Moran
How School Library Media Specialists Support Reading and Information Literacy Skills Instruction for English Language Learners, Melinda Morin
Housing Demand, Commuting Patterns, and Land Use Responses to Public Investments, Chris Mothorpe
Parent-Child Behavioral Interactions During Pediatric Immunizations in a Latino Sample, Ifigenia Mougianis
Can Victims’ Compensation Reduce Revictimization Risk? Examining the Role of Victims’ Compensation and Satisfaction, Sadie Mummert
The Effect Of Student Default Rates For The Underprivileged: Engaging The University, Katherine Napier
Paying for the Gift of Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis of The Intown Academy of Atlanta, Scott Nesbit
On the Unity and Continuity of Science: Structural Realism's Underdetermination Problem and Reductive Structuralism's Solution, Anthony Blake Nespica
Essays on Strategic Risk Management, Sampan Nettayanun
The Debate of Immigration: Democracy, Autonomy, and Coercion, Brenny B. Nguyen
Hemispheric Asymmetries for Color and Number Working Memory Tasks, Trang Nguyen
The Horrific 'Mother/ Monster' and the Spaces Between in Ridley Scott's Alien and James Cameron's Aliens, Terri M. Nicholson
Sleeping Beauty: A New Problem for Halfers, Michael Nielsen
Refugee Viral Hepatitis Coalition of Georgia: An Assessment of Capacity Building, Jenelle Nurse
Health Sector Strategy and Economic Development in Cameroon: History, Challenges and Perspectives., Valery Nzima Nzima
Information Sharing Tears of Irony: An Exploratory Study of the Information Sharing Paradox in the Intelligence Community, Kevin Odom Sr.
Postcolonial Trauma Narratives: Traumatic Historiography and Identity in Amitav Ghosh's The Calcutta Chromosome, Jennifer Olive
Victimology, Andrea Orourke
Inner-Shell Photoionization Of Free And Confined Mg, Prabha Padukka
Biochemical mapping of the measles virus H and F envelope glycoprotein protein-protein interface, Neha Arun Panchbhai
Conduits of Intratumor Heterogeneity: Centrosome Amplification, Centrosome Clustering and Mitotic Frequency, Vaishali Pannu
A Paleoethnobotanical Perspective on Late Classic Maya Cave Ritual at the Site of Pacbitun, Belize, Megan Parker
The Role of Regret and Its Applications in IS Decision Making, EunHee Park
Stellar Variability: A Broad and Narrow Perspective, James Parks
Relationship Between Daily Protein Distribution and Body Composition in Elite Gymnasts, Julie A. Paszkiewicz
Teachers' Perceptions of Accent on Formative Reading Assessments, Meghan Pendergast
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Quality Along an Urban Stretch of the Chattahoochee River and Utoy Creek in Atlanta, Georgia, 2013, Charity Perkins
Metabolic Activities and Diversity of Microbial Communities Associated with Anaerobic Degradation, Verlin Perry
Narratives of Caring in the Elementary Art Room, Lauren Christine Phillips
Tri-Octahedral Domains and Crystallinity in Synthetic Clays: Implications for Lacustrine Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction, Rebecca Pickering
Nothing Good without Pain: Hans Memling's Earthly Vanity and Divine Salvation, Megan Piorko
Words of Experience: Semantic Content Analysis and Individual Differences among Successful Second Language Learners, Brittany Polat
Forever Adolescence: Taylor Swift, Eroticized Innocence, and Performing Normativity, Valerie Pollock
The role of social and endocrinological context in regulating life history transitions among reproductive phenotypes in in the bluebanded goby, Lythrypnus dalli, Devaleena Pradhan
The role of social and endocrinological context in regulating life history transitions among reproductive phenotypes in the bluebanded goby, Lythrypnus dalli, Devaleena S. Pradhan
The Effects of an Experimenter on the Response to Inequity in Capuchin Monkeys (Cebus apella), Sara Price
Mobility in the Neoliberal City: Atlanta's Left Behind Neighborhoods, Mechelle Puckett
MRI Signal Intensity Analysis of Novel Protein-based MRI Contrast Agents, Yan Qian
Modeling the Dynamic Decision of a Contractual Adoption of a Continuous Innovation in B2B Market, Yingge Qu
Who Cares About Small Arms Anyway? An evaluation of research and policy, Joel Raffety
Evaluating and Improving Title IX and Related Federal Mandate Compliance as They Relate to Sexual Violence at Berea College, Sirajah Raheem