Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Essays on Financial Risk Modeling and Forecasting, Jinyu Yu
HIV Drug Resistant Prediction and Featured Mutants Selection using Machine Learning Approaches, Xiaxia Yu
Integration Of Extracellular And Intracellular Signals Via The Calcium Sensing Receptor (CASR), Chen Zhang
Jackknife Empirical Likelihood Inferences for the Skewness and Kurtosis, Yan Zhang
Understanding The Influence Of Participants' Preferences On The Affiliation Network Of Churches Using Agent-based Modeling, Yingzhi Zhang
The Shapes of Cultures: A Case Study of Social Network Sites/Services Design in the U.S. and China, Jin Zhao
Vibrational Properties of Quinones in Photosynthetic Reaction Centers, Nan Zhao
Maximum Energy Subsampling: A General Scheme For Multi-resolution Image Representation And Analysis, Yanjun Zhao
Ambiguous Space: the Research of Transparency and Shallow Space in Architecture, Yue Zhao
Characteristics and Odds of Having LTBI among Risk Groups (NHANES, 2011-2012), Mirwais Zhuben
African American Parents' Socialization Around Racism in the Education System, Allana Zuckerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Effects of Escapin Intermediate Products (EIP-K) on Biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Marwa Nabil Abdelaziz Ahmed
Refashioning After the Split: Morocco and the Remaking of French Christianity After the 1905 Law of Separation, Whitney E. Abernathy
Lifting the Veil Between George Eliot's "The Lifted Veil" and Henry James' "The Beast in the Jungle, Dan Abitz
Indium Nitride Surface Structure, Desorption Kinetics and Thermal Stability, Ananta R. Acharya
The Thought Experiments are Rigged: Mechanistic Understanding Inhibits Mentalistic Understanding, Toni S. Adleberg
Examining the Relationship Between Participation in Cross Career Learning Communities and Teacher Retention, Comfort Y. Afolabi
Scientific High Performance Computing (HPC) Applications On The Azure Cloud Platform, Dinesh Agarwal
Transforming High School Physics With Modeling And Computation, John M. Aiken
Nonparametric Inferences for the Hazard Function with Right Truncation, Haci Mustafa Akcin
A Framework for Discovery and Diagnosis of Behavioral Transitions in Event-streams, Arash Akhlaghi
Mechanisms of Localization of Symbiont-produced Natural Products in Host Colony, Fahmina Akhter
Is Pinterest Really Killing Feminism?, Lauren E. Alford
The Effect of Aerosol Devices and Administration Techniques on Drug Delivery in a Simulated Spontaneously Breathing Pediatric Model with a Tracheostomy, Bshayer R. Alhamad
To Give and To Receive: Examining Feedback in Three Coaching Dyads From the Perspective of a University Coach and Teach For America Corps Members, Monica M. Alicea
Diagnosing Social Support and Performance Management: A Case Study of Contextual Ambidexterity in a Manufacturing Company, Darren K. Allen
"I Stay to Myself": Relocated Public Housing Residents' Neighboring Strategy, Renée Skeete Alston
The Impact of Ethiopian Health Services Extension Program on Maternal and Child Health Outcomes:The Case of Tigray Region, Selamawit A. Amare
The Effect of an Educational Intervention in Women with Gestational Diabetes: A Pilot Study, Janeen S. Amason
The Good, The Bad, and The Funny: A Neurocognitive Study of Laughter as a Meaningful Socioemotional Cue, Richard Amoss
The Intersection of Working Memory and Emotion Recognition in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sharlet Anderson
How Partisanship and Racial Trust Translate into Inequality in Post-Apartheid South Africa, Ryan Arbuckle
A Plain Apology: Teaching Plain Style in First-Year Composition, Benjamin H. Austin
Increasing Effective Self-Advocacy Skills in Elementary Age Children with Physical Disabilities, Mary Jane T. Avant
Adolescent Sexual Victimization: The Role of Social Support and Risky Lifestyle, Andia M. Azimi
Bichas, Sapatões e Putas: Director Sandra Werneck Advocates for Human Rights Through Three Brazilian Films, Kristen R. Badger
The Relationship Between Unmetabolized Folic Acid and Serum Folate Concentrations and Cancer Risk in Older US Adults, Regine L. Baldauff
Folk Medicine Use Among The Gullah: Bridging The Gap Between Folk Medicine And Westernized Medicine, Tiara S. Banks
Literacy Instruction in the Wake of Common Core State Standards, Jennifer Barrett-Mynes
Investigating The Local Food System: A Mixed Methods Study Of Sustainability in Southwest Atlanta, Stephen R. Barrett
Masculinity, Desire, and Disarmament in Four of Shakespeare's Comedies, Jennifer L. Basye
Addressing the Hidden Heart Failure in Mongolia; a Proposal of Heart Failure Patient Education and Disease Management Program, Dulguun Batbold
Sensemaking in Enterprise Resource Planning Project Deescalation: An Empirical Study, Douglas A. Battleson
Access to Mental Healthcare and Help-seeking Behaviors among African American Women with Depressive Symptoms in a Community-based Primary Healthcare Center, Allyson S. Belton
Plot and Escape, Paul Stephen Benjamin
Cyberbullying Among School-Aged Adolescents and Teens: A Policy Review and Recommendations for Georgia, Britney Bennett Esq
Effectiveness of Parent Training on Shared Reading Practices in Families with Children who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Jessica P. Bergeron
Building Schemata for Tax Provision Learning Based On Cognitive Load Theory and Constructivism, Ellen Best
Effectiveness of Mandated Folic Acid and Iron Fortification of Wheat Flour on Anemia in Children of Ivory Coast, Flinle Danielle Biemi
From Policy to Practice: Implementation of Georgia's Medicaid Family Planning Waiver Program, Sarah Blake
Modes of Power: Time, Temporality, and Calendar Reform by Jesuit Missionaries in Late Imperial China, Ryan S. Blasingame
Coming to Christ: Narratives of Prayer and Evangelism from Born-Again Christians in Atlanta, Richard B. Bledsoe
Recent Works, Andrew Boatright
Place, Race, and Modernism in the Works of E.M. Forster and Eudora Welty, Marny H. Borchardt
Polycomb Recruitment at the Class II Transactivator, Nathaniel H. Boyd
The Role of Resources in Regime Evolution, Ekaterina Boyko
White Matter Integrity, Facial Emotion Perception, and Socialization in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Ryan C. Brewster
Following the Rains: Evidence and Perceptions Relating to Rainfall Variability in Western Uganda, Elvira Breytenbach
“My Zeal for the Real Happiness of Both Great Britain and the Colonies”: The Conflicting Imperial Career of Sir James Wright, Robert G. Brooking
Extracurricular Activities And The Development Of Social Skills In Children With Intellectual And Learning Disabilities, Bianca A. Brooks
Interactions Between Lexical and Syntactic Knowledge in ESL: Behavioral and Brain Measures of Sentence Comprehension Among Spanish L1 Learners of English, G. Taylor Brooks
An Examination Of Effort: An Experimental Approach, Alexander P. Brumlik
An Archaeological/Genealogical Historical Analysis of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards Documents, Erika C. Bullock
An Investigation of Language Teachers’ Explorations of the Use of Corpus Tools in the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Class, John D. Bunting
An Evaluation of Pregnancy-associated Morbidity among Georgia's USDA Designated Food Deserts, 2009-2010, Yonte Burnam, Dajun Dai, and Lisa Casanova
Design and Synthesis of HIF-1 Inhibitors as Anti-cancer Therapeutics, Sarah Burroughs
Modernism from the Margins: Unruly Women and the Politics of Representation, Lindsay Byron
Decision-Making Amplification Under Uncertainty: An Exploratory Study of Behavioral Similarity and Intelligent Decision Support Systems, Merle Campbell
Oblique Optics: Seeing the Queerness of Ec-static Images, Kristopher L. Cannon
An Evaluation of a Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Program in Rural Communities Outside of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Brittany L. Cantrell
Discovery of Novel Cross-Talk between Protein Arginine Methyltransferase Isoforms and Design of Dimerization Inhibitors, Brandon S. Canup
Defending Renaissance Italy: The Innovative Culture of Italian Military Engineers, Brett M. Carter
Sit In, Stand Up and Sing Out!: Black Gospel Music and the Civil Rights Movement, Michael Castellini
Informing Moral Decisions with Religious Images: An Examination of Associative Priming, Sarah Cavrak
Changes in Georgia Restaurant and Bar Smoking Policies Between 2006 and 2012, Rachna D. Chandora
A Comparison of Health Care Reform in Taiwan, China, and United States, Nai-Wen Chang and Nai-Wen Chang
Rotavirus Vaccination Rate Disparities Seen Among Infants with Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE), Trisha Chan
Association Between Food Deserts and Diabetes Related Morbidity and Mortality Among Residents of Fulton County, Georgia, Madhubanti Chatterji
Inhibitors of SecA as Potential Antimicrobial Agents, Arpana S. Chaudhary
Real-time Physics Based Simulation for 3D Computer Graphics, Xiao Chen
In Their Own Words: How Does the Succession Experience of Second Generation Family Business Owners Influence Future Approaches to Succession?, Gaynor G. Cheokas
Evaluating The Performance Of A Filtered Area Weighting Method In Population Estimation For Public Health Studies, Andrew Chiang
Unheralded Historian: Mary Sheldon Barnes and Primary Source Material in History Books, James A. Chisholm Jr
Kant's Humanity Formula in the Groundwork, Zeyu Chi
Installation Art as a Means of Exploring Place and Activity Fragmentation in Interior Environments Resulting from Contemporary Digital Technology, Cotter D. Christian
Negotiators at Work: Three Essays on Employee Negotiation Skill Development and Exhibition, Elizabeth F. Clenney
Migrating Ministry: New Media Literacy And Christian Communication, Frederick A. Cole III
Trends in Vibriosis Transmission among the Top Four Vibrio Species, United States, 1988-2012, Amanda Conrad
Atlanta Public Schools (APS) Case Study: A Tale of Two Schools, Karen J. Cook
Biological and Chemical Control Options for Geomyces Destructans and Characterization of Physiological Responses to Control Efforts, Christopher T. Cornelison
Comparing Vegetation Cover in the Santee Experimental Forest, South Carolina (USA), Before and After Hurricane Hugo: 1989-2011, Giovanni R. Cosentino
Action through Aesthetics: Philanthropic Art Initiatives in South Africa during the Apartheid, Callie C. Crabb
Influence of Dopamine D2-type Receptors on Motor Behaviors and Conditioning in the Green Tree Frog, Hyla cinerea, Anna E. Creighton
Empowering Instructional Practices of Technology Using Teachers of Low-Income African American Students, Crystal Cuby Richardson
Advanced Designs of Cancer Phase I and Phase II Clinical Trials, Ye Cui
The Rhetoric of Louis E. Martin, "Godfather of Black Politics", Kristina E. Curry