Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Histone acetylation modulates uncoupling protein1 expression in brown adipocytes, Anubama Rajan
The New Negro Teaches Writing: G. David Houston's Activist Rhetoric at Howard University, Jimisha I. Relerford
The Relationship between Moderate, Within Day Protein Intake and Energy Balance on Body Composition of Collegiate Sand Volleyball Players, Barbara B. Richardson
From Death to Depravity: How "Missing the Mark" Became "Original Sin", Grace A. Rivenbark
Patterns of interaction in peer response: the relationship between pair dynamics and revision outcomes, Audrey P. Roberson
Empowered Princesses: An Ethnographic Examination of the Practices, Rituals, and Conflicts within Lolita Fashion Communities in the United States, Kyla Daniéll Robinson
Emergent Bilinguals' Use of Social, Cultural, and Linguistic Resources in a Kindergarten Writing Workshop, Sanjuana C. Rodriguez
The New Racism in the Media: a Discourse Analysis of Newspaper Commentary on Race, Presidential Politics, and Welfare Reform, Joseph P. Rose
Requisite Parental Involvement: Perceived Impact Upon Student Achievement and School Climate in a Magnet MiddleSchool, Elizabeth Rosner
Spirituality in Supervision: A Phenomenological Study, Deborah Ross
Cash flow versus accrual expectations management to meet or beat analyst cash flow and earnings forecasts, Jomsurang Ruangprapun
Emergent Disciplines and Cultural Divisions: Melvin Kranzberg's "Laws of Technology" and New Humanities, Matthew Sansbury
Breathing Machines, Patchwork Monsters and Mechanical Limbs: Steampunk and the Grotesque, Angela C. Santoro
New Perspectives on Implementing Health Information Technology, Sumantra Sarkar
The Effectiveness of Emotional Motivational Feedback Messages, Firat Sarsar
Evaluating Conditions in Which Negatively-biased Interpretations of Facial Expressions Emerge in Sub-clinical Social Anxiety, Sara Schmidt
Conserved androgenic differentiation pathways are repurposed during the evolution of adult sexual plasticity, Eric Schuppe
Age, Health, and Driving Ability: Perceptions of Older Adults, Celeste Selwyn
Essays In Socio-economic Decision-making, Urmimala Sen
Professional Learning Community as an Impetus for my Development into a Teacher Leader: An Autoethnographic Study, Rabia Shahbaz
Creating Community: A History of the East Washington Community in East Point, Georgia, Lisa Shannon
Crystallographic Analysis and Molecular Modeling Studies of HIV-1 Protease and Drug Resistant Mutants, Chen-Hsiang Shen
Ethics in Photojournalism: Authenticity and Sensitivity in Coverage of Tragic Events, Minla Linn Shields
The Contribution of Temperament and Depressive Symptoms as Pathways to Informant Discrepancies on Parenting Practices, Yuri Shishido
The "Progress of the Sentiments" in Hume's Political Philosophy, Adam Benjamin Shmidt
Visualizing Spatio-Temporal data, Ayush Shrestha
Targeted Killing: Modern Solution or Modern Problem?, Paul Sikkema
The Paleoenvironment of the Lower Mississippi River Delta During the Late Holocene, Simmone Simpson
Philosophical Pessimism: A Study In The Philosophy Of Arthur Schopenhauer, Cameron Smith
The Causes and Consequences of Variation in Agonistic Behavior in the Bluebanded Goby (Lythrypnus dalli), Tessa Solomon-Lane
Opening the Classroom Doors: Stories of English Teachers' Experiences with Three Eras of Educational Reform, Kelli Sowerbrower
Lost & Found, Diane Speight
Comparing Early Enteral Nutrition among Medical, Burn, Surgical/Trauma, and Neurocritical Intensive Care Units and its Effect on Length of Stay, Jennifer K. spinks
The Teaching and Learning of Parametric Functions: A Baseline Study, Harrison Stalvey
The Development of Theory of Mind in Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing Preschool Children, Christopher Stanzione
An Emerging Market: A Grounded Theory Analysis of Underserviced Consumers within the U.S. Banking Subsector of the Financial Services Industry, Rebecca Staunton
The Masking Effect: A comparison of pre and post folic acid fortification periods for vitamin B-12 deficiency without macrocytosis in the United States, Benjamin D. Steele
Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts: An Organizational and Historical Approach to Understanding Socialization and Gendered Leadership, Natalie Stewart
Knowledge Assets and Firm Boundaries, Todd Stonitsch
A Catalyst Toward Caring: Middle School Art Lessons that Embrace the Value of Compassion, Lauren Ashley Stovall
Institutionalized Speech: The Presidency and the Domestic Auto Industry, Steve A. Stuglin
Teacher Beliefs and Practices in Designing and Implementing Problem Based Learning in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom: A Case Study, Umamaheswari Subramanian
Atom-Specific Modification of Uracil Bases with Selenium for RNA Structure and Function Studies, Huiyan Sun
Jackknife Empirical Likelihood Inference For The Pietra Ratio, Yueju Su
Perceptions and Roles of School Psychologists in Transition Services for Students with Intellectual Disabilities, Devadrita Talapatra
A Comparison of Two Modeling Techniques in Customer Targeting For Bank Telemarketing, Hong Tang
Parallel Discrete Event Simulation on Many Core Platforms Using Parallel Heap Event Queues, Govardhan Tanniru
Towards "The World House": Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Gobal Vision of Peace and Justice, 1956-1968, Bryan Terry
Fatherhood from their Voices: Discovering the Meaning of Black Non-Residential Fatherhood, Amberly Thompson
Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Literacy Instruction, and Teacher Decision Making: A Formative Experiment Investigating Shifts in Teachers' Beliefs and Practices, Natasha A. Thornton
A Mathematical Model For Population Dynamics of Antibiotic Treatment, siyu tian
Black Voices: A Trilogy of Twenty-First Century Plays Addressing the Hidden Bruises and Inner Strength of a Generation of African Americans, Willie L. Todd Jr.
Identification of Medical Interpreter Services in Atlanta Metropolitan Area, Huong Giang Tran
Effects of Morphographic Instruction on Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students' Morphographic Analysis Skills, Jessica W. Trussell
Effects of Theory of Mind Training on the False Belief Understanding of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students in Prekindergarten and Kindergarten, Stacey L. Tucci
The Rhetorical City: (Re)Arranging and (Dis)Placing Atlanta's Urban Space, Scott Tulloch
Assessing the Prevalence, Participants, and Predictors of Coproduction: The Case of Atlanta, Georgia, Kelechi Uzochukwu
Taking Care: An Exploration of Care Through Art and Intimacy, Megan Van Deusen
A meta-analysis of Type I error rates for detecting differential item functioning with logistic regression and Mantel-Haenszel in Monte Carlo studies, Eva Van De Water
Data Assimilation for Agent-Based Simulation of Smart Environment, Minghao Wang
Data Mining Analysis of the Parkinson's Disease, Xiaoyuan Wang
Children's Imitation of a Weight Sorting Rule, Zhidan Wang
Abjection and Empathy: The Shared Spaces and Blurred Boundaries of Infinite Jest, Emily Washburn
Shadow, Skin, and Surface; Examining the Work of Viviane Sassen, Christina P. Washington
The Function of Timbral Processes In Webern’s Symphonie op. 21, mvt I, Connor Way
Untouchable Hunger: Framing Of Childhood Poverty In India, May 2012-April 2014, Amber L. Welch
Supporting Preschool Teachers’ Use Of Positive Behavior Strategies Through Conjoint Behavioral Consultation, Lisa Wells
Factors That Influence Application Migration To Cloud Computing In Government Organizations: A Conjoint Approach, Barry C. West
A Proposed Evaluation Plan for Kaiser Permanente’s Diabetes Disease Management Program, Kathryn Wiedeman
Navigating a Moratorium of Identities: An Autoethnography Analyzing Cultural Capital in the Mathematics Classroom, Candace Williams
Cleavage of Lipids and DNA by Metal Ions and Complexes, Dominique Williams
Physical Activity and Psychological Stress Resilience: Considering Anxiety Vulnerability, Nicole Wilner
Meta-Didactical Slippages: A Qualitative Case Study of Didactical Situations in a Ninth Grade Mathematics Classroom, Nathan J. Wisdom
Who's Afraid Of The Wicked Wit?: A Comparison Of The Satirical Treatment Of The University System In Terry Pratchett's Discworld And Evelyn Waugh's Decline And Fall, Mary Alice Wojciechowski
A Rhetoric of Data: How a Technology Company Communicates Research, Laurissa Wolfram-Hvass
Comparative Modalities of Network Neutrality, Kyle Wrather
"Coarse Grained" Bead Modeling of Macromolecules Transport in Free Solution and in a Gel, Hengfu Wu
The Black Middle Class: Negotiating Literacy Identities In Church And School, Kamania Wynter Hoyte
Interdisciplinarity among Academic Scientists: Individual and Organizational Factors, Fang Xiao
Data Assimilation Based on Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Dynamic Data Driven Simulation, Haidong Xue
Modeling Assemblies and Interactions at the Replication Fork: Sliding Clamps and Clamp Interacting Enzymes, Xiaojun Xu
Personal Practical Knowledge of Graduate Spanish-Teaching Assistants: An Issue of Experience, Nancy Yanez-Pinto
Releasing The Power Within: Exploring The Magical Girl Transformation Sequence With Flash Animation, Danielle Z. Yarbrough
Global Poverty, Migration, and Guest Worker Programs, Carson Young