Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Dynamic Models of the Insurance Markets, Ning Wang
Clustering, Classification, and Factor Analysis in High Dimensional Data Analysis, Yanhong Wang
Investigations of a Ground Stone Tool Workshop at Pacbitun, Belize, Drew T. Ward
Patriotism And Dissent: Coercive Voluntarism In Wartime Georgia, 1917?1919, Bill Warhop
"If This Great Nation May Be Saved?" The Discourse of Civilization in Cherokee Indian Removal, Stephen Watson
Alexander von Humboldt and Adolf Bastian: Genealogical Ruptures Between Natural and Human Sciences in nineteenth-century Germany, Zachary James Michael Watts
How to Weaponize a Philosopher: Hobbes' Deadly Arsenal, James Webb
Eating Behaviors and Supplement Use of College Upperclassmen Athletes Versus Lowerclassmen Athletes, Marissa F. Wertheimer
“Fifty Years of Our Whole Voice”: An Examination of the History and Culture Leading to the Publication of Fire!! Devoted to Younger Artists and Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Asian American Writers, Joni Louise Johnson Williams
Listening from the Heart: The Experience of Compassionate Listening in Teen Talking Circle, Carla Wilson
Employee Engagement Construct and Instrument Validation, Hazen A. Witemeyer
Essays on Formal and Informal Long-Term Health Insurance Markets, Andinet D. Woldemichael
Through Her Own Eyes: Environmental Rhetoric in Women's Autobiographical Frontier Writing, Crystal T. Wright
Oxidative Stress Suppresses The Heteromeric Kir4.1-Kir5.1 Channel Via S-Glutathionylation, Yang Wu
Benefits Of Probiotics Consumption In Adults With Allergic Rhinitis: A Meta-analysis, Bochuan Xie
Design of Novel Protein-based MRI Contrast Agernets with High Relaxivity and Stability for Biomedical Imaging, Shenghui Xue
Collaborative Communication And Storage In Energy-Synchronized Sensor Networks, Mingsen Xu
The relationship between the ownership of elder care homes and quality of care in urban China, Yuanfeng Xu
Enzymatic Mechanisms and Chemical Probes of the Myst Family of Histone Acetyltransferases, Chao Yang
Cannabis Use and Its Health Consequences in Afghanistan: Implication for Intervention and Prevention, Mohammad Ajmal Yasin
Flesh as Text[ile]: How Toci's Embodiment in Ochpaniztli Provides an Alternative Reading of Aztec Gender, Kathryn Yates
Melanocortin Administration to the Ventral Tegmental Area Alters Homeostatic and Hedonic Feeding, Haw-Han Yen
Identification of Differential Gene Pathways with Sparse Principal Component Analysis, Yichao Yin
Is Tomorrow Another Day? The Uncertain Implications of Scarlett's Life Decisions in Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind, Elizabeth A. Young
Monsters In My Bed: Accounting For The Popularity Of Young Adult Paranormal Romances, Whitney Young
The Enrichment of Stable Cesium and Rubidium in Savannah River Site Soils, Laura K. Zaunbrecher
Mechanistic Studies Of Drug Resistance Conferred By An ABC Transporter DrrAB, Han Zhang
Structural and Kinetic Studies of Drug-Resistant Mutants of HIV-1 Protease, Hongmei Zhang
The Minimum Rank of Sign Pattern Matrices with a 1-Separation, Wenyan Zhou
Modulating Calcium Signaling by Protein Design and Analysis of Calcium Binding Proteins, You Zhuo
The Politics of Candidate Likability, Dahiana Nannette Zicavo Camano
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
The Political is Personal: The Georgia Equal Rights Amendment Debate in Public and Private Discourse, Haley Aaron
The Pursuit of Happiness: The State of the American Dream in Suzan-Lori Parks's Topdog/Underdog, Sabrina A. Abid
Content and Contrastive Self-Knowledge, Vincent G. Abruzzo
Longitudinal Analysis of Risk Factors Affecting Reading Trajectories in Children Diagnosed with Pediatric Brain Tumors, Alyssa S. Ailion
Characterization of the HEME Uptake Pathway Proteins from Streptococcus Pyogenes and Corynebacterium Diphtheriae, Neval Akbas
Exploring Islamic Geometries, Maryam J. Al-Ainati
In Vitro Evaluation oF Aerosol Drug Delivery With And Without High Flow Nasal Cannula Using Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler And Jet Nebulizer in Pediatrics, Mahmood A. Alalwan
A Survey of Preceptor Training in Clinical Education of Respiratory Care Departments in Selected Hospitals in Metropolitan Atlanta, Tariq Aljasser
Problem-Based Learning as a Teaching Method Versus Lecture-Based Teaching in Respiratory Therapy Education, Bandar M. Almasoudi
In-Vitro Comparison of Aerosol Drug Delivery in Pediatrics Using Pressurized Metered Dose Inhaler, Jet Nebulizer, and Vibrating Mesh Nebulizers, Huriah A. Al Sultan
From the 'Hood to the Classroom: A Rhetorical Perspective on Teaching Secondary English to the Urban Student, Shae A. Anderson
Evolution of Ethics in the Island of Doctor Moreau and Heart of Darkness, Christine D. Anlicker
Working Beyond 9 to 5: The Impact of a University-wide Alternative Work Arrangements Policy on Student Affairs Employees, Pamela D. Anthony
Fiscal Stress in the U.S. States: An Analysis of Measures and Responses, Sarah B. Arnett
What is the Lived Experience of Laywomen Who Serve as Catholic Elementary School Principals in their Roles as Faith Leaders?, Jamie Faser Arthur
Vernacular Posthumanism: Visual Culture and Material Imagination, Drew R. Ayers
Culture, Context, Curriculum: An Explosion of the Attitudes of Black Middle School Males Towards Art Education, Rita D. Baker
Public Participation in Science and Technology Policy: Consensus Conferences and Social Inclusion, Ravtosh Bal
Oil and Gas Production: An Empirical Investigation of the Common Pool, Andrew T. Balthrop
Commodified Anatomies: Disposable Women in Postcolonial Narratives of Sexual Trafficking/Abduction, Maria Laura Barberan Reinares
Essays on Uncertainty in Public Economics and Cooperative Bargaining, Omer F. Baris
Investigating novice White Teachers in African American Classrooms: A Phenomenological Investigation of Cultural Responsiveness, Debra J. Barrineau
Civic Poetics: A Criminal's Relations With the Divine as Mediated by the Polis- A Polis' Relations with the Divine as Mediated by its Criminals, Jason H. Baumunk
Effects of Teacher-mediated Repeated Viewings of Stories in American Sign Language on Classifier Production of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Jennifer Beal-Alvarez
Thinking Globally, Acting Locally, Discussing Online: The Slow Food Movement Quickens with New Media, Carolyn Bender
White Privilege: A History of the Concept, Jacob Bennett
Lake Cycles and Sediments: Locality 80, Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania, Patricia A. Berry
Phenomenal Bodies: The Metaphysical Possibilities of Post-Black Film and Visual Culture, Michele P. Beverly
Extending Tomas Kulka's Aesthetic Dualism: Value, Not Meaning, in the Case of Absolute Music, Tyson J. Bittrich
The Difficult Decision to Devalue a Currency, Menna Bizuneh
Subterranean Dissent in the Okefenokee Swamp: The Life and Politics of Walt Kelly's 1950s POGO, James E. Black Dr.
Queer Feelings, Political Potential: Tracing Affect in Performance Spaces, Dylan McCarthy Blackston
Roles of TH2 and TH17 CD4+ T-Helper Cell Cytokines in the Pathogenesis of Experiemental Cytomegalovirus Retinitis, Emily L. Blalock
Bad Religion: How Ex-Mormon Fiction Reinforces Normative Views of American Religion, Ilani S. Blanke
The Trauma of Chattel Slavery: A Womanist Perspective Women on Georgia in Early American Times, Dionne Blasingame
The Relationships among Self-Regulation, Executive Functioning, Coping Resources, and Symptomatology following a Traumatic Event, Rebecca A.C. Blood
"Here in the To-Day, Forgotten in the To-Morrow:" Re-covering and Re-membering the Feminist Rhetorics of 19-Century Actress and Author Adah Menken, Jeanne Law Bohannon
Predicting Purchase Timing, Brand Choice and Purchase Amount of Firm Adoption of Radically Innovative Information Technology: A Business to Business Empirical Analysis, Timothy R. Bohling
Through the Looking Glass: Another Reading of Willa Cather's The Professor's House, Rebecca H. Bonacchi
Sanctionable Behavior in a Felony Level Drug Court: Categorizing Noncompliant Behavior Through a Criminal-Thinking Lens, Elizabeth Bonomo
Joint Resolution of Supply Chain Risks: The Role of Risk Characteristics and Problem Solving Approach, Leah J. Bovell
Why Do People Seek Negative Emotions' A Solution to Hume's Puzzle, William J. Brady
Three Essays on the Formation and Finance of Local Governments, Spencer T. Brien
Towards a Common Center: Locating Common Characteristics of African Centeredness in an Independent African Centered Learning Environment, Garfield R. Bright Jr
A Landscape of Conflict: An Archaeological Investigation of the New Hope Church Battlefield, Jason N. Brooks
Image Trends in Corporate Environmental Reporting: Bolstering Reputation through Transparency or Widening the “Sustainability Gap”?, Sarah E. Brooks
Stri-Dharma: Voice of the Indian Women's Rights Movement 1928-1936, Sarah K. Broome
Sleepwalk, Dance, Repeat, Brittany S. Brown
A Comparative Analysis of Participatory Governance: The City of Atlanta and Neighboring Cobb County, Georgia, Carol J. Brown
Representations of Haiti in Western News Media: Coverage of the January 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, Hillary L. Brown
Essays on Foreign Aid, Government Spending and Tax Effort, Leanora A. Brown
Òyötùnjí Village: Making Africans in America, Antionette B. Brown-Waithe
Nanoprecipitation in Quartz Nanopipettes and Application in the Crystallization of Inorganic Salts, Warren D. Brown
Urban Farming in Atlanta, Georgia: The Seed of Neoliberal Contestation or Hybridized Compromise?, Julia R. Bryant
Glory Be Revival of Neighborly Love, Calvin Burgamy
Word Reading Strategy Development of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Preschoolers, Victoria Burke
A New Look at the ‘Old View’: Endogenous Discounting, Taxation, and Corporate Financial Decisions, Robert D. Buschman
A Tale of Two Telescopes: Taking a Closer Look at the Multiplicity Properties of Massive Stars in Cygnus, Saida M. Caballero
Home Literacy Practices of Arabic-English Bilingual Families: Case Study of One Libyan American Preschooler and One Syrian American Preschooler, Azusa Callaway