Theses/Dissertations from 2012
James A. Mackay: Early Influences on a Southern Reformer, Kevin E. Grady
91 Days, Candice M. Greathouse
HIV-1 PR P51 Mutant Complex Formation with Inhibitors, Shaquita T. Greene and Ying Zhang
Gendering the Republic and the Nation: Political Poster Art of the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939, Helen M. Greeson
Does the Gender Inequality Index Explain the Variation in State Prevalence Rates of Physical Teen Dating Violence Victimization?, Lindsay A. Gressard
Perceived Brand Age and Its Influence on Choice, Monica D. Guillory
Patterns of Support of Ethnic Violent Groups by Co-Ethnic Groups, Deniz Gumustekin
A Novel Method for Automated Cell Image Selection, Shuman Guo
Simulation Software as a Service and Service-Oriented Simulation Experiment, Song Guo
Financial Exploitation of the Elderly: A Policy Review and Recommendations for Georgia, Melissa C. Haberlen
“Every Atom of Me and Every Atom of You”: Relationships Between Authority, Family, and Gender in His Dark Materials and Paradise Lost, Talia Joy Hale
Rhetoric and Campaign Language: Explaining New Electoral Success of African American Politicians in Non-Minority Districts, Precious D. Hall
Practicing Gender: A Feminist Ethnography of an All Girls' After-School Club, Alison A. Happel
Efficient GTS Allocation Schemes for IEEE 802.15.4, Syed E. Haque
The Test for H2S Production: Analysis of Correlation to Fecal Indicators and Risk of Diarrheal Disease in Bonao, Dominican Republic., Angela Hardin
The Politicization of Climate Change, Devian K. Harris
Technical and Applied Features of Functional Assessments and Behavioral Intervention Plans, Shannon M. Hawkins
Essays on Social Interaction and Urban Outcomes, Zackary B. Hawley
Social Network Theory in Inter-Organizational Alliances: An Exploratory Examination of Mobile Payments Engagement, Deborah D. Hazzard-Robinson
Comparison of Screening Methods for Pre-diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by Race/Ethnicity and Gender, Ashleigh E. Heath
The Mediating Role of Coping on the Relationship Between Attachment Style and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Among Suicidal African American Women, Wendy Heath-Gainer
Dressing Their Best: Independent Fashion Bloggers and the Complexities of Ethos, Melody C. Heffner
Investigating Speech Perception in Evolutionary Perspective: Comparisons of Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and Human Capabilities, Lisa A. Heimbauer
Connected Dominating Set Based Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, Jing S. He
Seizure and Behavioral Phenotyping of the Scn1a Mouse Model of Genetic Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus, Ashley W. Helvig
Halting White Flight: Atlanta's Second Civil Rights Movement, Elizabeth E. Henry
Strategies of Narrative Disclosure in the Rhetoric of Anti-Corporate Campaigns, Richard A. Herder
The Relationship of Lifestyle and Psychological Birth Order with Career Decision Self-Efficacy, Ronald M. Herndon
Vocabulary Size in Children with Down Syndrome: The Effect of Heart Defects, Hospitalization, Hearing Impairment, and Parental Concerns, Brittany A. Hess
Open Source In The Clouds - How Organizational Ambidexterity Shapes and is Shaped by Disruptive Innovation in an Open Source Software Provider, Alexander M. Heublein
Gothic Romance and Poe's Authorial Intent in "The Fall of the House of Usher", Robert F. Hiatt
Sexual Minority Women's Experiences of Sexual Violence: A Phenomenological Inquiry, Tracy N. Hipp
Comparison of Social Networks, Perceived Risk and HIV Risk Behaviors between Older and Younger African Americans Living in High HIV Prevalence Zip Codes of Atlanta, Georgia, Theint Theint Hlaing
Beautiful Day. Pleasant Walk: Walking and Landscape in the Works of Eswick Evans, John D. Godman, Elizabeth Fries Ellet, and Bradford Torrey, Scott R. Honeycutt
Knowledge Worker Behavioral Responses and Job Outcomes in Mandatory Enterprise System Use Contexts, Robert Hornyak
Analysis of the Streptococcal Hemoprotein Receptor: A Role in Virulence and Host Defense, Ya-Shu Huang
Alzheimer's Disease and Intimacy: A Content Analysis of Resources Avaliable through the Alzheimer's Association and the National Institute on Aging, Danelle S. Hubbard
Resolving Conflicts within the Mind: Internal Warfare in Non-Human Primates, Michael Huddleson
Evaluating Treatment Acceptability, Treatment Integrity, and Cultural Modifications of a Bullying Prevention Intervention, Lillie Huddleston
Beyond Bells and Whistles: Content Area Teachers' Understanding of and Engagement with Literacy, Mary H. Huysman Ph.D.
Path Building in Emerging Entrepreneurial Firms: An Investigation of Networks in the Making, Juliana Iarossi
Idiosyncratic Risk and Expected Returns in REITs, Toyokazu Imazeki
Understanding Diversity: Top Executives' Perceptions of Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Public Relations, Amber H. Irizarry
Trouser Roles - The development of the role in opera from the seventeenth to twentieth century, Tabita C. Iwamoto
Engendering Spirits: Alcoholic Self-Help and Emphasized Femininity, Abby Jackson
Biophysical Characterization of the Binding of Homologous Anthraquinone Amides to DNA, Shirlene R. Jackson Beckford
Stability Analysis of Phase-Locked Bursting in Inhibitory Neuron Networks, Sajiya Jesmin Jalil
Determining the Influence of the Built Environment on Pedestrian-Vehicle Crashes in Dekalb County, Georgia Using Geographic Information Systems, Derek S. Jaworski
Multiband Detectors and Application of Nanostructured Anti-Reflection Coatings for Improved Efficiency, J. A. Ranga C. Jayasinghe
Perceived Risk for HIV among High Risk Individuals: A Comparison of Adolescents and Adults, Akele Jeffers
A Survey of Point of Use Household Water Treatment Options for Rural South India, Kendralyn G. Jeffreys
The Impacts of Threat and Emotions on Indigenous Mobilization: an investigation of assumptions in social movement theory, Marshall Jeffries
Temperament as a Predictor of Infant Immunization Distress and Response to Treatment, Naomi E. Joffe
Exploring the use of Geographic Information Systems as an Environmental and Social Justice Advocacy Tool for Community-Based Organizations: A Case Study of Galena Park, Texas, Demetrice R. Jordan
The Effect Of Organizational Knowledge Creation On Firm Performance: An Operational Capabilities-Mediated Model, Michael S. Jordan
Vaccination in a Private Pediatric Practice, Karen T. Joseph
Adam Smith: A Relational Egalitarian Interpretation, Kathryn E. Joyce
Differential Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders Using the BASC-2 Parent Rating Scales Preschool Form, Julia I. Juechter
The Dance of Privacy: Disclosure of Private Information in Semi-Public Settings, Amanda M. Jungels
Essays on Financial Structure, Managerial Compensation and the Product Market, Hae Won Jung
Impact of Schistosomiaisis in Kasansa Health Zone in Democratic Republic of Congo, Mbuyi M. Kabongo
Race and Health Online: A Public Health Exploration of the Digital Landscape, Tanisha Kelley
An Evaluation of the State Tobacco Activities Tracking and Evaluation (STATE) System: Cross-Promoting Healthy People 2020, John B. Kenemer
Mortuary Variability in the Final Palatial Period on Crete: Investigating Regionality, Status, and “Mycenaean” Identity, Heather K. Kerr
Suicide Ideation and Its Associated Risk Factors among Adolescent Students in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, Rabia Khalid
Innovative Algorithms and Evaluation Methods for Biological Motif Finding, Wooyoung Kim
The Tower is Everywhere: Symbolic Exchange and Discovery of Meaning in Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49, Jonathan Kincade
A Foucauldian Analysis of NCLB: Student Data as Panoptic Surveillance, Chris King
21st-Century Neo-Anticolonial Literature and the Struggle for a New Global Order, Shauna Morgan Kirlew
The Postdisciplinarity of Lore: Professional and Pedagogical Development in a Graduate Student Community of Practice, Juliette C. Kitchens
Policing Persons with Mental Illness in Georgia: Elucidating Perceptions of the Mental Health System, Meredith L. Knowles
Constructing Time and Space and Transcending Boundaries in Long-Distance Relationships, Orsolya Kolozsvari
Passing through Dink – A Closer Look at How Couples in the United States Make the Decision to Have Children, Allyson H. Korb
Sources of Support and Family Quality of Life of Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren With and Without Disabilities, Karen E. Kresak
Headsprout Early Reading for Students At Risk for Reading Failure, Donna D. Kreskey
The Fair Trade Coffee Business Model’s Affect on the Small Scale Producers through the Lens of the Triple Bottom Line, Joseph Krupka
What's to Know?: Navigating Knowledge Gaps of Hansen's Disease in the U.S., Kristen E. Kuhns
Marriage and Memory in Older Adults, Renu Kumar
In Their Words: Women's Holocaust Memoirs, Shana Latimer
Hans Kelsen and the Bindingness of Supra-National Legal Norms, Richard D. Latta
Could Low Vitamin D Status Explain the Increased Rates of Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy in the US Population and in Non-Hispanic Black Women? An Examination of NHanes 2001-2006, Michelle V. Leander-Griffith
The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Dance: Nietzschean Transitions in Nijinsky's Ballets, Sarah Levine
Crossing Boundaries: Exploring Black Middle And Upper Class Preservice Teachers’ Perceptions Of Teaching And Learning In High Poverty Urban Schools, Andrea D. Lewis
Spatial Ontology for the Production Domain of Petroleum Geology, Dickson M. Liadey
A Comparative Analysis of the Neural Basis for Dorsal-Ventral Swimming in the Nudipleura, Joshua L. Lillvis
Maternal Medication Use and Risk of Hypospadias- An Exposure Spectrum Approach, Jennifer N. Lind
Tyrosine Phosphorylation of p68 RNA Helicase Promotes Metastasis in Colon Cancer Progression, Chia Yi Liu
Essays on Accident Forgiveness in Automobile Insurance, Fan Liu
Confidence Interval Estimation for Coefficient of Variation, Shuang Liu
Refining Dietary Estimates at Machu Picchu Using Combined Dental Macro/Microwear and Isotopic Analyses, Sarah Victoria Livengood
Nietzsche's Skepticism of Agency, Ben Lorentz
The Impact of Manipulatives on Students’ Performance on Money Word Problems, Jessica Luke