Theses/Dissertations from 2013
You Define Me, Nicole A. Klein
Is Leucine Intake Associate with Enhanced Muscle Protein Synthesis and Attenuated Muscle Protein Breakdown?, Ashley D. Knight
The Influence of Stereotype on Maintenance and Retrieval Errors: Does Working Memory Capacity Matter?, Leslie R. Knuycky
The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme and its Effect on Students in Poverty, Margaret J. Kobylinski-Fehrman
Libertarian Paternalism and the Authority Of The Autonomous Person, Cami Koepke
Re-Discovering Ethan Allen and Thomas Young's Reason the Only Oracle of Man: The Rise of Deism in Pre-Revolutionary America, Benjamin Kolenda
The Origins of Mutual Forbearance: Learning to Trust to Mutually Forbear, Burak Cem Konduk
Content Analysis of National Strategic Plans on HIV/AIDS and Global AIDS Response Progress Reports from Eight Southeast Asia Countries, Nang Thu Thu Kyaw Dr.
Evaluation of the Risk Factors for Antibiotic Resistance in Streptococcus Pneumoniae Cases in Georgia, Bethany LaClair
Investigating the Health Profile and Quality of Life of Adult Marijuana Users in the United States: Analysis of Self-reported NHANES 2007-2010 Data, Crystal A. Lane
The Cost of Dropping Out: An Examination of State-level Vocational Funding on High School Dropout Rates, Artis LangBruttig
African American Women: Gender Beliefs, Peer Perception, Relationship Power, and Sexual Behavior, Latrona R. Lanier
Cultural and Ecological Considerations within the Context of School Climate, Tamika La Salle
A Reassessment of Deindustrialization and the Case of Atlantic Steel, Timothy T. Lawrence
Between Worlds: The Biography of Madame de Pompadour's Boudoir Turc, Dana C. Lee
Allegories of Temporal Experience: The Late Work of Frederic Leighton, Sarah V. Leonard
Unsymmetrical Trimethine Cyanine Dyes: Synthesis, Optical Properties, and Evaluations as Inhibitors of Protein Arginine Methyl Transferases, Andrew R. Levitz
Generalized Confidence Intervals for Partial Youden Index and its Corresponding Optimal Cut-Off Point, Chenxue Li
Organ Donation, Trust and Reciprocity, Danyang Li
The Impact and Implementation of Learning Intervention on Management and Organizational Practice in a Non-Profit Setting, Keisha Liggett-Nichols
America(n), Stefanie J. Liles-Ray
Using Incentives in Workplace Wellness Programs: The Impact of Federal Employment Discrimination Laws, Edie Lindsay
Jackknife Empirical Likelihood for the Variance in the Linear Regression Model, Hui-Ling Lin
An Investigation of Pre-Service English Language Teacher Attitudes towards Varieties of English in Interaction, Jason J. Litzenberg
A Structural and Mechanistic Study of Two Members of Cupin Family Protein, Fange Liu
Probe Ca2+/Camodulin reguation of membrane proteins engineering, Xueyun Liu and Xueyun Liu
Neural Crosstalk Between Sympathetic Nervous System and Sensory Circuits to Brown Adipose Tissue, Yang Liu
Three Essays on Fiscal Competition and Public Policy, Yongzheng Liu
The Ontological Scandal of Corporate Personhood and Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of Key Supreme Court Decisions, Nneka Logan
Sex Specific Behavioral Profiles in Toddlers At Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Natasha Ludwig
New Non-Parametric Methods for Income Distributions, Shan Luo
MIC Distributions and Epidemiological Cut-off Values for Azithromycin in Neisseria gonorrhoeae as Determined by Agar Dilution, Kathryn A. Lupoli
Composing a Gamer: A Case Study of One Gamer's Experience of Symbiotic Flow, Heather L. Lynch
Adaptation of a Leadership Training Program for Latinas, Rosemarie L. Macias
Trends in Bicycling Attitudes, Knowledge and Behavior at an Urban University, Marian Maddox
Intersection Algebras and Pointed Rational Cones, Sara Malec
Internal versus External Replacement of Mutual Fund Managers, Linlin Ma
The Association of Parent Factors with Bullying, Victimization and Bystander Behaviors, Esther K. Malm
DNA Interactions and Photocleavage by Anthracene, Acridine, and Carbocyanine-Based Chromophores, Carla Mapp
The Visual Experience of Kinds, Andrei I. Marasoiu
Factors Associated with HIV Among Heterosexual African American Adults Aged 50 Years and Older in Ten ZIP Codes of Atlanta, Georgia, 2005-2011, Grace Marriott
A House is Not (Necessarily) a Home: Nomads, American Truck Drivers, and the Creation and Conception of Home, Brooke Marshall
Neural Regulation of Sexual Solicitation in Female Syrian Hamsters: Role of Oxytocin, Luis A. Martinez
A Sequential Analysis of Parent Reassurance and Child Postoperative Distress, Sarah Martin
Using antecedent aerobic exercise to decrease stereotypic behavior in children with autism, Melanie Nicole McGaha Mays
Income Payment Structure and its Influence on Food Security and Fruit Consumption, Shelley M. Mays
An Archaeological Survey at Oak Level Mound: Investigating Settlement Patterns and Intrasite Use During the Middle Mississippian Period (A.D. 1150-1350), Billy J. McCarley
A Hurricane Record of Jekyll Island, Georgia, Daniel McCartha
The Consequences of Poor Tax Administration: Collections, Growth, and Corruption, Chandler B. McClellan
An Examination of Parental Skill Acquisition Resulting From a State-Wide Dissemination of SafeCare®, Erin A. McFry Ms.
Utilizing Existing Resources to Support Health Communication Campaigns – A Marketing Resource Directory, Shari McKenzie-Hicks
A Feminist Action Research Project: Creating a Practical Support Program for the Georgia Reproductive Justice Access Network, Melinda McKew
The Effects of Non-cash Incentives, Payoff Timing, and Task Type on Performance, Gregory P. McPhee
Iteratively Regularized Methods for Inverse Problems, Leslie J. Meadows
Jackknife Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Absolute Mean Deviation, xueping meng
Kant and the Priority of Self-Knowledge, James P. Messina
Shoreline Dynamics and Environmental Change Under the Modern Marine Transgression: St. Catherines Island, Georgia, Brian K. Meyer
A Low-Fat Diet Containing Heated Soybean Oil Promotes Hyperglycemia in C57BL/6J Mice, Olivia Lane Middleton
When do Men Perceive that 'No' Means 'Yes'?: Effects of Alcohol and Men's Expectancies of Intoxicated Women's Sexual Desire and Vulnerability on Sexual Aggression, Cameron A. Miller
Evaluation of the Compartment Bag Test for the Detection of Escherichia coli in Drinking Water, Candace D. Miller
Sublime Subjects and Ticklish Objects in Early Modern English Utopias, Stephen Mills
Health Safety-Net Crisis: A Case Study of News Discourse, Cecilia F. Mitchell
The Color Line and Georgia History Textbooks: A Content Analysis, Michele D. Mitchell
Assessment of Rotavirus Vaccine Type and Number of Doses on Severity of Disease, Anaam F. Mohammed
The Role of Frontline Leadership in Organizational Learning: Evidence from Incremental Business Process Improvement, Isabelle Nathalie Monlouis
It's Real For Us: The Literariness of Fanfiction and Its Use As Corrective Fiction, Lauren W. Monroe
Liminal, William R. Moody
The Last Stone is Just the Beginning: A Rhetorical Biography of Washington National Cathedral, Teresa F. Morales
Parent-Infant Interaction in a Latino Family, Yamile Morales
Exploring Undergraduate Disciplinary Writing: Expectations and Evidence in Psychology and Chemistry, Katherine E. Moran
The Relationship Between Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D, Vitamin D and Calcium Intake, and Adiposity in Infants, Carolyn W. Morris
“Gender Flip-flopping in Hitchcock”: A closer look at Rear Window, Vertigo and Psycho, Nicole Motahari
Investigation Of The Rescue Of The Rubella Virus P150 Replicase Protein Q Domain By The Capsid Protein, Heather Mousa
Ethical and Sociocultural Considerations for use of Assisted Reproductive Technologies Among the Baganda OF Uganda, Martha N. Mukasa
Unbearable Fruit: Black Women's Experiences with Uterine Fibroids, Ranell L. Myles
The Painter's Wife and Other Stories, Candace Nadon
Aiding Africans: West German Perceptions of Race and Modernity in the 1960s, Lauren W. Nass
A Reception History of Gilgamesh as Myth, Nicholas R. Newell
A Folkloristic Literary Analysis of Cultural Collision in the Work of Bobbie Ann Mason, Sally J. Newman
Rational Design, Synthesis, and Evaluation of Inhibitors for the HIV-1 TAT Interacting Protein Tip60, Liza D. Ngo
Examining the Effects of a Motion Comic Intervention on HIV-Stigma Among a Sample of Adolescent Men Who Have Sex With Men, Kristen M. Nichols
The Long Division (a novel), Derek Nikitas
The Relationship between Parental Stress, Parent-child Interaction Quality, and Child Language Outcomes, Meghan Nix
The Rhetoric of Queer: Subverting Heteronormative Social Institutions and Creating New Meaning, Marissa Nolan
In Defense of Dynamical Explanation, Shannon B. Nolen
Transformation and Care in a City of Refuge, Cheryl L. Nye
Mixed methods Analysis of Undergraduate Quantum Mechanics: An Exploratory Case Study, Christopher A. Oakley
Visual, Motor, and Visual-Motor Integration Difficulties in Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Kimberly Oliver
What is Marriage For?, Madison R. Olson
Price of Freedom: Improving Domestic Revenue In Developing Countries by Combining Democracy with State Effectiveness, Jean Francois Koly Onivogui
A Study on the Characteristics and Genesis of Smectite Deposits in the Georgia Kaolin Belts, Christopher S. Ormsby
Ecology-Centered Experiences Among Children and Adolescents: A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis, Judy Orton
Molecular Mechanism of Heme Acquisition and Degradation by the Human Pathogen Group A Streptococcus, Mahamoudou Ouattara