Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Theory to Practice, Practice to Theory: Developing a Critical and Feminist Pedagogy for an English as a Second Language Academic Writing Classroom, Lauren Lukkarila
College Faculty Experiences with Technological Innovation: An Exploratory Case Study, Peggy A. Lumpkin
Hume on the Nature of Moral Freedom, Getty L. Lustila
Carnival, Convents, and the Cult of St. Rocque: Cultural Subterfuge in the Work of Alice Dunbar-Nelson, Sibongile B. Lynch
Mobile Phones and Gender Inequality: Can We Hear Her Now?, Kari An Mackey
Bureaucratic Regulation and Emotional Labor: Implications for Social Services Case Management, Kelley M. Macon
Empowerment Through Community Based Monitoring, Nurez N. Madhany
Gender and Leadership: Female ROTC Cadets' Perceptions of Gender and Military Leadership, Darbra J. Mahoney
Time Resolved Absorption Spectroscopy for the Study of Electron Transfer Processes in Photosynthetic Systems, Hiroki Makita
Examining the Impact of the SafeCare Parent-Infant Interaction Module on the Quantity and Content of Maternal-Infant Directed Utterances, Sanjana S. Mammen
Algorithms for Transcriptome Quantification and Reconstruction from RNA-Seq Data, Serghei Mangul
MC3R and MC4R Knockdown via RNA Interference, Danielle N. Mankin
The Life of A Reputation: The Public Memory of Ulysses S. Grant, Richard G. Mannion
The Reorganization of Primary Auditory Cortex by Invasion of Ectopic Visual Inputs, Yuting Mao
The Lessons of Comprehensive Emergency Management Theory for International Humanitarian Intervention, Matt L. Marietta PhD
An Analysis of Geography Project Data to Determine HIV and Behavioral Risk for High Risk Zip Codes and Low Risk Zip Codes in Fulton County, GA, Jamaal B. Marshall
Teachers' Perceived Barriers to Effective Bullying Intervention, Megan L. Marshall
Geršgorin Discs and Geometric Multiplicity, Rachid Marsli
Associations of Serum Vitamin D Concentrations with Dietary Patterns in US Children, Bernadette Martineau
Decisions under Risk, Uncertainty and Ambiguity: Theory and Experiments, Jimmy Martinez-Correa
Fully Loaded, Laura M. Martin
Against the Linguistic Analogy, Noel B. Martin
The Management of Distance in Distributed-work, Chauvet Mathieu
Unquiet Things, James D. May
An Evaluation of the Pre-Release Planning Program of the Georgia Department of Corrections and a Qualitative Assessment of Reentry Experiences of Program Participants, Alison N. McCullough
Factors Influencing Sexual Behavior Among HIV Positive Men Who Have Sex With Men, Noreen McDonough
Corporeal Violence in Early Modern Revenge Tragedies, Matthew McIntyre
Visual Scanning of Dynamic Affective Stimuli in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Susan M. McManus
It's Different for Girls: Coming of Age in Two Victorian Novels, Jamila McTizic
A Systematic Review of Bacillus anthracis in Pregnant and Postpartum Women, Dana Meaney-Delman
"Music is Waiting For You:" The Lived Experience of Children's Musical Identity, Michelle Mercier De Shon
The Effects of Prosthetic Alignment over Uneven Terrain, Linda Meurer
An Adapted Model for Small Business Innovation Networks: The Case of an Emergent Wine Region in Southern California, Jeanette Kay Miller
Factors Associated with Bone Mineral Density in Elite Female Gymnasts, Erin C. Millson
Essays on Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Policy Design and Evaluation, Juan Jose Miranda Montero
Rockin' The Tritone: Gender, Race & The Aesthetics of Aggressive Heavy Metal Subcultures, Kirk W. Mishrell
Optimal Policyholder Behavior in Personal Savings Products and its Impact on Valuation, Thorsten Moenig
Conscious Rap Music: Movement Music Revisited A Qualitative Study of Conscious Rappers and Activism, Ife J. Mohammed-Akinyela
Effectiveness of a Computer-Based Program for Improving the Reading Performance of Deaf Students, Kenneth L. Moore
A New Look at Hard Labor Creek Observatory, Robert D. Moore Jr
Is the Cytoskeleton Necessary for Viral Replication?, Rachel E. Morgan
A Comparison of Vegetation Composition in Urban and Rural Floodplans Following Removal of Chinese Privet (Ligustrum Sinense), Susan C. Morrell
Reconsidering Testimonial Forms and Social Justice: A Study of Official and Unofficial Testimony in Chile, T. Randahl C. Morris
Visiting (H)ours, Jane G. Morrow
Consumption of Rainwater and Diarrheal Disease in Children Under Five in the Dominican Republic from 2002 to 2007, Andrea Mpogui
Adenovirus Death Protein: The Switch Between Lytic and Persistent Infections in Lymphocytes?, Vineeth Kumar Murali
The Expanded Cluster Account of Art, Eric Murphy
Betrayal of Love and Volitional Necessity, Shawn M. Murphy
The Effect of Situational Attribution Training on Majority Group Members? Psychophysiological Responses to Out-group Members, Ashley Myers
An Examination of Secondhand Smoke in a Sample of Atlanta Hospitality Venues and Their Compliance with the Georgia Smokefree Air Act, Eli W. Nachamkin
"If I Am Losing Them, I'm Going to Change. So That's What We Did!" Third Grade Teachers Contemplate the Literacy Needs of Diverse Students Within A Teacher Study Group, Megan A. Nason Mrs.
Service Innovation in a Voluntary Organization: Creating Work Opportunities for Severely Developmentally Disabled Adults, Cathy Sue Neher
ESOL Students in the Art Room: An Art Educator's Resource Guide, Amelia M. Netto
Body Mass Index as a Parameter to Evaluate the Prevalence of Hypertension in NH White, NH Black, and Hispanic Americans, Shaun Newsome
The Other Side of the Coin: The Role of Militia in Counterinsurgency, Andrew T. Nidiffer
The Relationships Among Multidimensional Perfectionsim, Shame and Trichotillomania Symptom Severity, Christina L. Noble
Assembling the Bones: Using Religion, Animal Bones and Sculpture in Art Education, Cheryl S. Noel Mrs
Recontextualizing Neglected Space in Community, Catherine L. Normoyle
Predictors of Science Success: The Impact of Motivation and Learning Strategies on College Chemistry Performance, Shari B. Obrentz
Putting Lipstick on a Sculpture, Kelly A. O'Brien
An Experiment on the Effect of Construal Level and Small Wins Framing on Environmental Sustainability Goal Commitment, James O'Connor
Where Do We Go from Here?, James M. O'Donnell
Development of Activism: The Elders of the Anti-nuclear Movement, Emma JF Ogley-Oliver
The Art of Future Discourse: Rhetoric, Translation and an Interdisciplinary Pedagogy for Transglobal Literacy, Estefania Olid-Pena
Positive Impact Program Evaluation, Hannah Oloyede
Realizing Shared Services - A Punctuated Process Analysis of a Public IT Department, Tim Olsen
Two Essays on the Board's Uncertainty About the Contracting Environment and CEO Compensation Contracts, Bunyamin Onal
Analysis of Background Check Policy in Higher Education, Gregory T. Owen
Low Fitness Phenotype and Cardiovascular Disease Risks in African American Women, Jurine H. Owen Mrs
Synthetic Development of the Tri- and Pentamethine Cyanine Chromophore for Biomolecular Interactions, Eric A. Owens
Assessing the Relationship between SafeCare Fidelity and Competence Measures, Rebecca Palmer
Comparison and Analysis of Youth Tobacco Surveillance Systems: Lessons Learned and Future Implications, Ichhya Pant
Synthesis of Novel Fluorescent Benzothiazole Cyanine Dyes as Potential Imaging Agents, Shirish Paranjpe
Composing on the Screen: Student Perceptions of Traditional and Multimodal Composition, Jeannie C. Parker Beard Ph.D.
Phenomenology of Space and TIme in Rudyard Kipling's Kim: Understanding Identity in the Chronotope, Daniel S. Parker
Self-Concepts of Homeless People in an Urban Setting: Processes and Consequences of the Stigmatized Identity, Josie L. Parker
Assessing the Impact of the Department of Health (DHS) Division of Aging Services’ At-risk Adult Crime Tactics (ACT) Certification on Professionals, Tanya L. Parker
Learner-Learner Interaction: An Exploration of the Mediating Functions of Multilingual Learners’ Languages in an L3 Foreign Language Classroom, Caroline A. Payant
"Men Don't Talk": Examining the Dynamics of Men's Co-resident Relationships in Assisted Living, Yarkasah P. Paye
Neighborhood Social Interaction in Public Housing Relocation, Christopher W. Pell
Development of Bacterial Quorum Sensing Inhibitors and Molecular Probes, Hanjing Peng
Europe's Quest for E Pluribus Unum: Explaining Compliance with EU Anti-Discrimination Directives, Vanja Petricevic
The Critical Eye: Re-Viewing 1970s Television, Karen C. Petruska PhD
Dismantling the Spatiality of Heaven in the Prayer Poems of Emily Dickinson, Scott A. Pett
Konstruiertheit, Inszeniertheit Und ,,Verstehbarkeit" Von Identitäten in Aimée Und Jaguar, Fremde Haut Und Auf Der Anderen Seite, Simone Pfleger
Sickness, Violence and Reconciliation: Congenital Heart Disease in Iraq, D. Alexander Phillips
Comfortable with Their Bodies: Menstruation, Culture and Materialism in America, Sally Phipps
A Study of Neighborhood Level Effects on the Likelihood of Reporting to the Police, Tonisia M. Pinson
Guided Wanderings: An A/r/tographic Inquiry into Postmodern Picturebooks, Bourdieusian Theory, and Writing, Adrianne Nicole M. Pourchier
Kindergarten Teachers’ Knowledge and Perceptions of Early Learning-Related Skills and Their Relationship to Academic Achievement, Kathryn M. Powell