Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Impact of Maternal Health Literacy Training on the Knowledge of Women who have been Homeless, Danielle Oves
A Story of One's Own: Creative Narratives about Muslim Women in Turkey, Mirkena Ozer
Smith on Self-Command and Moral Judgment, Lauren Papiernik
Centrosomal Profile Status of Bladder Carcinoma in African-Americans and Caucasians: A comparative analysis, Rutugandha Deepak Paranjpe
An Assessment of Students’ Perceived Peripheral Stressors in Counseling Internships, Lindy Parker
The Development and Application of the Coping with Bullying Scale for Children, Leandra N. Parris
Cross Section of Bottom Quark Production in p+p Collisions at ûs= 500 GeV Using Like-Sign Dimuons at PHENIX, Laura B. Patel
Embracing Identity And Narrative In Art For Self-empowerment, Zalika Perkins
Lithuanians in the Shadow of Three Eagles: Vincas Kudirka, Martynas Jankus, Jonas Šliūpas and the Making of Modern Lithuania, Charles C. Perrin
An Examination of Secrecy in Twentieth-Century African American Literature, Tamalyn Peterson
Architecture of Firm Dynamic Capabilities across Inter-Organizational Activities: Explaining Innovativeness in the Context of Nanotechnology, Olga Petricevic
A Classification Framework for Imbalanced Data, Piyaphol Phoungphol
Assessment of the Impact of the Mercy Corps Kyrgyzstan Food for Education 2010 Program, Bemene Piaro
Intervening Factors in the Impact of Child Maltreatment on Marital Satisfaction in Older Age, Vivian E. Piazza
A Systematic Review: Examining the Relationship Between Coffee Consumption and Breast Cancer, Lalini Pillay
Effect of Relationship Quality and Cost to Serve on Customer Value in Business Market, Maria G. Piscopo
Heterojunction Structures for Photon Detector Applications, Don Duleepa P. Pitigala Kankanakage
Tobacco-Free Georgia State University: A Case Study, Jason A. Plemmons Mr.
Victimization of the Elderly: An Application of Lifestyles/Routine Activities Theory, Christina N. Policastro
Sedimentology and Geochemistry of Weisner Formation, Bartow County, Georgia, Rhoda O. Popoola
Her Syndan Wælcyrian: Illuminating the Form and Function of the Valkyrie-Figure in the Literature, Mythology, and Social Consciousness of Anglo-Saxon England, Philip A. Purser
Do Political Liberals Need the Truth?, Pierce Randall
The Reality Of Televised Jezebels and Sapphires: Blogs and the Negative Stereotypes of African American Women on Reality Television, Safiya E. Reid
Exploring Mobile Technology to Enhance Birth Outcomes in Rural Mozambique: Pilot Study Results, Manoj T. Rema
The Lived Experiences of Black Women Faculty in the Instructional Technology Professoriate, Valora Richardson
Can Adam Smith Answer the Normative Question?, Samuel Richards
Essays on Unions, Wages and Performance: Evidence from Latin America, Fernando Rios
Stoic Moral Psychology: The Implications Of Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Damage, Nicholas G. Roberson
Almost Like Wings, Kristin C. Robertson
Preventing Post - Treatment Relapse among African American Adolescents and Young Adult Marijuana Users through Effective Treatment Interventions: A Proposed Intervention for Metro-Atlanta, Charlotte E. Robinson Ms
Exploring Social Support in Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers in South Georgia, Rebecca Rodriguez
The Impact of IT-Enabled and Team Relational Coordination on Patient Satisfaction, Darryl S. Romanow
Educational Future Orientation of Middle School Latino Students, Alonso Romero
The Developmental Regulation of Gene and Cellular Networks in Locomotion, Manali Rupji
'This World of Sorrow and Trouble': The Criminal Type of Oliver Twist, Megan N. Samples
Construction of Professional Identity in Novice Library Media Specialists, Deborah W. Sandford
The Bulgarian Horrors Through the Eyes of an American Journalist: J. A. MacGahan's Role in the Liberation of Bulgaria from the Ottoman Empire 1876-1878, Miglena Sandmeier
In Silico Analysis Shows That Single Aminoacid Variations In Rhesus Macacque Fcγreceptor Affect Protein Stability And Binding Affinity To IgG1, Rashesh Sanghvi
Risk Of Asthma Due To Obesity Among American Children: An Examination Of NHANES Data Regarding Childhood Obesity And Asthma, Oluwole Theophilus Sanni
Study of the Surface Morphology of Thermally Annealed Copper Foils and Various Transfer Methods for Graphene, Olesya Sarajlic
Contaminant Hydrogeology Knowledge Base (CHKb) of Georgia, USA, Semir Sarajlic
American Masculinity and Homosocial Behavior in the Bromance Era, Diana Sargent
Abstinence-Only Until Marriage and Abstinence Pledge Programs: A Policy Review for Stakeholders, Jeffrey P. Schade
"With Vietnam We Are Bound as Brothers": Theorizing Socialism, Internationalism, and the Politics of Public Agency Among Vietnamese Contract Workers in the German Democratic Republic, jonathan m. schmitt
Correlational Study for Predictor Variables Affecting Length of Stay in Pediatric Sickle Cell Patients, Jenny Schott
The Role of Spontaneous Retrieval, Monitoring and Sustained Attention in Prospective Memory, Natasha B. Schultz
Essays in Children's Time Allocation and Age at Primary School Enrollment, Yared Seid
Are Europeans Really from Venus? A Comparative Study of War-making and State-Making in the US and EU., Michael Shea
Obscuring Sexual Crime: Examining Media Representations of Sexual Violence in Megan's Law, Renee M. Shelby
Diversity within Discrimination: Does Victim Nativity and Discriminator Race Matter for the Mental Health of Blacks?, Aja Simpson Zulfiqar
Willpower and Ego-Depletion: How I Do What I Don't Want to Do, and Why It's Not (Completely) My Fault When I Don't, Samuel C. Sims
The Investment Process Used By Private Equity Firms: Does The Affect Heuristic Impact Decision-Making?, David B. Sinyard
The Mediating Role of Processing Speed in Reading-Related White Matter Tracts and Word Reading Skills of Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumor, Kristen M. Smith
When Does A Stream Gain The Ability To Create Its Own Channel? A Field Study In Northwest Georgia On The Conasauga River, Roy H. Srymanske
How The Cognitive Penetrability Of Emotions Undermines Rational Sentimentalism, Benjamin Stanford
From No Hope to Fertile Dreams: Procreative Technologies, Popular Media, and the Culture of Infertility, Evelina W. Sterling
A Universal Framework for (nearly) Arbitrary Dynamic Languages, Shad Sterling
Curiosity Seekers, Time Travelers, and Avant-Garde Artists: U.S. American Literary and Artistic Responses to the Occupation of Haiti (1915-1934), Shelley P. Stevens
“Getting Freaky”: Perversion and Promiscuity Within Alternative Relationships and Sexual Modalities Among People Of Color, Marla R. Stewart
Mobilizing Agency: Cultural Spaces, Female Bodies, and Transformation in Late Nineteenth-Century American Literature and the 1940s Woman's Film, Elizabeth A. Stoehr
Liquid Liberalism: Environment, the State, and Society in Porfirian Mexico, Kate Stogsdill
Retiring to Cyberspace: Factors Influencing Older Adults' Ownership of Computer Technology and Internet Usage at the Time of Retirement, Carol S. Strother
Comparison of HFNC, Bubble CPAP, and SiPAP on Aerosol Delivery in Neonates: An In-Vitro Study, Fatemah S. Sunbul
Induction of Cyanide Metabolizing Enzymes and Production of Antifungal Compounds by Rhodococcus Species, Katharine M. Swensen
Water's Weight, Mary Christine Swint
Inhibitory Neurons Respond to Social Odors in the Medial Amygdala in Male Syrian Hamsters, Manal Tabbaa
Modulation of Local Reflexes During Centrally Commanded Movements, Uzma H. Tahir
Leverage and Liquidity: Evidence from the Closed-End Fund Industry, Yuehua Tang
The Effects of Extreme Media on Political Behavior, Attitudes, and Media Selection, James B. Taylor
Coloring Outside The Lines: An Intersectionality Approach To Understanding The Homeschooling Experiences of Black Families, Taura Taylor
Constructing Arabic as Heritage: Investment in Language, Literacy, and Identity among Young U.S. Learners, Amanda L. Temples
Introducing an Innovative Brain and Spinal Cord Injury Prevention Curriculum to Adolescents: Evaluation Results, Sandy K. Templeton
Hitchcock and the Material Politics of Looking: Laura Mulvey, Rear Window, and Psycho, Tyler A. Theus
An Evaluation of the Delivery of Sexuality Education in a Youth Development Context, Jessica Thomason
Causal Compatibilism: A Nonreductive Physicalist Solution to the Exclusion Problem, Morgan Thompson
Attribution Bias and Overconfidence in Escalation of Commitment: The Role of Desire to Rectify Past Outcomes, Delilah Castillo Tine
All the School's a Stage: A Multimodal Interaction Analysis of a School Administrator's Literate Life as Dramaturgical Metaphor, Dru D. Tomlin
Viral Quasispecies Reconstruction Using Next Generation Sequencing Reads, Bassam A. Tork
Assume the Position: Exploring Discipline Relationships, Melissa E. Travis
Dietary Reconstruction in Medieval Holbæk, Denmark using Dental Microwear and Macrowear, Isotopic Analyses, and Dental Caries, Sara A. Turner
The Price of Freedom: Greece's Role in the Cold War, Hristos X. Tzolis
Effects of Temperature on the Kinetic Isotope Effects for Proton and Hydride Transfers in the Active Site Variant of Choline Oxidase Ser101Ala, Rizvan C. Uluisik
Analysis of Simian Hemorragic Fever Virus Proteins and the Host Cell Responses of Disease Resistant and Susceptible Primates, Heather Vatter
Religious Intolerance in the Second Great Awakening: The Mormon Experience in Missouri, Stefanie M. Vaught
Developing a sports nutrition formulary for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Sports Nutrition Care Manual®, Stephanie Vera
Institutional Design under Windfall Conditions: the North Sea, Katherine Verleger
A Single Neonatal Injury Induces Life-Long Adaptations In Stress And Pain Responsiveness, Nicole C. Victoria
The Impact of Alcohol and Perceived Threats on Aggression Toward Sexual Minorities, Wilson Vincent
Evolution of a Word: Democracy and the Democratic-Republican Societies, 1793-1796, Jarrett M. Walker
The Practical Impossibility of Cohen's Rescuing Justice & Equality, Kevin Stanley Wallace
Liberty Of Mine Own Country: The Political Perspective Of Henry Clay, Joshua T. Walters
A High School Mathematics Teacher Tacking Through The Middle Way: Toward A Critical Postmodern Autoethnography In Mathematics Education, John O. Wamsted