Theses/Dissertations from 2009
The Impact of Local Media Pessimism on Residential Real Estate Markets, Changha Jin
Development of Boronic Acid-Based Chemosensors, Shan Jin
A Comparative Study of Fiscal Decentralization in China and India, Yinghua Jin
Evaluation of a Body Pillow to Aid Pediatric Spinal Fusion Recovery, Naomi Eve Joffe
Effects of a Positive Peer Reporting Intervention on Prosocial Interactions in a General Education Classroom, Camela Y. Johnson
Registered Dietitian Interest in Complementary Medicine, Gwenyth Llewellyn Johnson
An Evaluation of Consumer Satisfaction of SafeCare® Provider Trainings, Courtney R. Jones
Uses and Nonuses of Patented Inventions, Taehyun Jung
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in American, Arab, and British Media: Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis, Magdi Ahmed Kandil
Changing Narratives, Changing Destiny: Myth, Ritual and Afrocentric Identity Construction at the National Rites of Passage Institute, Michael Karlin
Defending Noe's Enactive Theory of Perception, Lucas Allen Keefer
Constructing Professionalism: Reifying the Historical Inevitability of Commercialization in Mass Media Communication, RuAnn Rae Keith
Sleeping Beauty and Her Many Relatives, Dorothy Jeanine Kemptner
A Small Place in Georgia: Yeoman Cultural Persistance, Terrence Lee Kersey
Analysis of Stream Runoff Trends in the Blue Ridge and Piedmont of Southeastern United States, Usha Kharel
Exploring Culturally Specific Practices that Might Exacerbate the Spread of HIV/AIDS in the Luhya Community of Western Kenya, Christine Kibui
Orchestrating Student Discourse Opportunities and Listening for Conceptual Understandings in High School Science Classrooms, Melissa Grass Kinard
The Cross Race Effect: The Influence of Stereotypicality on Memory Errors, Leslie Riddick Knuycky
Does Educational Intervention Reduce the Number of Food Violations., Karen Koechlin M. Koechlin
The Epigenetic Regulation of Cytokine Inducible Mammalian Transcription by the 26S Proteasome, Olivia I. Koues
Detection and Quantification of Organophosphate Pesticides in Human Serum, Peter Kuklenyik
Examining Sexually Transmitted Disease Transmission Dynamics in Chlamydia Positive and Negative Adolescent Population using Social Network Analysis, Phuongthao Tuyen Lam
The Importance of Being Oscar: A Performance Studies Inquiry of Wilde's Literary Women, Sydney Nicole Lanier
Radiohead: The Guitar Weilding, Dancing, Singing Commodity, Selena Michelle Lawson
Outcomes of the 2008 Georgia Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, Laurie Ledford
Trends in Toxin Profiles of Human Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli (STEC) O157 Strains, United States, 1996-2008, Molly Maitland Leeper
Brain Sites Capable of Eliciting Short-Day Responses in the Siberian Hamster, Claudia Leitner
Wake: A Novel, Liane LeMaster
Electoral Manipulations, Economic Policies and Voting Behavior in India, Harini Letha Kannan
Pain, Quality of Life, and Coping in Pediatric Sickle Cell Disease, Crystal Marie Stack Lim
The Influence of Familial Socialization and Involvement on the Multiple Identities and the Academic Performance of African American Adolescent Girls, LaShawnda A. Lindsay-Dennis
Evaluating the Performance of Propensity Scores to Address Selection Bias in a Multilevel Context: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study and Application Using a National Dataset, Jeremy Andrew Lingle
A Novel Method for the Quantitative Evaluation of Fibrinogen Coagulation, Yidan Liu
Analyzing Gene Expression Data in Terms of Gene Sets: Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, Wei Li
The Behavioral Neuroendocrinology of Fish Sex Change: The Role of Steroids and Monoamines, Varenka Lorenzi
Don't Judge a Book by its Cover: An Ethnography about Achievement, Rap Music, Sexuality & Race, Bettina L. Love
To Keep on Knowing More(?): Seminar XVILL, The Other Side of Psychoanalysis, John Lowther
The Impact of Rural-Urban Migration on Familial Elder Care in Rural China, Baozhen Luo
Medication Management and Regulation in Assisted Living Facilities in the State of Georgia, Shanzhen Luo
"Check with Yo' Man First; Check with Yo' Man": Perry Appropriates Drag as a Tool to Recirculate Patriarchal Ideology, Timothy Scott Lyle
Hurricane Katrina and the Third World: A Cluster Analysis of the "Third World" Label in the Mass Media Coverage of Hurricane Katrina, Paul E. Mabrey III
Antecedent Events Predictive of Mathematics Anxiety: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of the Origins of Mathophobia as Perceived By Fifth-Grade Students, Heather H. Marshall
Estrogen-Induced Modulation of Innate and Adaptive Immune Function, Feda N. Masseoud
Lay Writers and the Politics of Theology in Medieval England From the Twelfth to Fifteenth Centuries, Carola Louise Mattord
Logistic Regression Analysis to Determine the Significant Factors Associated with Substance Abuse in School-Aged Children, Kori Lloyd Hugh Maxwell
The Visibility of Deweyan Inquiry in an International Baccalaureate Elementary School, Sabrina Kaye May
Linking Theory to Practice: Understanding How Two Reading Recovery Teachers' Reflections Inform their Teaching Practices, Lydia Criss Mays
Student Governance: A Qualitative Study of Leadership in a Student Government Association, Walter Preston May
In the Name of God, Sharon McCusker
Where I am, There (Sh)it will be: Queer Presence in Post Modern Horror Films, Melanie McDougald
A GPU Stream Computing Approach to Terrain Database Integrity Monitoring, Sean Patrick McKeon
Gaze Fixation during the Perception of Visual and Auditory Affective Cues, Susan M. McManus
Postpartum Depression and Self-Help Books: Medicalizing Misery and Motherhood, Kirstin Michelle McMillen
Building Subcultural Community Online and Off: An Ethnographic Analysis of the CBLocals Music Scene, Bryce James McNeil
Organizing Women: Women's Clubs and Education in Georgia, 1890-1920, Mary E. McPherson
The Effects of Word Prediction on Writing Fluency for Students with Physical Disabilities, Peter John Mezei
Adaptive Functioning following Pediatric Traumatic Injury: The Relationship between Parental Stress, Parenting Styles, and Child Functional Outcomes, Jackie Lyn Micklewright
Subtypes of Memory Impairment in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Nicole C. Mickley
Overcoming Barriers: Women in the Superintendency, Claire Michael Miller
Kantian Conceptualism and Apperception, Raleigh S. Miller
Association between Serum Vitamin D Concentrations and Depression in the US Population: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 1988-1994, Cristiana Milone
The Impact of Primary Language Spoken at Home and Overweight among Latino Boys and Girls in the United States, Maria Cecilia Miranda-Pierangeli
Examination of Tdap Vaccination Rates by Post-Partum Women in Georgia; Understanding How Birthing Hospitals Play a Role in the Prevention of Pertussis., Amy Caroline Mistretta
Risk Factors for Financial Exploitation among an Urban Adult Population in the United States, Anna E. Mistretta
Demon of the Lost Cause: General William Tecumseh Sherman and the Writing of Civil War History, John Wesley Moody, III
If Animals Could Talk, Matthew Moore
Gambling Behaviors among Youth Involved in Juvenile and Family Courts, Angela Devi Mooss
Thou Shall Not Kill: Analyzing Democracy's Moderating Effect on Violent Religious Supremacy in Islam, Ariel Morgenstern
Absent Characters as Proximate Cause in Twentieth Century American Drama, Sarah Emily Morrow
Building Positive Future Orientations: The Role of Natural Mentors in the Lives of African American Girls, Mwende K. Mualuko
Primary Decomposition in Non Finitely Generated Modules, Somaya Muiny
Fifty Years of Challenges to the Colorline Montgomery, Alabama, Alison L. Murphy
Does Increasing Flow to a High Flow Nasal Cannula Affect Mean Airway Pressure in an In Vitro Model?, Robert Brent Murray
Multiple Interpersonal Traumas and Specific Constellations of Trauma Symptoms in a Clinical Population of University Females, Abby Marie Myers
Evaluating Child-Based Reading Constructs and Assessments with Struggling Adult Readers, Alice Owens Nanda
Let's Play a Trick: Children's Understanding of Mind within Social Interaction, Pamela Brooke Nelson
Structural Factors that Influence the Inhibition of Type II Restriction Enzymes by Minor Groove Binders, Ha Hoang Nguyen
The Effect of Auditory Sensory Abnormalities on Language Development in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Melissa Tatyana Nikolic
Hydration Practices of Subjects in a Cold-weather Marathon and Half-Marathon, Namrita Kumar O'Dea
Evaluating the Teacher-Intern-Professor Model in a Professional Development School Partnership Setting using a Bayesian Approach to Mix Methods, August Elena Ogletree
Natural Mentors and African American Girls' Sexual Efficacy, Emma J. F. Ogley-Oliver
Use of Indigenous African Healing Practices as a Mental Health Intervention, Ifetayo Iyajoke Ojelade
Effects of Mindfulness Meditation and Distraction on Mood and Attention in Veterans with PTSD, Megumi Omonishi
A User-Centered Perspective on Information Technologies in Museums, Jessie Pallud
Medical and Neuropsychological Predictors of Adaptive Functioning in Children with Epilepsy., Aimilia Papazoglou
Solar Energy Conversion in Plants and Bacteria Studied Using FTIR Difference Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Computational Methodologies, Sreeja Parameswaran
Bartonella Henselae Inhibits Cellular Apoptotic Regulators to Ensure Survival, Jeffery Todd Parker
Middle School Technology and Media Literacy: An Action Research Case Study, Mekisha Renaé Parks
Searching for the Womanist Within, Carmela L. Pattillo
Nota: A Mark or Sign, Claire Knob Paul
An Exploratory Model of Medication Refill Adherence Behavior, Gayle Holmes Payne
A Case Study of Secondary Teachers Facilitating a Historical Problem-Based Learning Instructional Unit, John L. Pecore