Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Distributed Energy-Efficient Solutions for Area Coverage Problems in Wireless Sensor Networks, Chinh Trung Vu
Prevalence and Correlates of Gender Based Violence among Conflict Affected Women: Findings from Two Congolese Refugee Camps in Rwanda, Etobssie Wako
The Thirteenth-Century Fresco Decoration of Santa Maria Ad Cryptas in Fossa, Italy, Ashely Wilemon Walker
Taking Eudora Welty's Text Out of the Closet: Delta Wedding's George Fairchild and the Queering of Saint George, James R. Wallace
Invisible at Every Turn an Examination of Lesbian Intimate Partner Violence, Mikel L. Walters
Some Contributions in Statistical Discrimination of Different Pathogens Using Observations through FTIR, Dongmei Wang
CEO Risk Taking and Firm Policies: Evidence from CEO Employment History, Lingling Wang
Predicting Protein Calcium Binding Sites, Xue Wang
Batch Scheduling in Optical Burst Switching Networks, Yichuan Wang
Literature as Prophecy: Toni Morrison as Prophetic Writer, Khalilah Tyri Watson
Factors Affecting Construction of Science Discourse in the Context of an Extracurricular Science and Technology Project, Horace P. Webb
Does the Relationship Matter? A Closer Examination of the of Relationship Quality in Program Fidelity Research, Joanna Rose Weinberg
An Examination of the Influence of Stress and Coping on Psychosocial Functioning in Caregivers of Children with Sickle Cell Disease, Josie S. Welkom
Biological Inference using Flow Networks, Kelly Anthony Westbrooks
Death and Dying in Assisted Living, Amanda M. White
What is Mathematics? An Exploration of Teachers' Philosophies of Mathematics during a Time of Curriculum Reform, Kimberly White-Fredette
Bartonella Clarridgeiae: Invasion of Human Microvascular Endothelial Cells and Role of Flagella in Virulence, Anne M. Whitney
Theoretical and Numerical Study of Tikhonov's Regularization and Morozov's Discrepancy Principle, MaryGeorge L. Whitney
Clay Mineralogy and Illite Crystallinity in the Late Devonian to Early Mississippian Woodford Shale in the Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma, USA, Richard Allen Whittington II
Baseline Knowledge Assessment of Cobb County Safe Kids Inspection Station Participants, Laurie Elizabeth Whorton
From Countrypolitan to Neotraditional: Gender, Race, Class, and Region in Female Country Music, 1980-1989, Dana C. Wiggins
Subtypes of Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Implications for Early and Future Diagnosis, Lisa D. Wiggins
Family Processes Promoting Achievement Motivation and Perceived School Competence among Latino Youth: A Cultural Ecological-Transactional Perspective, Natalie Jayne Wilkins
On the Border of a New Culture: Spanish-Speaking Middle School Newcomers' Perceptions, Expectations and Attitudes, Margo H. Williams
The Easy Way versus The Hard Way: Middle-Class Black Male Students' Perceptions of Education as it Relates to Success and Career Aspirations, Rita D. Williams
Not Trying: Reconceiving the Motherhood Mandate, Kristin J. Wilson
Spatial Politics and Discourses of the Public Voice in the Remaking of Marietta, Georgia, Margarett Elaine Wilson
Haven for all Hungry Souls: The Influence of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools on Morris Brown College, Serena Celeste Wilson
Essays on Interarea Wage Determination, John V. Winters
El Reguetón: Análisis Del Léxico De La Música De Los Reguetoneros Puertorriqueños, Ashley Elizabeth Wood
Welcome to America: A Culturally-Appropriate Resource Manual for Karen Refugees in DeKalb County, Georgia, Jamie Woods
Body, Speech and Mind: Negotiating Meaning and Experience at a Tibetan Buddhist Center, Amanda S. Woomer
Information: Moving forward with New Media through Experiments in Digital and Video Art., Benjmain James Worley
Connected Dominating Set Construction and Application in Wireless Sensor Networks, Yiwei Wu
Modeling and Querying Graph Data, Hong Yang
Design and Synthesis of Boronic Acid-Modified Nucleotides for Fluorescent Sensing and Cell Imaging, Xiaochuan Yang
Reinsurance Contracting with Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard: Theory and Evidence, Zhiqiang Yan
Congressional Debates Over Prisoner Education: A Critical Discourse Analysis, Mark Timothy Yates
Communication Channels, Social Support and Satisfaction in Long Distance Romantic Relationships, Lijuan Yin
Age Differences in Substance Use and Social Support among Recently Incarcerated Adult Females, Tiffany Lenell Young
On Intraclass Correlation Coefficients, Jianhui Yu
Individual Income Tax in Indonesia: Behavioral Response, Incidence, and the Distribution of Income Tax Burden, Thalyta Ernandya Yuwono
Racial Satire and Chappelle's Show, Katharine P. Zakos
Gaming Realism in Second Life, Dan Zhang
Biofiltration of Acrylonitrile by Rhodococcus Rhodochrous DAP 96622 on a Trickling Bed Bioreactor, Jie Zhang
The Impact of Midbrain Cauterize Size on Auditory and Visual Responses' Distribution, Yan Zhang
A Multidimensional and Visual Exploration Approach to Project Portfolio Management, Guangzhi Zheng
An Investigation into REIT Performance Persistency, Xiaorong Zhou
2008 U.S. Presidential Election: Persuasive YouTube Interactions About War, Health Care, and the Economy, Lindsey Zimmerman
Assessing Problem Gambling and Co-Occurring Substance Use and Criminal Activity among Drug Court Clients, Jennifer L. Zorland
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Synthesis of Anthraquinone Derivatives and their Conjugates with 2'-Deoxynucleosides as New Probes for Electron Transfer Studies in DNA, Reham A. I. Abou-Elkhair
The Shrine of our Lady of Ephesus: A Study of the Personas of Mary as Lived Religion, Heather Abraham
Retribution Requires Rehabilitation, Joseph Q. Adams
Estimating the Effect of Penalties on Regulatory Compliance, Vid Adrison
Direct Adjustment Method on Aalen's Additive Hazards Model for Competing Risks Data, Haci Mustafa Akcin
African Centered Curriculum and Teacher Efficacy: Contributors to African American Student Achievement, Efua Akoma
Growth and Characterization of Indium Nitride Layers Grown by High-Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition, Mustafa Alevli
Machine Learning and Graph Theory Approaches for Classification and Prediction of Protein Structure, Gulsah Altun
Implications of Filial Responsibility for Latino Adolescents' Psychological and Social Adjustment: A Resilience Perspective, Anabel Alvarez-Jimenez
Eichendorffs aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts: Ist der Taugenichts der perfekte Romatische Held in der perfekten Romantischen Novelle, ja oder nein?, Annette Margaret Anderson
The Persistence of Spatial Mismatch: The Determinants of Moving Decision Among Low-Income Households, Bulent Anil
Normative Violence? The Impact of Gender-neutral Language on Self-reported Rates of Sexual Violence Victimization and Perpetration, Elizabeth Ruth Anthony
Performing Passing: Theatricality in Zo‰ Wicomb's Playing in the Light and Nella Larsen's Passing, Jennifer L. Apgar
Predicting Fluid Adherence in Hemodialysis Patients via the Illness Perception Questionaire - Revided, Tava L. Arnold
Application of Computer-Aided Drug Discovery Methodologies Towards the Rational Design of Drugs Against Infectious Diseases, Prashanth Athri
The Effect of Gay Visual Exemplars on Issue Perceptions in Newspaper Reports, Anita Atwell
Construct Validation of the Internalized Racial Oppression Scale, Tamba-Kuii Masai Bailey
Synthesis of 2,4-Disubstituted Pyrimidines of Possible Biological Interest, Samuel Barnes
Slow Spring, Sara Bartlett
For Better or for Worse? Media Coverage of Marital Rape in the 1978 Rideout Trial, Melissa Anne Bazhaw
The Posterior Bed Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis Mediates Opposite-Sex Odor Preference in Male Syrian Hamsters (Mesocricetus Auratus), Laura Elizabeth Been
Riccati Equations in Optimal Control Theory, James Bellon
Developing a Substantive Theory of African Americans' Justice Perceptions, Felicia L. Berry
Leadership Preparation through the Internship at Four Universities in the State of Georgia, Jami Royal Berry
Electron Spectroscopic Study of Indium Nitride Layers, Rudra Prasad Bhatta
Comparative Study of HPV 16 and HPV 18 Antibody Detection in Serum, Cervical Mucus, and Oral Mucosal Transudate, Emily Lauren Blalock
Coping Resources and Emotional Neglect among Individuals with a Sibling with a Mental Illness, Lynda Shane Blasko
Government Fragmentation and the Attainment of Regional Environmental Quality, Peter S. Bluestone
Effects of Estimated Exposure to Cumulative Traffic-Related Pollutants on Asthma, Cardiovascular, and Stroke Outcomes in an Urban Area, Vickie L. Boothe
A Comparison of Time of Stroke Symptom Onset to Hospital Arrival in Urban and Rural Hospitals Involved in the Georgia Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry, Laura Pople Bracci
An Exploration of the Stressors, Coping Resources, and Resiliency of Rural Mothers of Children with Special Needs, Claudia D. Brasfield
A Multitemporal Analysis of Georgia's Coastal Vegetation, 1990-2005, Charles, III F. Breeden
Barb & Debbie, Amber Nicole Brooks
Shooting Hummingbirds in the Mimosa Tree: Stories from One Perfectly Normal Family, Jody Elizabeth Brooks
Elementary Teachers' Experiences with Technology Professional Development and Classroom Technology Integration: Influences of Elements of Diffusion and Support, Frances LeAnna Bryant
An Egyptian Royal Portrait Head in the Collection of the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University, Karen Margaret Bryson
Sextus was no Eudaimonist, Joseph B. Bullock
Mourning and Message: Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1968 Atlanta Funeral as an Image Event, Rebecca Poynor Burns
Wayfinding Design for Randomly Developed Areas : The Beltline Case Study, Joshua Butler
Against Pyrrhonian Equipollence, John Everett Button
The Significance of Jesus' Healing Miracles: A Study of their Role in the Synoptic Gospels and their Importance to Early Christianity, John Morgan Cadenhead
Ambient, Micah Cain
Wiccan Marriage and American Marriage Law: Interactions, Jeanelle Marie Carda