Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Transparency, Risk, and Managerial Actions, Gwendolyn Pennywell
Strategic Plan for Autism, Christopher Perry
Perceptions of Tuberculosis among the Karen-Burmese Population in DeKalb County, Georgia, Renée Peterkin
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Seeking Natural Kinds in a Controversial Diagnosis, Paul Kenneth Pfeilschiefter
To Cover Our Daughters: A Modern Chastity Ritual in Evangelical America, Holly Adams Phillips
Uncooled Infrared Photon Detection Concepts and Devices, Viraj Vishwakantha Jayaweera Piyankarage
Appropriation of Yoga and Other Indigenous Knowledge & Cultural Heritage: A Critical Analysis of the Legal Regime of Intellectual Property Rights, Lok Raj Pokhrel
Evaluating the Effects of Green Roofs as Tools for Stormwater Management in an Urban Metropolis, Robyn R. Polinsky
Evaluation of Diabetes Education for Latinos Living in a Metropolitan Area, Anna Rockett Potter
Factors Associated with the Illegal Sales of Alcohol to Underage Persons in Georgia, Jonathan A. Powell
The Spaces of Encounter of Female Middle Eastern and Muslim Immigrants in Atlanta, Georgia, Tara Diana Prizito
African American School Psychology Program Leavers, Sherrie L. Proctor
The Benefits of Yoga Therapy for Heart Failure Patients, Paula Rei Pullen
On the Preorganization of the Active Site of Choline Oxidase for Hydride Transfer and Tunneling Mechanism, Osbourne Quaye
A Survey of Stellar Families: Multiplicity of Solar-type Stars, Deepak Raghavan
The Relationship between Intrinsic Motivation, Motivational Interviewing and Physical Activity in an African American Church Population, Simone S. Rahotep
Lucy Diggs Slowe, Howard University Dean of Women, 1922-1937: Educator, Administrator, Activist, Lisa R. Rasheed
Considering Hans-Georg Gadamer's Philosophical Hermeneutics as a Referent for Student Understanding of Nature-of-Science Concepts, Jared Michael Rashford
The Modifiable Risk Factors for Snoring and the Implications for Chronic Disease, Hari Prasad Ravipati
Drug Addiction and Personal Responsibility, Andrew Shawn Reagan
Art Teacher Preparation for Teaching in an Inclusive Classroom: A Content Analysis of Pre-Service Programs and a Proposed Curriculum, Lauren Jane Reavis
Meaningful Choices? Understanding and Participation in Direct Democracy in the American States, Shauna Frances Lee Reilly
A Developmental Approach to Sibling Relationships: Disaggregating the Components of Sibling Relationship Quality over Time for Siblings of Individuals with Intellectual Disability, Shana Strickland Richardson
A Critic in Her Own Right: Taking Virginia Woolf's Literary Criticism Seriously, Yvonne Nicole Richter
Pseudomonas Aeruginosa-Candida Albicans Interactions From Ecological and Molecular Perspectives, Fathima Faraz Rinzan
Child Sexual and Physical Abuse as Precursors for Homelessness in Adolescence, Jacqueline Nicole Rion
No M s Violencia: Family Conflict and Youth Aggression among Latino Youth, Cathy Roche
Women and the Democratic State: Agents of Gender Policy Reform in the Context of Regime Transition in Venezuela (1970-2007), Ines Nayhari Rojas
Seventy Years of Changing Great Books at St. John's College, William Scott Rule
The Necessity of Narrative: Personal Writing and Digital Spaces in the High School Composition Classroom, Catherine Coker Rumfelt
Optical and Terahertz Energy Concentration on the Nanoscale in Plasmonics, Anastasia Rusina
"Survival is not an Academic Skill": Exploring How African American Female Graduates of a Private Boarding School Craft an Identity, Tiffany Simpkins Russell
Self-Esteem, Failure Feedback, and Physiological Reactivity: Implications for Working Memory and Aggression, John Patrick Ryan
Mitigating and Preparing for Disasters: A Survey of Memphis Organizations, Abdul-Akeem Ademola Sadiq
The Origins of Three Meroitic Bronze Oil Lamps in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Stephanie Joan Sakoutis
An Evaluation of the Utilization and Outcomes of a Georgia County Board of Health Innovative Worksite Wellness Policy, Danna Lane Sanders
The Kinetics of Epoxidation of A,B-Unsaturated Esters by Dimethyldioxirane: A Mechanistic Study, John P. Sansone
Improving Retention for Principles of Accounting and Elementary Statistics Students: Ultra-Short Tutorials Designed to Motivate Effort and Improve Performance, Carol Springer Sargent
An Oxidized Fat Containing Diet Decreases Weight Gain but Increases Adiposity in Mice Fed a Low Fat Diet, Mary Katherine Schneider
I Remember..., Jessica Scott-Felder
An Application of Armitage Trend Test to Genome-wide Association Studies, Nigel A. Scott
Learning Outcomes in Two Divergent Middle School String Orchestra Classroom Environments: A Comparison of a Learner-Centered and a Teacher-Centered Approach, Bernadette Butler Scruggs
Delirium Tremens, Charles Austin Segrest
An Analysis of Glycolytic Enzymes in the Cellular Response to Metal Toxicity, Anupama Shanmuganathan
Synthesis, Structure and Function Studies of Selenium and Tellurium Derivatized Nucleic Acids, Jia Sheng
Essay 1: 'An Examination of the Efficiency, Foreclosure, and Collusion Rationales for Vertical Takeovers' Essay 2: 'Determinants of Firm Vertical Boundaries and Implications for Internal Capital Markets', Jaideep Ranjal Shenoy
Motivating Emotional Content, Benjamin Sheredos
Female Students and Achievement in Secondary School Mathematics, Barry P. Shildneck
STCP: A New Transport Protocol for High-Speed Networks, Ranjitha Shivarudraiah
KATP Channel Action in Vascular Tone Regulation During Septic Shock: Beyond Physiology, Weiwei Shi
Consumer Goods?, Matt Sigmon
An Adaptive Mesh MPI Framework for Iterative C++ Programs, Karunamuni Charuka Silva
Evaluation of Decentralization Outcomes in Indonesia: Analysis of Health and Education Sectors, Rentanida Renata Simatupang
"When the Dog Bites..." A Socio-ecological Approach to Dog Bite Injury Prevention by Targeting Dog Owners in the United States, Saswati Dolly Sinha
Election Boycotts and Regime Survival, Ian Oliver Smith
Wangechi Mutu: Feminist Collage and the Cyborg, Nicole R. Smith
Leading in Diverse Schools: Principals' Perceptions of Building Relationships with Hispanic/Latino Families, Sage Doolittle Smith
The Quest to Retain Teachers: One School System's Story of Teacher Movement, Karen Smits
Dichotomous Musical Worlds: Interactions between the Musical Lives of Adolescents and School Music-Learning Culture, Todd Edwin Snead
R&D Investment Strategies of Firms: Renewal or Abandonment. A Real Options Perspective, Pingping Song
Endothelial Cell Factors Involved in Bartonella Bacilliformis Pathogenesis, Tanushree Soni
The Nature of Feedback Provided to Elementary Students in Classrooms where Grading and Reporting are Standards-Based, Dawn Hopkins Souter
Changes in Branding Strategy: A Discourse Analysis of NATO Publications and Speech Regarding its Russian Relationship and the NATO-Russia Council, Alexandra Kornilia Sowers
Coke vs. Pepsi: The Cola Wars in South Africa during The Anti-Apartheid Era, John Kirby Spivey's Web-based Outreach Channels for H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu), Joanne Lisa Stein
The Mystery of the Body: Embodiment in the Nancy Drew Mystery Series, Katie Still
An Autoethnography:A Mathematics Teacher's Journey of Identity Construction and Change, Anthony B. Stinson
Correlational Study for Predictor Variables Affecting Duration on Bubble CPAP, Alison Louise Stoeri
Investigating the Efficacy of Video versus Text Instruction for the Recall of Food Safety Information, Charlotte Ellenor Stokes
Epicurean Friendship: How are Friends Pleasurable?, Melissa Marie Strahm
Organizational Accessibility and Community Connections: Examining Changes in the Spatial Proximity of Pubic Housing Residents to Social Service Providers and Providers' Responses to Redevelopment, Kimberly Ann Stringer
Modernist Aesthetics of "Home" in Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and Rebecca West's The Return of the Soldier, James Harper Strom
The Production of Political Discourse: Annual Radio Addresses of Black College Presidents During the 1930s and 1940s, Vickie Leverne Suggs
International Students' Psychological and Sociocultural Adaptation in the United States, Seda Sumer
High Performance Simulation of DEVS Based Large Scale Cellular Space Models, Yi Sun
A Task-Centered Visualization Design Environment and a Method for Measuring the Complexity of Visualization Designs, Xiaoyuan Suo
Investigation of Interactions of the Rubella Virus P150 Replicase Protein with Host Cell Proteins in Infected Cells, Suganthi Suppiah
Emerging Paths to Literacy: Modeling Individual and Environmental Contributions to Growth in Children's Emergent Literacy Skills, Deanne W. Swan
A Spatial Analysis of the Relationship between Pedestrian Crash Events and Features of the Built Environment in Downtown Atlanta, Emily Palmer Taquechel
Do Wedge Issues Matter?: Examining Persuadable Voters and Base Mobilization in the 2004 Presidential Election, James Benjamin Taylor
The Ecology of the Availability and Access to Healthy Food in Atlanta, Georgia, Tina M. Taylor
An Analysis of Postpartum Depression and Care Seeking Behaviors in Georgia, Sarah Elizabeth Tennyson
Friending Your Way to Political Knowledge: A Field Experiment of Computer-Mediated Social Networks, Holly A. Teresi
Heterocyclic Diamidines Induce Sequence Dependent Topological Changes in DNA; A Study Using Gel Electrophoresis, Denise Susanne Tevis
A Monte Carlo Study Investigating the Influence of Item Discrimination, Category Intersection Parameters, and Differential Item Functioning in Polytomous Items, Carol Jenetha Thurman
The Moderating Role of Adult Connections in High School Students' Sense of School Belonging, Amy Dutton Tillery
Comparing Obesity Trends in Rural Versus Urban Peru from 1991 to 2005, Dana Timar
MTSR is a Dual Regulator that Controls Virulence Genes and Metabolic Functions in Addition to Metal Homeostasis in Group A Streptococcus, Chadia Toukoki
A Multi-Wavelength Investigation of Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 Galaxies, Margaret Trippe
The Moral Reality of War: Defensive Force and Just War Theory, Maj Robert E. Underwood III
Implementing Energy-Saving Improvements to the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC Protocol, Marco Valero
Trusting IT Artifacts: How Trust Affects our Use of Technology, Anthony Osborn Vance
Subversion of Natural Killer Cell Defenses Induced by a Deadly Zoonotic Virus, Mugdha Vasireddi
Applications of Linear Algebra to Information Retrieval, Jhansi Lakshmi Vasireddy
Jamaican Girls' Ethnic Identity and The Mathematics Classroom: An Ethnographic Case Study, Sandra Vernon-Jackson
Inconsistency and Incompleteness in Relational Databases and Logic Programs, Navin Viswanath