Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Investigating the Association of White Male Lung Cancer Mortality and State of Residence, Thomas Jeffrey Doker
Amenity Effect or Supply Effect? Metropolitan Amenities and their Interaction with Housing Supply, Kwame N. Donaldson
Consumer Demand for Nutrition Information on Non-Fast Food Restaurant Menus, Rachel L. Driskell-Reeves
Exploring IT-Based Knowledge Sharing Practices: Representing Knowledge within and across Projects, Alina Maria Dulipovici
Finding Their Way: A Critical Ethnography of Five African American Women Educators' Early Experiences to Develop Into Culturally Relevant Pedagogues, Rachel B. Dunbar
Can Consciousness be Taken Seriously When it Comes to Personal Identity?, Stephen Matthew Duncan
Giant Plasmonic Energy and Momentum Transfer on the Nanoscale, Maxim Durach
In and Out of the Matrix: Three Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' Reflective Journeys toward Culturally Relevant Pedagogy, Tonia Renee Durden
Nanoscopic Investigation of Surface Morphology of Neural Growth Cones and Indium Containing Group-III Nitrides, Göksel Durkaya
Chris Ware's Jimmy Corrigan: Honing the Hybridity of the Graphic Novel, Dallas Dycus
Site Directed Mutagenesis, Expression and Enzymatic Studies of the 60 kDa Human HIV-TAT 1 Interactive Protein, TIP60, Emilia N. Elangwe
Studies on Adaptation to Information Systems: Multiple Roles and Coping Strategies, Christophe Elie-Dit-Cosaque
The Reduction of Anti-Gay Bias through Interpersonal Contact: The Moderating Roles of HIV Stigma and Motivation to Respond without Prejudice., Lisa Ann Elliott
"Nam-Shub versus the Big Other: Revising the Language that Binds Us in Philip K. Dick, Neal Stephenson, Samuel R. Delany, and Chuck Palahniuk", Jason Michael Embry
Is Maternal Headache a Risk Factor for Congenital Heart Disease?, Ariuntsatsral Ariunaa Erdenebileg
A Historical Analysis of the Leadership and Strategic Plan of Chancellor Stephen R. Portch in the University System of Georgia, Jennifer El Fairchild-Pierce
Emotion Processing in Adult Survivors of Childhood Maltreatment, Negar Fani
Do Variations in State Mandatory Child Abuse and Neglect Report Laws affect Report Rates among Medical Personnel?, Amanda Ellen Faulkner
Fair or Foul? Determining the Rules of the Fair Pricing Game, Jodie Lynne Ferguson
To Stay and To Change: Beginning Social Justice Educators Creating Collaborative Third Space(s), Teresa Renae Fisher
The Red Tent a Case Study for Feminist Midrash, Karen Flagg
Granite Butterfly, Kerin Flatley
The Atlantic Mind: Zephaniah Kingsley, Slavery, and the Politics of Race in the Atlantic World, Mark J. Fleszar
Naming Experience and Revealing Sentiment: The Archetypal Journey in Edna St Vincent Millay's "Renascence", Jennifer Rose Forsthoefel
Invisible Motherhood: A Heideggerain Hermeneutical Analysis of Motherhood among Three Generations of African American Women, Katherine Ferrell Fouquier
Power and Surrender: African American Sunni Women and Embodied Agency, Lisa Renae Frazier
Examining the Need for Cultural Adaptations to an Evidence-Based Parent Training Model, Kimberly Frederick
Relays in Rebellion: The Power in Lilian Ngoyi and Fannie Lou Hamer, Cathy LaVerne Freeman
Parental Influence on Curricular Decisions in Private Schools: Negotiating Parental Expectations, Christopher Michael Freer
Failing at College Football Reform: The Jan Kemp Trial at the University of Georgia, Michael John Fulford
Building Art Education Relationships with Local Art Agencies, Lori Beth Fulton
A Monte Carlo Study Investigating Missing Data, Differential Item Functioning, and Effect Size, Phyllis Lorena Garrett
A Prison within a Prison: Segregation of HIV Positive Inmates and Double Stigma, Emily Hilyer Gaskin
Physical Fighting and Suicidal Ideation among Students in Uganda: A Comparison between Boys and Girls in an Urban and Rural Setting, Elizabeth Mae Gaylor
A Browser-Based Collaborative Multimedia Messaging System, Susan Gayle Gentner
Administrators in Assisted Living: Who They Are and What They Do, Ailie M. Glover
The Relationship betwen Perceived Wellness and Stages of Change for Exercise among Rural African American Women, Imani Carolyn Goodwin
Not Unlike Drowning, Kristen Joyce Gottstein
Exploring the Relationship between Racial Factors and Critical Social Analysis among a Group of African American Youth, Brandeis H. Green
Nurses' Experiences with the Disclosure of Errors to Patients, Debbie Greene
Optimization Techniques for Protein-Protein Co-Regulation and Interaction Prediction, Stefan Gremalschi
Multiple Selves, Fragmented (Un)learnings: The Pedagogical Significance of Drag Kings' Narratives, Leslee Grey
Preservice Teacher Perspectives on Prereferral Intervention and Student Support Teams, Kathryn Rogers Grogg
Feminist Online Writing Courses: Collaboration, Community Action, and Student Engagement, Letizia Guglielmo
Lonliness of Older Adults in Rural China, Zhen Guo
The Neuroendocrinology of Seasonal Aggression in Female Syrian Hamsters, Stephanie Gutzler
Language and Speech Predictors of Reading Achievement in Preschool Children with Language Disorders, Juliet K. Haarbauer-Krupa
Utilization of PRECEDE Model to Identify Risk Factors of Sexual Initiation and Engagement in Unprotected Sex among Adolescents, Panji Fortuna Hadisoemarto
An Incompatibility between Intentionalism and Multiple Authorship in Film, Steven Christopher Hager
Conduire Amour: Liebe Der Frau Als Schlüssel Zum Heil Und Brüderlichen Frieden in Wolfram Von Eschenbachs Parzival, Eleanor Kinser Hall
The Mediating Role of Ethical Decision Making in the Relationship between Job Characteristics and Job Outcomes: An Examination of Business-to-Business Salespeople, G. Alexander Hamwi
Disentangling Individual and Community Effects on Environmentally Sensitive Behaviors, Mary P. Harmon
Polishing Cornerstones: Tift College, Georgia Baptists' Separate College for Women, Darin Scott Harris
Within-Day Energy Balance and the Relationship to Injury Rates in Pre-Professional Ballet Dancers., Emily Cook Harrison
The Effects of Aerosol Drug Delivery on Airway Resistance through Heat-Moisutre Exchangers, Matthew Thomas Hart
Exhibition in the Curriculum: Preparing Students to Complete the Artistic Cycle, Lynn Anne Hatcher
Perception of Synthetic Speech by a Language-Trained Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), Lisa A. Heimbauer
Explaining Gender Inequality in the Middle East:Islam vs. Oil, Lindsey Christine Herbel
Stress for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Effects of Age, Gender, and Intelligence Quotient, Kristen Louise Hess
Let's Exchange the Experience, Jesse Creede Hinshaw
United Nations Peacekeeping and Non-State Actors: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Conditions Required for Cooperation, Gregory Hodgin
In the Culture of Truthiness: Comic Criticism and the Performative Politics of Stephen Colbert, Justine Schuchard Holcomb
Who is my Neighbor?: Framing Atlanta's Movement to End Homelessness, 1900-2005, William Wyatt Holland
A Survey of Water Storage Practices and Beliefs in Households in Bonao, Dominican Republic in 2005, Shelley Holt
Family Separation and Changes in Peer Relationships among Early Adolescent Latino Youth: Examining the Mediating Role of Family Relationships, Lawrence Duane House
To Iron or to do Science: A Storied Life of a Latina from Scientist to Science Teacher, Sarida Peguero Hoy
Determinants of Group Perpetrated Violence Based on Sexual Orientation, Adam David Hudepohl
Investigating the Role of Emotion Perception in the Adaptive Functioning of Individuals on the Autism Spectrum, Margaret B. Hudepohl
Street Art & Graffiti Art: Developing an Understanding, Melissa L. Hughes
Cognitive Mechanisms Underlying Second Language Listening Comprehension, Guiling Hu
An Exploration of the Coping Strategies in Female Counseling Doctoral Students' Marriages, Jung H. Hyun
Skeletal Muscle Lipid Peroxidation and its Relationships with Intramyocellular Lipids and Insulin Sensitivity in Obese Subjects, Katherine Heimburger Ingram
Our Lady of Refuge, James S. Iredell
The Rhetorical Dimensions of Place-making: Texts, Structures, and Movement in Atlantic Station, Brook Alys Irving
The Role of Afterlife Myths in Plato's Moral Arguments, Daniel William Issler
Priming as a Means of Increasing Spontaneous Verbal Language in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Michelle Louise Ivey
Using iPhones to Enhance and Reduce Face-to-Face Home Safety Sessions, Julie Jabaley
Reflection: The Structure of Memory, Etienne Jackson
African American Men and College Mathematics: Gaining Access and Attaining Success, Christopher Charlie Jett
Physical Activity and Associated Factors Assessment among Adults with Arthritis in the United States, Amelia Jewett
Comparing Cognitive Decision Models of Iowa Gambling Task in Indivituals Following Temporal Lobectomy, Jenny Vennukkah Jeyarajah
The Impact of Local Media Pessimism on Residential Real Estate Markets, Changha Jin
Development of Boronic Acid-Based Chemosensors, Shan Jin
A Comparative Study of Fiscal Decentralization in China and India, Yinghua Jin
Evaluation of a Body Pillow to Aid Pediatric Spinal Fusion Recovery, Naomi Eve Joffe
Effects of a Positive Peer Reporting Intervention on Prosocial Interactions in a General Education Classroom, Camela Y. Johnson
Registered Dietitian Interest in Complementary Medicine, Gwenyth Llewellyn Johnson
An Evaluation of Consumer Satisfaction of SafeCare® Provider Trainings, Courtney R. Jones
Uses and Nonuses of Patented Inventions, Taehyun Jung
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict in American, Arab, and British Media: Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis, Magdi Ahmed Kandil
Changing Narratives, Changing Destiny: Myth, Ritual and Afrocentric Identity Construction at the National Rites of Passage Institute, Michael Karlin
Defending Noe's Enactive Theory of Perception, Lucas Allen Keefer
Constructing Professionalism: Reifying the Historical Inevitability of Commercialization in Mass Media Communication, RuAnn Rae Keith
Sleeping Beauty and Her Many Relatives, Dorothy Jeanine Kemptner