Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Development and Plasticity of The Retinocollicular Projection, Maria Magdalena Carrasco
Drug Use and Risk Behavior Patterns for HIV in Men Who Have Sex with Men, Arathi M. Chakragiri
An Analysis of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Data to Predict Herpes Simplex Virus 1 Infection, Patrick D. Champion
Digital Integration: Understanding the Concept and its Environmental Predictors, Ricardo M. Checchi
Tailored: Living through Wearable Design, Lindsay Vaughn Chenault
Contingent Claim Pricing with Applications to Financial Risk Management, Hua Chen
Three Essays in Public Finance, Shiyuan Chen
Interpretation and Prediction of Structural and Energetic Factors Controlling ABC Transporters, xianfeng chen
Hispanic Migrants and Cross-border Disease Control of Arizona's Vaccine Preventable Diseases, Karen Chocho
Efficient Molecular Dynamics Simulation on Reconfigurable Models with MultiGrid Method, Eunjung Cho
MonoAminergic Receptors in the Stomatogastric Nervous System: Characterization and Localization in Panulirus Interruptus, Merry Christine Clark
"Soldiers for Christ", Karlton Tyrone Clay
No Writer Left Behind: Examining the Reading-Writing Connection in the Reading First Classroom through a Teacher Study Group, Kim Street Coady
Keep Your Eyes on Ms. Clark: Two Mexican Immigrant Children Make the Transition to Kindergarten, Mark B. Cobb
Our Whole Future is Bound up in this Project: The Making of Buford Dam, Lori I. Coleman
The Use of a Repeated Readings with Computer Modeling Treatment Package to Promote Reading Fluency with Students Who Have Physical Disabilities, Marion Elizabeth Coleman
Investigating Potential Risk Factors of Childhood Asthma Re-Hospitalizations in DeKalb County, Georgia, Renyea Colvin
The Design and Evaluation of Boronic Acid Derivatives for the Recognition of Cell Surface Carbohydrates for Medicinal Applications, Sandra Navonne Craig
Freedom and the Ideal Republican State: Kant, Jefferson, and the Place of Individual Freedom in the Republican Constitutional State, Theresa A. Creighton
Role of MAP Kinase in Fusarium Association With Contact Lenses, Brook Alicia Danboise
The Fate and Transport of Chemical Warfare Agent Simulants in Complex Matrices, Cedrick M., Daphney
The Revolution Begins at 3pm: A Qualitative Study of a Statewide 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program, Corrie Lynn Davis
Improving Summer Drought Prediction in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee- Flint River Basin with Empirical Downscaling, John Robert Dean
The Effect of S-triazines and Nitrobenzene on the Degradation of Toluene and Napthalene in Solid Phase Systems, Samandra Demons
Relationships between Religion and Prejudice: Implicit and Explicit Measures., Horace Ted Denney
The Role of Education in the Rise and Fall of Americo-Liberians in Liberia, West Africa (1980), Etrenda Christine Dillon
The Party, the Oil Companies, and Energy Security: Who Determines Chinese Policy?, Yuanyuan Ding
Parables, Erin Michaelle Dixon
Self-concept in Children with Intellectual Disabilities, Dana Karen Donohue
Critical Voices in Action: Teaching for Social Justice in Community-based Art Education, Catherine A. Driskell
Clarice Lispector's an Apprenticeship, or the Book of Delights: The Role of Silence in the Cultivation of Intimacy", Susan Katherine Dulaney
The Role of Ribosomal Protein L7, An Estrogen Receptor Coactivator, on the Development of Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia Guttata) Song System, Kelli Adams Duncan
Transformation Groups and Duality in the Analysis of Musical Structure, Janine du Plessis
Attaining Empowerment: The Potential of Religious Social Capital in Microfinance Programs, John Wesley Eberhard
The Interplay among Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers' Affect, Metacognition, and Mathematical Cognition in a Problem-Solving Context, Belinda Pickett Edwards
Acceptability, Integrity and Perceived Effectiveness of Kinder Training, Natalya Ann Edwards
Rational Design of Calcium Biosensors, April L. Ellis
Understanding the HIV Risk Behaviors in Haiti:A Rural-Urban Comparison, Regine Alexandra Emilien
Liberty, Equality and Fairness: A Study of Citizen Participation in Federal Agency Rulemaking, Thomas E. Engram
Romaine Brooks: Embracing Diversity, Ronda Lea Ensor
Disaster Management in India: Analysis of Factors Impacting Capacity Building, Bala Prasad Erramilli
Mental Health Impact of Disasters, Saman Faisal
The Separated Fringe Packet Survey: Updating Multiplicity of Solar-Type Stars within 22 Parsecs, Christopher Donald Farrington
A Rhetorical Analysis of an American University's Diversity Policy, Adam C. Faust
The Great Gatsby and its 1925 Contemporaries, Marjorie Ann Hollomon Faust
Production of B Virus Glycoprotein D and Evaluation of its Diagnostic Potential, Chadi N. Filfili
Teachers Implementing Literacy Instruction in a Performance-Standards Environment: A Collective Case Study in Second Grade, Jo Anna Fish
Daisy Chain, Shelley Helms Fleishman
The Performance Implications of Planning, Implementation, and Evolution of Market-oriented Strategy by Top Management, Jeffrey R. Foreman
Examination of Initialization Techniques for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, John Frederic
The Concept of "Woman": Feminism after the Essentialism Critique, Katherine Nicole Fulfer
A Comparative Study of the Badger Pass Igneous Intrusion and the Foreland Volcanic Rocks of the McDowell Springs Area, Beaverhead County, Montana: Implications for the Local Late Cretaceous Sequence of Events, Brookie Jean Gallagher
Thinking Back through Our Fathers: Woolf Reading Shakespeare in Orlando and a Room of One's Own, Maureen Gallagher
The Relationship between Counselor Trainee Perfectionism and Working Alliance with Supervisor and Client, Kathryn Hollingsworth Ganske
Investigating Secondary School Students' Experience of Learning Statistics, Kimberly D. Gardner
The Effect of Career Goals and Socioeconomic Mobility on Nontraditional Students' Intrinsic Motivation for College Attendance, Janice C. George
The Aesthetic Idea and the Unity of Cognitive Faculties in Kant's Aesthetics, Maria Andreevna Gourova
Performing Identities as Literate Fourth Graders via (D)iscourse in a Testing-Driven Classroom, Meadow Sherrill Graham
Fidelity, Corey Douglas Green
Effect of a Repeated Bout of Eccentrically-Biased Contractions on Insulin Resistance, Michael Stephen Green
Index of Central Obesity as a Parameter to Evaluate Metabolic Syndrome for White, Black, and Hispanic Adults in the United States, Rebecca Lynn Griesemer
Can the Wound Be Taken at Its Word?: Performed Trauma in Don DeLillo's The Body Artist and Falling Man, Brett Thomas Griffin
Linking Social Support and Sexual Interest among Older Adults in Intimate Romantic Relationships, Jennifer Leigh Griffith
L'écoute Aux Portes Dans Le Théâtre De Molière, De Marivaux Et De Musset, Camille Gros
Moliere Et La Peinture Du Bourgeois Dans Un Siecle De Transition, Emmeline Gros
Proxy Module for System on Mobile Devices (SyD) Middleware, Joseph Gunawan
"Clustering Categorical Response" Application to Lung Cancer Problems in Living Scales, Ling Guo
The "New Woman" on the Stage: The Making of a Gendered Public Sphere in Interwar Iran and Egypt, Fakhri Haghani
By her Own Hand: Female Agency through Self-Castration in Nineteenth-Century British Fiction, Angela Marie Hall-Godsey
Voting: Is it Just for Old People?, Precious D. Hall
Strong Black Woman Cultural Construct: Revision and Validation, Dhakirah Amelia Hamin
Examination of the Association between Discussion of HIV Status and High-Risk Sexual Behaviors of MSM in Atlanta, Auntre' Dojuan Hamp
Dixie Progress: Sears, Roebuck & Co. and How it became an Icon in Southern Culture, Jerry R. Hancock, Jr.
Attitudinal Study: The Interaction of Students Taking Calculus and Prerequisite Courses while Participating in Peer Tutorials, Deborah Coleman Hannah
Men of War: The Seamen of HMS Mars and the Revolutionary Era, Harold Hansen
Short-Wave Infrared Diffuse Reflectance of Textile Materials, Terence Haran
William Faulkner, His Eye for Archetypes, and America's Divided Legacy of Medicine, Geraldine Mart Harmon
Without Sanctuary: Lynching Photography in America, A Case Study on a Higher Education Partnership for Social Justice Education, Nia Woods Haydel
Meeting the Professional Development Needs of Early Childhood Teachers with Child Development Associate Training, Mary J. Heisner
Disproportionality in Special Education: The Relationship Between Prereferral Intervention Teams and the Special Education Process, Jasolyn Lashon Henderson
Theory of Electronic and Optical Properties of Nanostructures, Prabath Hewageegana
Murderers and Nonviolent Offenders: A Comparison of Lifestyle, Pampering, and Early Recollections., Richard Albert Highland
God and Slavery in America: Francis Wayland and the Evangelical Conscience, Matthew S. Hill
Wees Gonna Tell It Like We Know It Tuh Be: Coded Language in the Works of Julia Peterkin and Gloria Naylor, Crystal Margie Hills
Intersections of Longest Paths and Cycles, Thomas Hippchen
SenMinCom: Pervasive Distributed Dynamic Sensor Data Mining for Effective Commerce, Naveen Hiremath
The Value of Buddhist Responses to Issues of Overpopulation, Overconsumption, and Environmental Degradation, James H. Hitchcock
Mechanisms for Methylmercury Cell-to-Bath Transport by the Basolateral Membrane of the Rabbit Proximal Tubule, Carol Ann Hoban
Georgia Newspaper Coverage Discovering Conventional Practices of the 'Cherokee Question': Prelude to the Removal, 1828-1832, James Hollister Hobgood, Jr.
Binge, Raegan Nicole Hodge
Understanding Member Engagement through Participation and Commitment in a Community-Based Health Coalition, 1994-2008: A Mixed-Methodological Study, Christopher Scott Holliday
Stories of Lynwood Park, Veronica Menezes Holmes
Women in Two-Year Colleges: A Matter of Access, Kathryn Renee Hornsby
Open Borders, Vicki Shana Horwitz
Douglas Coupland: Text as Art, Sarah Louise Houston