Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Interviewing Pre-school Age Victims of Child Sexual Abuse: Interviewing Methods and Disclosure Outcomes, Sarah E. Dunn
Foreign Policy Rhetoric for the Post-Cold War World: Bill Clinton and America's Foreign Policy Vocabulary, Jason Allen Edwards
Functional Analysis of the Murine Oligoadenylate Synthetase 1b (Oas1b), Husni Elbahesh
Essays on Value-Added Taxation, Asmaa Adel El-Ganainy
Supreme Threat: The Just War Tradition and the Invasion of Iraq, James Fallaize
Forecasting Reurns to Pure Factors: A Study of Time Varying Risk Premia, George Famy
On the Catalytic Mechanism of Choline Oxidase, Fan Fan
Corticotropin Releasing Factor Receptors and Agonistic Behavior in Syrian Hamsters, Alicia N. Faruzzi
The Predictive Contributions of Spatial Planning to Adaptive and Cognitive Functioning in Children Diagnosed with Brain Tumors, Ayanay Camille Ferguson Smith
DNA Photocleavage by Acridine and Phenazine-Based Chromophores, Earl John Fields
The Sexual Politics of Meat Substitutes, Gregory James Flail
What Meaning Means for Same and Different: A Comparative Study in Analogical Reasoning, Timothy M. Flemming
Central Nervous System Regulation of Fat Cell Lipid Mobilization: The Role of the Sympathetic Nervous System, Michelle Tranace Foster
The Impact of Electoral Engineering on Nationalist Party Behavior in Post-War States, Cynthia M. Frank
The Role of S7, A Subunit of the 19S Proteasome, in the Transcriptional Regulation of MHC II., Dawson Gerhardt
On the Mechanistic Roles of the Protein Positive Charge Close to the N(1)Flavin Locus in Choline Oxidase, Mahmoud Ghanem
Insights into Sulfonated Phthalocyanines; Insights into Anionic Tetraaryl Porphyrins; Irradiation of Cationic Metalloporphyrins Bound to DNA, Anila Fiaz Gill
Searching for Sisterhood: Black Women, Race and the Georgia ERA, Jennifer Powell Gonzalez
A Manifest Cyborg: Laurie Anderson and Technology, Julie Malinda Goolsby
Simulating a Pipelined Reconfigurable Mesh on a Linear Array with a Reconfigurable Pipelined Bus System, Mathura Gopalan
An Integrative Analysis of Reproduction and Stress in Free-Living Male Cottonmouths, Agkistrodon Piscivorus, Sean Patrick Graham
Stop Taking Our Privileges! The Anti-ERA Movement in Georgia, 1978-1982, Kristina Marie Graves
The State in the Indus River Valley, Adam Green
Aesthetic Excuses and Moral Crimes: The Convergence of Morality and Aesthetics in Nabokov's Lolita, Jennifer Elizabeth Green
Identity as Politics, Politics as Identity: An Anthropological Examination of the Political Discourse on Same-Sex Marriage, Jeremy Jay Greenup
Observations on the News Factory: A Case Study of CNN, Andree Marie Grogan
Do Mutual Fund Managers Have Superior Skills? An Analysis of the Portfolio Deviations from a Benchmark, Jean-Francois Guimond
Web Shopping Expert Systems Using New Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Reasoning, Ling Gu
Hemispheric Differences in Numerical Cognition: A Comparative Investigation of how Primates Process Numerosity, Jonathan Paul Gulledge
What Drives Firms to Diversity?, Rong Guo
Biochemical and Bioinformatics Analysis of CVAB C-Terminal Domain, Xiangxue Guo
A Characterization of Wireless Network Interface Card Active Scanning Algorithms, Vaibhav Gupta
Filial Responsibility as a Moderator of Witnessing Domestic Violence and Behavioral Outcomes in Latino Children, Dhakirah Amelia Hamin
Self-Esteem, Family Support, Peer Support, and Depressive Symptomatology: A Correlational Descriptive Study of Pregnant Adolescents, Janice Gunter Harris
Tabloidization in the Modern American Press: A Textual Analysis and Assessment of Newspaper and Tabloid Coverage of the “Runaway Bride” Case, Nichola Reneé Harris
Illness Representations, Emotional Distress, Coping Strategies, and Coping Efficacy as Predictors of Patient Outcomes for Type 2 Diabetes, Patricia Lynn Hart
The Building Blocks of Atlanta: Racial Residential Segregation and Neighborhood Inequity, Melissa Mae Hayes
Working, but Poor: A Study of Georgia's Economic Self-Sufficiency Policies, Rosa B. Hayes
Correct Ethical Traditions: Towards a Defense of Christian Ethical Relativism, Jason Paul Head
Algorithms for Computational Genetics Epidemiology, Jingwu He
An Investigation of Students' Media Preferences in Learning Mathematical Concepts, Ming Hang Yun Her
Fuzzy-Granular Based Data Mining for Effective Decision Support in Biomedical Applications, Yuanchen He
The Recent Rise of Southern Banking, Thomas D. Hills
The Buffering Effect of Sibling Relationships on Problems with Peer Experiences and Psychological Functioning in Children with Cognitive Disabilities, Andrea R. Hindes
Inactivation of Choline Oxidase by Irreversible Inhibitors or Storage Conditions, Jane Vu Hoang
Excellence in Incompetence: The Daily Show Creates a Moment of Zen, Megan Turley Hodgkiss
Fundamentalism and Modernity: A Critique of the "Anti-Modern" Conception of Fundamentalism, Andrew Charles Hoffmeister
Risky Sexual Behavior among African-American Men Who Have Sex with Men: The Effects of Peer Norms for Condom Use on Risky Sexual Behavior as Moderated by Socio-Demographic, Socio-Contextual, and Health-Related Variables, Christopher Scott Holliday
The Influence of Economic Factors on Black Migration to and within Metropolitan Atlanta, Walter Holmes Jr.
The Effect of Defined Contribution Plans on the Retirement Decision, Wonku Hong
Toward an Understanding of the Revenue of Nonprofit Organizations, Christopher Scott Horne
Leverage Points for Addressing Digital Inequality: An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Perspective, JJ Po-An Hsieh
Ultimatum Game with Robots, Ju Tsun Hsieh
Steroid Sensitive Neurons and Male Rat Mating Behavior, Gloria Gradine Huddleston
Why Tell the Truth When a Lie Will Do?: Re-Creations and Resistance in the Self-Authored Life Writing of Five American Women Fiction Writers, Piper Gian Huguley
CAD Tools for DNA Micro-Array Design, Manufacture and Application, Nisar Hundewale
A Comparison of Mozart's Missa Brevis in C Major, K.220 and Kodaly's Missa Brevis, Antonio Montrell Hunt
QOS Multimedia Multicast Routing: A Component Based Primal Dual Approach, Faheem Akhtar Hussain
Two Essays on Corporate Income Taxes and Organizational Forms in the United States, Zhenhua Hu
A Processing Model of Emotion Regulation: Insights from the Attachment System, JungEun Hwang
Exploratory and Exploitative Knowledge Sharing in Interorganizational Relationships, Ghiyoung Im
The Relation of Parental Depression to Posttraumatic Stress in Bosnian Youths: The Mediating Role of Filial Responsibility, Brian Isakson
Multiple Perspectives on Georgia's Early Intervention Program: A Qualitative Inquiry, Christy Thorne Jaffe
Business Process Integration: A Socio-Cognitive Process Model and a Support System, Radhika Jain
An Automated XPATH to SQL Transformation Methodology for XML Data, Sandeep Jandhyala
Scalable Proxy Architecture for Mobile and Peer-to-Peer Networks, Praveena Jayanthi
X-Irradiation of DNA Components in the Solid State: Experimental and Computational Studies of Stabilized Radicals in Guanine Derivatives, Nayana Kumudini Jayatilaka
An Examination of the Human Fibrinogen-like Protein2: Sequence Variations and Genetic Expression by Human Endothelial Cells, Meredith E. Jenkins
Understanding Access to Essential Pharmaceuticals during a Public Health Crisis, Andrew Jessen
SVM-Based Negative Data Mining to Binary Classification, Fuhua Jiang
Analysis of Longitudinal Data in the Case-Control Studies via Empirical Likelihood, Wen Jian
Beasts of the Earth and Air, John Gregory Johnson
Racial Disparity in Social Spatiality: Usage of National Parks and Opera Attendance, Joseph Terry Johnson
Fat-Pad Specific Effects of Lipectomy on Appetitive and Consummatory Ingestive Behaviors in Siberian Hamsters (Phodopus sungorus), Kelly Deshon Johnson
In Search of Communication Satisfaction at the State Bar of Georgia, Christopher Tyler Jones
A System for Rapid Configuration of Distributed Workflows over Web Services and their Handheld-Based Coordination, Jaimini Joshi
Node Caching Enhancement of Reactive Ad Hoc Routing Protocol, Sunsook Jung
The Quality of Governance, Composition of Public Expenditures, and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis, Paul Kagundu
Spectrally Arbitrary Tree Sign Pattern Matrices, Krishna Kaphle
A Survey, Taxonomy, and Analysis of Network Security Visualization Techniques, Rawiroj Robert Kasemsri
Synthesis of Boronic Acid Based Sensors for Glucose and Sialic Acid and Synthesis of Novel and Selective PDE4 Enzyme Inhibitors, Gurpreet Kaur
A Historical and Social Perspective of Korean Art Education, Kyong (Izabella) Hui Kean
Can Religion Help? Using John Howard Yoder and Mohandas Gandhi to Conceptualize New Approaches to Intractable Social and Political Problems such as Violence and War, Gregory T. Keeter
Upgrading Packaged Software: An Exploratory Study of Decisions, Impacts, and Coping Strategies from the Perspectives of Stakeholders, Huoy Min Khoo
The Negotiation of Gender and Athleticism by Women Athletes, Erica Nicolien Kitchen
Transporting Atlanta: The Mode of Mobility under Construction, Miriam Fiedler Konrad
Are Public Schools Worth Saving? If So, By Whom?, Philip Edward Kovacs
Rational Realizations of the Minimum Rank of a Sign Pattern Matrix, Selcuk Koyuncu
Glucose Modulation of the Septo-Hippocampal System: Implications for Memory, Desiree Lynne Krebs-Kraft
An Examination of Linkages between Personality, Leader-Member Exchange, and the Psychological Contract, Mark George Kunze
Older Adults' Satisfaction with Physical Therapists' Communication and Physical Therapy Treatment, Neela M. Lakatoo
Germans as Victims? The Discourse on the Vertriebene Diaspora, 1945-2005, Kevin Marc Larson
The Female Voices of Islam, Kacie Sherry LeCompte
Gender Role Identity and Audience Perceptions of Music Videos, Melissa M. Legaspi
Paul Renner and Futura: The Effects of Culture, Technology, and Social Continuity on the Design of Type for Printing, Charles C. Leonard
A Defense of Moral Realism, Jason Lesandrini
Comparison of High and Low Distraction for Pediatric Procedural Pain, Crystal Marie Stack Lim