Theses/Dissertations from 2006
Being Incommensurable/Incommensurable Beings: Ghosts in Elizabeth Bowen's Short Stories, Jeannette Ward Smith
Implicit Measurement of Racial Identity and Coping Responses to Racism in African Americans, Veronica J. Smith
The Effect of Gonadal Hormones on Agonistic Behavior in Previously Defeated Female and Male Syrian Hamsters, Matia B. Solomon
Social Status-Dependent Changes in Behavior and Neurogenesis in the Crayfish Procambarus Clarkii, Cha-Kyong Song
The Effects of Air Pollution on Infant Health: An Empirical Evaluation of Georgia, Mamadou Laity Sow
Identification and Functional Analysis of Crustacean Serotonin Receptors., Nadja Spitzer
An Open Source Technoscape in India: Motivations, Manifestations, and Speculations, Sumitra Srinivasan
Caste and the Court: Examining Judicial Selection Bias on Bench Assignments on the Indian Supreme Court, Shyam Krishnan Sriram
Chemosensory Responses in Azospirillum brasilense, Bonnie Baggett Stephens
Semidefinite Programming and Stability of Dynamical System, Kazumi Niki Stovall
Cultural Identity, Voice, and Agency in Post-Secondary Graphic Design Education: A Collective Case Study, Larry Michael Stultz
The Role of Amenities in the Location Decisions of Ph.D. Recipients in Science and Engineering, Albert Joseph Sumell
"Like Another Esther": Literary Representations of Queen Esther in Early Modern England, Saralyn Ellen Summer
A Design and Analysis of Graphical Password, Xiaoyuan Suo
Using Life-Style and Coping Resources to Differentiate Between Gay Men With and Without Alcohol Problems: An Adlerian Study, Joffrey Scott Suprina
An Interdisciplinary Approach in the Art Education Curriculum, Terri Lynn Suraco
Fuzzy Mouse Cursor Control System for Computer Users with Spinal Cord Injuries, Tihomir Surdilovic
What is the Nature of the Professional Practice of Artist-Teachers? Four Case Studies, Ashley Dawn Sweat
Consumption Practices and Middle-Class Consciousness among Socially Aware Shoppers in Atlanta, Desiree Lynn Tabor
Perpetrators & Possibilities: Holocaust Diaries, Resistance, and the Crisis of Imagination, Eryk Emil Tahvonen
A Queer Miracle in Georgia: The Origins of Gay-Affirming Religion in the South, Jodie Talley
Granular Support Vector Machines Based on Granular Computing, Soft Computing and Statistical Learning, Yuchun Tang
Senior Multipurpose Facilities and Quality of Life among African American Older Adults: A Case Study, DaVette A. Taylor-Harris
Shankara: A Hindu Revivalist or a Crypto-Buddhist?, Kencho Tenzin
64 x 64 Bit Multiplier Using Pass Logic, Shibi Thankachan
Crystallographic Analysis and Kinetic Studies of HIV-1 Protease and Drug-Resistant Mutants, Yunfeng Tie
A Community of Smarks: Professional Wrestling and the Changing Relationship between Textual Producers and Consumers, Shane Toepfer
DCT Implementation on GPU, Serpil Tokdemir
Factors Influencing Surrogate End-of-Life Healthcare Decision-Making for a Family Member with Alzheimer's Disease, Sharlene Toney
Hexa-aryl/alkylsubstituted Cyclopropanes, Phong Minh Truong
Assessing the Effect of Prior Distribution Assumption on the Variance Parameters in Evaluating Bioequivalence Trials, Dawud A. Ujamaa
Freedom and Terror: President George W. Bush's Ideograph Use during his First Term, Joseph Michael Valenzano III
Third Wave Feminist History and the Politics of Being Visible and Being Real, Robbin Hillary VanNewkirk
"Excuse me, Ma'am? That's Sir to You!" Perceptions of Butch Privilege in Contemporary Society, Mikel L. Walters
Interval Neutrosophic Sets and Logic: Theory and Applications in Computing, Haibin Wang
Toward a Heuristic Model for Evaluating the Complexity of Computer Security Visualization Interface, Hsiu-Chung Wang
FTIR Difference Spectroscopy for the Study of P700, the Primary Electron Donor in Photosystem I, Ruili Wang
Role of Chemotaxis Genes in Wheat Root Colonization by Azospirillum brasilense, Mariam Wasim
Getting by Gatekeepers: Transmen's Dialectical Negotiations within Psychomedical Institutions, Elroi Waszkiewicz
Strike Fever: Labor Unrest, Civil Rights and the Left in Atlanta, 1972, Monica Waugh-Benton
Inferring the Structure of Signal Transduction Networks from Interactions between Cellular Components and Inferring Haplotypes from Informative SNPS, Kelly Anthony Westbrooks
Selective Recognition of Quadruplex DNA by Small Molecules, Elizabeth W. White
Impact of Customer Crowding on Frontline Service Employees: Theoretical and Empirical Implications, Anita H. Whiting
Symptoms of Autism in Children Referred for Early Intervention: Implications for Theory, Diagnosis, and Research, Lisa Daniell Wiggins
Swimming Upstream: A Study of Black Males and the Academic Pipeline, Rhonda Dayle Wilkins
African Descent Women's Conceptualization of Ethnic/Racial and Gender Identities, Wendi Saree Williams
Syntheses and DNA Interactions of Acridine and Phenothiazine Based Photosensitizers, Beth Wilson
Unveiling Objectification: The Gaze and its Silent Power in the Novels of Frances Burney, Jennifer Joanne Wingfield
Peer Review in the Contemporary Corporation, Shannon Warren Wisdom
Case Studies of the Literacy Interactions of Preschool Deaf Children with their Parents in the Home, Laura West Wise
Investigating the Relationship among Drive for Thinness, Life Event Stressors, and Harm Avoidance in Predicting Eating Disorder Symptomatology: A Prospective Analysis, Amanda Michelle Woods
The Rhetoric of Volunteerism: Strategies to Recruit and Retain Volunteers in Nonprofit Organizations, Terry Bell Woods
High Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition: A Novel Approach for the Growth of InN, Vincent Timothy Woods
Alternative Realities/The Multiverse: A Metaphysical Conundrum, Freda A. Wynn
Estimate the True Pass Probability for Near-Real-Time Monitor Challenge Data Using Bayesian Analysis, Yuqing Xiao
A Limited Review on the Condition of Multicultural Art Education over the Past Decade, Gao Yang
A Novel Function of DEAD Box p68 RNA Helicase In Tumor Cell Proliferation And Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, Liuqing Yang
The Changing Culture of Fatherhood and Gender Disparities in Japanese Father's Day and Mother's Day Comic Strips: A 55-Year Analysis, Saori Yasumoto
Defining Goan Identity, Donna J. Young
Network Effects on New Venture Internationalization: A Network-Knowledge Framework, Jifeng Yu
Essays on Optimal Mix of Taxes, Spatiality and Persistence under Tax Evasion, Mohammad Yunus
A Communication Based Perspective on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Success, Alex Ricardo Zablah
Algebraic Concepts in the Study of Graphs and Simplicial Complexes, Christopher Michael Zagrodny
To Be or Not To Be…Christian: Explaining Chinese Immigrant Elders’ Christian Participation in the U.S., Gehui Zhang
Two Essays on Government Behavior, Li Zhang
The Economics of Child Labor, Xinye Zheng
Upper Bound Analysis and Routing in Optical Benes Networks, Jiling Zhong
Clustering System and Clustering Support Vector Machine for Local Protein Structure Prediction, Wei Zhong
Analysis of Additive Risk Model with High Dimensional Covariates Using Partial Least Squares, Yue Zhou
Spatial Analysis of Substantiated Child Maltreatment in Metro Atlanta, Georgia, Yueqin Zhou
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Exploring Discrete Cosine Transform for Multi-resolution Analysis, Safdar Ali Syed Abedi
Parallel Computing in Statistical-Validation of Clustering Algorithm for the Analysis of High throughput Data, Mourad Atlas
Delay and Power Reduction in Deep Submicron Buses, Sharareh Babvey
Corrupted Courts: A Cross-National Perceptual Analysis of Judicial Corruption, Kathleen Barrett
A Comparison of Consumer-Controlled and Traditional HIV Counseling and Testing: Implications for Screening and Outreach among Injection Drug Users, Bradford Noyes Bartholow
ScoreSVG: A New Software Framework for Capturing the Semantic Meaning and Graphical Representation of Musical Scores Using JAVA2D, XML, and SVG, Geoffrey Alan Bays
Social Interactions of Lythrypnus dalli and their Effects on Aggression, Neuropeptides, Steroid metabolism, and Sex-Typical Morphology, Michael Paul Black
Gender Images and Power in Magazine Advertisements: The Consciousness Scale Revisited, Lorie N. Bonham
New Perspectives on the System Usage Construct, Andrew Burton-Jones
Modeling Dynamics in Agile Software Development, Lan Cao
Marginally Male: Re-Centering Effeminate Male Characters in E. M. Forster's A Room with a View and Howards End, Damion Clark
Longitudinal Effects of Family Variables and Illness Severity on Cognitive Functioning in Children with HIV Infection, Heather Jordon Clark
Intimacy, Mutuality, and Domestic Violence among Immigrant Latino Men in a Batterer Intervention Program, Charles D. Jean-Pierre Collier
"Barangay"-My Community, My Family, Maraiah Wenn Collier
The Power of the Weak State: Domestic Determinants Concerning Africa's Response to U.S. Article 98, Deborah Helen Cotton
Kinetic Studies Of The Thermolysis Of 3-Halogenated-4,5-Dihydro-3h-Pyrazoles, Nebiyou Desalegn
Buttressing a Monarchy: Literary Representations of William III and the Glorious Revolution, Richard L. Dolan, Jr.
The Role of Eye Movements in the Relationship between Rapid Automatized Naming and Reading Ability, Rebecca Eisenberg Doyle
Basic Economic Rights, Harry Sutton Edlich
Efficiency Implications of Corporate Diversification: Evidence from Micro Data, Ekaterina E. Emm
Essays on Life Insurer Demutualizations and Diversifying Mergers and Acquisitions, Otgontsetseg Erhemjamts
The Parent-Adolescent Relationship and College Adjustment over the Freshman Year, Kostas Andrea Fanti
Image Compression Using Bidirectional DCT to Remove Blocking Artifacts, Imran Zafar Faridi
Cross Generational Personality Variables and Stress Coping Resources among Mainland Chinese, Yuehong Chen Foley